
Song of the Forgotten Angel

She bear the painful past. Unknown to many, she has two different personalities with a different names.

LadyKpencil88 · Fantasie
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22 Chs

Chapter 5: The Sad Valentines

   Fier's heart sunk. She is feel suffocating at the surrounding she saw. In her view, the room are full with blood's splashes. Only she can see it. She stand still at the doorway.

  'You're not going in? Why are you crying?' He asked her. She just shake her head.

  'Stay here. Don't coming in.' She warned him.

  Fier look at the sorrowful Milan. She pointed at the large drawing on the wall above the bed. Fier take down the drawing, it is quite heavy for her but she succeeds after few attempts. The young man wanted to help but she strictly not allowed him to step inside the room.

   Once the drawing are moved. The trace of unbalances on the cement wall are obviously seen. Fier touched it. She fall on her knees. The pains of the deceased flows into her like a river. She saw what happened to Milan on the day she died and felt the agony she felt on her last breath. Fier is grieving for a moment like she is possessed by Milan's soul.

   That poor soul of Milan was killed by her own fiancé. He prepared all the flowers and decorated the room to surprise Milan on the Valentine's Day just to kill her later. Milan was stab by her fiancé once she opened the present he gave her. He tied Milan to the chair after she lost consciousness. Then he slashed her like she wasn't a living thing. No matter how hard Milan begging and crying when she awake, he wasn't listen to her. He accused her for having an affair with her client.

  Milan's fiancé put her body inside the wall and sealed it although she was still breathing at that time. She died due to blood loss and suffocating — a very grievous death. That man fled afterward.

   Fier is coiling in sadness while kneeling in front of the bed. She keep saying 'I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry.'

   The young man feel concern about her when he saw she was not herself, but Fier indeed stopping him to enter the room. 'I'm fine!' She shouted.

  'Just give me a moment. And stay where you are now.' She said.

  After she is calming down. She contacted the police. The house was full with the police officers and the forensic team a moment later.

  Fier is sitting on the couch trembling. The young man who own the house try to give his best to comfort her. A detective approached them.

  'Don't worry so much about her. That's only a side effect of her direct contact with the deceased's memories. She will be fine in a minute.' The detective explains to the young man.

  'Well sir, what is your name? Is this your own house or rented?' The detective asked the young man while sit in front of him.

  'Ahh.. I'm Kyden Silverase, call me K. I rent this place since few months ago through a property agency.' K told the detective.

  'Before I forgot, I'm Detective Ashia from the Homicide Department.' Detective Ashia introduced himself.

  'Our forensic team presume that the deceased had been died more than 6 months ago. Do you have notice something strange, Mr. Silverase?'

  'No except I have a nightmare every night since I moved here. Someone strangled me in my dreams, a woman.' K explained honestly to Detective Ashia.

  'We probably need to investigate you regarding this matter, Mr. Silverase. You can be our prime suspect in this case.' Said Detective Ashia.

   'He had nothing to do with Milan's death. She was slashed and sealed to death last Valentine's Day by her own fiancé due to jealousy.' Suddenly Fier spoke up.

  Both K and Detective Ashia looked at Fier. Are you okay?' K asked her.

  'Hnn.' She nodded.

  'But I am wonder, why do you dream of a woman strangling you while Milan told me she never haunt you?' Fier look at Milan that sit next to Detective Ashia.

  'Is someone sit next to me??' Detective Ashia's expression turn pale.

Fier nodded. 'She won't hurt you. Don't worry.'

  Detective Ashia move to another chair before he continue, 'Do you mean that somebody else was died here too?'


  'Or he is possessed nor haunted.' She continued without looking at the two men. Her eyes looking into a far throughout the open window.

  'You can see it if he is possessed. Why don't you give it a shot?' Detective Ashia give a bright suggestion.

  'He touched me before, I saw nothing.' Fier hesitate.

   'Give it another try, Miss Vermillion.' Said Detective Ashia.

  Fier sighed. 'Give me your hands. Both.' She told K.

  As she hold his hands and close her eyes. Everything she saw was confusing — no details visionary. All the visions are mixed and tampering with each other. Until a vision of an ugly woman appears, wailing and rushed towards Fier make her quickly open her eyes, let go of K's hands — trembling.

  'It's not a spirit. It's a demon' Fier trying to calm herself. 'She is feeding on his fears,' she said again still trembling.

  'You don't look good,' K take Fier's trembling hands. He is feeling sorry for her. Because of him she had to see something worst.

  'I'm fine. I'm used to this. Don't worry.' She sound assured.

   'What do you see?' Detective Ashia's curiosity arise.

   'An ugly woman. She rushed unto me like I have anger her.' Fier heart is beating like its going to explode. She never felt that way.

   Suddenly, she feel that K had tighten his grip on her hands, 'What's wrong?' She asked.

  He didn't answer her, he only look straightforward at the entrance. She feel weird, so she follows his gaze, her eyes catches the traces of bloody handprints on the wall.

   'This is not good.' She whispered to herself.

   'Detective Ashia. Please excuse us if you have no questions for a moment. We will meet you at the station later.' Fier quickly pull K hand and leaving. Detective Ashia give her an okay sign.

   When Fier walks pass the trace of bloody handprints, she can smell a stench of blood. She hold her breathe and walk faster. Once outside the building, she only feel relieved.

    'You okay?' She asked K.

   'Because I hold your hand, I saw that woman inside that house. On my bedroom.' He still look pale.

   Fier suggest they are going to a cafe to calm themselves. Fier feel her body stiffened due to fear. A fear that she never had for a long time.