
Chapter 54: Quest?

They were sleeping peacefully in his arms, which made him very proud for some reason that to him, was unknown. However, this feeling of pride was quickly changed to the feeling of annoyance when a cough echoed on the Zeus cabin, where Thalia and Annabeth were as well with Chiron and Argus, the security guy of Camp Half-Blood who followed Chiron to help him if necessary.

The guy looked like a blond-haired surfer with a hundred blue eyes all scattered around his skin, only two of them were closed now and they were the eyes that would be considered natural, on his eyes sockets. Enychta huffed when he smelled the monster smell coming from the guy, he knew this man was Argus, the guy that watched over Hera's cattle and is known for being killed by Hermes in that myth about Zeus and Io... Io is also the mother of the greatest heroes of Greek Mythology too!

Zeus impregnates Io, who gives birth to Epaphus, with Memphis gives birth to Ligya, with Poseidon gives birth to Belus, with Achiroë gives birth to Aegyptus who gives birth to Lynceus, and Danaus, who with Pieria gives birth to Hypermnestra. Lynceus and Hypermnestra do some incest and give birth to Abas, who together with Ocalea gives birth to Acrisius, who with Eurydice gives birth to Danaë, who with Zeus again gives birth to Perseus, who with Andromeda gives birth to Electryon, who with Anaxo gives birth Alcmene, who with Zeus again! Gives birth to Heracles.

And all this started with Io, who was, like every single lady on Greece, doted on by Zeus.

Anyway, what I meant is that Hermes gets this cool epithet, Argeiphonte or Argus Killer. The giant Argus just stared at Enychta with all his 98 eyes, for two of them were closed as he was sleeping and also watching him at the same time, both he and Eny didn't need to sleep much, all that Argus needed to do was rest his eyes for a few hours, keeping 2 of them closed while the other 98 could be left open and vigilantly watching everything around.

Thalia had let them in because they wanted to talk with Enychta, Annabeth was having her hair braided by Thalia as well, so she was there. Enychta, Pruno, and Luke slept there because they were used to sleeping together, the five of them, in sometimes a big puppy pile, and sometimes with the Cozy Dome, or Fluffy Paradise. "So, what do you want?" Enychta asked, keeping his voice as low as possible to not wake the duo that was sleeping on his bare abdomen. Enychta was in his human form, his clothes had kinda been destroyed when he transformed so he was completely naked under the blanket he was covered with, and just there, with their heads on his stomach were the sand blond-haired and pink-haired boys who were peacefully sleeping.

Chiron just raised an eyebrow at this but did not comment on the ambiguity of the scene he watched, Argus, however, gave Enychta a small smirk. Well, only Luke and Pruno's heads could be seen, as their entire body was covered in the blank, and Enychta's entire upper body could be seen... He had some scratches on his body because he had a terrible itch on his skin and used his nails to scratch it, but it was mainly on his back and bare chest, which gave another meaning when seen together with two sleeping boys with messy hair lying beside him. He did not comment but did nod to Argus who gave him a thumbs-up, making Enychta huff before looking back at Chiron. "So?"

"Well, Enychta was it? We came to see you because we recently received a prophecy... Well, not exactly a received a prophecy and more like a prophecy was rewritten. The boy with the head on your abdomen, the blond one, Luke Castellan, was destined to save or destroy Olympus." Chiron expected to see even the tiniest eyebrow from Enychta or the other two girls, but there was none other than Enychta saying: "We already knew that, get to the point." A little bit too aggressive, which Chiron associated with the fact that he just invaded the boy's privacy and saw him in such a shameful state. "Well, what happened is that Like Castellan is no longer destined to save or destroy Olympus, we do not know what he is destined to because the Oracle came to me In the middle of the night and just told me a single, short sentence:

The fate of the Son of Hermes, Luke Castellan, has been erased.

Before she went back to her unconscious status... I would like to think that you know what this means since you've spent a lot more time with him as well as being the son of Lady Nyx, the Primordial Goddess of the Night, who is also the mother of the Moirai, or the Fates."

Eny was surprised to know that Luke's fate has just been erased just like his fate was, it seems that for being part of Luke's life, Enychta somehow was able to break Luke's fate, which meant the fate that he betray Olympus, side with Kronus, and then later kill himself has been erased and now is unpredictable. "Huh." That was all Enychta whispered before he looked over sharply taking a breath in and looking at Chiron in the eye, saying: "Well, I did not know about that, but now I can rest sure that he would not kill himself in the end... So, what do you wish, because i for sure know you didn't come here just to tell me that."

Argus just chuckled at that while Chiron shook his head, impressed by the young man's cleverness. "Very well." Chiron took a deep breath before he said: "You have been assigned a quest by Nyx, the Primordial Goddess of the Night, you shall take up to two companions with you, I recommend you to consult the Oracle of Delphi so you may receive details for your quest." Saying all, Chiron and Argus left, and Argus nodded to Enychta on his way out in a very "bro-dude-man" way, like a Frat-Guy.

Well, now Enychta had a quest to deal with? He of course would take Pruno and Luke with him, that is not even a question to ask.