

women who are too smart will not be able to find a good husband... julie scoffed as she faced sophia if that's so I'd rather be single, sophia said as she walked away sophia is a young girl with big dreams and an active imagination, being raised in a society where there's domestic violence she decides to be different and she made up her mind to succeed and show those who say as a woman there're certain things you can't do. but making this decision will cost a lot. There's a lot about herself that she's yet to know. will she be able to find love just like she always imagine and how will she deal with the secrets she finds about herself. find out........ ...... hello welcome! it's my first novel and also my first time writing so.... #fighting there will be love In the end but it's gonna be a little bit slow... it's about sophia and her personal and physical growth. she's gonna grow as a person, so the story is gonna be focused on her most of the time. anyway enjoy... and lemme know what you think about it

sugarplums · Urban
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63 Chs

Arrival (2)

They got out of the house and a car was already waiting for them! so they walked and entered it. Sophia looked at little tim, he wasn't startled with his environment it was as though, this kind of environment was quite normal.

Little tim held her hand, and checked the wound and it wasn't as bad as the first day. Her palm was slightly red but still pretty.

Sophia noticed the little guys action and chuckled; she intertwined her fingers with his, I told you it will be fine in a few days. I heal fast.

En. He nodded.

That's right! Nanny zo said you're too stiff when it comes to creativity what does she mean by that?

Little tim massaged his temples as though he was going through a lot of stress answering this question. there's no problem, I just don't like doing childish things.

Sophia was speechless. Dude you're a kid okay? She tried probing but little tim didn't want to talk about it.

They finally arrived at the school, the driver quickly came down and opened the door for them.

Little tim came out first, then he stretched his hand for his lady. Sophia giggled and held his hand as she got down from the car.

Wow! Is this a school? It was so huge and beautiful, it was like a garden as they were so many beautiful trees and flowers around. Sophia was amazed no wonder it's number one. No wonder it's for the elite. It deserves it's title no doubt!.

The kids In this school were top notch and classy. Their accent, intonation and behavior were well polished.


A handsome figure in brown tux, stood outside waiting for his best bud. Little girl's passed by and stared at him, he smiled and winked at them! Making them scream and run away due to shyness.

He finally saw the guy he's being waiting for, he was about to complain when he saw a beautiful figure, smiling at his bud. His heart skipped a beat. He has never seen someone so pretty before, (she had a natural beauty that no one could pull off)and that smile omg! Could melt mountains.

Little tim was giving sophia a little tour around his school when he saw his friend rushing over like a crazy person.

Charles almost lost his footing as he hurried over. He stopped to catch his breath, then brought out his phone to check himself. Everything is fine! he smiled as he walked towards the pretty lady.

Hello pretty! "These flowers are too dim compared to your beauty". He held her hand and gave it a little kiss.

Sophia was caught off guard, she didn't even notice till he kissed her hand. She quickly pulled it away and stared at the little guy bold enough to that.

The little guy finally remembered that sophia didn't know him and his best bud certainly won't tell her about him. He cleared his throat and introduced himself.

I am charles finn! Timothy's friend! It's a huge pleasure to finally meet the beautiful lady that stared my bro's stony heart.

Oh! Sophia quickly bent down so she see him closely. "It's nice to meet you to charles". You're so handsome! Did they make you guys in factories, how can you have such a pretty face?.

Although charles wasn't on the same league(handsomeness) as little tim, he still didn't lose out. He had brown eyes and brown hair, with a straight nose and thin lips. She lightly rubbed his smooth face.

Charles was on cloud nine, his face was flushed with red patches by the side making him smile sheepishly.

Little tim's face darkened as he stared daggers at his friend. He quickly went between them, shielding sophia from he's friend, which was not possible based on their height difference.

Pfft.... Sophia laughed hard when she saw what little tim did. This little guy was even jealous of his own friend.

Timothy and charles stared at sophia as she laughed, she looked so beautiful when she smiled. They could feel rainbows over their head.

Ms. Sophia you are not allowed to smile in front of others! Absolutely not. You're smile could make people loose some nuts. Charles warned her sternly.

Mm. Little tim gave a nod! After a while he scoffed and looked at his friend ''you're also in that list''!

Okay let's go in! Charles implored before his bro would finish him with his eyes.

Sophia held little tim's hand as they walked to the auditorium. Charles put on a sad face as though he was left out from such harmony. Sophia saw his sad look and held his hand also. Little tim was obviously not happy but he decided to let it slide, just this once.

They wasted some time outside, so they were a bit late. Everyone was already sitting when they entered. Guards were on each side of the door and would open it whenever someone wanted to enter. So everyone naturally turned their heads each time someone walked in.

The guards opened the door and everyone turned towards the door. A handsome face came to light. They were surprised to see Timothy, they thought he wasn't going to come.

Those that had hope of winning quickly gave up before the competition even started. They all knew ''timothy's strength'' he was like a perfect being. Too smart for his age and anti social. The only one close to him was charles. It was a relationship no one could understand because they had completely different personalities.

Timothy was too serious, nothing was ever out of place when it comes to him, he rarely smiled and always had a poker face on. Charles on the other hand was everywhere, he was cool but loud. He played with everyone and didn't have his guard up too much.

That's what they all think! But only timothy knew that beneath all that was a "sly guy". He was able to see that part of him. No child attending this school was normal. it was quite obvious! They'll came from powerful families and were minions to their families.

They were groomed right from childhood; like little soldiers, ready to strike at anytime.


They thought he'd come with nanny zo as usual, so some people turned away especially his half siblings who looked at him with disdain.

A tall fair pretty lady emerged behind timothy. People couldn't help but gasp! Her skin was smooth and shiny, her clothes were not too much or too low but perfect for the occasion.

They murmured; who's that lady next to timothy? Is she his mom? But she looks to young to be a mum! But they look alike! They're both gorgeous and they have similar eyes but hers is so beautiful!

Tommy and cherry(timothy's half siblings) heard the mumbling around them and turned back to see what was going on.

They frowned when they saw sophia with little tim. Who is she? Don't tell me dad brought another one! They quickly tapped their mothers that were busy discussing.

The ladies turned and looked as well, they sized sophia. She wasn't too curvy and she was skinny but she was young and fresh. Is she his mum? What happened to nanny zo. That old man isn't thinking of adding another one to his collection right?

They immediately had their guards up against her. Sophia held timothy and charles as they walked in looking like fairies.

Two chairs were placed for them. Charles looked at a kid sitting close by. The kid quickly stood up and went to look for somewhere else to sit. Timothy glanced at Charles! He shrugged his shoulder acting innocent.

Some people wanted to probe more but were interrupted because the MC quickly climbed the stage.

He welcomed everyone and officially started the program. He said some funny things which made everyone laugh. He then read the program and announced the first thing they had to do.

The competition was just like a party because they wanted the kids to be more relaxed so they could perform better.

''The first thing in the program was science".

A lot of kids sighed! Sophia giggled as she noticed this she turned to charles; why is everyone behaving so weirdly?

Charles sighed! You'll soon know why!

The kids were called up to the podium. Mini stages with screens were set up for them. There was also a large screen displaying the questions so that the parents could see what their kids were doing.

Different questions were set up from; maths, geography, ict.... Sophia was stunned! how could they ask these kids such questions?.

She looked at little tim who stood there with a poker face and a hand in his pocket. He wasn't look flushed like the other kids. Charles had a mixed expression on his face when he saw the questions, which made sophia giggled.

They had 30mins to answer 20 questions!.

3mins passed and little tim pressed the submit button and climbed down walking towards his seat.

The computer quickly marked the question and the score was placed on the screen = 100points!!!

"..!!! Everyone was speechless! What's going on? Didn't they just start?.

Sophia finally understood what charles meant by "you'll soon see". Immediately little tim got to his seat he was caught in a warm embrace. Omg my cutie Is so smart! She gave him a light peek.

Little tim was surprised, for the first time someone gave him this kind of treatment due to his intelligence. Nanny zo couldn't act too affectionate towards him. He saw parents act affectionate towards their kids, he always wondered what it felt like. He finally experienced it! He sniffed and hugged her back. Thank you!

Sophia noticed his cracked voice and lightly pulled him away. Little droplets of tears flowed from his eyes. She panicked; what's wrong? Are you hurt? She was really worried.

He giggled as he stared at her worried face. I'm fine! I'm just so happy that you're here to cheer me on, so I got a little emotional.

Aww... She hugged him! I'm happy to be with such a handsome and smart guy.

Charles finished and witnessed this scene; he held his chest! I can't stand such lovely actions. My heart is gonna explode.

Sophia noticed the little figure complaining behind; she looked at the score board and saw that he was 3rd! The 2nd person was a girl named amber with 97 points. Charles had 96points.

She gave him a high five, which made him forget every other thing.

Aunty Sophia I'll won't waste much time again I'll be faster. Little tim promised her.

Those that heard him, were speechless; do you think this is a joke?

The next thing was ; Arts!!!

Questions from music, literature, language.....

1mins later! Little tim walked away from the stage. The scoreboard showed _100points!!

''..!! He really kept his word and didn't waste much time. Aunty soph! I didn't waste much time just like I promised!

Yes dear! Sit so that I can massage your hands. you're working so hard at such a young age.

ರ_ರ The parents didn't know whether to laugh or cry! How can you say such a thing!

Charles finished quickly also he was 2nd with 99.5points!. Amber 3rd with 99 points. She wondered who this little girl was, she was obviously smart.

The next in line was "presentation". Timothy's half siblings came in with 6&7 positions. They were quite unhappy but when the heard the next thing was "presentation" they smiled. That was obviously his weakness.

Little tim frowned, As it was mentioned. Sophia turned to charles, what's up with him? He sighed! Timothy is too stiff, you know what I'll show you instead of trying to explain. He quickly brought out his phone and searched for a while before clicking a video and showing it to sophia.

In the video! Timothy was giving a class presentation on flowers. He stood there like a brick explaining facts about flowers. Most of the kids were dosing off, some were chatting, others had black lines on their heads. Obviously showing that they couldn't process what he was saying.

Little tim spoke some grammer that she couldn't even understand. No wonder he's scores were always low in that area. He was saying the right but a complicated manner for his age.

She massaged her temples. This guy really need lots of help in this area. Thankfully she was here to help him.