
Soaring Phoenix

You jinx it's all your fault, said Cynthia. What are you up to this time? Linda asked feeling confused and annoyed. Cynthia became increasingly infuriated, 'how dare you call my name? It's all your fault that anyone who is involved with you gets in trouble. Previously you seduced our teacher and threw yourself into his arms, now you have used dirty tricks to harm Robb. Just as she tugged on Linda to deal with her, she accidentally pulled off Linda's bracelet which restricts the strong spiritual power she was born with and boom the power of the Phoenix erupted and threw Cynthia onto the wall.....

alexchimezirim123 · Geschichte
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57 Chs

Linda Takes The Formula

 At night, when everyone had gone to bed, Linda made a paper windmill and placed it on her brother's hand, pecked his cheek and looked at her mother for a while before leaving. Immediately she left, her mother opened her eyes and sat up, because she pretended to be asleep, she wanted to know when she would leave. 

Ah! Linda! Her mother called her name while sobbing. She silently prayed for her daughter to be safe.

Are you sure you don't want to go back to Suzhou with us? Robb asked her immediately she came outside.

Yes, it's to minimize the danger you people will face on the way. And besides I left teacher in a short notice, he hasn't been feeling well since the demons attacked the academy, Linda stated.

Teacher is also there with you?

Yes, I need to return quickly so he will be rest assured I'm safe.

Ok, since you say so. Please send my regards to teacher.

Okay. Please help me take good care of my mother and brother.

Alright, I would do that even if you didn't tell me to.

After bidding farewell, Linda left. Robb just stood there watching her back with a sad expression and mixed feelings. He wished everything was just the way it had been in the beginning, but it changed the day that the Zhou family were named rebels. He and Linda had been close since little, so he would help her with anything even though the initial reason why they were close wasn't there anymore.

 After Linda arrived at the between land, she went straight to their home and to her surprise she found Stanley lying unconscious on the ground at the doorway.

Teacher! Teacher! She called and shook him at the same time but no response. She immediately struggled to carry him onto the bed and wiped his body with a clean cloth and afterwards gave him medication. 

 Later she sat down at the bedside watching over him, soon the crow she had saved earlier flew to the window. Luckily Emerald's blow didn't kill it but just knocked it unconscious.

It's you? Linda asked delightedly.

Yes, the crow replied. Do you know he was poisoned by the formula?

You know the formula? She asked.

Hmm! The bird smirked. There is good news and bad news. The person poisoned by the formula will die. The only solution is for another lovestruck person to willingly make sacrifices. The poison can be transferred under intense and strong affection. But....

But what? Linda urged on impatiently.

But once it used, it can be transferred only once in a lifetime. Once it is transferred, there will be no other solutions, the crow stated the fearful fact and left afterwards.

 While Linda was ruminating on what the crow just said, Stanley coughed and opened his eyes.

Linda, he called. 

Teacher, she said and helped him to sit up.

I thought I would never see you again, it's like a dream because only in a dream can we be together forever.

Stanley, she said calling his name for the first time. I love you.

 Stanley just stared at her with weak eyes filled with love. Determined to cure him of the formula, she took the initiative and kissed him. Their lips ravaged each other, they held each other's arms as they kissed intently and spent an erotic and affectionate night together. 

 At dawn, Stanley woke up first. He felt anew and strong. He just watched Linda with her sleepy face for sometime before she woke up. 

Why are you up so early? Stanley asked.

Linda just shook her head.

Now go back to sleep, I want to go and cook, he said.

Linda nodded and closed her eyes, while Stanley came down from the bed.

 As he came down, he wondered why he didn't feel some weakness as usual and raised the sleeves of his cloth only to see that the formula was gone.

It's gone! Stanley exclaimed.

Linda immediately sat up with wide eyes.

The formula is gone! He stated clearly.

That's great! Linda said.

My spiritual power must have recovered and resisted the formula, that's why I'm feeling no weakness anymore.

 Later on, Linda stood in front of the mirror, dressing her hair and applying makeup. Then Stanley came and sat down across her sitting position. He brought out a gift and gave her.

Why did you buy me rouge? She asked.

In the mortal world, I passed by a shop that sold cosmetics but he doesn't have make up and decided to buy you something there when the shop owner said his wife was too beautiful and doesn't need make up. So i decided to just buy you a rouge because you were beautiful, he said. But I don't know the ways of the humans, I could only do what others did. At least the rouge will make you happy.

I wish we could be like this everyday, Linda said while grabbing his arms. 

If we could be like this everyday, that means I will stop being the divine lord and no going back to the heavenly realm, he said smiling. I know I can't change your fate or destiny and your identity. 

Just then, Linda felt dizzy and closed her eyes for a while prompting Stanley to call out her name to know if she was alright.

"I'm fine", she told him.

Stanley took her palm and wanted to examine it but she tried to withdraw it which Stanley refused. He raised her sleeve only to see the formula on her. He got mad and almost went crazy.

What happened?! He almost screamed. I hope it wasn't last night...

Linda. Immediately cut him off and said "it's because of me you were poisoned by the formula if you had to die, I will feel guilty.

Why are you so silly? He asked her feeling heartbroken.

Don't worry, with your love it doesn't matter to me even if I die.

And immediately she felt a heavy pain in her chest, she screamed out and Stanley's mind went blank. He immediately remembered what triggers the formula and gave her some distance.

I shouldn't be coming close to you if not the effects of the formula will worsen. Don't worry I will surely cure you, he said and turned to leave but Linda grabbed his hand and said;

Stay with me! Don't leave me.

Stanley just knelt down in front of her keeping his head level with hers.

Don't worry I'm not leaving you, I just want to go and ask my father for help. He can surely save you.

Linda nodded and let him go.