
Son Of Erebus 2

This is the second book in the series Son Of Erebus, it’s is a basic continuation of the first book. Let me know what you think!!

King_RomanX · Fantasie
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9 Chs

Climbing Olympus

I raced into my cabin, grabbed what I needed and went over to the stables. I figured they'd think I was less of a threat if they could see that I wasn't planning anything. Now I had everything ready I just needed to find the location of the gods stronghold. I wanted to inform as few people as possible about my whereabouts so I decided to talk to Borus.

"Where is Olympus?" I asked.

He saw the look of pure rageful determination in my eyes and slowly said,

"The empire state building, the six hundredth floor." I just turned and said,

"Watch after them. I don't know if i'll be coming back."

I began to walk to where my pegasi waited, running through all of what I needed to say to the gods. I steeled my nerves, saddled my horse and began to fly towards New York City.

I came into view of the building and my heart began to pound. I began to doubt my resolve,

"Should I do this?" I asked myself.

I set down nearby, tying up my steed in an alley and left him some carrots I had packed. I slowly walked towards the building, my heart beating louder and louder. I walked into the lobby and said that the bellhop was a cyclops, I tried not to look shocked to alert the other people. I walked over to the receptionist sitting at the desk, I was unsure of what to ask so I decided to be honest.

"Ma'am I'm looking for the way up to the six hundredth floor." I asked.

She looked deep into my eyes, she kept staring at me.

"Alright hun, go on up." She said, pointing to the elevator all the way to the right.

Once she did it began to glow, it opened and I slowly walked in. It shut and slowly began to gain a rising speed, I braced myself by holding on to the rails. I shut my eyes, trying to calm my body. I felt sick, my organs felt like they were tied in a knot and reversed. My head began to spin, my eyes began to see triple of everything, my legs began to feel wobbly. I could barely stand, I knew it had to stop sometime so I just kept enduring the pain. I began to notice it slowed down, once my mind became steady again I looked at the screen and it said,

"600th Floor"

The doors flung open and I was shocked by the pure beauty of what I saw. I saw the most beautiful garden ive ever seen, my eyes drifted from statue to statue, realizing they were of each god. I saw Zues's, Ares's, Hades's, and Posiden's. They had great magic power about them, I could sense that they led somewhere. I figured that it was most likely to each god's domain, so I walked forward in awe. I kept looking around until I heard a massive voice boom,

"Intruder! Leave Here At Once."

Then my resolve steeled itself again.

"I've come here to speak with the gods! Take me to them!" I hollered back.

"LEAVE OR BE KILLED!" Was the only response I got.

I paused a moment, they probably could kill me, but I had to do this. We needed the gods' help, and they needed us. I drew my blades,

"Damn the consequences." I said as I marched forward.

As soon as I did floods of faceless men in bronze armor charged me, they were armed with a shield and a sword.

"Tsk.. Faceless pricks." I spat as I launched myself into battle.

I began hacking and slashing for what seemed like forever, faceless men dropping left and right. I was determined not to use any darkness, if I did I knew the gods wouldn't see me. I was drenched in sweat and tiny cuts when a voice boom.

"Enough! Heracles back your men off him! Let him Pass!"

"Damn it Father!" The voice from before retorted.

The men vanished instantly. I slowly walked forward, before I knew it I was in the middle of those statues, I flipped around and saw that the room had instantly changed and I was in the middle of the gods meeting hall.

"Oh shit!" I thought.

I sheathed my blades and bowed.

"What brings you here child?" A large man with long pure white hair asked.

"Zues" I thought to myself.

I began explaining everything to him, all the other gods just sat and listened, looking rather bored. I did manage to catch a few dirty looks from Ares, and Hades sat looking as deathly as ever.

"So you'd like our help then?" Zeus asked when I finished.

"Yes my lord." I replied, I hated being this polite, it made me sick to my stomach.

"We will discuss this." He said.

"I for one think we should help the boy." Hades said instantly.

I was shocked by his instant reaction, I did kill his son. But I could tell he knew what I wanted to do, he knew i'd send him the man that made his son a criminal.

"I disagree." Ares said.

"This child is of primordial blood, making him tainted. We do to help the primordials." He finished.

I bit my tongue, I wanted to scream at him. I wanted to punch him in his smug face, but I held back.

"I agree with Ares unfortunately." A woman's voice said,

I turned to see and saw that it was Hera. I began to grit my teeth.

"I think we should help him," ANother woman's voice said,

"I second that." A second female voice replied.

I turned to see who spoke, it was Athena and Aphrodite. I pryed my eyes away from Apthrodite to see that Poseidon was staring at me.

"Why should we help you? Convince me." He said.

I just began to talk,

"In all honesty I have so many personal goals involved in this. But I won't talk about those, I want to be a leader for my friends, I want to be someone they can count on. I want to usher in a new generation of peace, where demi gods don't have to pick up a sword everyday and they don't have to fight for survival. I want to make peace, I want to put the giants where they belong and avenge those who were lost and controlled by the bastards." I grit my teeth at that.

I knew I had to keep talking,

"I want a life with the person who was hurt by them the most, I've spent two years of my life training to get her back. Now that I have her back I want to end this once and for all, once final battle that ends it all."

I could feel the fire begin to rise, I couldn't control myself anymore.

"I WILL win, whether you help us or not. I will fight Typhoons myself if I have to. SO if you don't help us your reputation will be tarnished for millennium!" I boomed.

I began to pant and growl, but Poseidon laughed.

"Ha ha ha ha! That's the fire! I think we should help the boy." He finished.

"This boy got fired!" I could tell that it was Hermes' voice.

"Mah.." Dyoniousus said.

"Here Here. Lets help." A femine voice said, I turned to see that Artimus had spoken, Apollo was nodding next to her.

"The vote has ended, We will help you. But only Typhoon, we will defeat the monster." He said, as he said that joy erupted into my chest.

"But I have one request, that you join us." He said. The joy faded instantly, I hesitated for a moment. Then I decided,

"Deal." I said.

"Now boy, leave us." Zeus said. I bowed and turned to leave when Ares said

"Your father won't protect you when you face that monster boy." He spat.

I turned to look at him, I just stared at him. I could feel the bloodlust flowing out of me, the calm eerie silence made the look deathly, I saw a mere hesitation in his eyes. I turned and walked away and knew I'd done what I came here to do. I began absentmindedly walking down to the elevator, I knew I'd have to endure that pain again so I sat down and waited. I just kept waiting but the pain never came, I knew we were down at the lobby so I got up and left. I found my horse and we flew back to camp. I began formulating a plan of action, I had gotten the god's help and father's. All that's left is finding their main camp, and a plan of attack. I had been thinking for so long that I didn't realize I had already arrived at camp, so I quickly put my stuff away and raced towards the main hall. I barged in and started barking commands,

"Call the leaders, get me the head of each cabin, Send out scouting missions to find the enemy camp!"

All the people inside didn't even hesitate, they just raced off to obey me. I could feel Emmma and Marco behind me,

"It's time for one last showdown- one final battle between hope… and despair!" I said.