
Soft lady boss

"you little slut don't ever call my boyfriend's line again...........I just used you when I had issues with my girlfriend,I do not love you and I advise you not to call my line again........",John warned . "since you entered the university, you have been behaving strangely and depriving me of sex ...we can't be together let's break up....."Conner told Jesy. "I am pregnant for you..",Jesy said to Felix. "please don't disturb my sleep, you deal with your problem yourself and don't ever call my line again.."Felix replied and hung up the call................. "choose between me and your best friend....",Jesy told Emerald. "am sorry but we can't continue together, I feel pressured and I am not ready to be committed to anyone....let's be friends", Emerald suggested.. "it's me time, have had enough of pain in my life ,it's time to pave way for joy to enter my life ........",Jesy finally decided. This book is more of fiction and little bit of a true life story about Jesy a young girl, who fell in love very early in life, she was betrayed by her first love and several other guys in her early youth, determined to make it in life ,she shuts the gate of love ,will this gate be opened later on, and will she fulfill her dream of becoming a lady boss.....

Ladyboss15 · Urban
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6 Chs

1. Meeting John.

Hi,good afternoon beautiful girl,John called out.

Good afternoon sir, Jesy replied

Please am looking for the pastor of this church,am Dr John,he said.

Ooooo,do you have an appointment with him before??,Jesy asked.

Yes I do,he told me to come last week ,I came he wasn't around so I decided to come today, John replied.

Ok,let me take you there sir,Jesy replied.

Thanks alot dear,John said.


Is the baby you are carrying yours?,John asked

No o,it's my sister's friend's child,Jesy replied. Does she look like me??,Jesy asked.

Yes she does,she's cute and so are you,John replied.

Awwwwwwwn thanks sir,it seems pastor is not around o,he's office is locked,Jesy said.

Why is this man tossing me here and there now am so exhausted, have been coming since last week but still I have not been able to see him,John complained

So sorry sir,Jesy consoled what do you want to see him for ??,Jesy asked

I am an optician,I just want to hold a health campaign in the church,John replied.

Ooooo I see ,sorry o ,I am going back to the church before my mum starts looking for me,Jesy replied.

Ok please before you go can I know your name?,John pleaded.

That's fine am Jesy, she responded.

O what a nice name for beautiful girl like you,John said

So please can I have your number ,he asked

I don't have a phone o just a sim card ,Jesy replied.

No problem please give me the number,John said

Alright,Jesy agreed


Thanks dearie,John said

I gotta go,Jesy replied.

No problem will call you ok,wait!!!,John called out

Sir?,Jesy answered

Are you on Facebook ?,John asked

Yes I am,Jesy replied

What's the name?,John asked.

Jesy king ,she replied.

Ok thanks will message you,John said.

Am John Bright ,he added.

Ok bye,Jesy said.

Bye, John waved back at her


Hello,is this John?,Jesy asked.

Yes it is,who am I speaking with?,John replied.

You speaking with Jesy the girl you met in the Catholic church in ETD, she said.

O my baby, how are you doing honey ,he replied.

Am fine sir and you?Jesy asked.

Am good baby ,he replied.

Was expecting your calls but you didn't call ,she complained.

So sorry honey was so busy with work that's why I couldn't call, John pleaded

O is that so?,Jesy asked.

Yes,he replied.

Ok no problem, hope am not disturbing your work now,she asked

No you are not baby, infact you just made my day by calling me,have been having a stressful day ,John said happily.

Sorry sir,she consoled.

Stop calling me sir, baby girl!call me by my name or any sweet name,John said sadly.

Ok John,Jesy replied amused.

Hmmmm so you don't want to call me sweet names,John asked again trying to act cute.

No I don't want to ,Jesy replied laughing.

Ok o,you have made me sad now,John replied still acting cute.

I can't am sorry,am shy ,Jesy replied not wanting to hurt his feelings.

Ok o,John replied .

So where you able to book another appointment with my pastor,Jesy asked

Yes o ,I was, he replied.

So when did he say you should come,Jesy asked.

He said I should come tomorrow,John replied.

Really ,I will be in church tomorrow for a program,Jesy told John happily.

Nice,we will see tomorrow then,John replied.

Yes sir,she said.

Bye gotta go,Jesy said.

So soon,John asked.

Yes you know am using my mum's phone to talk to you don't want her to start looking for it,Jesy replied anxiously.

Ok no problem,don't want anybody to shout for my baby o,John told her.

Bye Bye , Jesy replied.

Bye Baby,I love you,John said

Hmmmm ,Jesy replied cutting the call.


Hello!! it's John,he called out.

I know what's up,Jesy replied.

Am fine o and you?,John asked.

Am good o,Jesy replied.

Am in your church now o,he said.

Really,am coming out now,where exactly are you?,Jesy replied joyfully.

Am at the gate,John said.

Ok am coming,Jesy replied.


Here you are ,she said greeting him

How are you sweetie?,John asked.

Am fine, how many times do you intend to ask me that?,Jesy replied.

As many as you wish my angel

,John replied seductively.

You are very funny,you know that right?,she asked him.

If you say so then I believe my angel

So where do we go ?,he continued.

Inside the church , gotta go before mummy starts looking for me,Jesy said.

Ok we will see after the service,John said.

Me,I can't say o,Jesy replied.


Jesy baby , Jesy's mum called out

Yes mummy,Jesy replied.

How was the service?,did you enjoy it?,her mum asked her.

Yes mummy,she replied.

Ok let's go home,her mum said.

Mummy see my doctor friend I was telling you about,Jesy said pointing to where John stood.

Oooooooooooo, Jesy's mum exclaimed

good morning ma,John greeted.

good morning my dear, how are you doing and the family?,her mum replied.

Fine ma ,we bless God, John answered.

Ok now,Jesy i will be going to see the pastor,John said.

Ok John bye,Jesy waved.

Bye my son,her mum said.

Bye ma,John replied going his way.


Hello,were you able to see the pastor?,Jesy asked.

I did o,but he didn't agree,it's just a waste of effort,John said dejectedly.

So sorry,so where are you now?,Jesy asked.

Going home,am close to bronze gate,John replied.

so sad am in church charging my mum's phone , thought I could see you before you go,Jesy said sadly.

Of course , just come and see me at the gate will wait for you,John replied.

Ok am coming,Jesy said happily.


Let's enter this restaurant ,am famished,John said.

Ok,Jesy said obediently.

What do you want to eat?,John asked.

Nothing ,Jesy answered politely.

Are you shy?,John asked.

No !!! I am not,Jesy replied.

So why won't you eat?,he asked again.

Am not hungry ,she replied

sir, what do you want to order?, the waitress asked John.

Give me groundnut soup and garri flakes ,John ordered.


So do you know how to cook?,John asked Jesy.

Of course I can cook anything apart from groundnut soup still learning how to,Jesy replied.

Really?, John asked.

Yes o,Jesy replied him.

Is your glasses fake??, John asked.

No it isn't,she replied him.

Let me see,John requested.

It's quadruple lens o Jesus!!,he exclaimed.

How did you know?,Jesy replied.

Am a doctor now, and this is my field,John answered.

Ok I almost forgot,Jesy said shaking her head.

It's ok,John replied.

I want to start going home now,Jesy said.

Why do you like running away?,John asked emotionally.

Are you not enjoying my company?,he added.

Didn't say so o, just don't want my mum to be worried ,Jesy replied.

Ok ,I will miss you o,John admitted.

Won't you miss me,he asked her.

Maybe ,maybe not,Jesy replied.

You don't love me?,he asked her.

Me I don't know ,I can't say. Have seen a lot of girls like me passing through pain so I built a fence around myself ,it's gonna take some time to trust you so please don't rush me,besides I don't know you much so I can't give you my answer,Jesy explained.

Hmmmmmm,but ,infact,I am confused don't no what to say,

When are we going to see again?,John asked .

Don't know for now,Jesy answered.

You said you don't know me,so we have to see each other more,he told her.

I know but I don't know when we can see again,gotta go,she replied.

Ok please give me a hug before you go,John pleaded. Ok,she agreed

Shy girl,John whispered.



Hello,who is it?Jesy asked

It's me baby,John replied.

Oooo,how are you? Jesy asked

Am fine o and you, John replied

Am fine sir, Jesy replied.

Ok I just called to check on you to know how you are faring, John said.

Ok,thanks for the care, Jesy replied.

Who was on the phone?mum asked .It was John O ,Jesy replied. Hmmm, Jesy's mum exhaled. Mum John says he loves me hmmmmm! Jesy's mum exclaimed,he said what?she asked. He said he loves me mum and I think I love him too,Jesy replied. But you are to young and you are still in secondary school,I don't want anything to distract you ooo, Jesy's mum said worriedly. Mum I won't be distracted don't worry about that,he says he's gonna wait for me until I finish school.Ok o,if you say you love him ,I can't stop you o,I can only say you should be careful,don't go and see him alone o,and always tell me what he says, Jesy's mum replied calmly not wanting to hurt her daughter's feelings. Thank you mum,you the best mum in the universe ,this is why I love you and I don't hide anything from you, Jesy said happily.Just be careful her mother replied to her. Yes mum I will,Jesy replied. ok go and wash the dishes on the sink and help me loose my hair,her mother commanded.Ok mum,Jesy replied.

Hello!Jesy called. Yes baby how are you, John asked. Am fine o ,guess what I told mum and she agreed that we could date, Jesy replied. You told your mum,there was no need to do that besides you should have asked me first,John replied coldly. You know I can't hide anything from her so I had to tell her ,I am sorry, Jesy replied. You have to learn to keep things to yourself you know, you are a big girl now ok, John advised. Ok will try ,Jesy replied. Good girl,that's why I love you, John coaxed. I love you too , hope you will not break my heart O ,you know am very fragile?,Jesy asked. I won't my love, John replied. Ok bye Jesy replied. Bye my love ,will call you when am less busy,John replied.


Hello! baby girl,John called. What's up John,Jesy replied.Am good o my love and you,John asked. Am feeling great and excited,Jesy replied. Really? Where are you? John asked. Yes o!! Am in GCE lesson ,am preparing for the exams ,Jesy replied. Ooooo you want to write from SS2, John asked. No dear just want to have the experience of how external examination looks like,Jesy replied. Nice my love,study hard o,what do you want to become,John asked. I want to be a pharmacist and open my own pharmacy shop,Jesy replied. That's nice o,just read your books and avoid distractions oo,John replied. Yes babes,Jesy answered. What did you call me? John asked filled with emotions. I said yes babes, Jesy replied. Wow!!so finally you have stopped calling me sir ,am so happy,John exclaimed happily. Ok I gotta cut the call ,lesson is about to start ,Jesy said. Ok my love, John replied.


Mum good morning ,Jesy greeted. morning my love ,you are back, go and serve food from the white flask and take half egg from the stew ,remain for your brother oo, Jesy's mum answered. Ok mum,John called today o,Jesy said. hmmmm, what did he say?, Hope you didn't run my phone battery down o? Jesy's mum asked. He didn't say much o,he just asked of my well being and advised me to study my books so I can achieve my dreams to become a pharmacist and that he's going to be my support system when I need one,Jesy said. That's good o,it shows how much he loves you,please do as he says ,don't be distracted from your academics o,you know how me and your dad are struggling to train you guys,her mother advised. Yes mum ,Jesy replied. That's good ,ok go and eat, Jesy's mum commanded. Ok mum


Mummy Jesy cried. What's wrong with you?her mum asked worried. Mum , John lied to me that he doesn't have a girlfriend and that's it's only me he loves,Jesy replied. What!!! My baby am so sorry,her mother consoled. How could he do this to me?, Why did he lie to me? He's the first man I fell in love with and this is what happens, just few weeks after I said yes Jesy lamented. But how did you know he had someone? Her mother asked her. She called me mum,she called my line and told me to leave her man alone , she called me a little slut that's aiming for big things...

Hmmmmm, who else thinks Jesy is rushing things with John? She's just in secondary school but here she is falling in love.......I pray it goes her way.

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