
The Start

After school, Rebecca meets up with Cyrus at the entrance to the school.


Cyrus meets her eye. "Hey".

"So, shall we go?"

Cyrus nods. "Yeah. Where to?"

"Well, I thought we could go to a park."


Rebecca nods. "Yep. The park. We can walk around, talk, blow up some stuff. It'll be great."

Cyrus laughs. "Blow stuff up?"

Rebecca nods. "Of course"

"Oh wait. your serious aren't you?"

"Of course I am. don't worry. It will be great. Nothings wrong with a little trial and error, ya know?" Rebecca jumps about happily.

Cyrus smiles. "Ok. I guess it wont hurt to try it out. Lets go" He says.


They walk through the front gates of the school and into the street.

After walking for a bit, Rebecca turns around to face Cyrus. "hehe. so quick question. Where do you find a park?"

"Uhh...you don't know?"

Rebecca blushes. "Well I've never seen one before, but I heard they were fun."

Cyrus looks at her. "Well, I'm sure there's one nearby. Come on." He says. "We can just keep going until we come across one."

"Ok. Sounds good."

They continue walking along the road, but after a while Cyrus realises that they haven't passed by anything even close to resembling a park.


Rebecca looks at him. "Do you know where we are going?"

Cyrus sighs. "I don't know. I guess we're just going to have to keep walking. or we could just go somewhere else. there's a spot in the forest I use frequently."

"But... what about the park?"

Cyrus shrugs. "We could always go another time right?" He says.

"Yeah. Sure. We can do that. But i just thought we'd find it quickly." She pouts.

"Well, there's a lot of places in this town to explore but lets go ahead and head out to the forest for now."


They enter the forest and walk along the path.

After a while, Rebecca stops. "Wait here." She whispers.

Cyrus looks at her. "What for?"

Rebecca looks at him. "I'll be right back." She runs off into the forest.

After a while, she returns and they both make their way through the trees before they reach a clearing.

"Wow." Rebecca says. "This is almost as beautiful as me."

Cyrus looks at her with disgust. "Seriously?"

Rebecca laughs. "What? I'm being honest."

"Anyway, we should probably get started right? I want to learn how to use my powers as soon as possible. I also need to get home before my parents start to get worried."

Rebecca nods. "Yeah, alright. Let's do it. I think I know just the thing to start with."

She walks towards a tree and leap to the top.

Cyrus looks at her. "What are you doing?"

Rebecca looks at him before ripping a large tree branch off and jumping back to the ground with a smile.

Cyrus looks at her confused. "Hold on, whats going on?"

Rebecca sneaks a glance at him before turning her back to him. "Think fast" She quickly shouts before swinging the branch at him.

the branch crashes into him sending him flying into another tree.

"Aw man, I even warned you and everything" She pouts.

Cyrus groans. "Why did you do that?!" He yells.

Rebecca looks confused. "Didn't you want to learn how to use your powers?" She asks.

"Yeah, but why would you attack me like that? I thought we were trying to train together!?"

Rebecca shrugs. "How else would you learn? Its not like there's some technique for it." she giggles.

Cyrus stumbles back to his feet while leaning on the tree. "I don't know, maybe we could try and talk about it first?" He pleads.

Rebecca laughs. "You're funny but I think we should just keep practising." she says as she readies the branch once more.


Cyrus looks at her. "Please stop" He begs.

Rebecca laughs. "Oh come on! I'm just getting started." She swings the branch at him again.

Cyrus tries to dodge but he's too slow and the branch hits him hard, knocking him down.

Rebecca smiles. "See? Just a little practise and you're already falling apart."

Cyrus groans. "Can you please stop? You're hurting me. A lot"

Rebecca looks at him with pity. "Oh sorry. I forgot that you're not used to fighting yet. I'll make sure to be gentle next time." She smirks.

Cyrus sighs. "Can we at least change it up a bit."

Rebecca smiles. "That could be fine. Okay now, lets try this. this time, I'll throw the branch and you catch it. Sound good?"

Cyrus looks at her. "I'm not sure about that"

Rebecca smiles. "Trust me, its not as bad as it sounds. Its not even that heavy."

Cyrus sighs. "Fine."

Rebecca smiles. "Good. Now get ready."

Rebecca throws the branch at Cyrus.

He attempts to catch before realising how big and fast it is. He quickly jumps out of the way as it tears through the ground.

Cyrus groans. "I'm not sure what to tell you. but I don't think I can do this."

Rebecca smiles. "Its not that hard. Try again" She says.

"No." Cyrus shouts. "There is no possible way that this is going to help me. Just tell me how you do it."

Rebecca smiles. "Well, its pretty simple really. All you have to do is hold your hands out like this and boom." She demonstrates as a ray of dark energy turns the surrounding trees into ash.

Cyrus's jaw drops as her irresponsible display of power.

"You see?" She says. "Its not that hard at all."

Cyrus looks at her. "I... still don't think I can do that. was there more to it or was that it." He says.

"There's a little more to it actually. you have to aim your hands at the target you want to destroy and then focus your will on the destruction of it. And then it just happens" she smiles at him looking for praise.

Cyrus looks at her. "I don't know if I can do that either."

Rebecca looks sad. "I don't understand. How can you not be able to do something so easy? Just try it Already."

"Ugh, Fine." He groans. "Ok so I just hold my hand out and think about destroying the tree and."


The tree splits in two.

"Wow!" Rebecca exclaims. "You did it! You really did it!" She smiles happily.

Cyrus looks amazed at how easy that was. "Well, yeah, I guess so."

Rebecca smiles. "See? Its not that hard. Come on, lets try something else."

Cyrus looks around excitedly. "What do you want to try?"

Rebecca looks at him. "Let's see. I know. let's go ahead and create a storm."

Cyrus looks at her. "A what?"

Rebecca smiles. "A storm. a giant one. Like the ones you see during a thunderstorm."

"Okay. Now why would we do that. Don't you think its a bit much.

"Nope" She responds before quickly shooting something into the sky.

Cyrus looks at her in shock. "What was that?" He asks.

Rebecca smiles as the sun is blocked by an array of dark clouds. "I created a storm. I told you it wasn't that hard." She giggles.

Cyrus shakes his head. "This is insane."

"I know right. Its so cool."

Cyrus sighs. "Let me rephrase it. You're insane."

Rebecca laughs. "You're just jealous because you cant do it yourself."

"Maybe. but still, this is crazy."

Rebecca giggles. "Here now its your turn." She says before sending another blast into the sky clearing the storm away.

Cyrus begins to panic. "Wait, you cant just keep messing with the sky. Wouldn't everyone be able to notice"

"Oh don't worry. I've already set my realm up when we arrived. The only way someone could notice is if they were already in the forest and I made sure to check first. Besides, its not like anyone would know that it was us even if they did see it."

Cyrus sighs relieved. "Well, okay then. What should we do now?" He asks.

Rebecca thinks for a moment. "I know! We should fly!"

They both look at each other. "Flying?" Cyrus asks nervously. "Isn't that dangerous?" He asks.

Rebecca laughs. "Of course not silly. Flying is safe as long as you don't fall." She laughs again.

Cyrus looks nervous. "But aren't you afraid?"

"Not really. As far as I am concerned, this place is completely harmless. In fact, I'm not scared of anything here." She chuckles.

Cyrus hesitates. "Alright. Lets give it a shot. I'd love to feel free from gravity."

Rebecca laughs. "Lets go over to the tallest tree nearby and jump onto its branches."

Cyrus follows her instructions and climbs up the tree until he reaches the top where he finds himself standing on the thickest part of the trunk.

"Now what do I do?" He asks.

Rebecca looks at him with amusement. "Just spread your arms wide and flap them like wings. Then when you are ready, leap into the air and enjoy the ride."

"What?! That cant be right." He protests.

"It is right. Trust me" Rebecca replies.

Cyrus looks at her skeptically. "Are you sure?" He asks.

"Absolutely. Just trust me ok? if you don't fly i can just catch you." She says reassuringly.

Cyrus takes a deep breath and spreads his arms. "All right. Here goes nothing."

He leaps into the air and then drops to the ground like a rock. His body lands painfully on the grass below.

Rebecca gasps. "Ouch! Are you alright?" She asks worriedly.

Cyrus rolls over to face her. "Yeah I'm fine. But I thought you were going to catch me?" He complains.

Rebecca laughs. "Sorry, I didn't think you would actually fall. It might have been my fault though since I said that I would catch you." She explains apologetically.

"Oh well, never mind. how about I try again" Cyrus says smiling.


After several failed attempts at flight, Cyrus finally manages to stay afloat.

"Woah!" He screams in excitement. "I did it!" He cheers.

Rebecca smiles proudly. "Yes you did! Way to go!"

Cyrus looks at her. "Thanks" He says shyly Before suddenly falling out of the sky once more.

"Woah now" Rebecca catches him before he hits the ground and places him gently on his feet. "What happened?" She asks alarmed.

Cyrus blushes embarrassed. "Nothing. I just lost control for a second."

Rebecca nods understanding. "Don't worry about it. Let's just try it again shall we?"

"Actually I think its about time we head back. we've been out her for a while and Its starting to get late." Cyrus suggests.

Rebecca frowns. "But We haven't done half of our training today." she pouts

Cyrus sighs. "Look, I appreciate your enthusiasm but we need to leave soon anyway."

She looks disappointed eventually agrees to head back.

As they walk towards the entrance of the forest, Cyrus notices that Rebecca has stopped walking. "Hey, whats wrong?" He asks.

"Huh? Oh nothing" she answers distractedly.

"Is everything Ok? Did I say something weird earlier?" He asks.

Rebecca looks at him. "No, you didn't do anything strange" she says. "I just thought I heard something. Its probably nothing." She reassures him.

Cyrus doesn't seem convinced but lets it go. He doesn't have time to investigate noises now anyway. They continue their journey home without further incident.

When they arrive at the house, Rebecca says goodbye before vanishing while Cyrus heads inside. "Mom! Dad! I'm back!" He calls out loudly.

His mother comes running down the stairs. "Where have you been. Do you know how late it is" She worryingly asks him.

"sorry about that. I was hanging out with Benji and we must have lost track of time" Cyrus explains.

"Benjamin? Is that who you went out with?" His father questions curiously.

"Yup" Cyrus confirms.

His parents exchange glances. "So, what exactly did you guys do together?" His mom asks cautiously.

Cyrus shrugs uncomfortably. "We hung out, played some games and stuff." He lies.

"Doesn't sound too exciting to me." His dad comments dryly.

Cyrus ignores his comment. "Anyway, I better get going. I didn't get a chance to do my schoolwork while I was out." He heads upstairs to his room and sets his bags down.

Once he finishes his assignments, Cyrus decides to take a shower before bed. After washing off all the dirt from the day, he gets changed into his pyjamas before climbing under the covers.

Suddenly, he hears a loud noise coming from the window. Hesitant at first, he slowly makes his way over to see whats making all the noise. When he arrives at the window he sees a figure sitting on the windowsill.

Startled, Cyrus quickly steps backwards. "Whoa! Who are you?" He demands.

The person jumps down and rushes over to him. "Me? Ilm sorry. I didn't mean to scare you. My name is Sarah and I live next door." She introduces herself politely.

"Sarah? So you're the girl that lives across the street?" Cyrus asks surprised.

"That's correct. Nice to meet you." She smiles warmly.

"um Nice to meet you too but why are you in my house" He asks while slowly backing up.

"well, I wanted to talk to you. I saw you come home earlier and figured I'd stop by." She explains.

"oh..okay." Cyrus says uncertainly.

"I just came by to ask if maybe we could hangout sometime." she chuckles while moving in closer.

Cyrus looks at her suspiciously. "hang out?" He repeats confused.

"yeah, like play video games or watch movies or whatever." she continues.

"Or maybe we could do a little gift exchange." She says before pointing to his chest.

Cyrus looks at her puzzled. "what do you mean by 'gift' exchange?" He asks.

Sarah smirks mischievously. Before dashing forwards and launching a punch towards him.

Before he knows it he is sent hurdling out of his room. He crashes through the wall behind him landing outside on the lawn.

Through the hole, He can see Sarah jump down carrying a large hammer. Her eyes light up with glee as she runs towards him swinging the heavy weapon wildly.

Cyrus tries desperately to move but is unable to escape as the massive tool slams against him repeatedly sending a shock wave throughout his body.

Finally, after being hit countless times, his body gives out causing him to collapse helplessly on the ground.

With great satisfaction, Sarah walks over to where Cyrus lays unconscious. She kneels beside him. "What a bore." She whispers before raising the hammer high above her head and bringing it crashing down upon her victim.