
The Executioner

Cyrus and Elaine leave the library and check in to a local inn for the night.

Cyrus Wakes up early and heads out before Elaine to get more accustomed to fighting with the collars restraints on. While going through his routine Cyrus notices that he can still feel two energy sources. One of them was the same energy that he felt when obtaining the cloak. Tapping into this power manifested the cloak around his shoulders.

Tapping into the second source manifested a pair of black greaves with a pattern of dark red steaks running through them. This power is was different than the first one. It feels like the energy is being burned away the longer he wears them. Throwing out a kick with the new greaves sends a sharp wave of flames that cut through the air. Along with the new being able to use the flames for combat he was also capable of moving at an incredible speed in short bursts using the flames. Although doing so had all but drained the energy stored within the greaves as they shorty concealed themselves back into the mark on his hand.

Once Cyrus finishes his training, he heads back into the inn to find Elaine eating breakfast. She's reading a book and seems to be enjoying herself.

"Good morning." He greets her.

"Hello. Where did you go so early in the morning?"

"I just went out for a little exercise. I'm trying to get used to being restricted by the collars."

"That's a good idea. It's good for you to get used to it sooner than later."

"Yeah, You're probably right. I'll try to keep it up in the future."

Later that day, the two of them are visited by three men in wearing clothes similar to the ones seen in the magistrates building.

"Greetings, We are the emissaries sent by the magistrate. We have finished compiling your information and found a suitable match for you. If you will follow us, we will get you prepared for today's match.

"Alright, I guess that's our cue then." Elaine says standing.

The group leaves the inn and makes their way towards a large stadium set in the center of the town. The stadium walls are covered in vines and flowers along the stones with large arches spanning across the front. Inside the stadium, a large crowd has gathered to witness what will surely be a grand event.

"Wow! So many people!" Cyrus exclaims.

"Of course. Newcomers always tend peak the audiences attention. Hopefully you will live up to the hype that the crowd has given you," one of the men tells Cyrus.

"I hope so. I'd hate to let everyone down. He smirks back"

"Don't worry. They don't know how strong you really are. You will definitely surprise them." Elaine adds.

They arrive at the gate where a pair of guards stand.

"Welcome. Please sign in here." The guard says handing them a piece of paper.

After signing in, the duo enters the stadium. The stadium was built in a dome shape with the top half open so that the sun could shine through. The inside was filled with a sea of people and the atmosphere was electric.

"What do you think?" Elaine asks as they make their way to some rooms set up in the sides for competitors.

"It looks amazing." Cyrus responds "I hope I can live up to the expectations."

The two of them finally reach their rooms. They are told to wait for about 30 minutes until they are brought out. While waiting, they sit down and take a break from the excitement.

"So, What do you think about the match? Are you excited?" Elaine asks curiously.

"I am. I've never fought someone for sport before. It's typically just kill or be killed. To be honest, I'm kind of exited." He answers back.

"Ugh. You must be some kind of battle junky to get excited over beating someone up." She laughs at his enthusiasm.

"Hey, don't knock it till you tried it. Believe me, Its a hell of a lot fun." He retorts.

"Hahaha, well I'm glad you enjoy yourself. I wish I could say the same. But I'd rather have a peaceful life. I'll leave all the heavy work to you." She says rolling her eyes.

"Well, I wouldn't be much of a fighter if I was afraid of a little competition. Especially when its for something worth fighting for." He says.

"Yeah, I suppose you have a point. Well, I'm sure there's nothing to worry about. I'll be rooting for you! Good luck!" She says waving goodbye as a man enters the room to lead Cyrus away.

Cyrus is told to stand by until the announcer calls for him to enter.

Outside in the middle of the arena is a small stage on which many people are gathered. On top of the stage sits the announcer with a microphone in hand.

"And now, for the main event. Today we've got a newcomer to the scene. A sword fighter of unknown origins has decided to test his might against the best of the best. He's young, but he's shown himself to have the heart of a warrior. His name is Cyrus. Let's hear it for him!"

The crowd begins cheering as Cyrus walks out onto the stage. As the crowd cheers and screams for the young man, Cyrus raises his arms in triumph. He takes a deep breath and exhales.

"Cyrus!" the announcer booms. "Do you have anything to say?"

"Thanks for having me here. I'm happy to be competing against such talented people. I hope I can give you all a show to remember." Cyrus replies.

"Very well said! Now. Lets bring out your opponent! He hails from a faraway land." The announcer says pointing at the door.

A man walks out from the door dressed in all black. He has long black hair that falls over his face. He has a small beard that hangs over his jawline. He wears an extravagant looking crown that covers his left shoulder and has a pair of gloves with blades attached to them.

"Welcome, Executioner! Your opponent today is none other than the newbie of no origin Cyrus! Good luck!" The announcer shouts.

Darius bows his head and throws a few jabs in the air. Once he is done with his warm ups he puts his hands together and stands straight up.

"He's pretty damn confident isn't he?" Cyrus says to himself.

Now, On my mark challengers! Begin!" The announcer shouts.

Both the Executioner and Cyrus fly at each other in blinding speed as dust clouds rise from the impact of their feet hitting the ground. The crowd goes wild as the two begin to fight. After a couple of blows, Cyrus manages to take his foe off balance with a quick jab to the stomach. The Executioner falls backwards with a gasp and Cyrus lands a clean kick to the side of his head.

The crowd cheers louder than ever as they watch the Executioner get back up. He looks around for his opponent but can't find him. Suddenly, he sees Cyrus crashing down from above him but is able to quickly counter attack. The crowd is on its feet cheering and screaming as Cyrus rolls out of the way just before the Executioner's fist hits can make full contact with him. Cyrus gets up slowly, holding his nose as blood pours down over his hand.

"I've got you now!" yells the Executioner, charging towards Cyrus.

Cyrus ducks under another punch, then spins around and takes the Executioner down again. They tumble across the dirt floor, punching and kicking each other all the while. Finally, the Executioner grabs hold of Cyrus by the neck and slams him against the wall. The crowd gasps as they see Cyrus's face start to turn red before delivering a heavy blow to the Executioner's jaw. Cyrus gets up and punches the Executioner hard in the gut. The Executioner doubles over as Cyrus charges him again. This time, Cyrus hits him square in the chest sending him flying across the arena. The Executioner crashes into a pillar, causing it to break apart.

The Executioner is down, but not for long as he stands back up full of energy spitting out the blood in his mouth and charging towards Cyrus. Cyrus dodges the first punch, then blocks the second. He throws a roundhouse kick that connects with the Executioner's chin but the kick is shaken off as The onslaught continues. Cyrus dodges a punch, then throws one of his own. They trade blow for blow for minutes as the Crowds cheers rise louder and louder.

Finally, the Executioner steps down on Cyrus's foot holding him in place before unleashing a flurry of punches to his face. As the last punch hits Cyrus, the Executioner grabs him and pulls him up. Cyrus tries to retaliate but is unable to because of the pain in his leg. With one arm, the Executioner lifts Cyrus over his shoulder slams him down on the ground. Cyrus screams in agony as the Executioner stands over him ready to deliver the final blow.

Rolling out of the way as The Executioner delivers a blow capable of shaking the earth, Cyrus scrambles to his feet. His body covered in cuts and bruises. The Executioner is standing right in front of him with a wicked grin before picking up a large chunk of the broken pillar and rushes towards Cyrus swinging the chunk wildly.

Cyrus tries to dodge but is too slow and is hit by the chunk. The force sends Cyrus flying through the air, landing on his back. The crowd erupts in cheers as they watch Cyrus roll around in pain trying to get back up.

The Executioner smiles at the crowd before walking over to Cyrus and putting his boot on Cyrus's chest pinning him down. The Executioner stands over him looking up at the crowd. "Well, well, well! What do we have here? A little fighter? Looks like he's got some spirit." The Executioner laughs as he moves his foot off Cyrus's chest. "It's okay, kid. I won't kill you yet. I think the crowd wants some more so come on! Show em a little more!"

Cyrus stand up slowly gasping for breath as he takes his stance again.

Cyrus rushes forward with his fists raised. The Executioner dodges the first few punches, then counters with a straight right taunting him all the while. Cyrus takes the punch head on, then retaliates with a left hook. The Executioner blocks the punch, then retaliates with a series of jabs to Cyrus's midsection.

The Crowd Goes wild at the two warriors display of hand to hand combat.

Cyrus takes the punishment and gets back up, fighting back with a series of punches and kicks. The Executioner blocks most of them, but not all. Cyrus makes use of this opening and delivers a series of punches to the Executioner's stomach. The Executioner then retaliates with a flurry of punches and kicks to Cyrus's body.

The Crowd roars in approval as they watch the two fighters trade blows. Finally, the Executioner connects with a series of blows to Cyrus's face knocking him down before sending a kick into Cyrus's chest as he feels his ribs cracking from the impact as his body rolls along the ground.

The Executioner stands over Cyrus laughing as he puts his boot on Cyrus's chest again.

"Looks like I'm going to have to do this the old fashioned way," says the Executioner. He raises his fist high above his head and begins to bring it down on Cyrus's face.