
Songs of Souls

Bathed in the unyielding glow of a colossal tower, the war-torn realm of Craiddhol harbors Elemenium deposits, a mystical material with the power to reshape battlefields and destinies. Three sworn brothers from a peaceful village – Deynfif, the brilliant earth wielder, Einntyr, the boisterous brawler, and Hirua, the scarred but determined warrior – find their lives ravaged by the Miers Empire's cruelty. When a devastated village raises their resolve, the brothers must unite to defend their home. They face the Empire's deadly forces, led by the cold Empress Inaya and her haunting Friedenguard, Arguilla – a threat to all of Craiddhol. Embark alongside them on a perilous quest where every action reverberates across destiny's interwoven threads. With the guidance of the enigmatic Songs of Souls, can their bond withstand the pressures of war, or will their fate shatter under the weight of destiny?

Dinove_Twonine · Fantasie
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26 Chs

Different Fates, One Destiny

Eardwood Forest suffocated with every creak and groan, each one a whispered threat. Deynfif sensed the weight of unseen eyes, judging each drawn breath. He wasn't welcome here, a fact etched in every gnarled trunk, and carried on the wind. The leaves rustled, a silent warning, whispering of the forest's power to reclaim its domain.

A warmth pulsed against his back as his brother, Hirua hissed, the sharp sound cutting through the oppressive silence. The faint heat radiating from his brother's fire blade contrasted with the chilling dampness. Shadows writhed, and a flash of acid green pierced the gloom – an eye, or a trick of the forest?

Thorns snagged, their bite a jarring reminder of the dangers lurking beneath the vibrant green. Each step sunk him deeper into the muck, the squelch of decay a nauseating chorus. The stench of moss and rot choked his nostrils, a bitter counterpoint to the sweat beading on his brow. Only the rough, reassuring feel of the earth wand in his hand offered a semblance of stability.

A stumble behind him, a sharp yelp cut short, and the undergrowth erupted in a flurry of sound – cracking branches, rustling leaves, a heavy thump. Then, the distinct scrape of cloth against skin, a muffled tightening. No pained cry, only the familiar low hum of battle-eagerness emanating from his other brother, confirming Einntyr was more excited than hurt.

His heart pounded against his ribs. Each creaking bough, each rustle was like frozen stones on his skin. The air crackled with whispers, and the silence thrummed with tension.

"There," he murmured, stopping sharp. He pointed towards a clump of twisted trees, where a patch of ferns lay flattened. "Fresh tracks."

He knelt, fingers tracing the gouges in the soft earth. The tracks were deep, the edges sharp and distinct. Each print formed a near-perfect triangle, the splayed points hinting at immense weight. A faint whiff of musk clung to the disturbed soil, the undeniable scent of a porcine.

Hirua crouched low, studying the disturbed earth. "Muckledeor," his voice barely a whisper. "Bigger than usual."

Einntyr nodded. "A worthy challenge!"

He shot Einntyr a stern look. "Focus now. This won't be easy."

They crept forward, muscles coiled tight, senses peeled raw. The forest fell silent, but the stillness was unnatural, oppressive. It seemed every living creature had been silenced by an unseen force. A gust of wind swept through his hair, cold and probing, like the unseen eyes of the forest upon him – then, a low snort shattered the quiet, followed by the unmistakable sound of something massive crashing through the undergrowth.

"Behind!" A sharp cry, a surge of adrenaline. Danger!


From the foliage exploded a hulking beast of muscle and fur, its enormous horns gleaming with menace. He thrust his wand downwards, a jagged earth wall erupting from the ground – a frantic barrier against the beast's charge. The wall shattered like brittle clay as the muckledeor thundered through. Too strong!

A blur of black and red – Hirua – lunged, fire dancing along his blade, searing the creature's flank. It roared, blood welling from the wound, and whipped its head in a frenzy around.

His fiery brother rolled away as the muckledeor lowered its horns for another charge. A sickening crunch echoed through the clearing, followed by a heavy thud that sent a jolt of fear through him. He whipped his head towards Hirua, heart hammering against his ribs. No!

"Brother!" Einntyr bellowed as he launched a rock at the enraged beast. The muckledeor lumbered towards Einntyr, rage twisting its massive head, steam blasting from its nostrils.

Hirua lay sprawled against the oak, but his chest rose and fell in ragged gasps. He's alive. He was grimacing, hand clutching his shoulder. Realizing that there was no blood stain on his brother, tension drained from his shoulders as a held breath escaped his lungs in a rush.

No time for relief. He sprinted after Einntyr, his breath catching in his throat. The forest floor seemed to buck beneath him, each thud of the muckledeor's hooves vibrating through his bones. The air crackled with the beast's fury, a tangible wave of sound that pressed against him.

Einntyr's form, always larger than life, bobbed ahead, drawing the monster in a dizzying chase. A cold fist clenched around his chest. Einntyr's recklessness often masked a deeper fear, a need to prove himself.

Vines snagged at his ankles, thorns raking his skin. He pushed on, the whispers of the forest growing louder, more insistent. Were they real, or merely the echo of his pounding heart?

Einntyr's panicked cry sliced through the din – "Deynfif, heeeelp!" – a desperate plea that mirrored the frantic rhythm of his own pulse.

He thrust his earth wand toward the ground, knuckles white against the elemenium. The timing had to be perfect. Too early, and Einntyr would fall with it. Too late, and it would miss. Now! Energy hummed through his hand. The ground beneath the muckledeor buckled, groaned, then collapsed. The beast's roar turned into a strangled gurgle as it plunged into the freshly opened pit.

Einntyr staggered, gasping for breath. Right hand ignited with a radiating sphere of crimson heat, sizzling like wildfire. A spiraling cone of emerald energy materialized in his left, whipping the air into a frenzy.

"Fire and Air Style!" Einntyr bellowed, with a mighty slam of his hands.

BOOM! Violet sparks, jagged as acute angles, crackled across his brother's skin as raw lightning arced between his palms.

"Shocking Surge!"

The air crackled as his brother struck, the muckledeor's flank erupting in a blinding flash. The beast convulsed, smoke billowing from its hide.

The stench of burnt fur singed his nose. He felt a warmth spread through his chest, a familiar mixture of exasperation and fondness. Wood type muckledeor, he thought, weak against fire. But of course, Einntyr couldn't resist the urge to unleash his lagrings' power, a spectacular display of raw power instead of a tactical strike. It was classic Einntyr, all about flashy moves, but he wouldn't have his boisterous brother any other way.

The beast's breath came in ragged gasps, but its head lifted, and a snarl twisted its muzzle. Its legs trembled, testing their strength. It was going to get back up. He had to do something, now.

A line of motion cut across his vision – Hirua, charging towards the muckledeor. His brother's jaw was clenched, eyes narrowed as he focused on the beast. He caught Hirua's eye and understood. Right, a boost! He whipped his wand towards the ground, a pillar of earth erupted, intersecting Hirua's path and launching him skyward.

His brother slammed into the beast, his knee driving into its neck, impacting the beast at a sharp angle. His fiery blade arced through the air, a searing lune that carved through muscle and fur.

The muckledeor's enraged bellow shook the forest. Its legs crumpled beneath it, sending its massive body crashing to the earth, horns narrowly missing Einntyr as it fell. A tremor rippled through the ground, then subsided. The creature twitched once, then lay motionless. Silence descended. A choking haze, thick with the stinging scent of burnt fur and seared flesh, lingered - a bitter echo of the monster's final roar.

Hirua rolled off the muckledeor's carcass, clutching his shoulder.

Even from his position, he could see the grimace twisting his fiery brother's features.

Einntyr, barely winded, seemed to vibrate with energy, bounded towards Hirua. "That was a smasher, brother!" Einntyr exclaimed, his face erupting into a grin, his ample belly straining against his orange garb. "What legendary combo are we calling that, then?"

"Spare me the fancy labels, Einntyr," Hirua ground out, his voice sharp despite his obvious pain. "Results are the only seasoning a warrior needs on his plate."

Einntyr's boundless enthusiasm flickered, the corners of his mouth drooping slightly. "But a name helps you knead the energy, brother! Like focusing a storm's fury," he gestured towards the crater, "into a single, thunderous punch!"

The metallic ring of Hirua's fire blade being sheathed echoed through the clearing. "Enough with the poetic nonsense, Einntyr. Real warriors don't need fancy spells or whispered names to fight." A smirk played on his lips as he patted his stomach. "Strength simmers in your gut, not your head. You think a catchy tune makes a stew any tastier?"

Squares and circles, these two always at odds. He sighed internally, stepping between his brothers. Time to find the connecting line. His voice entered the fray like a peacemaker navigating a bustling market. "Einntyr's viewpoint holds weight," he stepped between them, a hand on each of their shoulders. Hirua's usual simmering irritation, a familiar undercurrent to Einntyr's boisterous energy, rolled off him in waves. He met Hirua's gaze, a wry smile tugging at his lips. A steadying hand on a tilting compass.

"The key lies in personal resonance," his gaze steady, each word landing with the weight of a carved stone. "For some, like Einntyr, a well-honed mental image acts as a conduit, channeling power with the precision of a geometer's protractor." A smirk almost escaped his lips. "Others, perhaps like yourself, find their strength in the raw energy of an untamed core, sharpened to a warrior's edge by experience."

He clapped a firm hand on Hirua's back, a genuine smile tugging at his lips. "Different paths, but the destination remains the same." He felt the tension ease under his hand as he spoke. "Now, let's prepare our bounty for the feast. Eard awaits, and I suspect their appetites are as sharp as your blade."

Hirua only nodded, a slight jerk of his chin directed at Einntyr before he bent to gather branches.

He followed suit, his own hands reaching for sturdy limbs and fallen vines. He worked alongside his brothers to weave a makeshift litter, securing each corner with a heavy stone, calculating the angles and weight distribution needed for a balanced control.

Einntyr's boundless energy, usually as predictable as the newlight, flickered like a dying ember. He spun, his gaze skittered across the clearing. His hand went to his belt, fingers patting, then clutching at empty air. The usual openness of Einntyr's expression had vanished, replaced by a knot of tension that pulled his brows together. "Whoa there. Something's amiss!" he paused.

"We might have a bit of a snag!"