

women who are too smart will not be able to find a good husband... julie scoffed as she faced sophia if that's so I'd rather be single, sophia said as she walked away sophia is a young girl with big dreams and an active imagination, being raised in a society where there's domestic violence she decides to be different and she made up her mind to succeed and show those who say as a woman there're certain things you can't do. but making this decision will cost a lot. There's a lot about herself that she's yet to know. will she be able to find love just like she always imagine and how will she deal with the secrets she finds about herself. find out........ ...... hello welcome! it's my first novel and also my first time writing so.... #fighting there will be love In the end but it's gonna be a little bit slow... it's about sophia and her personal and physical growth. she's gonna grow as a person, so the story is gonna be focused on her most of the time. anyway enjoy... and lemme know what you think about it

sugarplums · Urban
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63 Chs

Little assistant!

What's up boss?

She was about to get a high score and he ruined it, so she was a bit hesitant to answer him.

It's time for lunch!

Oh! I'm not......

Before she could finish her statement, he had turned and was walking towards the door.

Although jason was walking out he slowed his pace so she could catch up with him.

Sophia quickly took off the gadgets, straighten her dress and hair then she turned and followed jason out of the testing area.

Halfway through she ran back, causing jason to halt his steps he turned, wondering why she went back.

Sophia ran back to matthew, she signaled him to bend down with her hand.

Matthew really didn't understand but he lowered his head towards her. Sophia tiptoed and whispered something to his ear.

Matthew could perceive the fresh fragrance coming from her, her voice was very light it made his ear tickle and a red flush appeared on his face.

Jason frowned as he watched what was happening, Matthew's red face made him wonder.

Sophia finally finished what she wanted to tell him, she smiled and winked at him then she walked out.

Matthew who was still in dreamland felt something he looked up and saw jason giving him an unfriendly look, he quickly excused himself and ran off.

Sophia walked towards jason, her poker face was back. He didn't ask her what she said to matthew. with that they both left the company.

A car was parked outside waiting for them, sophia got into the front while jason sat at the back.

They stopped at a fancy restaurant.

Welcome ! The security guard at the door welcomed them. They walked into the restaurant.

Welcome do you have a reservation? The waiter asked?

Yes! Jason

Okay, this way please! He led them to the reserved table. They sat opposite each other.

Sophia looked around, the restaurant was very fancy, she saw a lot of people having lunch also. Then she started looking at the waiters, how they moved and smiled so nicely, she wondered if it wasn't stressful to smile like that always.

What are you looking at?

A male voice disturbed her line of thought.

Nothing much! She lowered her head.

Is it your first time, in such a place?

She glanced at him, and continued staring at the table.

It's not my first time, but I usually come to such places with my family when there's a special occasion. But it's the first time I'm in this kind of place alone.

Oh! But you're not alone here! He's raised his brows as he looked at her waiting for a response.

She looked up and looked at him, without responding. Jason could see sarcasm and lack of trust written on her face.

Thankfully the waiter brought the food and the tensed atmosphere was gone due to the mouth watering fragrance of the delicious meal being kept on the table.

Sophia looked at the dishes in awe, then she looked at jason, when did you order this?

Before coming here!

Oh! So that can be done, her attention was back to the food, it was her favorite food 🍝 pasta and sauce with shrimps and other seafoods.

Jason giggled, as he watched her. We came to eat not to stare at the food, so go ahead and eat.

She eyed him suspiciously, then she picked up the plate and fork to dish out some for herself.

She filled the plate with the amount she could eat, with extra shrimps, well extra in the sense that she almost took all the shrimps.

I see you have a liking for shrimps? Jason couldn't help but ask as watched her.

Yh! I love shrimps.

She took a bite and she was more than satisfied. The food was so delicious. No wonder the restaurant is so fancy, even the food is top notch.

Thankfully the food wasn't so much if not sophia would have overfed and that would have caused a scene.

When they were done, sophia decided to stay for dessert which jason was not interested in but he joined her. The dessert was served, vanilla ice cream.

Omg! Yummy!

Jason stared at the girl that was happy because of ice cream, he could finally see her hidden cute expression.

They finished, jason had already settled the bill, So they left the restaurant. They walked to the parking lot sophia just followed behind because she really didn't know what jason's car looked like. Getting to the car, sophia opened the front seat, she was surprised to see jason open the drivers seat.

Where's the driver?

He has another engagement!

She looked at him skeptically, can you drive?

What? He was speechless.

Calm down! Boss, I'm just saying that you're a young guy and you have so many talents, well it's just.....

She quickly entered the car.

Jason stood outside for a while, before entering the car he glanced at the little girl beside and a lot of thoughts flowed through his mind.

He got into the vehicle, fastened his seat belt and started the engine, driving off.

While driving he constantly glanced at sophia, she didn't utter a word through out the journey. her face was straight, she turned to look out the window.

The sun was shining brightly that afternoon. The little rays that fell on her face highlighted it. It was indeed a beautiful sight, her side view was well curved, her smooth skin was visible, her lashes quivered due to the sunlight. She looked so cute and innocent.

You know it's very weird and not safe to keeping looking at me. Sir!

She didn't even face him as she spoke, her face was still turned towards the window, which made jason marvel.

How did you know? Even when you were looking out the window!

I don't have to look at you directly to see you, I can see you through my side.

Wow, that's impressive I know everyone can see from their sides, but yours is.....impressive.

Hm! She finally turned, she rested her head on the seat and closed her eyes she was slightly tired due to everything she was experiencing.

Jason didn't press further, he just decided to concentrate as he drove.


The car parked in front of the company.

Thanks for lunch I really enjoyed it.

You're welcome.

She opened the door and dropped from the car. Jason watched as she walked into building, he looked away only when she was out of sight.

Getting to the office, she paused, no lights no sound, she peeped and then walked in. Bang! The door closed.

The lights were turned on, she was startled with the sudden change, she saw the ladies standing by the door they had mischievous looks on their faces.

What's going on?

She decided to stand firm and show no fear, she knew they didn't like her, the moment she stepped into the office. But isn't it a little a early to gang up against me? She thought.

Well well.... You're finally back.

One of the ladies spoke up, she was tall, pretty with curly hair, she walked towards sophia with unhurried steps.

Eh! Calm down ladies I know we have a rough start but let's not get aggressive. She tried to reason with them, probably they'll regain their sanity. She moved back while the lady kept moving forward.

Sophia finally got to the wall, she looked around and there was no were else to go, the lady kept moving forward. Finally she stood before sophia, making her gulp hard.

Tick! Tick! Tick! Every sec felt like years.


The lady burst out in laughter, oh my! You're such a cutie. The others joined her, leaving sophia completely puzzled.

So sorry, for frightening you dear! You're reaction was better than expected. I'm joy! she extended her hand to sophia.

Sophia was still skeptical, these were the same people that totally ignored her why are now acting friendly. What exactly do they want?

Joy retracted her hands since sophia didn't shake her, she didn't mind though, a big smile was still plastered on her face.

We just wanted to welcome you in a special way so that's why we gave you cold shoulders, it wasn't intentional. Anyway welcome to the office. The other ladies surrounded sophia they all looked at her like a new pet that was brought home.

They all introduced themselves, sophia just smiled stiffly she couldn't even recall the names they told her.

You're so young sophia; your skin is so fair and smooth.

Eh! Thanks, she replied awkwardly. She tried to move away, one of the things she didn't like was too much attention. She didn't like it when everyone's attention was focused on her.

They didn't seem to have any intention of leaving her. Finally! One of the ladies rushed towards her with so much force that she almost fell.

I heard you went out for lunch with the boss, and you also went to his office? What's it like? Since I began working here a yr ago I've never been to his office. Well technically he just came back to montera few months ago, but before that only the big bosses have been in contact with him. It's the first time I'm seeing him so close, and....and he even smiled.....ah!........ What's your relationship with him, are you guys...

Joy rushed and quickly pulled her away from sophia, she held her shoulders. Calm down Sharon! Calm down! Take deep breaths, we talked about this earlier, stay calm.

Breath in! Out! Breath in! Out!

Sophia stood on the same spot as though she was molded. She watched the weird interaction going on between them. She couldn't believe someone could say so much in one breath.

Sharon was finally calm, she turned to sophia, I'm so sorry about that I got a little excited. Eh! ..... But I'm really curious about the questions I asked earlier..... Please...

Sharon was petite with big round eyes, she had beautiful curves, with a well styled hair. She looked like a nosy paparazzi looking for a scoop of entertainment news.

Although it was Sharon talking, sophia could see that they were all interested in the topic.

She sighed! His office is nice and I have no relationship with him, he just wanted to welcome me to the office that's why. So please don't get any clever ideas in your head.

What welcome you to the office? But when we started no one welcomed us in such a special way. Sharon refused to give up on the matter.

Sophia smiled and then walked to her desk. The ladies got the hint, so they didn't press in further anyway, Sophia was in their office after all, they'll be able to get information any time.

Since it was her first day she didn't have anything to do. She played games till it was six, which was her closing time.

She picked up her phone and sent a text. After waiting a while she packed her things which weren't much anyway, she awkwardly waved goodbye before leaving the office.

The driver was already waiting for her, so she got in.

Good evening sir!

Good evening madam!

The madam isn't around but she prepared everything you'll need, so just like today when you're done at the office just text me.

Okay, thanks!

Jason hurried with his work, he kept checking the time. Bam! He closed the file and massaged his temples. Standing up he stretched, picked his jacket, he pressed a button and then walked out of the office.

He stood by the door, scanning the room he couldn't find who he was looking for.

Sharon was almost dozing when she caught sight of something beautiful by the door, she jumped due to excitement and lost her footing. The sound made everyone alert, they looked over wondering what the excitement was all about.

She quickly got up and ran to the door. Jason moved back a little. Are you alright?

I'm I alright? Did you just ask me that? Ah...... She turned to the others, I'm I alright? He just asked if I'm alright.

(*_*) They knew she had lost it.

Joy quickly rushed over and pulled her back.

Good evening sir!

Where's she?

She? Oh! Sophia she went home about three hours ago. Is there something..... No...

He cut her off. It's fine!

He walked away. They all rushed to the door as soon as he left. They kept staring at his firm back with smiles on their faces.

Jason walked out of the building, he got into the car.

Ha! He smiled, sophia what will I do with you? We're gonna have a good chat tomorrow.

Hi, guys

merry Christmas, enjoy the holiday (◍•ᴗ•◍)❤

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