
Solo Leveling: The New Ruler

Another victim of the dreaded Survey questionnaire, our soon-to-be Kara will become a force of nature within the world of the Hunters! I do not own Solo Leveling or any of its characters, you get the gist. MC IS A FEMALE. Cover: https://www.pinterest.ph/pin/5770305762820987/ Since we can't make our own tags anymore: #SoloLeveling #OP #Romance #FMC

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Hours have already passed since the Dragon's death — an untold number of the world's finest died. The world expected San Francisco to get wiped out, yet the sea breeze was the only one that struck it.

Paramedics, Doctors, and anyone related to the field of medicine are on the scene checking the conditions of Hunters. Some are carrying the dead onto specific locations to be recognized.

The single stray breaths of fire that Kamish expelled caused an instant total number of deaths. The Dragons that he came out with caused an even fatter number.

Those dragons breathed fire as if it was nothing, left and right, swaying the flames like a garden hose. Except, a sea of fire is what it created, and scorched grounds were left.

The ones that lessened the casualty are the Hunters now that are getting interviewed in a press conference. The star of the show is Kara White, a young girl who showed unprecedented prowess.

She was quietly sitting on the lap of her Papa, just the way she likes it. She would only answer once a question comes her way, though her answers are lackluster.

However, there was one particular question she gave interest in. "Miss. White, are you interested in creating a guild of your own?" desperately asking. Kara was the star, after all.

This type of question was the only question that Kara thought of an answer for; the rest were boring to answer. For Kara, she doesn't care about the press. With power, you can create your image.

"I don't plan to create a guild," her words brought the spirits of everyone to a halt, "But I plan to create a Magical organization." Her words brought everyone to their feet. It was hot news!

Everyone kept throwing and spitting their questions, truly barbaric. It went on for a minute until they noticed Kara wasn't answering, forcing them to calm down.

"You people should be ashamed that I, a 12-Year-Old girl, have better manners than you barbaric adults," her words brought them slight shame, just a bit. "I plan to make the organization become international and NEUTRAL. Its primary goal is all about magic and alike. Though this is just me planning for now."

She added great emphasis on the term 'neutral' — meaning she won't give any care for any country, no matter who they are. However, as for members, she plans to visit a world of her own to get members.

Aerys has clear memories of the worlds that contracted him in. Kara theorizes that if she were to enter his memory, she could teleport to that world.

Kara knows this was possible only because of the sheer amount of mana she has. If it is anyone else, teleporting across those worlds would be impossible. Probably with a magical spaceship, but humanity doesn't have it.

By simply reading books, Kara was able to find out that every world had magically talented races, elves, demons, fairies, dryads, vampires, and many more!

And the next thing that Kara wanted was loyalty, and modern Humans are far from being loyal, always trying to drag anyone to rise above them.

In short, she plans to create an organization that isn't mainly human, mostly because she wants to learn about them. But, back to the press conference.

"Miss. White, you emphasized neutrality. Can you elaborate?" upon hearing this, everyone turned their head to Kara, expecting an answer.

"It simply means the word neutral. My future organization will not bound itself to any U.N. or whatever alphabetical organizations are out there.

I will not be under anyone, support any movement, or involve myself in any headache-inducing problems of this world."

Ever since the emergence of Hunters, the laws have only become a suggestion for them. It became the strong ruling the weak; Kara's just flexing her rights. She won't involve herself in some morally obligated problem; others could've done that. Why should she start it?

Anyway, the soon-to-be Nation ranked Hunters also got their share of questions. But none of their plans were as ambitious as Kara's, just your everyday Guild creation.

"Miss. White, can you comment on the Dragon that you mounted to battle today?" 'The questions just keep coming!' at this point, Kara just wanted to experiment on Kamish already.

"He's a summon, that's all," it saddened the reporters who heard this that she didn't further explain. They wouldn't be able to force her for the answer anyway.

But that was how the conference went for Kara, just her keeping it short. Soon enough, they got home from San Francisco to Colorado in an instant. Thanks to Kara's teleportation.

When they, Thomas and Kara, appeared on their front doorstep. The two could hear a girl running towards their location, probably sensed them. Within a matter of seconds, the door flung open, revealing Aela.

"Big Sis, Baba, Aerys! You're back! Mama, they're back!" she ran back inside and hollered for the Mama of the house to come and see. Laura, who got dragged outside, got quite surprised to see the two and pet home so early.

Upon seeing them, she immediately hugged them. She was worried throughout the entire time but didn't voice out her concerns. "I'm glad the two of you are safe," hugging them even tighter.

Thankfully, her family was a bunch of crazy awakened people. If not, eyes and guts would've popped out of their spots with how tight the hug is.

"Mama, Papa, Aela, Fluffy, and Aerys, let's go to the forest. I have something to show you," Kara wanted to show them the body of Kamish. But a faint drool was slipping out of her mouth. From books, it described dragon meat to be heavenly and even strengthen one's mana!

The family agreed, thinking that she had created something new for them to try once again. From time to time, Kara likes to create potions with Aela; some are weird.

Some potions make you sleep, grow hair up to 10 meters in length, boost brain power, the crazy stuff. Kara has learned you can infuse mana into the plants of Earth, which amplifies their effects. It led to her exploring everything a plant can offer.

Anyway, back to the revelation that Kara wanted to show so badly, and upon her showing Kamish's body, all of them gasped in surprise. "Tadaaa~ I brought the Dragon back! Imagine all the things I can learn from it! They taste great too!"

Laura and Thomas were stunned, Aela further idolizing her sister, and Fluffy growled in happiness. Aerys was casually hooting like an Owl.

"K-Kara, how did you- never mind, don't tell me," was what Laura muttered. She probably already had her fair share of surprises from Kara over the years.

Dinner that day was the best yet, and they had a few tonnes of dragon meat to go. And just like in the books, the bodies of Thomas, Laura, Aela, and Fluffy had a rise in strength, but only a bit.

[Next Day, Kara's Secret Forest]

A naked dead dragon laid on the ground, its pride smeared and turned to food. Why was it naked? Well, its scales were all harvested from its body; flesh and bones have yet to be separated.

Currently, Kara is analyzing the scales of a dragon. She didn't want to admit it, but she spent a colossal chunk of her mana when fighting Kamish. All because of these darned scales!

Upon analyzing the scales up close, she could see the mana getting absorbed into the scale at a tremendous rate! However, it wasn't infinite though since a scale can only hold so much.

Ten shots of mana blast have the capabilities to crack one scale. It means that Kara had to focus on a particular spot or area for her attacks next time.

'No wonder adventurers in mangas like dragon armor so much,' musing to herself. She went on to cut a slab of meat to research on.

She tested it on various things, temperature, magic resistance, poison, and lastly, physical resistance. Suffice to say, when she pounded the meat, the meat was quite durable.

'Passive durability...' she said before cooking that slab and eating it for herself, hard not to resist the temptation.

Soon, she ripped out the runestone that was inside of Kamish's body. It was an enormous chunk of runic stone; she even tried studying the material that could contain skills.

However, all Kara got was that the material used was quite extraordinary. It functioned like a knowledge tablet, giving you the knowledge and 'requirement' to use the skill.

When Kara thought that she had harvested all she could from the stone, she absorbed the skill. Upon assimilating it, she felt like she could use the Thu'um somewhat better now.

The feeling is like having smoother access to release your soul's will onto the world. Well, technically, the runestone's skill is called Dragon's Fear. Dragon's Fear allows its user to release a mana-infused shout from their soul.

"[FUS]!" her shout traveled and slammed into trees, causing them to slant over. "Oh, wow! It feels smoother!" she commented since it felt more natural. If before she had to force the Thu'um, now she felt like she had been using it for years.

'Though, my [Fus] is still many times weaker than Aerys. But, it's fine.' Now it was time for the main dish, Kamish's soul. In this universe, the soul is resting after death, not reincarnated.

For this process, Kara had to use imagination to create the spell. There were books about soul magic but were limited numbers of it. So, Kara couldn't say she was knowledgeable in souls.

And whenever Kara had to rely on imagination to create the magic, the cost of mana would always be inefficient.

Next, Kara fired a series of spells onto Kamish's body. Namely, [Soul Call] and [Soul Restraint]. Soul call calls the soul from eternal rest, while soul restraint restraints the soul.

Kara was by no means the Shadow Monarch, so she already expects an unruly soul once Kamish gets called from eternal rest.

And since Kara is not the Shadow Monarch, the amount of mana she spent in calling Kamish from the dead was massive.


And like a beast that woke up from being poked, a soul ruptured out of its body. However, this soul had countless numbers of chains bound to it once it had appeared.

Like the beast he is, he kept trying to free himself from the chains that bound him. "Noisy, [Soul Purification] [Soul Cleanse]," she fired a series of soul-cleansing spells at Kamish, effectively hurting his identity.


Its roar got weaker, and soon enough, the dragon-shaped soul was now a massive white ball of light. A clean new soul to enter a body, though the soul is quite strong for a human.

"[soul essence: extract]" the next spell that Kara imagined was extracting the pure power of the soul; she didn't need the extra stuff, lest she gains a second personality.

What's left of Kamish now was a blob of glittering light, to which Kara immediately absorbed it. She felt a cooling sensation wrap all over her being and now felt like her pride spiked.

"Ah, quite the harvest! I now understood the deeper meaning of a Dragon's pride. But wow, I feel rather tired from calling that soul!" the reason she felt tired was that Kara did not possess nor understand the Law of Death to use it properly.

"I'll just take a nap~"




