
Solo Dominance

[WPC SEP 2023 [Fantasy]/Revenge] Seeing the unfair world, Zerexs wants to achieve a world without any discrimination with his tyrannical Ideal of "One Above All", where he is the only one SUPERIOR to others and everyone below him is considered to be EQUALS. He absorbed other's blood energies and saved them in his own body. But his ideas were soon crushed by an unparalleled opponent, but before he dies, he splits his total blood energy and gives it to two separate persons in hopes of reincarnate in their bodies in the near future. But the protagonist "Death" does not know of his powers, becomes a slave, and tries to become strong under his master. While other one "Fate" is fully loyal to Zerexs, and tries to awaken him in his body as soon as possible. In the midst of all this, A girl who lost her both mother and father due to absurd reasons of this world tries to destroy it completely and wholeheartedly. That girl happens to be controlling all the characters in this story to get her desired output just like a chess game. Will Death become the strongest being? Will Fate inherit Zerexs in his body? Or Will the girl destroy the world before? The story revolves around the three of them. *I'm the author, and I would appreciate it if you could give your constructive feedback on my story, so I could improve myself in writing, I'm a college student, It takes 2 hours to travel to my college, I write books on those times, I feel it exciting than exhausting when people appreciate my work* *There is no consistency in chapter release, I sometimes release 3 chapters per day but I'll deliver at least one chapter a day, so don't worry, you can request me to release new chapters any time you want* *Thank you for reading my work:D*

xish101 · Fantasie
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56 Chs


() - Mind Voices

Blue: "Oii kid, Do you wanna be my slave!"

(What the hell she is even talking about? How is this any better than this)

Fat Master: "Miss Blue, If you're not offended, He is my slave," says anxiously.

(Why he is shivering to speak with her? Does that mean she is upper to the Ministry!)

Blue: "What's its price?"


Fat Master: "Well, I bought him for one Sung"

Blue: "I'll give you one million. Sell it to me now!"

(One Fucking Million! Am I worth that much?)

Fat Master: "Really! Well you know, I can't say no to you"

[Fat master giggles]

Blue: "Kid, I don't take disloyal things. Do the blood agreement and be my dog"

[Blood agreement is as simple as Severus' unbreakable promise in Harry Potter, If you break it, you'll die, When two mages do the blood agreement, they exchange something]

(Every fucking one---Do this, Do that, Be it, Be that---E-N-O-U-G-H)

Yin: "I'll swear it, I'll do anything you say from this day onwards, But for the exchange, I wanna kill him -> pointing towards his Master"

Blue: "I accept, do what you want, I don't care"

Fat Master: "Miss. Blue---My King!---Help me, I'm in Ministry right? , Hey someone speak up for me"


[Everyone is in silence]

Blue: "Are you seriously saying NO... to ME...? "

[Fat master trying to run and slips and kneels]

[From his behind with his hand covered with blood energy]

Yin: "Shut The Fuck Up And Die Already, You---Pig!"


(He's dead, I did that! I severed his neck, What's this feeling..., I Like It)

Blue: "Don't dilly dally, now follow me, I have work for you"

Yin and Blue walks out of the conference hall---

Blue: "What's your name dog?"

Yin: "YIN"

Blue: "From now on, Your name is DEATH"

Yin: "Death? Uh, I quite like it"



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