
Chapter 14

Year Thirteen

Konohagakure no Sato

It was a surprisingly beautiful place. The Hokage Monument overlooked the village, the faces of their heroes etched forever into stone. Hashirama, the man who founded the very concept of Shinobi Villages, the first person known as the God of Shinobi. Tobirama, the man who invented the Flying Thunder God, and was renowned for his mastery of water style jutsu and his implementation of stricter policies. Sarutobi – the Professor, a man who mastered all five natures, yet, strangely, had very little accomplishments to his name other than living the longest and fighting in the most wars. Then, there was the Fourth – Minato Namikaze – a man who would have most certainly profited from a longer lifespan, had he not died for his village.

I chuckled, feeling strangely melancholic as the cold night wind blew. The Hokage Monument was larger in person than I imagined, it was visible, regardless of where you were in the village. The village itself, was not merely a 'village' but instead, a small, bustling city. Lights and lampposts illuminated the darkness, and every now and then, I would find people moving on rooftops, their sandaled feet making little sound to disturb the inhabitants of the buildings.

"Konoha…" I mused, placing my chin on my palm as I enabled a smile on my face. Approximately fifteen years ago, before my death and rebirth, Konoha was nothing more than another fictional location in my mind. Its size and scale only imaginable in pictures, its contents and people only accessible through fictitious and imaginary mediums.

Now, I rose to my feet, and I gazed upon the nightlife of a village I would have never entertained entering. I stared at the bustling city, filled with life and character, despite the war-weariness and their shift towards a militaristic stance, I could see it bustling in every citizen and every denizen – a sense of belonging. A sense of… home.

The air was rich with it, the scents of local foods and delicacies, the chakra of people who would sooner die than surrender, who would sooner destroy all that they held precious than enable the enemy seize it from them. Konoha at night was indeed a beautiful place.

Although, I would admit that it was nowhere near as beautiful as my kingdom. The one I created, crafted carefully and elaborately. The Aurora lights present at my capital was one of the natural wonders of this world – and yet, it cost me a measly five miracle points. The world considered the aesthetic beauty of such marvels to be worth far less than an eye that could slow down a person's perception of time. Shame.

Then again, man-made miracles were often equally, if not superior, in beauty to anything nature could provide. The past eight years helped me realize this.

I leapt down from my position on a rooftop, landing softly on the streets, every bit of sound, every tiny instance of kinetic-motion being absorbed to make my landing absolutely silent. I dusted off my robes surreptitiously, clasping my hands behind me as I strode across the street, taking in Konoha's sights. The Uchiha Police Force members were always visible in one form or another, either aiding citizens or patrolling with red glowing eyes. The sight made my lips thin with displeasure. Eliminating the Uchiha Clan Massacre from history had never been my intention, it had never even crossed my mind. Yet, one way or another, the actions and choices I made had created a climate that prevented it from occurring.

"Canon" as I knew it was effectively a fantasy. I could no longer rely on future knowledge of events and people. The world with my influence was so much drastically different from what I knew, and it was intriguing, if not somewhat empowering to realize just what I had done. The world, and all its inhabitants would never know just how different their lives would be, if I had never been born. How much better off, or how much worse.


My attention was drawn to a young civilian couple, particularly the lady who had run into me.

"Are you okay?" the young man asked.

"Ah – it's nothing – I'm – I'm fine –" she said demurely, taking the man's hand. "I – I could've sworn I just ran into a wall."

The man looked left, right, he approached me, and I side-stepped with very little effort. It was amusing watching him wave his hands randomly in the air, searching for something.

"There's nothing there." He said, scratching his head. "Maybe you ran into a shinobi?"

The woman rolled her eyes. "An invisible shinobi?"

The man shrugged. "I'm not really sure what they can or can't do. I mean – I hear some of them can even walk on water."

The woman shook her head playfully. "It's a good thing I don't love you for your smarts."


"Come on, let's get home before you come up with something even crazier. Like… flying shinobi."

A young, enigmatically beautiful couple. Bantering and bickering as a sign of affection. Or at least, that is what one would believe, anyone who was not me. Anyone who did not have Observe and the ability to read a person's history and backstory within seconds. I sighed wistfully, before moving towards the young woman, unseen and detected, before whispering into her ear.

He's cheating on you.

The woman, Fura, jerked up, turning around, staring straight at me, or rather, through me, unable to realize or detect my presence. Of course, with Stealth as a high-leveled skill, and the use of an advanced feature of my Suit, there was no way she would ever detect me.

You may ignore it. Or you may take vengeance. Which will satisfy you? Which will make you feel better?

"D-dear? What – what's wrong? Why are you looking at me like that?"

Fura breathed hard, turning to glare at her lover, Min.

"You – you've been cheating on me, haven't you?"

Min jerked back. "W-what? Fura, I would never –"

Thou shall not lie.

" – stop cheating on you!"

Both pairs of eyes widened, and I watched the ongoing conflict with a rich sense of amusement.

"I mean, I –"

Lying is bad.

"I get off on the thought of you catching me!" The man said, his face suddenly twisting into horror "What… what am I saying?"

I walked around the couple, shaking my head as I whispered even more.

Tell the truth. The whole truth. And nothing but the truth.

"I've been cheating on you with Ikaru – she's so much better than you at everything!" The man spoke, but at the same time, his face was twisted into one of absolute dismay. He tried to place his hands over his mouth, but he failed.

"She sucks harder, she's tighter, she let's me do whatever I want and never whines and complains!" He continued, to his growing dread. "I once fucked her at work, and when you came in – I hid her under the table. She was sucking me while you kissed me and you never knew, and it felt so good that I –"


Fura charged, pinning the man to the ground, and I smiled as I stared at her fury induced state.

You are strong. Stronger than him. Stronger than anyone. Show him your wrath.

I watched, as the series of Buffs hit the woman's status, paying attention to how her Strength stat suddenly gained a (+50) boost.

I didn't need to stay long to hear the sound of fists raining down upon a human face, my work was done, and I hummed softly as the smell of fresh blood sang throughout the air.

Konoha was a beautiful place indeed.

"There's something happening at the fourth sector! We need troops there now!"

Sharingan wielding members of the Uchiha Clan Police streaked by me, each one heading towards the direction that I left. They were a lot of them, I noted. Too many people with the Sharingan was going to be problematic later on. I would have to do something about them.

Of course, that would have to be saved for another night. This night, there was only one place I intended on heading to. My gaze turned upwards, finding my target, the large cylindrical tower with the kanji for fire emblazoned boldly upon it.

"Ice Release: Skate."

Chakra sensors would no doubt be alerted, regardless, I did not intend on staying in Konoha for too long. A board of thin, nigh-invisible, reflective ice appeared underneath my feet, and I lifted my finger, making the board rise with me on top of it. It was my rudimental version of hover-boarding and flight, enabling me to take in more of the night sky at once, and the Tree Walking enabled me to stick to the ice without falling off.

Were anyone to look in my direction, they would see nothing but the night sky reflected at them. Reflective ice was the same as a mirror, and a mirror at night reflected the night back. Of course, those with special eyes would detect the usage of chakra, which, according to my minimap, some already had.


I gazed upon the open window of the building that was my target, and I disabled the technique, allowing myself to instead, glide through the open air, narrowing in on my target and in a burst of speed that would have left cheetahs jealous, I appeared in the middle of the room.

The room that was the central office of the leader of the most powerful Shinobi Nation in the world.

Then, I disabled my invisibility.

"Hello, Sarutobi Hiruzen."

And five different swords imbedded themselves thickly into my skin.


Kill first, ask questions later.

This was the mentality that the ANBU Hokage Guard carried and held to the letter. If there was what seemed to be an attempted attack, an unauthorized intruder, or even the slightest hint of danger or possible danger that could come to the Hokage, you struck down the offender without thinking.

Hiruzen had never required them to uphold this, because, strange as it was, assassins on his life were highly uncommon. Any would-be assassin would have to first fool the Hyuga sentries, fool the Inuzuka night guards, fool the Aburame patrols and then bypass the Uchiha Police, before they would reach him. You could fool one, or maybe two of those groups, but not all of them. Never all of them.

Hence, he was on his guard and immediately on his feet when a sudden gust of breeze had entered his office, followed by the casual, almost soft sounding words:

"Hello, Sarutobi Hiruzen."

The Sandaime Hokage stared at the man in front of him, dressed in long, elegant and pristine white robes. He had rich tanned skin that was entirely unusual in the Land of Fire, strong golden eyes and long dark braided hair with white streaks. There was an air around him, one which reminded the Sandaime of being in the presence of the most distinguished and exquisite of royalty. It seemed to permeate the every being of the man, and it would not be an exaggeration to say that the man… glowed.

His presence in the room made the air lighter, the atmosphere seem richer and more beautiful, and the scenery shine and perfectly contrast his rich, delicate features. While Hiruzen would admit that he was quite the lady-killer back in his day, he had nothing on the sheer… beauty of the man in front of him.

"Would you kindly put those swords away? It is rather irritating."

Hiruzen snapped out of his initial daze at staring at the young man, and immediately became very cautious.

He lost focus.

For a brief second, he, the Hokage, had lost focus, in the light of analyzing the young man in front of him. Any skilled assassin could have used that brief moment to launch an attack that would be advantageous to them.

More than that, he realized that the blades of his ANBU – all of them which had been targeted for clear kill spots, the heart, liver, lungs – none had pierced the man. All the blades seem to have stopped short of actually piercing and doing damage. And – and –

"What – what are you all doing?"

They… they sheathed their swords?

"H-Hokage-sama, he – I can't –"

"Would you mind being quiet, and standing a little ways off? I would like to have a conversation with Sarutobi in peace."

Neko, the ANBU about to speak, suddenly clammed up, and Hiruzen could not believe his eyes as all his ANBU quietly walked backwards, standing at the door.


What sort of Genjustu was capable of that? No – it wasn't Genjutsu. Hiruzen had never heard or seen of such a Genjutsu that allowed anyone to do something like that – to completely override the will of trained shinobi –

"Hiruzen, would you please, kindly take a seat? We have much to discuss."


Hiruzen was still standing, gazing at me rather sharply and wearily. A shame. It seemed the Boon granted by my SS Rank Charisma could not compel people strong enough wills to obey me without question. The ANBU, for all their grandstanding, were surprisingly feeble minded. Hiruzen, was anything but that.

"Who are you and why are you here?" Hiruzen began.

It was quite fortunate for me that Hiruzen was not of the 'attack and imprison first, ask pertinent questions later' otherwise, this conversation would not even be happening. If I attempted this stunt on the Raikage, Kazekage or Tsuchikage, a civil discourse would be the last thing on their minds.

"Forgive my impromptu visit," I said with a smile. "But I felt, as Enforcer of the Land of Fire, it would be better to arrive unannounced, to catch the village in it's… natural state."

I watched as the gears turned in his mind, more so, recognition and realization dawned on his creased eyebrows.

"You… you are the Shepherd?"

I took a court bow. "In the flesh." I said simply. "No doubt a significant majority of your population are followers of mine, so surely, this visit also enables me to meet with them."

Hiruzen, for his part, had a less 'sharp' gaze, but he was still wary. He did not sit down, although, there was far less malice in his eyes, an indicator that it was increasingly less likely for him to attack.

"As I said, Hiruzen, kindly take a seat –"

"What did you do to my ANBU?"

I turned, looking at the silent ANBU standing guard.

"Nothing." I declared. "They are merely obliging the kind requests I made of them."

"Do you expect me to believe," Hiruzen said, narrowing his eyes. "That my agents would just choose to kindly oblige your requests?"

"But of course," I said smoothly. "After all, I do outrank you here Sarutobi. Daimyo Shijimi Hokora's decree was never undone or removed and still stands. As Enforcer, refusing my demands is tantamount to refusing the demands of the Daimyo himself."

"Ah, yes, Enforcer of the Land of Fire," Hiruzen said, seemingly remembering. "A title you attained eight years ago – but have yet to utilize to any true amount."


I took a seat, taking my place directly in front of Hiruzen, before smiling at the man. "Tell me, do you truly believe that? That I have yet to use my power in the Land of Fire?"

"Are you saying that you have not?" he countered.

"As much as I appreciate your attempt at fishing for information, Hiruzen," I said benignly, "I'm afraid it's not that simple. Now, will you please sit down so we can speak like civilized individuals, or are you going to keep staring at me like I made unsolicited passes at your daughter?"

Hiruzen narrowed his eyes at me. "Shall you then release my ANBU guards?"

"Will they attempt to make their weapons intimate with my organs if I do so?"

Sarutobi's lips seem to twitch. "Considering the failure of their first attempt, I would caution them against their second."

A far more subtle attempt to fish for information, but I merely smiled at him.

"If you say so Sarutobi." I waved my hand. "Loyal ANBU, you may continue your service in protection of your Hokage."

No sooner had the last syllable escape my mouth that the ANBU immediately gathered around me, their blades all centered on my neck this time around. I rose an eyebrow, gesturing to Sarutobi.

"I believed you said you would caution them."

"So I did." Sarutobi said gently. "It seems that they have failed to listen. I will ensure to have them disciplined for insubordination at a much later time."

Son of a –

"Surely you realize that you cannot kill me. I am –"

"The Leader of a Foreign Nation, illegally trespassing on foreign soil?" Hiruzen attempted, "A Religious Leader, with no grounds whatsoever to enter into the office of the Hokage which contains classified information and documents?" He continued, "Or the Enforcer of the Land of Fire – a declaratory, decorative title offered upon you but possesses no weight by which its authority is actually enforced? Which of these arguments were you about to proffer, Shepherd?"

…Was this actually Sarutobi? Or had I been underestimating this man for far too long?

"While you are, indeed, too high-profile an individual to merely kill," Sarutobi said "You are not too high-profile to keep under an extended period of detention. I assure you, you will be provided with a suitable enough accommodation and room and opportunity to narrate whatever reasons you believe a face-to-face meeting with me was necessary, amongst other things."

"ANB –"

"If you believe for even a second," Hiruzen interrupted me with a stern glare "That you can command my ANBU with your 'kind requests' for a second time, you are mistaken. I can assure you that they will and can slit your throat before you speak, and we do have medical practitioners on ground that will ensure you do not die from the process."

Well – Hiruzen was not having any of it.

Why had I believed this was a good idea in the first place? Ah, yes – because I thought Hiruzen was a kind and genial old man who would listen to anything I had to say without issue. Also because I believed my SS Rank Charisma would make the conversation carry on smoothly. An oversight, it seemed. Although, it was an interesting learning experience.

"Detainment does not suit me." I spoke, ignoring the scraping sound that echoed out as several ANBU had attempted to slit my throat. Their blades slid off my skin like it hit iron, a feat that made Hiruzen's eyes narrow even further.

"And it seems I underestimated you, Sarutobi Hiruzen," I continued, unperturbed. "Although, it seemed to have been a flaw on my part. I had a different 'vision' of you in my head. But enough of that – I am here to make a proposition to you."

"Are you truly so arrogant that you would believe you are in a position to make any such propositions?" Hiruzen said, sounding genuinely curious. "Do you perhaps even realize the position that you are in?"

I smiled at him. "You cannot kill me. Even if you wanted to kill me – hence, I feel no danger for my life. Aside from that, there is no prison that can hold me, and none of your men are capable of actually detaining me or hurting me. I have nothing to fear from you, Hiruzen, and hence, I am in the perfect position to make propositions."

Hiruzen… laughed.

He actually, laughed.

At me.

"My, my, I have lived and experienced much in my years as a shinobi," he declared, shaking his head "but never have I heard such grandiose claims, or seen someone so blinded by his own arrogance."

"Call it what you wish," I said, still smiling. "But regardless, you will listen to what I have to say?"

"Absolutely not." The God of Shinobi declared. "ANBU, seize him."

I frowned. Either I really did not understand Hiruzen's character, or, I had done something in this world to change it. Everything I knew about Hiruzen Sarutobi from the series pointed me to believe that he would actually listen to my offer, but then again – the Hiruzen from the series had never declared war on Kumo. Something had changed… I had changed something. I changed something enough to change Hiruzen's general disposition.

But… what?

Ah – well.

"A Shame. You would have truly benefited from the negotiations."




Three large, tremendous explosions hit Konoha, rocking the building and shaking it with the force of a small tremor. Everyone in the room utilized the tree-walking technique, sticking their feet to the floor in order to keep themselves from losing their footing.

Then, throughout the village, alarms began to ring.

Sarutobi snapped his gaze at me, his face absolutely livid. "What have you done?!"

"It isn't what I've done," I responded with a smile. "It's what I'm doing. And that, my dear Sarutobi – is conquering your beloved village."

In that moment, 'I' dissolved into a clone of Ice, but not before hearing Hiruzen Sarutobi's roar of fury.


"Naruto! NARUTO!"

Uzumaki Naruto's eyes snapped open, coming face to face with the grim-faced appearance of his best friend. He was disorientated, growing more confused when the sound of the village's sirens hit his ears.

"T-Ten-chan? W-wha? What the hell is going on?"

"Konoha – we're under attack!"

The boy's eyes widened, a snarl immediately escaping his lips. "Is it Kumo? How did they –"

"It's not Kumo!" Tenten responded urgently. "We – we're not sure, all we know is that –"

"People of Konohagakure no Sato"

A large, overwhelming voice echoed, like thunder, the voice could be heard everywhere in the village. Naruto and Tenten locked eyes, before the blonde shinobi-in-training swore and then leapt out of bed, grabbing his kunai set as he lunged for the doors of the orphanage.

"I am the Herald of the Divine, the One That Will Bring Heaven – The Shepherd."

"Naruto – wait – it's not safe!"

He didn't wait. He couldn't wait. How could he? When someone dared attack his home, dared put the lives of his people in danger –

He burst through the door, snarling as he looked around, trying to find the enemy –

Instead, all he saw, were people, shinobi, civilians, everyone, with their eyes turned skywards. He frowned, wondering why people would be wasting such valuable time at such a moment, only for his eyes to turn upwards as well –

He lost his breath.

In the sky, blanketing all of Konohagakure no Sato, was a flying… floating contraptions – a ship – but he used the term ship in the loosest sense. It was like a warship, a bright, pristine white color, possessing a familiar insignia – a crooked staff – and the sheer size made the Hokage Monument look like a small hill in comparison. It hovered above the village, resting amongst the clouds as though it was the cloud itself, and somehow, it did not fall, nor did it even seem to need to waver.

It was… a Flying Warship.

He didn't even know that such a thing existed.

"Today is a glorious day." The booming voice echoed throughout the city. "The righteous will rejoice, and the unjust will perish. Look above you to the skies Children of Hashirama, and rejoice. For today – today, I bring you your salvation."

Naruto grit his teeth, as Tenten appeared behind him, her eyes also widening as she gazed to the sky.

"I attempted to speak with your leader, Sarutobi Hiruzen. Yet, he turned me away. But fear not – I shall not suffer the plenty for the sins of the few. Instead, I give you, people of Konoha, a glorious opportunity." The voice continued, a soothing feel to it.

"The Divine Empire has manifested, as it is written – an empire free of chaos and war, an empire with prosperity, riches and wealth – a land of happiness, paradise on earth, as it shall be in the afterlife!" The voice boomed. "And you – Children of Hashirama – may join this empire. Mizu no Kuni is no more – as it is now christened the Kingdom of Lustra. Yuki no Kuni is the Divine Capital – Nirvana. And you, Konoha, shall be known as the Kingdom of Eden."

There was a palpable wave of shock that spread through the citizens. Already – this… Divine Empire had claimed Mizu no Kuni? The entirety of the Land of Water was now annexed and absorbed into this new empire?

"And as we stand on the precipice of change, this grand moment in history, I give you a choice. Peacefully, lay down your arms and surrender - and you will be welcomed with open arms into the Divine Empire." He bellowed. "Refuse, fight, and struggle – and your meeting with the Shinigami shall neither be swift nor painless."

Naruto clenched his fists. Who – who the hell was this guy? Who was he to come to their home and demand them to surrender? Who did he think he was to even give such an ultimatum?

"LIKE FUCKING HELL WE'LL SURRENDER!" He roared at the top of his lungs, making the girl beside him flinch from the ferocity. The shinobi and civillians around him turned, focusing on the voice of the one person, the blonde-haired boy, who, in spite of the overwhelming amount of odds, stared on brazenly, with neither fear nor hesitation.

The older and more experienced of them, felt ashamed, ashamed that they had all but given hope, and ashamed that it was a young boy who had the guts to do what they could not.

"WE ARE KONOHA!" Naruto bellowed, thrusting his fist into the air, his veins bulging in his throat from how hard he sent his voice into the air.

It was like a switch had been flipped, a stone thrown into a pond, and like that, the waves travelled.

"That's true – ! We're not going to let you take our home without a fight!"

"Eden? What the fuck is that – there's no way we're letting you strip our village of it's name!"

"We can do this!"


"We are Konoha!"

"We are Konoha!"


The shouts dispersed in the air like a thick gaseous fragrance. Shinobi, civilians, young, old, they got caught up in the shouts, they all chanted it from the pits of their stomach, from the depths of their guts –

"We. Are. Ko –no – ha!"

"We. Are. Ko – no ha!"

Feet stamped on the floor, on the ground, on rooftops and surfaces, a thunderous rhythm following the chants.

"WE. ARE. KO – NO – HA!"

"WE. ARE. KO – NO – HA!"

"WE. ARE. KO – NO – HA!"

"Very well." The voice boomed over the thunderous chants. "You have chosen your fate."

A bright light emerged from the front of the flagship, nearly blinding everyone who gazed upon it with its intensity. Naruto cursed and squinted, and Tenten covered her eyes with her hands –

Every single sensor in the village felt instant dread from the massive pile-up of chakra, and even those who were not attuned to the fine arts of sensing could feel the sudden thickness in the air, as it the entire world was doused in over-saturated amount of chakra –

Naruto could barely let out a shout of warning as a condensed beam of what could only be pure chakra raced down from the heavens like a god bemusedly flicking a finger.

And the horizon went white.


Shepherd Flagship

The Chakra Cannon Mark IV was the most effective one manufactured so far. I sat in the central command room, sitting on the main seat as I watched the effects on the screens, with no small amount of morbid intrigue. Unfortunately, the amount of natural chakra it needed to fully absorb before using was absurd… this meant that the cannon was only good for one shot every six months. It would be another six months before it could be fired again – but it wouldn't have anywhere near the same amount of power as it did now, because this shot had been charging and gathering natural chakra from the atmosphere for upwards of two years.

"Such… destruction." I heard Haku whisper beside me in awe. "This… is the power of the Divine Empire…?"

I smiled. "It is. I felt it best, to announce our arrival to the world by claiming Konohagakure no Sato – the strongest of all five villages. Konoha has never fallen, but once it does, the world will immediately know who is responsible, and they will understand, that they cannot fight against the will of the Divine."

It was the most effective strategy I thought of. Rather than going around, targeting smaller villages and gradually making a slow announcement to the world, (hence giving them time to anticipate and prepare) I went straight for Konoha. It was dealing with the biggest threat first, and then later, I'd go around and handle the smaller problems – the remaining three great hidden villages, and the smaller minor hidden villages, Akatsuki – and what not.

"Now, Disciples – the clean-up begins." I said matter-of-factly. "You know the priority targets. They are not, under any circumstances to survive the night."

"Yes Shepherd-sama." They chorused.

"Commanders!" I barked, and instantly, two people appeared before me, kneeling. The first was a relatively young woman with pink hair and green eyes, clad in the ever so familiar latex suit that was secretly a power augmenter. Her suit was white with camouflage patterns, and, (on the insistence of Haku and Koyuki) she wore standard kunoichi clothing over her suit, which consisted of a pair of fish-net shorts, and a button-up jacket.

Her name was Fubuki Kakuyoku.

The man, on the other hand had dark purple hair, but the same shade of striking green eyes. He wore the traditional black version of the suit, although his was far less visible due to the thick and bulky winter robes he wore on top of it.

His name was Nadare Roga.

In another world, these two would have been part of Doto's Three Man team, and would have fought against Team Seven in the Land of Snow. Of course, this was nothing like that world, and instead, they were the de-facto sub-leaders/commanders of my army.

They were Commanders, but Haku, Kimimaro, Kitami and Koyuki were Disciple Generals – ranking far above them, and able to command them as I would.

"Yes, Shepherd-sama." Nadare spoke, bowing.

"Order the Brethren to begin a full cleanse. Spare the faithful and devout, the women, children, and those who wish to surrender completely. Also, spare every one in ten males. Those who do not fall into this criteria are to be captured alive if possible, otherwise, kill them."

They nodded. "As you command Gat-sama."

In another burst of speed, courtesy of the Shunshin, they were gone.

I allowed a smile to curl on my lips, eerily remembering the infamous words of warfare uttered by Sun Tzu himself.

Thus it is the victorious strategist only seeks battle after the victory has been won, where as he who is destined to defeat first, fights and afterwards looks for victory. – Sun Tzu

More so, the past thirteen years had been preparing me for this moment. The day I conquered Konoha – and I did it before I ever even hit the 'canon' timeline. All thanks to the power of the Gamer.

I took in a deep breath, before re-examining my stats as I prepared for the next act of my invasion.


Name: Gato Junior

HP: 122,200/122,200

CHK: 64,000/64,000

Level: 74

Age: 13

Rank: Religious Leader/Daimyo

Title: The Shepherd

EXP: 5,049,001/10,394,334

Money: Approx. 545 Billion Ryo


Strength: 93 (+110) [S+ Rank]

Perseverance: 53 (+110) [S– Rank]

Endurance: 184 (+110) [SS– Rank]

Charisma: 241 [SS+ Rank]

Intelligence: 132 [S+ Rank]

Agility: 181 (+110) [SS– Rank]

Luck: 100 [A Rank]



(Senjutsu Chakra Suit: +110 to Strength, Perseverance, Endurance and Agility)

(Senjutsu Chakra Suit: +17500 Defense, +200% Range and Effectiveness to Chakra Sensing)

(Senjutsu Chakra Suit: +100% Bonus Damage/Effectiveness to Ninjutsu/Genjutsu. Grants Ninjutsu Negation, Genjutsu Negation)




(Strong Civilian Heritage: Possesses less Chakra than the average human, 60% harder to increase Chakra reserves)

(Demonically Handsome: Women (and some men) with lesser or no self-control are 66% more likely to strip you and/or attempt to rape you.)

(Utilitarian Machiavellianism: –65% Reputation Gains with Honorable or Good Characters.)

(God Complex: –50% Reputation Score with people not yet converted to your religion.)


(Divine Appeal: You can make people of low Intelligence, Charisma and/or willpower do your bidding merely by asking politely.)

(Heavenly Visage: +90% Reputation gains with Women and Children. (Divine Appeal) will be more effective on them.)

(Word of God: You can imbue people with boosted Stats, or weaken their stats by either encouraging, disparaging, or humiliating them.)

(Leader of the Flock: +60% to EXP Gains when fighting alongside your followers)


Gato Junior, or Gat, or more prominently "The Shepherd" is the son of prominent, but often amoral Business Tycoon, Gato. In his short thirteen years, Gato Junior found and propagated the religion of "Gatoism" throughout the Elemental Nations. He went on to create the Divine Empire, an Empire whose level of technological advancement far surpasses any other nation in the world, courtesy of Gato Junior's revolutionary ideas. With the power of technology backing his religious spread, Gat Junior has begun actualizing his goal of becoming God-Emperor of Mankind, by religious dominion, and, more recently, military conquest.

Eight years in the making. Thirteen years in total. All leading up to this.

I sat on my throne and closed my eyes, activating Let Thy Will Be Done – and dispatching an Ice Clone down below. From my position high above – I watched my Disciples – and I smiled.

"Time to get to work."


Ruins of the Hokage Monument

Sarutobi Hiruzen grit his teeth as he pushed off a massive pound of debris from his body. In his right hand, the Adamantine Staff was held, a thick furry arm extending out of it and doing its best to help him gather his bearings.

"Hiruzen-dono… are you alright?" Enma spoke, his voice unusually grave. "This – I have never seen such an attack before in all my years… never seen Konoha in such a state –"

Hiruzen coughed, standing tall amidst the wreckage, and as far as he could see, smoke completely occupied Konoha. Smoke and fire. The village was burning. The sound of combat could be heard echoing on in the distance.

"You should have listened to me, Sarutobi."

Hiruzen spun around, finding the standing form of him, the man responsible for his burning village, sitting casually on ice.

"You –" Hiruzen snarled.

"I am but a mere clone," the clone said, before smiling. "Truly, I have no reason to come down and fight for myself. To put myself in any form of danger, however little."

"Who is this man Hiruzen? And why… why is he… What… what form of ABOMINATION is this?!"

The clone, and Hiruzen but turned in surprise to the Monkey King, who was now standing at his full form rather than as a staff.

"Enma-dono? What is the matter?"

"This man – he has corrupted the very natural energy of the world. He – he is using Senjut-"

"Heaven's Flying Blade."

The Sandaime Hokage could only watch in horror as his familiar and partner, fell to the ground in an instant, sliced in half by a wave of sharp cutting wind.


The Hokage rushed forward –

Only for pure, unbridled instincts, born from years and years of combat, to save him as he tilted his head backwards, evading a sword-strike that would have decapitated him had it struck. He turned around, attempting to see his opponent, only for a sandaled foot to slam into his stomach with the force of a train, sending him skidding to the floor with at least two broken ribs.

"That was cutting it close Kitami." The clone of the Shepherd said, his voice sounding slightly displeased. "But then again – I suppose it slipped my mind that summons could detect… that."

The Sandaime Hokage stood to his feet, his entire form radiating rage, as he cast his gaze on the one responsible for the death of his companion, his familiar. The man, dressed in a loose-fitting Kimono, with two swords in each hand, a cigarette in his mouth, and his hair tied up, looked on lackadaisically at him.

"So… I'm the one who gets to fight the legendary God of Shinobi?" he said dryly. "Fighting a man who looks like he should have been buried years ago isn't my idea of a fun battle Gat-sama."

"Oh, trust me, Hiruzen isn't all washed up. At least, not just yet."

Hiruzen's eyes immediately caught the make and style of the blade, and his encyclopedic knowledge of swords and kenjutsu techniques helped him identify it easily. "A Samurai from Tetsu no Kuni? Has the Land of Iron also been annexed into this… Divine Empire?" Hiruzen spat.

Kitami shrugged. "Why don't you beat me and find out? That is –"

He casually swung his sword in the air, and a devastating pressure and shockwave of wind enough to blow Hiruzen's hair emerged from the simple action, making the Sandaime's eyes widen in surprise.

"– assuming you can beat me."


Konoha – Residential Districts

A gathered mass of shinobi stared at the destruction wrought on their village, the likes in which it had never seen in Three World Wars and an attack from a tailed beast. Worst still, the thing responsible for the destruction still hovered above them, still stood, casting a mocking shadow on their efforts.

The smell of burning flesh and the crackling sounds of embers could be perceived everywhere. The cries of children rang hollow throughout the village, as did the screams of people, trapped beneath buildings, begging and pleading for rescue.

Then, their leader, the Hokage, was visible, fighting off a swordsman on the ruined mountain that once held the faces of their village's heroes. Worse still, he appeared to be struggling, to be losing.

The Shinobi of Konoha were shaken.

"Hokage-sama is under attack! We have to help him!"

They were distraught.

"Help him? There are wounded everywhere – casualties – everywhere! How do we help them?"

They were disorganized and confused.

"Where the hell are ANBU?! Where are Danzo-sama's forces?"

They were losing faith.

"They got hit first! They're gone! The entire ANBU barracks is just dust and ash!"

"What do we do?!"

And it was in that moment –

"A lot of our main forces are still at the frontlines due to war with Kumo – we don't have many shinobi here!"


A voice bellowed through the chaos, men, women and shinobi alike turned their attention to the man, standing tall, his red eyes glowering with a burning intensity that seemed to dare anyone to speak.

The leader of the Uchiha Clan, the Chief of the Uchiha Police Force, Fugaku Uchiha, arrived on the scene.

"You all are panicking and behaving as though we have not prepared for an eventuality such as this. You have abandoned protocol, failed to establish a chain of command, and are standing about squabbling in self-depreciative heaps." His cold, sharp words cut out across the gathered shinobi. "This is not the time to panic. This is not the time to stop thinking. Konoha is under attack and if you are unable to put yourselves together and do what is needed, then grab your kunai, and drag it across your throat. You will be as much use to us either way."

Everyone was silent.

"We are being invaded. As per protocol, we must first fend off the intruders and then begin the process of aiding the wounded. All Academy Students and Genin Squads are to do their duty by escorting those who are able to move to safety. All Chunin and Jonin are to prioritize the defense of the village. You move with purpose, and you work with diligence. Is. That. Clear?"

"Y-yes sir!"

"Good. Now –"

"Sage Art: Ice Release: Artic Wonderland."

The air of the world stopped. Everything that had heat lost heat, and in seconds, the floor, the ground, buildings, people, everything –

Was encased in ice and snow.

The transition was faster than what people could process. Like a dam, bursting forth uncontrollably, the ice creeped over the entirety of Konoha, quenching flames and eliminating smoke, but freezing buildings and objects and even people, completely solid. Thick, overwhelming amounts of snow buffeted the roads, sleet appeared on rooftops and grounds – and those who were not frozen solid found themselves losing their footing in lieu of the suddenly different climate.

Fugaku had managed to evade the onslaught of ice by leaping into the air at the last minute – but many, many had not been that fortunate.

Konoha was frozen.

The temperatures had dropped to such a degree that Fugaku could see his breath appear in front of his face with every inhale and exhalation. More than that, the cold temperatures were freezing –

Fugaku cursed. As if the situation had not been bad enough – but now, in this frigid hell, people would die of hypothermia. They would die from slipping on frozen ground or from being buried under an inexplicable mound of snow.

The death toll would skyrocket.

"Fugaku-san." A calm voice made him turn his attention to the sound, finding a familiar Weasel-Masked ANBU that he knew.

"Itachi," Fugaku said without preamble, in a time of such crises, ANBU secret identities were irrelevant – "We need to melt this ice. Gather the Clan Members – everyone capable of using the Goukakyu – and –"

Both members of the Uchiha Clan felt something was wrong, their eyes immediately sharpening as both of them leapt off of the snow-filled ground.

It was not a second too soon, as giant, sharp icicles had emerged from the snow and nearly killed them instantly.

"…Be on your guard Itachi –" Fugaku said cautiously. His Sharingan Eyes spun faster than he had ever willed it before, and it was the only thing which enabled him to bring out his sword and block a strike with a frozen senbon aimed at his neck.

"… You blocked my attack." A soft, feminine voice said, revealing their attacker to them.

She was a girl. Not even old enough to be considered a woman yet, probably just reaching the age of puberty, with a beautiful young face and long dark hair tied into a smooth bun. She wore what looked like a pure white latex suit – the oddest choice for a kunoichi, yet, Fugaku's eyes nearly burned as he observed the sheer amount of Chakra the suit contained.

More than that, his eyes could see the flow of chakra in it… and he didn't understand what he was seeing, or how what he was seeing was even remotely possible.

She vanished from his sight –

No, Fugaku realized. She hadn't vanished… she –

She was travelling in the ice.

"Tou-san –" Itachi warned, and Fugaku nodded, spinning around and –


"Again… you blocked my attack. Again. No one has ever blocked my attack once, but you did it… twice." She said, frowning at him "How?"

Fugaku glared, his red, glowing three-tomoe eyes turning hypnotically, before, slowly, certainly, morphing into an entirely different pattern.

"You've never fought an Uchiha before."


Ruins of the Hokage Tower

"Yosh! We must make haste friend Kakashi – friend Kurenai. Hokage-sama must not be left alone to fight these fiends!"

Kurenai Yuuhi grit her teeth as she stared at the frozen winterland that was now Konoha. It was not even recognizable in the slightest form or way anymore. Her home – frozen, with destroyed buildings and thick, heavy snow blanketing the ruins.

A part of her wished the village had chosen to take the Shepherd's offer. Surely, it would have been better than this? Better than all the death and destruction? How many had lost their lives today in the name of pointless pride? How many children had lost their parents, how many parents had lost their children, how many husbands their wives and wives their husbands?

She shivered, gritting her teeth even harder as the cold got to her. Her outfit was not designed for such harsh winter conditions, neither was the majority of the outfits of the Konohan shinobi. Worse – all of this damage had been done by supposedly only one person… one person had changed the entire weather and thus, the entire course of the battle.

And yet, she chose to join Kakashi and Gai as the backup to aid the Hokage? She? She was a Chunin – what even possessed her to do this –

"Gai, slow down." The voice of the prodigy spoke up. "It's odd that there isn't any backup that has already reached Hokage-sama. There should have been at least one, or two ANBU to aid him. Something is wrong."

She flickered her gaze unto Kakashi, the man who, with his mask, she could never tell what he was thinking. Never know what was going on in that head of his. But, she agreed with his premise.

"Kakashi-san is right – if we decided to go back him up – others should have too. But – he's still fighting alone – so –"

"You feel that it is possible that there is an unyouthful enemy preventing re-inforcements?" Gai asked, frowning deeply.

"Or, a trap set out to stop people." Kakashi added. "We have to be cautious enough to –"

Kakashi and Gai stilled as they sensed a sudden burst of chakra.


Kurenai swore, tackling herself to the frozen ground and grimacing at how it numbed her skin. Kakashi and Gai both leapt in different directions, evading what seemed to be a small shower of fast moving projectiles.

She turned her gaze up, rapidly getting to her feet and trying to do her best to stick to the frozen floor, when, she suddenly came face-to-face with a strange albino looking man with white hair, who somehow invaded her personal space without her ever even realizing it.

"You seem scared." The boy said, casually, his voice almost inflectionless. "Why come to the battlefield with conflicted opinions? I can tell – you do not want to be here. Yet, you are. Why? Is this the 'courage' of which many people speak of? To do that which you do not wish to do yet attempt to do?"

Kurenai jumped backwards, doing her hardest to keep her pounding heart under control from how closecloseclosesoclose the young man had been to her. If he wanted to kill her, she would have died long before she realized what happened.

"And who exactly might you be?" Kakashi asked, raising his headband and unveiling his Sharingan eye to stare at the pale-skinned man.

"I am Kimimaro, Disciple General of the Divine Empire, and I obey the wishes and commands of my lord, Shepherd-sama." The young boy said tonelessly, before bowing. "He has commanded me to keep people away from the battle between your Hokage and my senpai. I do not need to use deadly force to accomplish this, and I do not wish to unnecessarily kill you. If you choose to turn back, I shall not stop you nor shall I attack you."

Gai seemed to stare at the young man with something akin to recognition. "While it is good to see such an honorable fighter, we cannot turn back here, as it would be greatly dishonorable and most unyouthful to abandon Sandaime-sama."

The boy, Kimimaro, tilted his head in what looked like confusion. "I do not understand. Is your Kage not your strongest shinobi? Why then would he need assistance from those who are significantly weaker? Would you not merely be an obstruction and a liability?"

Kimimaro then shook his head disparagingly.

"Your comrades seemed to have the same opinion. All of them seemed to believe that they would be of help, and claimed that it was their responsibility. They were convicted. I, too, am convicted that Shepherd-sama's word is law, and I must obey his command. I challenged their convictions. My convictions seemed to surpass theirs."

Kimimaro rose his hands, and Kurenai held back the bile in her throat as bodies… gods so many – bodies upon bodies of ANBU and even some Jonin, rose from underneath the ice, all of them, impaled violently in different manners by what looked like spikes made of pure bone. One woman was impaled from the mouth straight through the other end, like a macabre painting, like pieces of meat haphazardly speared.

"I gave them all the chance to turn back. They refused. They unwisely wished to test their convictions against mine. Their convictions were weak, and they, weaker."

"I will not stand here and listen to you disparage the hard work and sacrifices of my comrades, spit on their memories and mutiliate their remains!" Gai roared, causing everyone to stare at him in shock.

"Gai – calm down – we need to –" Kakashi tried to be the voice of reason. Tried.

"Gate of Healing! Open! Gate of Life! Open! Gate of Pain! Open!"

Kurenai watched, transfixed as waves and waves of power and chakra rushed forth from the body of Konoha's Green Beast, as he kicked off from his position, shattering the ice and melting the snow around him as he blurred forward with his right fist extended.

"Do you also wish to test your convictions against mine?" Kimimaro asked casually, before he got into a stance. "Very well. Perhaps you will fare better than those who came before you."

He slammed his hands together, just as Gai got within striking distance, fist outstretched –

Sage Art: Fist of the Skeleton King

And a giant skeletal hand rose up in response.


Ruins of the Hokage Monument

Fast. Strong. Swift. Dangerous.

It had been a long time since Hiruzen had fought an opponent like the samurai in front of him. It had been too long. The man seemed to be in perfect fighting shape, he seemed to be capable of dodging even the craftiest and wiliest of Hiruzen's attacks – capable of taking any Ninjutsu he took without blinking or flinching.

Half of Sarutobi's arsenal was gone with that fact. Ninjutsu was ineffective against his opponents, and Hiruzen was not confident enough in his Taijutsu to be capable of contending with the man's Kenjutsu. Had he not lost Enma, he would have used his Bukijutsu – but it wasn't even an option anymore.

"Come on old man… give me a challenge!"

The swordsman, Kitami, got within close-range again, his swords swinging in an overhead strike. Hiruzen blocked, wielding kunai in both arms to block the swings. He winced from the force of the impact, gritting his teeth as he felt a few fingers break from the amount of force deceptively hidden behind the swing of the Samurai.

The aged Hokage swung his arms bringing up his left arm for a jab and his right for a slash across his opponent's eyes – neither connected. The kunai he jabbed into the man's stomach shattered like he'd slammed it into steel, and the slash aimed for the man's eyes was effortlessly blocked with his long katanas.

Or at least, part of it – Hiruzen channeled wind chakra into it at the last second, aiming to deal some unexpected damage, only for the man to scoff as he leaned backwards, somehow predicting that move.

"This is getting tedious." The samurai said with a shake of his head, before slamming both his swords down in an overhead swing, forcing Hiruzen to leap to the air to evade the attack. He tossed out a kunai, simultaneously creating three Shadow Clones as he did, and casting another jutsu, the Shadow Shuriken Technique.

His opponent barreled through the storm of Shurikens, surprising Hiruzen with the brazen, suicidal tactic, and then he connected the back of his leg with Hiruzen's stomach. The old man folded in half like a lawn-chair, coughing out spittle as he was sent crashing into the ice and snow from the impact.

"You're getting cocky Kitami," The Shepherd's clone said. "Beating up the elderly isn't something to be proud of."

Hiruzen coughed, taking in a deep breath as he turned his gaze to the clone of the young man that seemed content with making occasional quips and providing commentary.

"What do you hope to achieve from all this?" Hiruzen asked, "Destroying Konoha? Killing thousands? A Join-or-die ultimatum? I had believed your religion was one of peace?"

"Not entirely." The Shepherd admitted. "Believe it or not, I started all this with the goal of conquering the world."

Hiruzen's eyes shot up. The blatant truth smacking him in the face.

Danzo was right… All along – he was right.

"Such an evil goal, I know. Yet, in my pursuit of evil, I have accomplished more good for the Elemental Nations than men like you have done, in their pursuit of good." The Shepherd professed.

He walked, hands behind his back and a smile on his face.

"In a little over thirteen years, I have ended civil wars without bloodshed, provided food, jobs, education and healthcare to those starving, unemployed, illiterate, and sick. I have revolutionized the Communication and Technology of the world, and developed newer, more effective methods of transportation. I industrialized the world's commerce, improved its method of trade and agriculture and day in and day out – I give the people hope."

The Shepherd declared. "Real or Fake – I give them hope. Hope to live. I inspire them, I motivate them and I have saved more lives than you have destroyed in your entire career."

The Shepherd then stared at him with… disgust.

"So tell me, Sandaime, in your over seventy years living on this planet…"

The Shepherd stared at him.

"What have you accomplished?"


Ruins of Konoha's Orphanage

His village was under attack.


His people were fighting for their home.

So very cold.

Entire districts had been destroyed in one attack.

Cold. Colder.

He couldn't move. He didn't know which way was up. He didn't know where the snow came from. But he was cold… so very cold…

Until he grabbed something. Something warm. Very warm. But – it was getting colder. Growing colder by the second.

No no no –

His eyes, weary, opened to identify the source of his warmth –

It was her –

"T-T-T-Ten-chan?" he rattled, the cold making his teeth slam against each other.

She wasn't responding.

"N-N-N-No – T-T-Ten-chan… c-c-come o-on – t-t-this isn't f-f-funny –"

She still wasn't responding.

"T-T-Ten-chan? T-Ten-t-ten –"

She wasn't moving.

"T-Ten-t-ten – p-please – y-y-you n-n-need t-t-to – w-w-wake up –"

She wasn't breathing.


He was warm now.

Hot – bubbling warmth –

Snow was melting –

Ice was sizzling –

So warm.

Let everyone…

Feel so warm.