
Chapter 132 He's Very Clear-headed

"Sang Qi, your Sheng Yanyan is a green tea bitch," I had to deliver my closing argument, whether he was listening or not.

"Do you have to be so blunt?" His breath enveloped the top of my head and stirred my hair, tickling slightly.

With a deft sidestep, he seemed intent on defending Sheng Yanyan.

I have the least respect for this kind of man; I just don't believe his eagle-like eyes can't see through a woman.

I unbuttoned his shirt and threw it over his shoulders before turning and walking away.

He grabbed my arm and draped his coat back over my shoulders, "What's with the attitude now?"

He pulled me in front of him, "Did I ever say I didn't believe you?"

I looked at him, somewhat disbelievingly, "Then repeat after me, Sheng Yanyan is a green tea bitch."

He chuckled lightly, tapped my nose with his finger, and said, "Alright, I'll say it, Sheng Yanyan is a green tea bitch."

He said it seriously, his gaze sincere.

All the anger inside me dissipated in an instant.