
son of the mountain you stole my heart

MY SOUL CRAVED FOR YOU EVEN BEFORE I MET YOUR BEING... "Now that I have tasted the serenity of laying my head on your masculine chest, no one can shove me away from you my king. we're entrapped to each other. come with me tonight...let me feed you the honey from my mother land...let me reveal to you the fertile and untilled land which no man has ever set their feet upon.. for it has been hiden from them for many a days...it is only yours to till..." Sheshije, a young maiden from the ukadama kingdom is forced by her greedy for power farther to mary Kodawa, the crown prince. Who is considered arrogant and evil by nearly every person in the kingdom... While being the damsel in distress she meets her knight in shining armor. Seghete who introduced himself to her as a hunter... due to reasons best known to fate.. the two end up falling in love at the very first day they met. Sheshije's father and the kodawa try their best to stop the mighty bond that was drastically sprouting between the two... Shock grips them all after finding out that Seghete is actually not a hunter but the only son of the great Tubheta emperor! SON OF THE MOUNTAIN YOU STOLE MY HEART. Is a novel beautifully painted with romance and a little potions of the taveta culture. One finds it hard to put it down once they start reading.. it has a fair portion of explicit mature content which may not be good for younger readers.. or anyone who feels uncomfortable with the content. the embodiment of local dialect, unforeseen plot twists not to mention the fantasy romance makes every chapter so worth reading!

Joy_Rayasi · Fantasie
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17 Chs

chapter 5: Humiliating the hunter.

Seghete laid down blood oozing out from almost every part of his body. Several arrows were shot on his back. His clothes soiled akin to rags.

Kodawa towered over the weak Seghete. One of his foot pinned the hands of the injured lad. " I never expected to meet you soon young man. what a wonderful activity am doing for fine day like this... So you were that knight in shining armor who came to save the damsel in distress?" " You could have known better than to mess with the future king of this great Kingdom, I will humiliate you dear brother, I will make sure that the next time she sets her arrogant pair of eyes on your distorted face she will run away screaming for such a nightmare. Get this straight to your f***ing balls!!! ". Kodawa voiced out with rage taking the better of him such that he could barely control himself.

Spatting out blood, Seghete let out an arrogant laugh. "Poor rabbit, look how you are exhausting yourself for a woman who hates you to the core. Don't you have a dignity to maintain your highness? just to let you know am declaring this before you and your weaklings am going to make her mine right under your running nose. May the ancestors of this land never allow your stick to raise again, may you die childless to avoid tainting the Tubheta land with genes of your likes!"

"Abomination to curse the only heir to the throne of the great Ukadama kingdom!" one of the guards said anger visible in his eyes.

Kodawa was so upset that his wall body was shaking furiously. without a warning he bent down and pushed the arrows deeper into Seghete's back.

Seghete could only try his best to withstand the new sensations of pain spreading in every part of his body.


As usual Sheshije was carrying her pot walking down to the stream to bathe and take some water home. She seemed to be in a foul mood due to reasons best known to herself.

She was cursing continuously. 'Come to think of it... that strange dream was only meant to get me out of my escape plan. if it wasn't for that useless dream ... I couldn't have met the bastard's father who seems to be hellbent to making sure I get married with his arrogant brainless mongrel he calls a son!" hhmph.

Amidst her rantings her ears picked some chaoes that seemed to not be coming from far. forgetting about her misfortunes she hurriedly walked in direction of the noise.

On reaching the scene, she found a large crowd , she had to find her way through the congested path to catch a glimpse of what was happening. eventually people started paving a way for her to pass almost every person in the kingdom new of the forthcoming marriage between her and the ukadaman heir.

What greeted her sight was shocking enough to make her heart rapture it's way out of her hilly chest.

Kodawa was dragging a man who was tied in sisal ropes like a luggage being transported to the farthest kingdom in the land of Tubheta.

The kneeling man who was oozing blood like a slaughtered cow, slowly lifted his head.

Time seemed to have come to a stand still when their eyes locked. She stood froze like the statue of ikahe from the famous fictional story common in Tubheta land.

The same man whom he couldn't get out of her mind, the man whom she had dreamt about the previous night, the man who had single handedly beaten the prince and his guards into a pulp was the same person being in that humiliating state!

Her heart was pounding so heard that she couldn't bring herself to breath properly. It just occurred to her that she had been underating the degree of cruelty the prince could unleash.