

"So you're saying you're saying, that you are going to return back to my family,who according to you are in another world, because you all thought I was the great re- born. And when I return I won't remember anything from here...right?" Ellena said staring at the perfect beings surrounding her "what the heck!! that's the most absurd thing have ever heard"she said stupefied.

"You've got to make up another story there is no way I'm not reporting you to the police, and with this they'd think I'm the crazy one, not you... whatever you call yourself"

Young jugmar"said the annoying yet nice looking woman "we apologize sincerely, it's all a mix up on our part. As much as I would love to explain myself you have to go now to avoid further complications" she said nicely for some sec I believed her and then I saw her signal to me, no, it's behind me. Someone was behind me all this while.

I turned to look back but my body was frozen, it wasn't moving.How dare her I thought.' Release me old hag' I said angrily snarling at her. Slowly my vision became blury but I felt ny nose sharpen, a thick masculine scent filled my nose, then slowly I lost consciousness

*****. *****

"Ellena" I heard a familiar voice call out to me, slowly opening my eyes,I felt a strong attachment to my environment, the deep masculine scent lingered in my nose but it was faint so faint it faded before I could turn to see who had that glorious scent. Slowly the previous event played in my head immediately I sat up right, those dummies, the old hag face was blurring, a frown settled on my face, painfully I shut my eyes then felt something travel through me it was so fast. My breathing slowed and I opened my eyes. I felt relieved, like some kind of burden had been taken off me. Something wasn't right but I just couldn't pin point. And each time I tried to, I got nothing. An uneasy feeling settled in me but I shrugged it off. If I couldn't figure it out then it might as well have being my imagination. There was no use getting worked up, I thought, things would eventually fall in place...like they always do.

"Oh,my poor lilly" I heard the caring, familiar sound, concern and worry etched on her voice. Nurse Beatrice, she has been our family doctor for years, well I heard that she'd helped my mum during my delivery. I'm 16 and I bet have spent 7 to 8 years of my life in her clinic. Though we'll equipped it's size belittled it, it was comfortable and comforting, it served it purpose, to heal people and that's what it does, more of that's what it does to me... I guess. Apart from Egwene, my governess she was the closest person to me, well so far I've been putting on quite an attracting nor appealing attitude, that explains why 7...no, 8 governess had fled, running for their lives. It's funny how they all come looking like they're gonna change me into some Mama's baby...but, very funny. My frequent visit to Nurse Beatrice has made her one of my favorites, she totally understands me in a way that even I don't understand myself. It freaks me out some time but I'm cool with it, I guess , I love her.

"Lilly"she said, holding my hands in her hands, like it's some kind of very precious thing,worry mixed with relief etched all over her face. I know better though she's gonna scold me once I'm okay and that's the part where I act like I'm remorseful.

"Oh, my poor lilly" she repeated as she placed a peck on my forehead. "Are you okay? what happened to you? where did you go? Do u feel pain anywhere? is it everywhere?

The tears in my eyes were so close to running down my face, I hate to cry, I hate being emotional. I look to my side to hide my tearful eyes but who I saw made the tears dry up itself... Egwene, she stood like she always does with her grosse figure and a stone carved face that hides all emotions but this time it was different I could have sworn I saw tears threatening to pour out and it's all gone the emotion ridden face is back.

"she's okay Nurse lilly"Egwene said coldly, can hear relief at the end of her voice... seems like my ears are playing games with me.

"where did you go without an escort or permission from an adult?"she asked sternly.

"I'm not some kind of weakling to be bossed around Egwene"I replied coldly

"You are nothing less than a weakling,a baby who needs to be properly guided and protected" she said as a matter of fact

"I'm old enough, I can take care of myself now " I said in my defense, I sounded stupid even to my own hearing but there's no way I was going to let her belittle me this much.

"Oh like this"she said scornfully,her voice coated with anger "you were gone for a week with no trace of where you went to and when and you still think you're responsible enough to take care of yourself"she said angrily, glaring at me wildly.

Damn, she was right,but no matter how hard I try to I can't recollect any of my memories, it's frustrating,I'm sure I wasn't careless I might not be polite or good but I wasn't reckless either.

"Suit yourself" I said, I turned to the other side to drop my leg but was stopped by Nurse lilly.

"Egwene she just got back, how about giving her some time to regain her strength" she said wearily, I don't know how long have been here but she looks so tired , her face puffed and eyes, red and swollen seems like aftermath of crying continuously topped with sleepless nights. She looked like she would need the rest herself, how could I leave her like this. Slowly I got into bed, faced her,I gave her a faint yet reassuring smile. I was okay was the message sent and she squeezed my hands fondly. She understood me,she always does