
Something like Destiny

"Your father isn't who he says he is," the strange woman said even though Cindy has never seen this woman before she found comfort in her presence. "Tell me who he is," she said anxiously her father couldn't be as bad as the lady made him sound she thought. "If you don't believe me ask him what happen to your mother," the lady said leaving Cindy in a state of shock, her mind buzzing with every possible conclusion that she could come up with. Now everything made sense, she didn't want to believe it but she could no longer deny that her father may have killed her mom.

Arena17 · Teenager
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13 Chs


Glad to see you still here


"Cindyyyyyyyyy," I swear these people never let me sleep I check the time on my burner it's only 7 plus it's a Sunday.

I roll out of bed rubbing sleep from my eyes I walk downstairs where Sandra was typing away on her phone as usually who she's texting only God knows. "Yes Sandra." she finally looked up from the phone.

"Your father sent some money it's on the kitchen counter, go get it and then start breakfast I'm hungry." she's finally giving me money thank god.

I walk into the kitchen and there is three hundred dollars on the counter I know my dad didn't send just this, no wonder she gave me the money he must have sent a large amount but I wasn't complaining at least she gave me money.

For breakfast I made pancakes and eggs Mia came down shortly after I finished cooking I served them their plates and went to my room. I have five hundred dollars now imma go to Walmart to pick up some more school supplies and I need some hair products from the local beauty store.

After setting up my phone I didn't create any social media accounts since I ain't know body nor do I have friends so imma only download webnovel for now.

On Sundays Sandra normally goes to brunch and Mia probably goes out with some guy, as usual, they left a list of things for me to do. I walked into the kitchen the list is on the fridge.

.do the laundry

.clean all the rooms in the house

.do the dishes

.take out the trash

.cook dinner

That's not so bad compared to the previous ones. It's now a little past one so I didn't waste any more time I got started with the dishes first since I was already in the kitchen.

After about five hours of cleaning, I'd finally done it's about four-thirty I'm about to go take a shower and go to Walmart when I got to the store I went straight to the stationary section.

After getting everything I needed I went to check out I paid for my items and walked out.

Next to the beauty store from there I need some stuff for my hair and face and don't judge me I don't get money to buy all the expensive skincare items, while in getting the things I was so wrapped up in reading the label while walking that I bumped into someone. I need to pay attention to my surroundings.

"I'm sorry I didn't see you." said a short light skin girl with brown curly hair she looks about my age and damn is she pretty. " it's fine I wasn't looking either." she seems like a nice person.

"I'm Laura," she said smiling "I'm Cindy"

"Are you new around here I haven't seen you before?"

"No, I'm not, I just don't go out often."

"Oh well, it was nice meeting you."

"Likewise," I said smiling

After my encounter with laura, I paid for my stuff and head to the bus stop, when the bus pulled up I got on and took my seat upon reaching my stop I got off and walked to the house.

I took my bags to my room and got started on dinner it was the same routine they came in didn't acknowledge me unless they wanted something I served them their food when to my room to eat came back down to do the dishes then I took a shower.

Now I'm just organizing my stuff for school tomorrow, its gonna be the first day of my Senior year and I plan on enjoying it you know make a few friends or even get myself a boyfriend and have a good last year.

After getting everything together I set my alarm and went to bed.



My phone went off its now five am, yes five in the morning I gotta a lot of stuff to do so it's best I get up early.

Lazily getting out of bed I walk to the bathroom, after relieving myself I went back into the room to pick out an outfit I went with a simple light blue ripped jeans with a white champion t-shirt paired with some vans.

After I getting dressed and doing my hair I grabbed my book bag and walk downstairs to start breakfast.

I made the usual pancakes and eggs by the time I was done it was 7 and the bus will be here around 7:30, they came down fully dressed for the day Mia is a beautiful girl but her personality spoil it, I'm so thankful that they didn't acknowledge the new clothes, Sandra didn't work so she just went out to brunch every damn day, I served them their plates and was about leave when Mia decided that she was was on a diet.

"What the hell is this," she said eyeing the food with disgust

"It's breakfast the kind I usually make every day"

"Well, I can't eat that I'm on a diet" I swear this girl ate this yesterday.

"Well, I can't make anything else because the bus will be here any minute."

"Do I look like I care?" lord give me the strength, I didn't answer her hoping she would give up.

"Motherrrrrrr" she screamed "yes Hunny"

"Cindy doesn't wanna make me breakfast" this bitch has some nerve.

"What Cindy just do as your told before I tell your daddy you haven't been nice to us and you know how he feels about respect," she said, and then back to her phone Mia just stood there with a dumb smirk on her face.

I had to make her a damn fruit salad and the bus already left, I finished putting the fruits in a bowl and walk into the living room and gave her.

"Did you layer the fruits according to how I told you"


"Did you put lime juice on it"


She tastes it and then looked but at me "this tastes funny did you put bananas in it."

"Yes, I did." I swear I wanna slap that stupid look off her face "I don't like bananas go make it over." Ok, that was it.

"Listen up I have had to up with your nasty attitude every day since you came here and I am tired and I'm late for school the bus already left and unlike you, I don't have a ride to school so kindly go make your damn salad by your self ."

Walking out the house I could hear her loud ass mouth but I don't care I'm going to get an ear full when I get home yes but I don't care.

My school was thirty minutes from my house and I don't have a ride which means I have to walk and your girl ain't athletic by the time I get to school imma be sweating like a pig.

Today is just not my day.


There you have it another chapter for y'all I hope y'all like it. Please leave a vote and comment on what y'all think and don't forget to share!!!. Bye loves.

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