
Sold to the Alpha's

As her smile appeared a frown came from the guy in front of her. "What is so funny?" He questioned as he took a knife and traced it on her knee "Hmmm what is so funny?" The petite woman, beautiful women sitting tied up only smiled more. It didn't matter that the man was stronger than her, nor did it matter that she might not make it out of this alive. All that mattered is that she held on just until they got there. "You are." She started to laugh, "You think that by torturing me I will tell you anything, that I will give up those that I love? If so you are dead wrong." His voice was never warm to begin with, but up until now there was a softness in his voice. Used to get most women to give him the information he wanted, but it turned cold and chilling. Leaning up to speak in her ear he whispered "Most people I have tortured have said the same thing, and I have broken each and everyone of them. There is nothing special about you, you will break just like the rest." With those chilling words he quit messing around, and plunged the knife into her leg. She did not scream, instead she closed her eyes begging that she could reach her mates through the bond. Hoping they would come and save her. Right as the knife was pulled out to be used to make this young girl scream, both of them could hear the sound of bullets. Leaving two emotions in the room, one of satisfaction and happiness. The other one of terrior as he had kidnapped her. "What's wrong, worried?" The girl grinned through the pain. "Not in the slightest." The man turned hiding his face from her. Before he could think of what to do the door opened. It was not opened slowly, but so hard, and fast that if it had received anymore force the door would be off it's hinges. Standing in the doorway was a man with a red suit and brown hair. The man doing the torturing tried to take off only to turn back in horror, as the man turned into a wolf and ripped him to shreds. She didn't know who stepped in the room, but she knew they were here for her, by the way the man screamed in agony. Her back was faced to the guest so all she could do was wait. Wait for him to save her, when he stepped in front of her, her heart melted. "Chase." It was the only word she could muster with all the pain. He cut through her restraints, and lifted her in his arms. "Isabelle stay with me baby, I'm here just stay awake." He begged but worry set in, as his women was growing unconscious in his arms. He was finally here, finally here to save her, but was it to late? Maybe had she never fallen in love with him, or the others she wouldn't be on the edge of death. This book takes you on a journey of four lives. Isabelle the omega who had her heart broken, and believed every last alpha was the same, all being cruel. While the other three were like brothers, Cole the leader, the other two being Dylan, and Chase. They lived life to the fullest, and the darkest. Once caring about people, only to destroy the ones they loved in the end. The three of them decided to no longer care. But when they meet a beautiful thief, they realized she did not only break into there house, but into there hearts. Could she be different, and survive there world, or would she be doomed by the past? Believing there world to be bad for her, only to find out her world held the same darkness, or maybe even more. Does fate bring these four people happily ever after, or does it merely taunt them to believe they can, only to be destroyed for good. (THIS BOOK IS MATURE, BUT STARTS SLOW. YOUNG READERS NOT ADVISED, OR PEOPLE WHO CAN'T HANDLE THESE TYPES OF BOOKS.)

Fiction_1864 · Fantasie
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63 Chs


(This chapter is not for the younger population it has some gory details, read at your own risk.)

It was the day before the big night, the night of the auction. Dylan hadn't noticed anything different about the file, and why would he nothing would be different, not in those papers at least. Which meant it was up to Chase to figure out what was going on.

Chase was walking around the room where the event would take place, and couldn't help but look at the girls in cages, or the girls in chains. He could easily ignore the girls that were nicely sitting down knowing what there fate would be tomorrow. How could they sell themselves this easily, when they sat next to women who cried, and fought? It never made sense to him.

The ring leaders were setting up the auction room. They normally started a day before to make sure everything was perfect, which is why the girls were here. They got transported yesterday, so the guards would have enough time to track down anyone who decided to run.

Chase was placing security of his own a day early to make sure rules were still being followed, even though there weren't many. Out of the corner of his eye he saw a women. She didn't look even old enough to live on her own, and a man hitting her, shoving her into a cage.

Yes it was sad for many of the women here, but her no, he had to draw the line somewhere. Chase stormed up to the man, and shoved him away from her, and the cage. Causing the man's security to rile up, and Chase's to do the same. Chase put his hands up to stop his goons, and spoke firlmly to the man's guards.

"You know who I am. I allow your boss, and his friends to be here with rules. He start to step out of line, so I pushed him back into it."

Chase hoped they would back off, not because he didn't think he could take them, or the blood that would be shed. He just had a list of things to get done today, he didn't need any distractions. The guards looked at Chase and back at their boss, and back to him. Wondering if they should back down. The man held his own hand up and his security backed down.

"Really Chase it doesn't have to be this way."

"Yes it does Oliver it really does."

Chase turned away from Oliver and looked at the young women in the cage that read Elizabeth Taylor. Oliver was as worse as they come. He was higher on the slavery chain and believed that women who didn't obey needed to be punish mostly by abusing them.

"We are here to stay for a few nights Chase just leave us alone why don't you." He knew his place was at the top so a evil grin was left on his face.

"Because there are rules if you want to stay in my town you will obey to them." Putting his hands up Chase tried to sooth the whimpering omega, but she only backed away from him. He didn't blame her though.

Slavery rings existed they were happing everywhere. Cole decided along with Chase, and Dylan the best way to control it was to allow it. if they refused it the owners of the slavery rings would just retaliate, and do it under their nose. It would cause a lot more bloodshed than anyone wanted. So the three of them met with the other leaders, and came to an agreement. They could hold the so called objects anyway they pleased in chains, in cages, but they were not to be harmed.

One of the issues for the sellers were, what happened when the objects were sold? That they couldn't control what happened after that. It was true not even Chase, Dylan, and Cole together could control an alpha who came tomorrow without a big scene. So they added to their rule, no staff will hurt the merchandise. Once they were sold, and in the hands of their owners then it was out of anyone's control, and the rules didn't apply for the buyers. It wasn't right but at least it was some what under control.

Another problem was what if the women didn't listen, how do they control them? Dylan didn't get angry a lot. he was always a charmer, only when he felt strongly about something did it give him the power to be angry at it, and he angrily stated.

"That's what the cages, and chains are for."

It was the only term that had been set, and yet the other leaders werent happy about it. Finally they decided to agree, and most played by the rules. Oliver was not one of them. That is why they had security, Chase knew a few bad, well worse eggs would try to fall out of line.

"What will you do to stop me Chase?" Oliver said almost sounding threatening.

Chase laughed if Oliver wanted to see a threat, he was going to see one. Chase got close in his face and quietly, and ever so softly, but with a lot of meaning spoke.

"I will kill you."

For a second Chase could see the fear in Oliver's eyes, and it made him smile. It didn't mean that Oliver would for sure listen to him, but Chase didn't need Oliver to. He would gladly kill him, maybe here infront of Elizabeth, then she would know Oliver could never hurt her again. Chase looking down at his watch and saw the time. He decided he had enough of this game. Turning, and walking away he told the guards to watch oliver, to make sure he didn't hurt anymore girls. As he was getting closer to the exit Oliver felt he had more power to speak out.

"What Chase you know what will happen if you kill me. They will all be after you. You can't kill them all." Oliver laughed with what he thought was a win.

Chase ignored him all the way until he got to the door, that led him out into the world. Turned to face Oliver who was just barely in ear shot yelled.

"I do love a good challenge." With that being said Chase walked out.