
Solo Leveling: Monarch of Space-Time

Leonardo the Sage of Elements the Strongest Magnus, dies at the hand of those he once looked down on in a ploy to destroy the world. Then in a fit of madness he does so himself, but before his soul is obliterated as well, it is blown to a distant world in which Leo has to find out how to save this world now as it is on the brink of destruction despite the people living there lives with magic and power, the world is still blissfully unaware, Of beings called Rulers and Monarchs capable of destroying worlds easily, can he grow back to the power he had in the past, or even surpass it with his new found Affinity for Space and time magic? #No Harem (I do not own Solo Leveling or any of it characters only my OC's) ( I do not own cover photo if it is yours let me know and i will take it down)

Sol782 · Anime und Comics
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11 Chs

Chapter 8: Clock

 Leo hearing what his father said was confused, "What do you mean?" so he asked what his father meant.

 "Hehe, well you are going to go into a gate with me, and there you will show me your power," Said John to Leo.

 "How, children are not allowed to enter a gate so how come you are bringing me into one?" questioned Leo on how this is possible.

 "You are "not" entering a gate," said John with a wink.

 "I understand, I guess," said Leo, still slightly confused about how this would play out.

 With that said, Leo and his father walked into the guild building to get ready for the raid on the gate.

 As they entered the building, Leo saw many hunters and others getting ready and chatting, sensing their power most were D-rank and C-rank, even though one can advance in rank the problem is that there is a thing called potential, and most of the population and even in Leo's old world most people were E-rank-C-rank never to advance.

 "So, Dad where is the gate we are going to?" asked Leo, he knew there was not a gate here and was confused as to why they didn't just head there first. 

 "We can't just enter a gate without equipment, and we have to make sure the team is ready and many other logistics, so it will be a bit, why don't I take you to pick out some equipment," said, Leo's Dad in response, he started to lead the way to storage with people greeting him on the way.

 Arriving at the guild storage room, the guard said "Greetings guild master, is this your son?" 

 "Yes, we are here to pick up some equipment for Leo, he's been complaining about wanting to have some, you know how kids are," said John, as he led Leo inside.

 The guard nodded in understanding as he let them inside.

 Leo arriving at the storage looked around and saw the room was a large white space with items on shelves, there had to have been hundreds of them on each shelf.

 "Go ahead and look around pick whatever you like," said John.

 Leo hearing this started to spread out his mana to sense the items and find something he liked. John seeing this wasn't shocked he just nodded knowing his son was hiding his power, this gate raid was to see said power.

 Leo sensing around still hadn't found anything interesting he wanted, most of the stuff was around C-rank in power or use so it was useless to him, and then the interesting stuff was not useable by himself.

 Leo looked around for about half an hour before he found something that piqued his interest, finding this, Leo went over to take a look.

 When he arrived at the items shelf he looked for it and then saw a round black object that looked like a deformed clock covered in dirt, Leo seeing this reached to pick it up, and as his hand touched it, Leo's mind was pulled into a space in which he heard a voice, "Ah, finally a worthy successor has appeared after all this time," as the voice finished speaking Leo was pulled back to his body and the clock was no longer there.

 "Leo, did you find something you like?" asked his father coming over.

 Leo was silent for a moment before he responded, "No, I don't think there is anything here I like," 

 He was telling the truth as there wasn't anything here he needed, his magic alone was strong enough, and if it wasn't, his physical strength would be enough having reached middle A-rank due to his training with gravity and magic muscle construction, he made this technique in his last life but never used it as once one reaches the Magnus rank changing the body isn't so easy anymore, this technique allows him to build muscle imbued with magic making it stronger, and more flexible, compact, and it is a permanent enhancement since it goes directly into the cells to strengthen them. (A.N. It is a bit more complicated than that but just know this is what makes him strong physically)

 "Are you sure there is nothing you want to take from here?" asked his father just to be sure.

 "Yes" replied Leo, he will have to find out what that clock was after the gate.

 John hearing this nodded and led Leo out.

 Back in the lobby John and Leo walked up to the guild secretary, "Hey Candace, is there any B-rank gate that we haven't cleared today?"

 "There is one about an hour from here we have, although the A-team just left to go clear it do you want me to send a message for them to wait they should almost be there," said Candace, in response to her boss, he said he wanted to show his son what a gate is so she had this one available. 

 "Good, send me the location," said John as he turned to leave with Leo.

 { One and a half hours later} 

 "Damn traffic it took us an extra thirty minutes to get here," cursed Leo's father.

 Leo laughing in the back seat told his father to let the driver drive, but he insisted this was a father-son bonding time.

 "Stop Laughing will you it's not funny." said his father with a gloomy face, his father hated traffic to the point he ran or jumped from roof to roof most of the time, as an S-rank swordsman he is faster than most cars. 

 Leo calmed down opened his door and got out, his father did the same, coming up to the team, and the team greeted them.

"Hey boss what's up"

"oh, it's Little Leo how are you doing kid?"

"Why is a kid here though?" 

"Probably so the boss can show him what a gate is" 

 Listening to the greetings and chatter his father spoke up, "Hello guys, I brought me son here to enter the gate with us, I can tell what you thinking from your faces, but Leo here is A-rank in power so there is nothing to worry about plus he will just watch so don't worry."

 Hearing this the team was still skeptical, but the boss doesn't lie so they trusted him to a degree. 

 "Boss it's not like we don't believe you, but this a B-rank gate and not a weak one at that, why don't you just bring him to an E-rank gate instead it would be much much safer that way." said one of the team member he didn't want to see Leo get hurt, although they where confident that Leo would be fine with all of them here, but you never know what will happen in a dungeon. 

 "You don't have to worry about that I called in someone to help," said John in response, he knew their worries but they were here to test Leo to the fullest he just wouldn't tell them that yet.

 Hearing this they looked around to see who it was but they didn't see anyone else.

 "Uh, boss there is no one else here," said one of the members confused.

 "Hhehehehe" A creepy laughter filled the place as Kaleb appeared behind the guild members causing them to jump back in freight. 

 "PFFFFttt, HAHAHHAHAHa" Seeing their expressions Kaleb, Leo, and John burst out laughing.

 The team members were now embarrassed, They, the veteran hunters got scared by some laughter, and some even shrieked out loud. 

 After everyone calmed down they understood, so Kaleb was responsible for keeping Leo hidden and out of danger, even though they were still reluctant to let a kid into the gate they agreed.

 With that, everyone got ready and started to enter Gate, Leo and Kaleb were the last to enter but just as Leo entered after Kaleb something unexpected happened, a green and silver light shot out and turned the gate red and sucked Leo into it... the Mining and collecting teams seeing this were stunned then called the guild to report. 

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