
Somewhere in Time (InuYasha Fan Fiction)

It started with the smell of tears. Sesshomaru was drawn to her. Kagome was perplexed by him. Their paths always seemed to cross, and these odd encounters unknowingly wrote the Lord of the Western Lands and the Miko into history.

hanzelwrites · Anime und Comics
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38 Chs

Truth Hurts

Kagome had been restless for days. And Inuyasha's constant fidgeting around her didn't help ease things up a bit. Honestly, she had already forgiven him for running off to Kikyo, she just didn't know how to tell the poor guy. He was clearly guilty and repentant, she understood that. What she didn't understand, however, was the reason why he was upset.

"Do you know why?" she asked Sango while they were relaxing in the hot spring they had found earlier. Bubbles floated around the warm water as the taijiya rubbed her arms with Kagome's liquid soap.

"Just ask him, Kagome-chan. He seems really upset about something."

The young miko sighed and wrapped her arms around her knees, her chin dipping into the water. Aside from worrying about Inuyasha, she couldn't take her mind off of his half-brother too. It was chivalrous of him to stay by her side as she slept through the night. She would even consider the gesture as very sweet. And as she thought of the way she woke up, she blushed deeply.

The great Sesshomaru, Lord of the Western Lands, had his arm wrapped around her, his mokomoko-sama covered her bare thighs and legs in warmth, and his striped cheek rested against her head. It was an awkward but intimate moment, especially when the youkai lord awoke almost at the same time she did and seemed unruffled by their compromising position.

To Sesshomaru's credit, he proved to be a gentleman—offering to hunt for her breakfast and walk her back to her friends. Sesshomaru, the killing perfection, just didn't do something like that, especially to a human. Especially to a priestess who's friends with his half-brother. It seemed offending to decline the Lord of the Western Lands so she politely asked his help to find the way back to the cave.

And that was it. After sincerely thanking him, Sesshomaru merely nodded before walking away.

Inuyasha couldn't have known that she spent the night with his half-brother… could he? And why would it matter anyway? He spent his night with Kikyo. That meant more than her spending the night with the youkai lord.

Kagome's head swam with questions as she and Sango dressed and made their way back to the camp. Miroku was tending the two skinned rabbits for dinner and Shippo was helping with the camp fire. Inuyasha sat cross-legged at the edge of the clearing, eyes closed. His ears twitched as the girls arrived.

Sango looked at Kagome encouragingly and she meekly took hesitant steps towards the hanyou.

"Inuyasha?" she whispered by way of greeting. When he didn't acknowledge her, she quietly sat beside him. "Are you upset about something?"

She could tell their friends were listening tersely no matter how busy they tried to be.

Inuyasha finally opened his eyes and gazed at her with raised eyebrows. He made grumbling noises and looked away.

"Are you mad at me?" she pressed.

After a tense minute, Inuyasha's frown deepened as he took a deep breath and spoke. "Why did you smell like Sesshomaru?"

The question was stated so bluntly, so accusingly, that Kagome visibly flinched. She could feel the burning eyes of everyone openly staring at her.

She opened her mouth to speak but no words came out. What came out was a strangled choke. "I… Uh… H-he…"

Inuyasha's molten eyes bored into her, probing her for answers.

"I ran into him," she said, lowering her gaze.

"I smelled him all over you, Kagome." This statement only added to the growing tension in the air.

She can't take it anymore. A thin sheen of sweat glazed over her forehead as she met Inuyasha's gaze. "He stayed with me all night."

The hanyou growled and was suddenly on his feet. He eyed the fading bruise on her knee. "Did he give you that?"

"No! I… fell. He found me after."

His face was livid now. "Why were you alone with him, damn it! He's dangerous, Kagome! What if he tried to kill you again? I wasn't there to protect you!"

"Exactly!" Kagome's own temper had snapped and every pent-up emotion she'd kept suddenly exploded into a white-hot fury. "You weren't there. Why weren't you there again?"

This retaliation shocked Inuyasha and the rest. His ears flattened and he looked away guiltily. It was his turn to be dumbfounded.

"Sesshomaru was there for me, Inuyasha. That night was my birthday and he stayed with me."

No one uttered a word. No one moved. Kagome's words hung in the air like a miasma.

"Why didn't you tell me it was your birthday?" Inuyasha asked silently.

"Would it have made any difference? You would still go to her regardless." Kagome turned around and started towards the opposite side of the clearing. She stopped and held Inuyasha's gaze. "I know what we are, and what we are not."

With a sad smile, she melted into the encroaching darkness.

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