
Solo Leveling? Gacha system/Chat Group

I am bad at writing synopsis. The title says it all. read the first 3 chapters and see what's up, will you?

TheOneWhoRizzled · Anime und Comics
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2 Chs

A not so ordinary life.

[Jin Kazama: I think my luck is not that bad personally]

[Huey Hunter: Then think again. You are clearly wrong.]

[Jin Kazama: How? I could have ended up in a much worse world. In a reality where Warhammer 40K and Dark Soul exist. DxD is but paradise my friend.]

[Huey Hunter: Comparatively speaking you may be right but there were also much better options too, a slice-of-life world, for example, Boku No Pico for example.]

[Jin Kazama: Yeah fuck you. That shit ain't no better than Dark Soul... Just thinking about it I got shivers.]

[Huey Hunter: Hahaha. okay, I deserve that one. On a more serious note though. What's up with you?]

[Jin Kazama: I am doing fine, thanks for asking...]

[Huey Hunter: Don't dodge this nigga, you know damn well what I mean.]

[Jin Kazama:: No, I don't.]

[Huey Hunter: Fuck, you do.]

[Jin Kazama: You must be hallucinating.]

[Huey Hunter: Man listen, you my brother, that's why I am telling you still, your plan is ass. Don't go through with it.]

[Jin Kazama: It's not such a bad idea though, is it? I become a devil, then gain supernatural powers, woman, fame, and a long enough life to enjoy it.]

[Huey Hunter: What about the cost though? Are you really willing to lose your freedom over that? Plus, in your world, ain't there like, a ton of ways to get stronger? Your world ain't like mine where you can't do shit if you're not lucky enough to get awakened.]

[Jin Kazama: You may be right, but the thing is, I can't think of any other way for me to get easily stronger other than that. Not that I don't wanna work hard but you already know none of the things I tried before worked for me. Human magic? No idea how to get there, sacred gear? pretty sure I don't have that, believe me, I tried. My best bet was Touki, but no matter how much I physically trained, I still can't feel it.]

[Huey Hunter: how about remaining ordinary and not involving yourself in the supernatural world? You could just like me, steal some inspiration from your previous world and use that to easily get by for most of your life. It worked well for me so far.]

[Jin Kazama: Are you seriously asking me that right now? ]

[Huey Hunter: Yeah no, sorry about that. Your case is different from mine. And to be honest, in your case, I wouldn't have wanted to remain ordinary as well. Even now, given the choice I would become a hunter in a heartbeat.]

[Jin Kazama: my first life was boring enough, now given such opportunities, along with the knowledge to exploit them, no way in hell, I am not trying anything.]

[Huey Hunter:...Fine, but still know that I don't approve of you being a devil. Also, how are you even gonna go about that? I mean attract their attention enough for them to want you in their peerages? even though you are in Kuoh, it still won't be easy.]

[Jin Kazama: Sorry, but I am still gonna do it, as for how... I have something in mind.]

[Huey Hunter: Like what?]

[Jin Kazama: Not telling you.]

[Huey Hunter: Seriously?]

[Jin Kazama:...Yeah]

[Huey Hunter:...]

[Huey Hunter: Alright, keep your secrets. I gotta get going anyway.]

[Jin Kazama: Visiting your childhood friends again?]

[Huey Hunter: Well, yeah.]

[Jin Kazaùa: See you then.]


Huey looked at the text once before closing the app, then, almost on reflex he looked up at the clock fixed on the wall just above the TV to see the time. He could do it on his phone, but at this point, it was a habit, and as they say, those die hard.

Contrary to his expectation there was still a fair bit of time left before dinnertime, so he decided to go on his computer to write some more before going out.

As he sat in the same chair he had used for years, he couldn't help but feel a bit nostalgic as it also used to be his father's.

He remembered how he used to watch the man work on it for hours while he was still alive, much like he currently does. And how his mother used to pester the old man to stop working so hard and so much since he had back pains.

As for him? He just watched TV while contemplating his own situation, but when you die at the age of 23 just after finishing college and then get reincarnated in another world as a baby. You can only mourn so much before coming to terms with your own situation.

After this, he wondered what he should do with his new life, even though he tried his best to act like an ordinary kid, he still ended up being perceived as different and weird by others. Though thankfully his parent interpreted it as him being a genius.

And because of that, he also started playing the part to make them happy and hopefully hide his peculiarness under the guise of him being intellectually gifted.

"Even then, I was still a pretty weird kid though... Nothing like Rudeus though." He couldn't help but mutter as he rested his head on top of the desk.

He remembers that at that time, he already believed he knew everything about the world, since it wasn't much different from his past life, except it was a bit back in time.

Well, that was until a change happened during his teenage years. Portals connected to other dimensions started randomly popping into existence and along with it, an otherworldy energy called mana started flooding the planet. 

Some people are more receptive than others, after adjusting to said energy and gaining supernatural powers and abilities.

Thus, the great change happened starting the age of gates called dungeons along with the monsters within them and also the hunters who raid the dungeons and kill those monsters.

"I was first shocked and skeptical."

But as the years passed and the world adapted to those changes, some names could be found in the mouths of most people.

Thomas Andre

Liu Zhigang

Christopher Reed

Siddharth Bachchan

Knowing those names from somewhere already. Huey couldn't deny it anymore, he was indubitably in the world of Solo Leveling.

Once he realized that... nothing changed, yes, nothing at all.

After all in this world, you can't just become a hunter just because you want to, it's not like DxD, or most isekai where you could just train from a young age to become Overpowered or something.

In this world you can indeed become "overpowered" overnight, gaining an unfathomable level of power while doing nothing noteworthy... but for that first, you had to be lucky.

Lucky enough to be chosen, to be awakened, and even then you are not guaranteed to be anything exceptional, you could become an S-rank hunter as you could end up lower than the lowest E-rank. 

Anyway. The bottom line is that no human really had a say in whether they would awaken or not, so there was no use fantasizing about it just to end up disappointed.

With that in mind, he went through school like in my first life, well except this time, he couldn't deal with it anymore and ended up dropping out of his second year of college- much against his parents' disagreement to become a writer... at the age of 16. 

Had to keep that genius persona up after all.

Taking inspiration from popular works of my past world which didn't exist here, he ended up becoming a "decently" renowned writer in this world. Gaining more than enough money by the way to live as he wanted.

To be honest, at that point, he had already resolved himself to live quite the mundane life. Who would have thought that on his 20th birthday, he would receive such a surprise? And he is twenty 22 right now, 23 in a week.

That night when he slept, he found myself in a dream that didn't feel like a dream. 

He was standing on a grassy plain with a clear azure sky above. It was quite beautiful, admittedly.

But as he was dealing with the sudden feeling of realism from the dream, something prompted him to look at a certain corner of the sky, just for him to witness a white shooting star coming straight toward him.

And before he could even react, it strangely grew smaller and smaller before colliding- no fusing with me in a flash of light.

It was only then, that he realized that his life would, in fact, not be so ordinary.