
solo ang imong inahan

All humans on Earth were moved to another globe once the great transformation began. They were to train for ten years and become Hunters, with the objective of being able to defend themselves against the evils known as monsters.  Jin, a bread shuttle at his institution, had been bullied and humiliated.  He had hoped to become the strongest after being moved to another world, but he was the world's weakest hunter, contrary to his expectations.  He was still stuck at level 1 after ten years.  He had entirely squandered the power that God had bestowed upon him, leaving him despondent and depressed.  Jin tripped in the moment they were going to return to earth. As he awoken, he realized that he was still stuck in this fantasy world but with a huge difference. Everyone has gone frozen in time.

Lerex · Fantasie
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6 Chs

Chapter 4: Regret

Jin had spent many hours searching for monsters. The hunting ground was 4 times the size of the previous one he had entered so he had a hard time searching for monsters.

He could sometimes pass through wandering monsters like orcs and such so he would immediately kill them yet the XP he'd gain was still not enough.

Time was a bit tricky here so he'd guess that he had been traveling for a half a day now since the sun doesn't set.

Completely isolated out of nowhere, Jin didn't stop searching for monsters. Though he didn't really exactly know the places he'd reach, he had tracked all of his pace with his system map that records the location on which a hunter goes so this was very useful to Jin.

He wouldn't be lost in track when he could just check the system map. He could also pinpoint locations if he wanted to go in that place later like he had just done to the spider nest so if he ever finds hard bosses that he thinks he couldn't defeat, he'd just pinpoint it for next time.

"I've been running for quite the time now and still. I can't see a sign of monsters. Damn hunters, couldn't they just stop hunting even though they know they'd eventually return? There should be lots of monsters on Earth right now that they could hunt."

Exhaling a lot of air. He couldn't relax for an inch as he thought that all of the monsters in this hunting ground had almost been exterminated by the hunters. He had shuddered in thought that just like last time, all his efforts might just go to waste.

"Aha! What about this. I'll try to thoroughly scan all of this terrain from right to left and if I won't find any monsters, I'll just kill those spiders even if I have to wait for my mana to regenerate!"

Jin went running as fast as he could to try and reach the edge of the canyon. In 30 minutes, he arrived at the edge. In his head, he thought that the edge would be blocked by a tall wall but unlike his expectations, it was an invisible barrier that couldn't be destroyed.

"This might be it."

Jin sprinted in the nearby barrier to try and find the corners of it. This was his plan, he had to start from corner to corner so he could have certain chances to find monsters other than randomly running from different paths.

Arriving at the corner of the terrain, he dashed forward and try to reach the next corner and if he arrives at that point, he'd backed up for 20 meters and continue on running back and forth hoping he could find monsters.

So Jin did this obsolete process. As he run, he would sometimes be blocked by rivers, mountains, forests and such but he didn't stop and continue to travel like crazy.

From the map, he had almost travel half of the terrains places and Jin only found a few monsters not reaching 2 digits.

Luckily he had risen by 1 level and he placed the points to INT as he wanted to have higher mana so he could often use [Flash].

Jin finally searched half of the terrain and in his surprise, he was greeted by a wonderful message.



Run for 10,000 kilometers without rest.


+5 to all status

Thunder Clapper [B]


Jin cried in joy. He didn't thought that he had sprinted 10K kilometers nonstop as he was too focus on scanning the surroundings for signs of monsters. Not only that, but he was also surprised by the thought that an achievement was given to him.

Achievements where hidden goals. It was like an Easter egg as you are clueless. This will only show up if you have done something out of the ordinary.

For Jin, he had received just one achievement an even having one achievement means your someone amazing. Unlike what you thought, it was the stupidest achievement he got.

The one achievement, dying a thousand times.

Jin was a bit flustered by that achievement but it all disappeared after seeing the reward.

It was the most OP reward out of all. Just as mentioned in the first chapter, it was having complete resistance to pain itself.

But now, the achievement he had received was something he was happy.

"Hahaha! This was all worth it! Thank you, God!"

His gratitude to God was very low as he blamed the omnipotent being for being a loser but just, for now, he was grateful at the almighty one.

The reward he received from it was outstanding. He had received a permanent 5 points to all his status meaning he had just accumulated 4 levels worth of points. Not only that, he had receive an equipment that had been ranked B. If he was to compare this to his weapon, the dagger that is only Drank, it was like comparing the worth of copper from gold.


Thunder Clapper [B]

Type: Boots

+150 movement speed

+20 defense (PHY/MAG)


After reaching a thousand steps, your movement speed will be doubled for 5 seconds and health will regenerate by 2% every second.

Item skill:

Thunder Clap (SPD/BUFF/AOE):

The user's movement speed will be tripled for 20 seconds and if the user casts a skill or an attack, lightning amplification will be imbued dealing an additional 1000 true damage (+50% STR) (+30% INT). If there is no attack or skill made in its duration, the cooldown and mana cost will be decreased by half.

Cooldown: 50 seconds

Mana Cost: 50


Jin gleamed in astonishment after reading the information of the item. It was a footwear type which what he needed the most. The boots had a unique trait that only a few types of equipment have and the skill given was the best skill Jin had ever achieved. That was not the only thing he was surprised, the boots didn't have any durability meaning it was unbreakable so Jin could use it for a lifetime.

The boots that he had used was the basic boots given by the system and since it was used for 10 years, it was now a ragged piece of item that is needed to be replaced.

The boots design was similar to rubber shoes. It had a dark blue color with lightning designs attached to it. All in all, it looked very cool for Jin as he had no taste in beauty.

With no hesitation, Jin equipped the Thunder Clapper and in an instant, he could feel electrical current flow to his body and gave him a slight shake that eventually became a breezing comfort.

"Wow, this is amazing! And it's very comfortable! I bet I can run for ten no...a hundred kilometers with this!"

Without a care, Jin jumped up as high as he could to check the flexibility of the shoe and jogged rapidly to also see if his feet would hurt and heat up but in his surprise, the friction generated from his feet turned into a fuel of current that made the lightning emblems in the shoes glow up out of curiosity, Jin continued to jog faster in just a moment of time, the lightning lit up brightly and made a crackling noise causing the ground to emit electric current.

Jin could feel his speed getting faster and faster and as he saw above his head. A green number indicators showed up.

+2% HP

+2% HP

+2% HP




"Holy crap! This is lit!"

Jin's eyes widened in surprise. Now he wouldn't worry about getting hurt and now he returned to the spider's lair. The time he would take there to arrive was 2 hours but now, it would only take him 20 minutes saving him a lot of time.


Every moment he passed to a thousand steps, he'd hear the crackling noise of lightning coursing through his soles speeding up through the way. He saw that there was a tall and wide cliff blocking his way, if it was the previous him, he would go around the cliff for safety but now Jin just sprinted towards the cliff that was blocking him.

With his speed, he was able to run upwards as he run through the steep cliff. This looked impossible for a human to do even an average hunter couldn't do it but since Jin had crashed and tumble a lot of times, he had become more careful and balanced meaning this event was just a dog walk for him.

Leaving no sweat, he arrives at the spider's lair with ease.

"Hooh! That felt great!"

Jin breathed in relief, he wasn't tired at all with all that running as he didn't feel any fatigue at all due to his shoes.

When he was still running, he had already come up with a plan on how to exterminate the spiders easily even without cutting off the threads.

But still, it was only a theory, but without fail and error, one cannot learn from their mistakes. Jin trusted his mindset, he equipped the dagger and readied himself.

"First is to hit a target for 7 consecutive times."

Jin went close to a spider that near of his reach. He damaged only its limbs by seven times as he didn't want to hit its body to avoid blood spurting out.








Then as he looked at his dagger, it was fully stacked in using [Bite].

"Next is to activate [Thunder Clap]."


Thunder growls echoed in his area in a result, Jin's body was emanated with the lightning attribute making him glow in bluish aura. This was the effect of the skill.

"The next is this. [Hunter Strike]!"

Jin aimed the spell towards the spiders. Blackthorns that a sparkling effect generated in it. As it hit a dozen of the spiders, the lightning amplification spread out all over the cobweb also every damage received from the spider made a ripple of explosion.











Dozens of damage indicators popped up from the spiders. The lightning amplified thorns dealt true damage that dealt with above a thousand of its health. True damage was the best damage one could deal as it completely ignores the target's defense. Some also showed critical hits that and basic damage that grow momentarily as their defense was decreased shortly.

After all of this, all of the spiders in the giant cobweb had died giving him enough XP to reach 3 more levels and not just that, he saw the mother spider glow in red aura and shrink in size as due to its health dropping in 10%, it had gone berserk.

"My theory actually worked!"

Jin's plan had been a success. With the fully stacked dagger, his next attack would deal a splash damage that doubled his attack, not only that. With the use of the [Thunder Clap]'s additional damage that had a lightning amplification he could deal heavy damage. Lastly, with the skill [Hunter Strike], each thorn that was generated from the blade dealt quintuple of his normal damage in addition with the cobweb's status, he had made the steel threads as an advantage as it was the best conductor of electricity, in conclusion, continued damage had been received by the spiders resulting in an inevitable death.

"Hahaha! Sugoi!"

Jin couldn't be happier. His problem had now been solved and he now only needed to kill the Widow with ease as its defense had went down in half.

"C'mon little spider! Let me taste your experience!"

Jin went jumping towards the Widow and grab hold on its giant limbs. He wanted to kill it with one slash of his dagger.

Down as climb towards its giant blistering body. He aimed his dagger to its center and all of his strength he placed it to the dagger.


With one long swing, the bulging body had opened in half causing green gooey blood to splurge resulting in its death.



+1,240,000 XP

You have level up!

You have level up!

You have slain the Widow!


+4 to all status

Steel String (CC/DMG)


He gasped in joy as he read the rewards covering his vision. He was rewarded by his efforts as he was happy with this. The reward wasn't an item but a skill still he was as happy as a weeb receiving an erotic manga.

Though he was still free-falling from the air, be couldn't care less as he would only receive minimal damage with no pain felt but in his surprise, he saw that there was a giant shadow blocking his view.

'Why is it getting dark?'

As he cancel out the window interface, his eyeballs almost popped out from its sockets. It was the Widow's acidic blood falling down towards him.

Jin crash down the ground at the same time as the blood-covered him. When it came contact to his skin, the muscle tissues began to hiss steam as due to the hotness of the acid from the green blood, his own blood had boiled and melted all of his veins, muscle tissues, and skin.







"Shit! I'm fucking dying!"

Jin screamed in agony. He could see darkish green damage indicators popping above his head meaning he was poisoned. Without a doubt, he had forgotten about this fact as he was too excited about his victory.

His HP didn't even reach four digits meaning he would die. Though he didn't feel any pain at all, the fact that he'd die and may never respawn was scary.


You have died!

"Ah fu-"

His mind turned blank and his vision darken. He died and his body disappeared in the ground.