

Axel put his utensils down, the sight of a good looking couple drew his attention towards them. Donte and him decided to spend their dinner at a famous beach restaurant tonight.

Looking at the man, he must be in his mid forties, standing over six feet tall while the woman looked stunning beside him in her expensive clothes. She looks a little younger than him and very beautiful in her short flare dress in a dark plum color. She had a set of diamond jewelries that shines against the light inside the restaurant. The familiar face of the man walking beside her, has that smile that says...she belonged to him and no one else.

They sat at a table which is exactly opposite to them. The restaurant had a set of tables for couples and family. Since there's only been Donte and him, they choose a table for two.

The restaurant was designed as a big boat docked beside the sea.

It's concept fascinates both the foreigners and the locals, that eat at their own tables, feeling the ocean breeze. The staff who works there is either dressed up in a pirate attire or wearing that sexy sailor’s clothes. The place makes you feel not just the waves but the breathtaking view as well.

"C'è qualcosa di sbagliato,boss Axel? (Is there something wrong)

Donte's frown made Axel turned his sight away from the new comers. He must have noticed his attention slip from him to the couple sitting next to them.

Then Donte looked around, with his gaze noticing everyone's movement inside the restaurant.

Axel let out a heavy breath and leaned against the softness of the leather seat. Stretching out hi arm, he had lost the appetite for another bite of his food.

"It's ok Donte, i just thought of something. Nothing to worry about the people around this place i think they are all harmless".

At the corner of his eyes, he watched as the familiar face of the man sitting nearby tried to get the attention of a waiter. He could not be mistaken, he was the face on those photographs that his private investigator sent him.

He didn't stop watching until a waiter came to take the couple's order.

"I think you are right boss,after two days of being here, i think this place is safe, Pieno di persone innocenti"(full of innocent people).

Axel shrugged his shoulders and met Donte’s gaze. But Donte broke eye contact and continued to eat his food.

"Don't be fooled Donte, and don't let your guard down. Sometimes what you see is not always what it seems to be". Just because i think this place is safe doesn't mean that you guys can slack off".

Donte chewed his food quickly and grab the glass of water beside his plate.

"Of course boss,our men are training everyday like usual. We'll, not as hard as we do in Italy but rest assured. Siamo sempre pronti per la battaglia".

(We are always ready for battle)

"Good! Just like we should". Axel nods while looking at the waiter in sailor uniform who just passed by them. He’s guessing the couple had finished ordering for their food.

The man on the table raised his head and meet his eyes. Damn! He caught him staring. But too late to move his eyes away.

Axel felt the air inside the restaurant getting thick. His eyes held no recognition of him, it was blank.

He looked away and waved his hand to the waiter. Another part of him wanted to stay for a while in his seat but his intuitions wanted them to leave already. He couldn't stay at his seat and stare at the sweet couple all night.

"Are we leaving boss?

Donte frowned and followed his gazed. He stilled for a few seconds and looked intently on the man sitting on the table.

"Che diavolo!(what the hell).

He recognized him, his face was still the same. He was with Giovann when they met the man who’s supposed to lead the group. But he turned them down. He had chosen to stay here, in the Philippines where half of the blood running in his views is similar to the people living in this place.

Donte knows better than him. But he's not touching the subject until the time Axel decides to ask him.

Donte looked down and his hands took the table napkin beside his plate, patting it casually in his mouth before opening them to speak.

"I understand that we need to go boss Axel".

"Get the check Donte,and relax. He has no idea who i am".

Donte cleared his throat and talked to the waiter, who smiled to them while handing them the check.

Donte then took out a few thousand bills in local currency and leaved it on the table.

Axel stood up first, fighting himself not to look back at the table where the man was sitting. The man who is the reason why he was here in this part of the world.

Donte followed him as he stepped foot towards the exit door of the restaurant.


"What's the matter darling?

Teresa's melodious voice brought back Alexander's spirit as his gaze followed the familiar face of an Italian man who passed by in front of their table.

It was as if he had seen him somewhere, but he could not remember when and how.

And even the man with the appearance who’s relatively young, looked familiar to him too.

Alexander felt a slight tremor in his chest. He has to know those two guys, but in discreet because he does not want to worry his dear wife.

"Hmmm nothing sweetheart, i just thought of someone whenever i saw an Italian foreigners around."

He raised his hand and placed it on his wife's hand which was placed on the table. Today is a simple dinner and celebration of the two of them, because of a good news brought by their doctor. His wife is pregnant again.

They are the only two who knows right now, aside from the private doctor.

They decided that the next day they would inform Teresa's father and their first two children too.

Darling, no one is stopping you if you want to go for a vacation in Italy or try communicating with your relatives there. I would even be glad to go with you".

Teresa squeezed Alexander's hand lightly.

During their marriage, her husband also did not mention anything about his distant relatives living in Europe anymore.

"I appreciate the thought sweetheart but you know it's better for us to not be familiar to them. It is for our own safety. Especially now that someone will be added to our family ".

He gently pulled his wife's soft hand and brought it to his lips. Alexander tried to focus his attention on his wife and their good news. He gave her hand a kiss both at the back and front of her palm. Teresa’s face lightened up, there was a twinkle of stars in the smiling of her eyes.

"Oh I'm so happy, i hope our baby is a girl this time".

Gumanti ng ngiti si Alexander. "My love,if our baby will be a boy it doesn't matter". We can always try again".

He gave her a wink and run his fingers on her exposed leg under the table. He lightly squeezed one of his wife's thighs causing a little passion to ignite from her.

"Do not forget that we are in the restaurant darling".

She laughed a little but didn't bother to remove his hands on her thighs. His desire for her always excites and entices her feelings. And she knew they would end up making love in their own lovely bedroom after this elegant dinner tonight.

"Oh are we?..”in a public place?

He pretends to looked around looking at all the people sitting and eating at their own tables. Pretending to noticed for the first time how crowded the place is.

But as he travelled his eyes, it caught the Italian foriegner's gaze. He stopped at the main entrance of the restaurant.

The man was looking at him and he noticed too, that even in the far distance his gaze is trying to recognize him. But he does not know why. And he intends to go find out soon.

A soft laughter came out of Teresa’s mouth. "You're sense of humor is lame darling but for some reasons it still amuses me"

His wife smiled and looked deep in his gray orbs. Fondness and love shows in her every actions.

"And I'm glad you are amused sweetheart".

Whatever was playing on Alexander's mind he did not want to come out of his mouth for his dear wife to know. He had to confirm if this people are related to the mafia and why are they out here. If they are mafia,then they surely know him and this is not looking good for his family's safety.