
Son of a fallen

In dxd with the mangekyou sharingan, ha can I even be stopped

Grim_Reaper_4508 · Anime und Comics
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8 Chs


(the nest day)

"master.... Master... You must get up, you have school" a sweet voice said as I reached up an grabbed Grayfia and brought into a huge

"school is for weak minded, I am not" I said half asleep as I felt a par of lips as I opened my eyes, Gray was kissing me as I followed in as she broke it off

"good your awake" she said with a smile as I looked at her as she was fully dressed in her maid outfit

"what a dirty trick, but I've got to respect it" I said getting up as I went to the bathroom took a shower, but I spent a while moving my Chakra around my body

'if I have Chakra that means I can use ninjustu and thanks to these eyes, I am able to perfectly remember every single thing in Naruto' I thought as I turned off the water and went out

"I've got the basics in Chakra control and all the information on genjustu and how to use my eyes but other then that I've got a blank" I said as I did a cross with my fingers

"shadow clone is just you, divide Chakra in half, and if the idiot naruto, how knew nothing on Chakra could do it, so can I" I said

"shadow clone" I said as a colorless me appeared

"to little Chakra, lets try again" I said as I kicked it

"shadow clone justu" I said and in a smoke cloud, a me clone apeared

"you only have half of my Chakra"

"yeah but you do know the rules correct" it said as I nodded

"yes that's why, I want you to just do Chakra control exercises" I told him as he nodded and disappeared

"he only had a towel on.... Yeah that his problem not mine" I said as I brushed my teeth and got dressed in my school uniform but I had a gray and black shirt, then went down stairs to see an already made breakfast as grayfia was happily moving around the kitchen

"you seem different.... Happier" I asked as I sat down

"I feel forefilled somehow, as if a hole inside was just filled" she said as her smile got bigger

"with my dick" I said as I ducked as a knife stabbed into a wall as I sat down and eat before I realized that I was later

"huh I'll have to deal with the glasses girl"

"then I'll come with you" she said as I shook my head

"no go buy some regular clothes" I said as I finished my food and walked up to her and gave her a deep kiss as I left and took out the phone and headset, Gray got me as I played music and walked to school

As I got there I could see a lot of students looking at me, a few where saying something but I payed them no mind as I went to the office

"and what can I help you with young man"

"new students, name Raiden Uchiha, here for schedule" I said to her as she looked up my name

"oh I have a Raiden but no last na-"

"that's me, now please schedule" I said as I placed her under a genjustu

"yes under Azazel, but I must apologize, your schedule is at the student council office" she said with a smile as I nodded

"oh but you may want to remove you contacts" she said as I looked at her

"hn" I turned and left as I went to the student council office as I got to the door I knocked

"come in" a voice said as I opened the door to a large room as Sona and her group along with her sister Serafall where there

"huh it's to early for this" I said as I walked into the room and went straight for the front desk, ignoring everyone

"I'm here for my schedule" I said to Sona as she just looked at me

"Raiden, age 17,birth place unknown, parents unknown-" I read her lips

"I can't hear you, music" I said pointing at my ears as I could see her get angry, as she signaled for me to take them off so I took out one as she read my file

"oh my God, just give me my schedule" I said as I was getting a bit frustrated

"and why the fuck do you have access to my personal information, did the school give it you, if so, I'll have to report this to the proper authorities" I said with out a care as the temptation dropped but I ignored it

"my schedule" I said as Sona looked at her sister, then me

"in a minute, I just wanted to find out what you are" she asked as I rolled my shoulders back and my wings popped out from my back

"you... Your the fallen that fought kokabiel"

"yes now my schedule" I asked again calmly but my MS was glowing

"what is a fallen angel doing, in devil territory" Sona asked as her group went on the defensive

"I live here" I said simple

"or you came to kill us to get to our siblings" she said as I sighed

"why would I waste my time, in bullying the weak, I could kill every single person in this room and there would be nothing any of you could do to stop me" I said as Serafall stepped up

"is that so" she said as frost appeared around the room

"yes, do you not remember what happened a few hours ago, I showed you mercy once there will be no second, so please, give me my schedule so I can get this day over with" I said as I closed my eyes and relaxed

"I see, here you go and another thing" she said as I was about to take it but she pulled away

"whhhaaaatttt" I said annoyed

"your eyes"

"are natural like this, but" I said as I blinded as they where gray

"here you go" I said as I took my schedule and left the room and walked in a random direction

"wait" a voice said but I didn't stop but I heard loud foot steps as the person stopped in front of me

"what now" I asked Sona

"I wanted to show you around the school and your classes and.... I also wanted to apologize to you" she said as I brushed it off

"okay, you didn't attack me so alls well"


"yes, words are useless to me and I don't hold hate, it tends to be a problem for those with my eyes" I said pointing at my eyes

"well other than that, thank you for saving us, if you hadn't show up at the moment you did Kokabiel would have killed my friend" she said as I nodded and then she showed me my classes and then the rest of the school

"and this is it" she said as he pointed at a door

"my class huh" I said as I looked inside the room

"there are three devils in here" I said as she nodded and knocked as the teacher came and opened the door as Sona explained to him

"I see, well wait here until I call for you" he said and went back inside the room as I waited until her called for me as I went inside the room

"my name is Raiden Uchiha" I said as I looked around to see Issei, Xenovia and Asia in my class

"is that all" the teacher asked as I nodded


"then I guess you can take a seat in front Xenovia" he said as she raised her hand as I walked to her and sat at the seat in front her and decided to sleep, and I couldn't enjoy that as the one behind me was constantly staring at me and after a hour or more the bell rang but I decided to stay

"hy,... Hy" I sighed as I got up and looked at the person how called me

"yes" I said as Xenovia looked at me before she bowed

"I thought it was best to thank you, for what you did for us a few days ago"

"okay, your welcome, but where you not human"

"I was but I decided to bag Rias to make me a devil"

"okay then" I said as I stood up from my seat and began to walk away as she followed me every where I went as I ignored her and went to the roof

"we not allowed up there" she said as I raised as eyebrow

"it's a school run by devils" I said as I used my magic to unlock the door and open it

"don't you have somewhere to be" I said to her as she shook her head

"very well then"

"why are you so strong" she asked randomly

"I was born strong" I said which was true

"I've also have these eyes, but that's a story for never" I said as I release my illusion before I placed it back as a magic circle appeared behind her ear

"I'm with him right now president... Okay I'll tell him" Xenovia said as the circle disappeared from her ear as I got up as she opened her mouth

"yeah yeah come on" I said to her as we went to the ORC

"creep place" I said as I went inside without knocking as I walked to the office before kicking the door open

"your place is creepy" I said with a bored tone

"don't you know how to knock"

"you call me here, which means you know that is was coming" I said to Rias

"hey your that fallen that beat Kokabiel" Issei said as I looked at him

"and you are..... Who are you"

"we're in the same class"

"actually I don't care, now why am I here Rias" I asked her

"have you no manners" she said as she looked irritated

"no what do you want" I said as I sat on the couch

"I want to know why a fallen is in my territory"

"I live here" I said simply as I crossed my arms

"then why did you, save us"

"The elf was try to kill me" I said as with little care as I yawned

"anyways I don't have time to answer all your questions, so Grayfia" I said as appeared

"answer there questions for me" I said as I placed my head on her lap

"Grayfia what are you doing with this fallen angel, are you not a servant of the gremory house" Rias asked as I got comfortable

"no not any more that is, I've resigned from my position and have decided to stay by my love side" she said as there was a shooked faces

"you mean-"

"I have fallen in love with Raiden" she said

"but you are the wife of my brother" Rias said in a mixture of emotions

"huh please speak to your brother about that Rias, now enough about my personal matters Rias, I will answer another question but not personal ones" she said as she began to fire out questions as Grayfia answered them skillfully, in a way that she gave little to no information

"are you done" I asked as I got up


"very well then" I said as I stood up starched a bit as I grabbed her shoulder as we teleported away, to Azazel place as I went for the door, it opened

"come on in" he said as he turned to grayfia for a second

"are you sure"

"yes" he said as we went inside and he took us to a remote island

"so what are we doing here"

"simply, I want you to destroy this island"

"that easy"

"the island has been reinforced with magic and it would take a lot to destroy it" he said as I just looked at him

"but before that I want you to do a few things first" he said as he took out a device

"teleport this, into you dead space" he said as he threw it up as I began to warp it, it moved to a different location

"I didn't say it was going to be simple" he smiled as I looked at him then back at the device as it began moving at lightning speeds around me as I studied it

"there" I said as I warped it away

"okay next the distance" he said as he took out another and threw it

"I want to see where your reach ends so" he said as I placed a portal on it as it stayed on the object till about a few km

"Impressive, now your illusion powers" he said as I snapped my fingers as we where now on the moon

"this is amazing but you won't be testing it on me, I've asked a friend of mine to help with this" he said as the space turned into butterfly and we where back

"complex illusion" he said as the sky opened and a blue dragon landed as a little man with a tail jumped down

"a fallen angel that possess such pure Chakra, do you want to be a sage boy" the man asked as I shrugged my shoulder

"no clue, probably, maybe" I said as he nodded and turned to Azazel

"is this the kid"


"so I heard you are able to cast powerful illusion boy" the man asked as I nodded


"I want you to try it on me" he said as I nodded as reality began to crack the it shattered into a million pieces

"ahhh so you are able to manipulate the sense and energy of others, truly a powerful ability, but" he said as he broke out

"I'm impressed boy, it took me quite the effort to break that one but you power have a few weaknesses, like if I where to destabilize my energy flow, a person from the outside world breaks me out or I simply take back control of my power, but one needs to have 100% of the energy under control"

"that is correct but" I said as i pointed behind him

"you're still under a genjustu" I said with a smile as the world shattered as he turned to his body

"I didn't even notice"

"yeah only a sharingan user can fight a sharingan user" I said to him as he was about to ask for more but

"so what do you think"

"his illusion abilities are complex and powerful, but suffer from the same weakness as any other, but what special about his is that they are completely impossible to notice and if you do it may be to later" he said to Azazel

"huh kids these days, anyways, you have one attack destroy this island" he said as they got on the dragon and flew into the sky as I followed them till I stopped and turned to the island as I raised my hand up then snapped my finger as a giant lightning bolt came out and within a second there was a massive explosion

'I see, so mixing light and Rukh cause combustion' I thought as I had mixed the lightnings bolt with a small amount of light

As it cleared more than half of the island was complete destroyed

"so was that all" I said as I had used about 20% of my Rukh

"the full extent of my power, yes but I can still launch multiple lightning bolts with the same destructive force" I said as Azazel smiled the that smile turned into a full on laughter as we looked at him

"okay, will that be all"


"good" I said before I teleported us back home, I went out found the asshole lady

"what do you want kid" she said as I stared at her

"oh you know just to give you a second chance to be a good person, Kotoamatsukami" I said as I made her nice and loyal to me as my left eye closed up

"now here a list of things I need, get them for me" I said to her as I gave her a list of things to buy before she nodded and left as I fall onto a wall tired holding my eye as I used Kamui to get back home