

"I laugh with no humor again, I don't notice that Crynn starts to scoot farther away from the bars separating us. I don't notice the bars start to crunch into themselves like a strong, invisible force is squeezing them together jerkily. I don't notice the crackle of the speakers, alerting anyone in the hall that the guards are listening in. I don't notice the wild way my hands are moving through the air, I don't notice the hysterical pitch my voice has reached, I don't notice the crazy gleam in my eyes. I wouldn't though, I'm too caught up in my emotions." Raylee Damini is the world's first Heavie, someone who can control the stubborn force of Gravity. Though it comes with a price. The white-haired girl on the bottom floor of Illwood Asylum has captured Raylee's interest, the Government wants to use her special powers for violence, isn't white the color of purity? A mysterious visitor, disappearing doctor, and a girl who thinks she's a monster? Raylee has her hands full trying to survive her attacks already, so what happens when the visitor isn't so mysterious? The doctor is found? And the girl is a savior? Don't worry about the Blackbirds, we'll get to them later.

Ella2Cinder · Fantasie
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28 Chs


My whole body is in so much pain. It isn't supposed to hurt like this after waking up from an attack. I feel drained, not even enough energy to alert the people in the room that I'm awake. I know there are people in here because I can hear them and feel the breeze of them moving around. The hum of machines is louder than I remember, did Ingemar get more? The room is also warm and stuffy and light. It doesn't feel like the cold, sterile hospital wing. Am I in The Glass Box? My curiosity gives me the strength to open my eyes slightly. I see that I'm in a tall tent, a breeze blows through the flaps, it feels alien on my skin. Why am I not in The Box? My breathing sounds loud in my ears. I see a woman walk by but I can't make a noise to tell her I'm awake. By my side is a folding chair, Crynn is sitting there asleep. His hand is clutching mine which I can only vaguely feel. I try to give it a squeeze to show him I'm awake but I only mention a tremor. He doesn't wake. A woman in a white coat walks closer to me, yes, yes! She reaches over me to mess with a bag of liquid hanging beside me. I only see part of her face but it's familiar, pale brown eyes, and Efryan heart-shaped face with creamy skin. Bit? The woman moves her arm and I can see her face more clearly, especially her hair, it's ink black. My eyes tear up and I let out a whine that seems to grab her attention. She looks at me and her eyes brighten,

"Good afternoon Raylee," She says in Bit's voice, "I know this isn't what you're used to but I hope you feel better." I continue to stare at her, she looks at my brother and sighs.

"He wanted me to wake him up when you woke up but look at him, the poor boy needs his sleep." She shakes her head and tsks lightly, "Nevertheless, he won't forgive me." She rounds the bed and shakes Crynn's shoulder,

"Crynn, Crynn! Raylee's awake. Don't overwhelm her!" The last part is drowned out by Crynn leaning on my bed excitedly.

"Raylee! You're awake! Finally! So much has happened during the day you've been asleep!"

A day?

"We were captured by these people who call themselves the Blackbirds and they thought we were trying to steal you or something because they thought you were dead. They brought us to this really scary woman who was going to interrogate us but then guess who came in!"

I blink at him slowly, what is talking about?

"It was Bit! Yeah, Snowbird told me all about how she killed her and you were mad and yadda yadda. But Bit-"

"Finch," The woman interrupted,

"Yeah whatever, Finch recognized you so then the scary lady-"

"Alpha Kitty,"

"Stop interrupting! The scary lady let the rest of my friends go home, mostly because Gabriel wouldn't stop complaining about missing taco night, but Snowbird and I wanted to stay because you were in here unconscious." He gulped in a large breath, "And did you know that everyone here has black hair and no powers?" At that moment, a male nurse walks up to my nurse and they start looking at a clipboard together. I notice he has long black hair the same as my nurses. I see another flash of my dream, tents in the background, and Crynn with black hair. A tear spills down my cheek as the man leaves,

"Raylee? What's wrong? Why are you crying?" I look at Crynn and the nurse who's leaning over me too.

"I'm going to die," I whisper. Immediately they start reassuring me, or, what sounds like it. My vision starts to blur and my hearing gets muffled like I'm listening to them through a door. Then blackness.