
Solitude's Requiem

[UNDER REDITING PROCESS, DO NOT BE SUPRISED OF SHORTER CHAPTERS/ CHANGE IN NARRATION. THIS WILL BE THE CASE UNTIL THIS MESSAGE HAS DISSAPEARED] A tale of reincarnation. Edwin Gwayne is a young man who passes away after a long battle against his illness. Leaving behind a life where he felt consumed by loneliness and despair. Will he be able to make something of his second life in this new fantasy world, or will he experience that same anguish once more? “Death is more universal than life; everyone dies but not everyone lives” – Andrew Sachs Volume 0: General information The volume where you can find my world building lore that I will try to keep up to date. Volume 1: Tales of Appolyian (demon realm) Passed away at an early age, Edwin Gwayne, the young and sickly young man finds himself reincarnated in a realm called "Appolyian." A realm where strange creatures such as demons reside and the weak are destined to die. Can Edwin Gwayne change and fit in this new society? At what cost? Volume 2: Exploration of Genesias Crossing the border between the realms. The powerful shade demon Secessus Solum Luciel lands in a new fantasy world ripe for exploration and adventure. On his way to find a place to settle down, a true “home” he discovers that it might not be so easy as he once thought. His struggles to integrate himself with these new societies causing him to battle against himself. Author media's and stuff: Instagram: @jelle4novels (starting from this summer it will be filled with ai made art of these characters and more background lore with illustrations and stuff, also quotes and other books I thoroughly enjoy) world anvil page: https://www.worldanvil.com/w/genesias-jelle4manu (I'm still figuring this out but I do believe that one day, I might be semi competent at it.) CURRENTLY WORKING ON BACHELOR AND INTERNSHIP

Jelle4Novels · Fantasie
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232 Chs

Chaos Erupts (Tharnomath)

3rd person POV:

On the day of the invasion, Tharnomath was out in Lucille's Light. To be more exact, he was monitoring the situation. He had no particular orders to follow from his elder brother Ergillaz but still, this has never stopped him from fulfilling his duties. He's still part of the Talvit family, the most prestigious and respected one in Lucille's Light. Calculated, strict, authoritative, these are all attributes fitting a superior, and Tharnomath excels in them all.

Tharnomath felt uneasy the past days, their enemies have completely disappeared, whilst the church seems to have its own secrets that it's trying to cover. Their sudden "goodwill" or wish for prosperity for the little devil girl now called Eloisa is suspicious in itself. The church tried to hide its weakness by looking like a powerful institution that only grants blessings to demons and devils who are considered worthy. Suddenly, now they want to grant their blessings to small girls?

The girl has shown surprising fortitude and signs of promise. However, she hasn't done anything of note to attract the church's interest. It could, like Treyah Tuldani claimed, simply be a way to try and restore their relation with Seccessus.

Ergillaz told him that the treatment went south and that he discovered some unpleasant revelations. When asked what he discovered, Ergillaz said the following.

"Tharnomath, I'm not telling you or anyone else. Not because I don't trust you, but rather because it would merely be a distraction for the upcoming battle. Once Anima and Ulthriis lie buried underneath the dirt, then I will tell you all I know."

Respecting his elder brother's wishes, he decided to simply focus on trying to see any signs of abnormality. The seeds of doubt were however already planted in his head. Every priest looked more suspicious than usual, their presence more annoying than before. The institution that was weak and powerless is hiding something, even worse it's probably related to their latest flattery.

Related to their own allies, the people with whom they've spent the last years. Bonds get created in shorter times, even for devils.

Tharnomath liked his new allies. Much more than the mindless orcs before or any other temporary allies they've had. Seccessus was competent, driven, and seems to uphold certain values. He also has a strange aura, there is this feeling of dependence and longing. This feeling that every step that Seccessus takes will be written down in history. Who doesn't want to be a part of history?

The girl Eloisa is clearly not of the same caliber. She's far too young and had to suffer through a weakened body before she was able to get started. Still, Instead of acting like a scared runt, she acted with a surprising amount of resilience and bravery. Knowing her history from Idrilth, her actions were something that surprised Tharnomath. It made him like the child, besides Ergillaz had signed a contract to protect her.

Tharnomath snaps himself out of his thinking state. He had to focus on the present. Danger was lurking just beyond sight after all.

Then, just like a sign of god, something happened. Screams started to rapidly multiply. Tharnomath immediately noticed something strange and made his way over towards one of the sources.

Wraiths and lava stone orcs flooded the streets. The troops of Ulthris kaahen and Anima had made their way into the city.

Not wasting any time, Tharnomath decided to attack some of the troops. Using his magic, he began easily crushing the invaders. They who stood against him had no chance. The wraith's spectral essence dissipated after being forcefully crushed by his white golden aura. The lava stone orcs on the other hand did not have that luxury. Their bones were forcefully snapped and broken, their mangled bodies and seeping blood making them look like jam.

Seeing that these are clearly some of the weakest, Tharnomath decides to keep one alive for interrogation.

Walking down the street, he kicks the remaining bodies from his victims. Looking for those who can still scream and thus are perhaps capable of talking.

Kicking the sixth body, Tharnomath finally found one still able to communicate.

"Where are your leaders?" Tharnomath asks in a cold and menacing tone, his six golden eyes glaring towards the incapacitated orc.

"..." The orc does not reply, resisting against Tharnomath's intimidating presence.

"I said..." Tharnomath says in a long, low tone. The six golden eyes looking at the orc like one would look to some dirt on his shoes. His aura that he had lightened to make sure that he doesn't kill the orc began to weigh heavier once more. Tharnomath skillfully directs his crushing aura towards his opponent. Breaking his bones even more whilst making sure that he remains alive.

"AAAGH!" The orc yells out in pain, the feeling that he had to experience not too long ago has returned. Longer, more precise, more efficient and causing so much more pain.

"Where are they?" Tharnomath asks once more amidst the screams of the orc.

"I...I don't know. Please... I don't…know… Please believe me." The orc replies, clearly defeated.

Tharnomath does not speak. He simply continues to look towards the orc. Thinking about the next course of action.

"There you are, pale freak!" A familiar barbarian voice calls out.

Tharnomath turns around towards the source, his gaze even more intense.

"Ulthris Kaahen, it seems your childlike brain has deteriorated even more under Anima's guidance." Tharnomath responds towards the unwelcome presence with poisoned words.

Looking back towards the interrogate orc. He stomps his head. Crushing it, leaving only a splatter of brain and blood behind.

"See? You should have one. Just like this miscreant." Tharnomath speaks after killing the orc, hoping to enrage Ulthris kaahen.

'Even if he's a simple brute, he's still the leader of the lava stone orcs. I should try to make him go berserk and lead him towards Ergillaz or Seccessus. Killing him together should be no problem.' Tharnomath thinks, formulating a clear plan of action.

Ulthris Kaahen does not reply against Tharnomath's taunt. The orc's eyes are filled with rage and murderous intent. Wielding his gigantic war hammer, he rushes forwards against Tharnomath.

Beginning the first crucial battle of the day.

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