

In the year 100BCE a spaceship fired an unusual, weapon at a solar flare and something unexpected happened; and aliens were speaking in foreign language, "Something is happening." But as the captain sees it forming into a ball of; fire before turning into a planet of water and landmass, and the captain alien ordered "Let me know, when the planet has finished forming." As he left the bridge but not long after; the first officer approached the captain and said "Sir, firing a weapon at a solar flare would destabilise our weapons. Alas, putting us all in grave danger. Specially..." as the first officer looks down; at her belly and the captain sighed in disbelief and the captain, said "I forgot that your, pregnant with my child. Very well, Kristina."

Then, the captain ordered the ship's engineer to shut off, the weapons' systems and the alert alarms went off and; he asked "What now?" Then, they re-entered the bridge and the first officer asked "What happened?" And the lieutenant, replied "I don't know, but the Ace computer activated the alert system; because of that." The lieutenant pointed and the captain; looked at the screen.

"What the fuck?! Engines back full!" captain ordered and the spaceship, jumped into hyperspace and the junior officer said "We're at hyper-speed mark 95, sir." And then the captain nodded; before leaving the commander in charge, and leaving the bridge. As the captain walked through the spaceship; and spotted a child then he pressed the communications activated and commander replied "Captain, you're supposed to be in your quarters." But the captain exhaled and said "Touché. I have found a child, on board. Find out why and; how." Then the commander replied "Yes, captain. Commander Kristina, out." As the two-way communication turned off.

As the lieutenant scanned the whole, spaceship but finds nothing other than them and the lieutenant; looked back at the commander and said "The captain must be, seeing things because no child is on the spaceship sir... for the moment." And the commander has; a feeling wanting to hit the lieutenant but, stood up and walked away.

Then the lieutenant looks around wondering; 'What did I say?' Before the spaceship gets attacked by an unknown enemy; and the red alert sounded then the captain entered the bridge and sees a spaceship as he sits down, and the ship-ship communication beeps and the captain said "I am captain Jaya Zuiko. Identify yourself and, state your reason to be here." And the another captain replied in foreign alien language but the captain; looked at the communications' officer and asked "What did the captain say? Can you translate it?"

"I will try. But, I can't guarantee that the translation will be 100%." Lieutenant replied then the captain nodded before; leaving the bridge including the commander. Not long after the captain, entered his quarters the commander stood at the entrance; and the captain asked "What?" Then the commander replied "You look tired, Jaya. You need rest, before you collapse upon the bridge." As the captain nodded he went and on his bed and; the commander walked over to the bed and said "Jaya, I have been thinking."

"Kristina, this ship isn't a ship without you. And if anything happens, to you or the baby I'll never be the same again. I love you, my love. Tell me why you want to leave, S.E.F. (Space Enterprises Fleet)." The captain said as he sat up and; the commander said sadly "I am being put behind a desk, because we have broken the taboo law. I can't risk putting our child, in moral danger on a spaceship. I'm sorry, Jaya but... I will be heading to universal port at 1800 hours tonight. I love you."

But not long after the captain escorted, the commander to the long-distance teleporter and said "I will see you soon; Kristina." And he teleported her halfway across, the universal space rifts before arriving the destination and meanwhile; on the spaceship there's severe damage everywhere and a lot of crewmen dead as the captain, is walking through the hallway and sees his dead crewmen being carried to med bay morgue on his; way to the bridge.

"Captain, the spaceship's captain is on communication. He is requesting to speak with you." Lieutenant said over coms; and the captain replied after signing "Put it through, here were lieutenant." And the lieutenant transferred the commlink; to the communication speaker and the captain said "Captain Fitzno, this is getting annoying. Because, you always keep signalling this ship."

Then the other spaceship's captain replied "I am, willingly to accept your surrender. Or I will destroy your ship, and everyone with it! Oh, I am looking for my sister, Kristina." But the captain said "I never both crews of both spaceships; are trying to keep a straight face and captain Fitzno replied "Captain Zuiko, I am not a girl! I demand that you return my sister to my home world right now!"

And captain Zuiko said "I've heard enough, of this guy. Turn it off." As the commlink turned off and captain Zuiko asked "Lieutenant, anything S.E.F. about commander Kristina and the baby?" Then, the lieutenant replied "No, sir. But I will try to get; communication command on the horn"

"Don't even bother. Send word to her, to contact me at 1900 hours." Captain Zuiko said before leaving the bridge and the crew is wondering what is going on with the captain.

But as the communications officer carried out, the orders before leaving the bridge but meanwhile in the captain's quarters the commlink computer; beeps and captain Zuiko walked over to the desk and activated the commlink and sees commander Kristina, on com-screen and captain Zuiko said "You look well. I met your so, called brother. Captain Fitzno, of some fleet."

"Jaya, my brother was thrown out of S.A.F. (Super Atomic Fleet). And was killed by S.P.G. (Space Pirate Gang); before I was even born." Commander Kristina replied until, an admiral entered and sees captain Zuiko and said "Captain, let me be the first to say mazel tov. Also Kristina is soon to give birth. Let the planet form without you inferring, and come back home for the birth! That's an order!"

Not long after the commlink ended captain Zuiko, started to head toward the bridge until the red alert alarm goes off and enters; the bridge and sees a spaceship in front of them and asked "Now what?" Then, the lieutenant replied "I have no idea, sir. But we're supposed to be on our way home; for your child's birth." And the captain Zuiko looked at the lieutenant wondering, if he is cracked or his head isn't screwed on right.

To Be Continued

Hi guys I will update this story when I can.

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