
Snowy Red

L still felt hazy. It was still all chaotic. I didn't know what going on around me.But all l knew was I had to give in to my instincts and fight.Maybe for my life or for someone else. The big bulky man landed a heavy painful blow through my face.l thought my skull got crushed at that moment.l landed face down onto the ground.

Karma_yukida · Urban
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53 Chs

Chapter 34

My cheeks flushed pink as l chuckled nervously, "You sure have a knack for stealing kisses, you sneaky fox."l said unable to look him in the eye.

"Lets go back now, the lessons are about to start."

"Let's stay a little longer,Umi."He said not bugging from the position we stood.

"No we can't..and its your first day.You'll get in trouble if you ditch class."l said with assertiveness.

"Please.."He said giving the puppy dog eye.He looked cute..but l couldn't give in.

"Umi.. please..just this once.l wouldn't want this moment to end faster so please..a little longer"

With earnest eyes and a voice filled with sincerity,l could find my self refusing this clever fox of mine.

And as he reached out, his hand finding mine with a gentle urgency,l felt myself unraveling, succumbing to the magnetic pull of his words and the undeniable longing in his gaze, unable to resist the allure of staying just a little longer with him.

As we stood together on the rooftop, the cityscape sprawling before us, a sense of longing filled the air, thick with unspoken words and unresolved emotions.

Our gazes locked, conveying more than words ever could as we savored the bittersweet reunion after months of separation.

The distant hum of the city below seemed to fade away, leaving only the soft rustle of the wind and the electricity crackling between us.

In that stolen moment, the weight of missed opportunities and unspoken confessions hung heavy, yet the simple act of being together, of sharing that space, felt like coming home after a long journey.

Time seemed to stand still as we finally allowed ourselves to be present, to soak in each other's presence, knowing that despite the impending consequences of our truancy, this moment was worth every risk.

As we lay side by side on the cool floor, the weight of his pleading and the allure of our forbidden truancy melted away, leaving only the raw intimacy of our shared moment, a silent acknowledgment of the unspoken bond that tethered us together despite the world's demands and expectations.

With my head nestled in the cradle of his chest,l found solace in the gentle rhythm of his heartbeat, each rise and fall a soothing melody that whispered of comfort and belonging, as if the world had finally found its place and time stood still in the warmth of his touch.

As l laid on his chest,feeling the steady rhythm of his heartbeat beneath my ear, l couldn't shake the turmoil swirling within me. Memories of my childhood best friend flooded my mind,our shared history a tapestry of comfort and familiarity. But intertwined with those memories were the vibrant moments spent with the club member in the bustling city, each day a new adventure filled with excitement and possibility. Caught between the safety of the past and the allure of the future,l wrestled with my heart, torn between the two halves of my soul that yearned for different worlds. And as l gazed into the depths of his eyes, searching for answers l feared l might never find,l knew that whatever choice l made would shape the course of my destiny which l was gifted a second chance to live,torn between loyalty to the past and the promise of the unknown.


~Back in class~

As the lesson commenced,Shin couldn't shake off his concern for his sister and her best friend, their absence lingering in his thoughts. Sensing his unease,Toma leaned in closer, their shoulders almost touching as he whispered softly, his warm breath tickling the brother's ear. With a tender smile, he reassured him, urging him to trust in the bond between the two friends and to focus on the present moment. In that intimate exchange, amidst the backdrop of the bustling classroom, a subtle shift occurred, their hearts beating in sync with the unspoken promise of support and devotion.

past or present?

Karma_yukidacreators' thoughts