
Sold? Oh please.

COMPLETED Jessie Marin is a popular and successful actress at the peak of her career. Until she is in a staged accident and the rest of the world thinks she's dead when in fact she's kidnapped and sold in a trafficking ring to the highest bidder. Jason Kang a wealthy business tycoon, invited by his friends to the auction house, does not intend to buy anyone. In fact, he thinks it's a disgusting thing, changes his mind when he sets his eyes on Jessie. The only problem is he fell in love with her body. Nobody, not the kidnappers or the bidders knew her identity, what happens when Jason finds out? How does he intend to keep a woman who will not be kept? And what happens when a common enemy arises? ~~~ "So what are you going to do? Yes, I escaped or rather tried too, what are you going to do?" Jessie sassed at him. Jason grinned "you're not in the least scared of me are you?" he asked. "Should I be?" Jessie laughed. "You definitely should," He said flipping over and trapping her beneath his own body. "You forget" he continued "You are a captive in this house, not a guest, not a visitor. And you won't take a step out unless I say so. So I advise you to rather stop defying me and behave." "Or what? You'll hit me?" she scoffed. "Oh, honey there are worse punishments than physical abuse," Jason said. Jessie wanted to believe he was bluffing but they were a danger, a deep rage that she saw in his eyes that terrified her. Did she want to find out what was worse than a beating? She bit her lips and tried to push him off her, but he grabbed her arms and held them above her head. Pinning them above her head with one hand and gripped her neck with his other hand. "Don't push me, Jessie, I'm trying, really trying to be good. Be careful with that pretty mouth of yours." Jason warned. "You're trying? I haven't had a proper meal in the last three days, I have no clothes and I'm sorry but I'm I supposed to look at the ceiling all day? There is nothing to do in this house." she snarled. "You say there are worse things than physical abuse what else could you possibly take from me?" Jason smiled and tilted his head as she uttered her last words. Dipping his head he sniffed her hair. Coming down lower and biting her ear lobe. He loved the way she shivered at the contact. "Oh dear Jess, there a lot of things I can take from you" He whispered in her ear. Dragging his nose the expanse of the smooth clear skin of her long neck. When he placed a feather-light kiss on her collar bone she struggled beneath him. But she was not strong enough to break out of his grip. ~~~ Feel free to message anytime on discord @ Obliviousstudent#2356. I do not own the book cover, credits to the artist.

Obliviousstudent · Urban
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380 Chs

19. Infamous.

Katherine stood up from the curbside when Pauls' Lamborghini was in sight. Walking over to the passengers side she opened the door and got in.

"What's all this about Jessie pretending?" She asked.

"Look at this" he picked up his phone unlocked it and gave it to her.

As Katherine's eyes scanned the screen she gasped covering her hands with her mouth. "No way! What the hell is going on?" She asked.

"What do you think? Jessie Marin is dead." Paul sighed.

"So if Jessie Marin is dead, who the hell did we see in Jason's house?" Katherine asked.

Paul shrugged. "No idea, but we have to find Jason now, before he lets her go."

"Why do you want to stop him? And how sure are you about this news? You can't trust the media." Katherine said.

"Katherine when the entire country no, the entire world is saying something do you really think one person's story is the truth?" Paul asked.

Katherine scoffed "Of course you would think that way, why am I still surprised."

Paul bit his lip and ran his hand through his hair. "Look I'm just saying it doesn't make sense, and it doesn't make sense to trust someone you just met over the actual news."

"Well I don't for a minute believe this, even if that woman wasn't or rather isn't Jessie Marin. I don't believe the real Jessie Marin would kill someone." Katherine said matter of factly.

"Really? I didn't realise you were such a fan." Paul sneered.

"Don't do that, and besides what reason would she have to that?" Katherine asked.

"You never really know anybody Kate." Paul said.

"So what do you want to do now?" She asked.

"I can't let Jason let her go, he told me that he got her to sign a contract of non disclosure, if she really isn't Jessie Marin then it won't have any hold on her." He said.

"I don't think she's pretending, she seemed so natural and she fit the role of a famous actress just kidnapped. And besides doesn't Jason deserve to be punished, he did buy a person."

"Katherine!" Paul warned.

"What? I didn't say anything wrong." She shrugged.

"Look just like her doppelganger she might also be a good actress and Jason did agree to let her go, I think he deserves some brownie points on that one."

Katherine shook her head. "I still don't understand why you think that woman isn't Jessie Marin the actress."

"Well first of all because Jessie Marin is dead. And think about it, Jason had no idea who she was until I identified her after I saw her unconscious. That I'm sure is the main reason he decided to let her go. If she was really Jessie Marin why wouldn't she tell Jason? It doesn't make sense."

"Think of it like this. If you were a famous person and in that kind of situation will you gladly reveal you identity? And if someone was even to blame it would be you, this is all your fault." Katherine said.

"My fault? How?"

"You said you were the one that identified her, if I'm not wrong you've always been good with faces."

Paul glared at her for a moment then sighed "Well sitting here an arguing is not going to help the situation. Let's go, call Jason."

Katherine nodded and he drove off.


Jason walked into The Castle, walking into the restaurant he searched for Patricia, scanning the room he didn't see anyone that looked like her so he just followed the waiter to the table he had reserved. He didn't reserve the entire restaurant like he usually did when he met women. You could never be too careful when it came to Lee's everybody knew that, so he welcomed the extra pair of eyes.

He sat down and picked up his phone, he was already about twenty minutes late, where was she? Before he finished the thought he saw a woman in a skin tight red dress and black heels cat walking to him. Her Auburn curls bouncing as she approached, red lipstick making her lips more pronounced and makeup that highlighted her high cheekbones. Patricia Lee was a woman with strong features, she had a kind of face you could pick out from a crowd. Everything was defined and strong but somehow worked and complimented her.

"I hope I haven't kept you waiting?" She said in a most seductive manner. Touching her collarbone with the tip of her fake nails also painted red. Jason got up and pulled out her chair as courtesy demanded. After she was comfortably seated he went back to his seat.

"Not really I've only just arrived myself." Jason said politely.

She smiled "That's a relief then, I was afraid I was too late."

"Good evening, Mr. Kang, Miss Lee. I'll be your chef for the evening. The waiter will bring your menus feel free to make any adjustments you see fit." The head chef of the restaurant bowed.

Jason nodded. "Very well then."

He left and walked away a waiter walking to them almost immediately with the menus in hand.

"Give us some time to make up our mind, in the meantime some wine?" He asked Patricia.

"Oh yes, white." She said.

Jason looked at the waiter who nodded and walked away.

"So I see you've been making a lot of progress in your new perfume collection?" Patricia said breaking the silence.

"Yeah... honestly I don't know why we didn't do it earlier, it's really not that hard." Jason smiled.

This was a tradition, they would shake trees. Try to find weak spots and loop holes. He knew exactly why Patricia asked him about perfume amongst all the businesses he stared this year and he knew exactly how to reply. The first to show any strong emotion or reactions loses.

Patricia laughed. "Of course I wouldn't expect anything less from the infamous Jason Kang."

Jason brow went up "Infamous? I'd like to think I have a better image to the public."

"Well I can't agree with you there, the stories are brutal to put that politely." She shrugged like she was commenting his shoes.

"Oh yeah?" Jason smiled leaning on the tables he rested his chin on his knuckles. "What stories?"

"Oh I don't know" she shrugged looking seductively at him. "I hear you give your girlfriends a three month contract, why you can't keep a woman if she isn't bound to you by law?"

"Well when you're me you can't be too careful." He said.

"Oh yeah? And what's so great about being you." She asked.

"Oh I don't know, how about being the most sought after man in the country. Not only I'm I the rich, I'm incredibly good looking, I mean what's not great about me?"

"So I should be incredibly grateful to be engaged to such a catch?" Patricia asked sarcastically.

Jason nodded.

"You forget why we are engaged" she said tilting her head. "If anything at the least we are a match."

"A match? Hardly." He stated bluntly.

Patricia narrowed her eyes at him.

"I am the best in my field, no one can hold a candle to me when it comes to business. Can I say the same about you?"

Patricia laughed and released an unlady like snort. "Pardon?"

"I'm I wrong? Your not the best actress in the country, I must say. The only reason I even know you act is because I'm engaged to you. Beat Jessie Marin first then we would be a match."

"Why the hell are you mentioning her name in this conversation?" She spat out. Jason raised his brow at her sudden outburst, Patricia realising her mistake, suppressed her emotions.

"You forget that my family alone gives me an upper hand, besides I am the top of my field, I won. Jessie Marin's dead, and her image is broken beyond rep-"

"What did you just say?" Jason interrupted her.

"Which part?"

"Jessie Marin, what happened to her?"

"She dead. Do you not watch the news?" She sneered.

Jason got out his phone and tried to turn it on, dead. He got up and started to walk away, but Patricia grabbed his arms to stop him.

He looked down at where she touched him before looking at her face. She had an 'are you kidding me?' expression on her face.

"Pardon my manners, I have to go. Something has come up." He said.

"So you're just going to leave?" She asked sounding slightly whiny.

"Yes." He said, walking out.

Patricia glared at him as he walked out, he was going to regret embarrassing her like that. The waiter finally arrived with the wine and after yelling at him for taking so long, she grabbed the bottle pouring a large amount into her flute she gulped it down.
