
Solitary Vampire

It’s the year 2357 on earth and the world has been at war in a three battlefront against humanoid lizards gifted by magic called dragonkin, aliens that had far more advanced technology called the Xalorians, and the remnants of angels and demons called ShadowFallen.  No to mention the aggressive beasts that roam the universe Through the war humanity has grown too big to stay only on earth, having finally gone to space and occupied planets that one could only dream of, but the universe’s mysteries are far and wide but closer than you may think. Rosaline, a young 16 year old girl, had been given a book to her by her dead parents that had died on the battlefront against the dragonkin before humanity and the Xalorians signed a treaty in the name of ‘preventing’ war and to deal with the powerful dragonkin. Like that treaty had ever stopped war and the Xalorians being hostile towards humanity. But no matter how hard she tries to open the book it wouldn’t give her face, not even pouring acid. But one day just before she goes off to her new military school after middle school, she accidentally poked her hand and a drop of blood fell onto the book.  A system appeared giving her a chance to become stronger, thinking this was a miracle. What she didn't know at the time was that it turned her into something not human. A Vampire. ********************* This novel was inspired by a lot of different media that I have seen so you may see some similarities between them. I will make sure to mention and give credit to the media when that happens. Updates everyday at 16:00 EDT I will probably be able to pick this novel back up again in December of 2026.

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Walking out of the Core Weapons class holding his new shield, Aiden kept looking at it every so often.

A little excitement grew in him after getting it.

This was his first weapon.

He wanted to learn how to use it so he looked for Iris, the only shield user he knew of.

Lucas was following behind fidgeting with a tiny spear toy.

Lucas brought up a question to Aiden.

"Do you know where Lelia is at? I haven't seen her in a while."

Aiden thought about it for a moment, shaking his head.

"Alright then, you keep looking for Iris, I'm gonna go look for Lelia."

Lucas turned around and headed off.

Aiden watched Lucas's departing figure before continuing.

He went over to the small training arena that Iris said they could find her.

Entering inside, he saw Iris polishing her shield.

"Iris, can… you help me learn how to use a shield?.."

She looked up to Aiden and stopped what she was doing.

Looking at his chosen shield, she nodded and responded.

"Sure, it will be a bit different than how I use my but it should be somewhat similar for the most part."

She got up and took a look at Aiden's shield.

"A light-weight shield, it's not full body either.

Only enough to cover the part you put your arm infront of. Still, considering that your future weapon is the grimoire, this is a good option. You can focus more on spells instead."

She grabbed a sword from the weapons rack and raised it up her waist.

"Try blocking these attacks with your shield."

Before Aiden had anytime to be prepared, Iris swung the sword to Aiden's left side.

He moved his right arm where his shield was located and blocked the attack.

They both backed up and started to exchange blows, one attacking and the other blocking.

Aiden sometimes tripped or almost fell over multiple times because he wasn't use to having a force push back on a shield, but he got the hang of it quickly.

All those experiences of getting bullied helped with learning how to use a shield.

It did make sense, shield users are trashed around after all.


They took a break to recover their energy, Iris asked about Lucas.

"He went to look for a… friend? Yeah a friend."

"You sound quite uncertain about that."

"Well.. I don't really talk to her, only to Lucas."

"Ah ok, let's continue to train."





Lelia was at the library searching through the books and looking for something specific.

She had been having a question in her mind.

She wanted to know just what that gear part was counting down too.

She searched the internet before here, seeing nothing related to this gear.

Look she saw was those pretend prophesiers and psychics that 'made prophecies' about the future.

Nothing about a gear counting down.

Hell, will she even live to see the day that gear stops counting down?

Although technology in the medical field had improved, allowing humans to live for 120 years, she couldn't possibly live till the time that was desplayed on it.

It was just too long.

'Maybe the books about Time affinity has some answers.'

The Time affinity was just as rare as the Space Space affinity but arguably harder to use.

Mortals shouldn't be playing with Time after all.

But there was still humans that wanted to know more about it, unable to stop themselves.

As such, for the lives of hundreds of people that wanted to know the secret of time, humanity had some knowledge on time.

Grabbing the few books about time, Lelia sat down and opened the first one.

Just as she was going to read though, a shadow cover her and the book.

This made her look up, seeing Lucas standing behind her.

He took a peak at what Lelia was reading and said.

"I hadn't seen you in a few days and this is what your researching?"

"Mind your own business…"

Lucas put on a thinking face.

"Hmmm.. nah."

Lelia became a bit annoyed at that response and chose not to focus on him anymore.

"Hey, I came all over to here just to see if your ok. Cant you be a bit nicer to me?"


"Aww, come on."


Lucas grabbed a chair next to Lelia and sat down.

He didn't know why Lelia had been spending her time reading about time but he didn't really think much about it.

Minutes passed and Lucas got bored, getting up and leaving.

He had checked on her and she was fine.

So with his curiosity satisfied, he went back to Iris and Aiden.

They were fighting their 3rd round of sparring and Aiden was able to somewhat keep up with Iris.

"You learn quite quickly! Good."

Lucas waited on the side until they were done.

After that, they went to get some snacks at the convenience store.

"So, how's that little girl your worried about?"

Lucas looked back at Iris and was silent for a bit.

"She's alright, for some reason she's studying about time. Why?"


She had left him confused while she payed for their snacks.

"Time?" Aiden asked.

"Just like there's a Space affinity, there is a Time affinity. I don't recommend getting having such an affinity though."

"Why? Wouldn't that be super powerful."

"Yeah, it would. But like Space, it gives the same pressure on your mind. Plus, there's barely any resources to train such an element. I heard there was one guy who put themselves into a black hole just to cultivate it."


'Black holes?…'

He moved on from the topic.

"Anyways, way would she be studying that? Can't be that she has a Time affinity. That would show on her ID."

Iris came back with chips in her mouth after paying.

"Whuat arue youu talking abont? Mm."

"Finish eatting before talking Iris."

"Mhk mhk.."

They walked out and talked about a few things before deciding to separate for the day.

"Bye, have a good night."

"Yeah, cya."


Thank you for the power stones! Comment and critique my work. I hope you guys have a great day, evening, or night!

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