
Sold To Him

"Shut it". She was cautioned as she was led to to beautifully decorated mansion, that looks housy but not homyy. If Alma had known this is her Fate she won't have bothered to live and struggled to fend for her father. She was sold to him and she had no choice but to stay. She got stronger and took revenge on class mate who always looked down on her. Now she is back and they all regretted it. But it was too late already and nothing could be done about it.

Rumaysah_Ibrahim_8830 · Fantasie
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7 Chs


Do you believe in a meeting that can lead to your forever. No one does but it haopens


Walking down the alley I was scared damn yes I was. Who wouldn't be. I have heard lots of stories about this particular alley.

They say a woman was killed here. It was a fucking WOMAN and am just a teen. Why won't I also encounter same.

Oh Alma your end is here. I chanted in my mind just so I will keep reassuring myself that all will be fine. I don't want to die no I reasoned it who will Care for Steven. I am all he got my pretty baby don't worry I will be fine.

"Common Alma breathe" I whispered to myself.

"It's fine you would be fine". I kept chanting thus that In my mind.

I just want to get home and I will. Am sure i will. The streets of America is not always safe we all know it.I won't have gone out so late but Steven had to eat. I could sacrifice that much...

"Ahhhh" I screeched when my leg hits something.

"Oh Alma it is just the bin". I consoled my self.

I kept walking at a fast pace yet it seemed so slow.

My legs were already failing me I don't know why but whenever am scared my mind always goes back to that time in school when I was locked up in the school basketball court. Am a victim of all such of bullying.

I was always the bullies target because I looked weak and timid and usual minded my business as an introvert. No one wanted to be my friend.

My name is Alma Ray. My dad was a big time gambler and he always lost. The one time her won I told him to please Use it for business but he slapped me And shut me up.

He gambled it yet away and we went back to the hard life we always lived. In dept and fear of the unknown.

I moved out of the house at the age of 17 and lived alone its been a year and half and I haven't gotten into college yet.No tuition fee and the scholarship was not an all scholarship.

My dad comes once in every week to demand for part of my part time fee and I had to give him.

Mom left us when she couldn't bear it anymore.

I was a lonely person until Steven came into my life I could give anything just to keep him and cater for him he is my only solace

"Ahhhhhhh!!!"". I screamed this time it wasn't a bin am sure it wasn't. It looks like a human just fell on me. it looks like a human just fell on me.

"No please don't take my life I wasn't the one that killed you. I promise you I have never killed". I cried I begged all I can, Hoping this ghost would spare my life.

"Shhhhh, young lady shut up you are screaming to much" A man groaned in pain. I was suddenly pushed to the walls on the alley and my mouth was covered. Ohh Alma today is your end surely here. Finally I won't have to go through bullying or anything of any sort Again.

 Fast Foot steps could be heard across finally my savior is here. I wanted to shout for help but apparently I can't. The man had just closed my mouth. I tried biting his hands but I just can't he shifts it far from my teethes and professionally keeps my mouth close.

 Finally the footsteps where gone and my precious life flashed right in my face. I knew this was my last moment on earth. Apparently my darling Steven is bound to be alone in this world

"Sir pleases let me go. I promise to be a good girl I will do anything you ask me for". I pleaded.

"Young lady you talk to much. Please keep it shut and take me somewhere safe". He groaned holding his shoulder.

That was when I decided to take a closer look and damn was his should oozing blood. I quickly held on to his arm that was not injured and at a surprising fast pace we walk down the alley to my house

"Sir my house is not your regular house.It is really shabby and unpresentable". I kept blabbing about how it is just to prepare his mind for the unseen. He groans again.

"Young lady can you please keep shut till we reach our destination please??!". He demands

"Yeah sorry I tend to blab a lot once am nervous". 

Am also quiet surprised how on earth am so free with this guy that I was able to blab a lot to him. Like as a self person that i am, I am not usually open to others like am very secretive.

Finally am home. We finally reached my house that is down the alley and I felt so save cause am away from that f*cking alley.

I searched for my key frantically in my pocket, yeah finally here it is in the nook and crannies of all the Jagons and lots of useless papers in my pocket.

I open the door with a hand and used to other hand to hold onto the injured man.

"Come in this is my apartment that I manage alone. Don't mind it is really comfy".

Helping the young man in I suddenly look around for my baby Steven.

"Steven mummy is home".

"Bark bark bark". The little fellow runs towards me and I momentarily let go of the man and held my poor baby in my embrace.

"You have missed mum right? Ohh baby I missed your hug".

Thud!* The sound of something falling is suddenly heard am my attention is drawn to it.Oh no am careless again. I left and injured person for my dog.

I gently laid Steven who kept barking down and helped the young man up. I kept him on my one seated chair. My only property that can be inherited.

 I quickly rush to my room to get the first aid.I came back after disarranging my room and turning it to a market place.

"Sorry how are you feeling lemme help with your wound.

I quickly took out the alcohol and prepared to apply it on the wound, when the young man swiftly and professionally collected it from my hand.

He takes the first aid and tend to his injury like something he is used to.

"Ughhhh". He groans as he pulls out a bullet from the wound.

Ughhhhh. And yet another.

Ugghh. Another. I widened my eyes and wondered how a normal human could take that much bullet

"Ahhhhhhhh!!!!". I suddenly shouted as he pulled another out. I know by now the neighbors would be wondering what was wrong.

In 1,2 and 3 here comes the expected knock

*Knock!knock!!. It stops 


"Alma are you there?". The old woman who lives next door comes to inquire

"Yes ma am fine no need to worry it is just Steven and giving me his usual attitude". Steven stares at me in disbelief cause this time I lied on him.

I quickly pick him up and starts apologizing to him. He continues to ignore me and choose to look at the door.

"Common baby look at me. Am sorry okk. We can't tell Grandma Liz that we have a Man over. You know how she is . Everyone in the society will know about it".

I tried to coax the little guy. It takes it head up and I was almost screaming in happiness just for it to do something unexpected.

It looks towards the young man who had just finished bandaging his wound and glares at him barking

The man coincidentally looks at Steven with his cold blue eyes too. My hearts skips because it seems like those looks were directed to me for some seconds I couldn't break the contact.

Common Alma snap out. Why will you be entranced my something out of reach.