
Chapter 14

[Next morning]

"Sweet candy, why you are doing all of this? Where are the auntie who used to help you in your household works?" asked Eun. Her granny was washing dishes in the kitchen.

"I really don't know where she has gone. She did not come for last 15 days. So I have to do all of my works." replied her granny.

"If you do so much work you will get sick. Now, I am here so you don't need to do so much work. Let me help you. Give me these. I will clean the dishes." saying this Eun took the plate which was in her hand.

"Why will you do this? You are my guest." said her granny and wanted to take back the plate.

"What? I am your guest? Then I am not your family member?" Eun said to her grandmother arrogantly.

"I am not saying this. You are my everything. But it is your free time. As your boyfriend is with you, go and show him the village." said her granny and smiled.

"No, I will help you. If you don't let me then I will do it forcedly." said Eun and she took the dishes and started washing. They both stopped talking and the room became silent. Her grandmother was cooking something. So she was besides the stove. After few minutes Eun broke the silence and asked,

"Can you tell me where the auntie is? I will go and visit her. There must be something wrong." said Eun.

"Yes. She has become sick for some days. It's not that serious but she is not getting well. I heard that she doesn't take her medicines properly." said her grandmother.

"Why?" asked Eun curiously.

"May be she misses her son too much." "Her son?"

"Yes, she lost her son. Some years ago, in our festival, she and her son went together. But somehow her son lost in the fair. Since then she has gone crazy out of sadness. But she had overcome it when she came here to work. The boy was only one for her. Now she is all alone. There is no one who can look after her. She lives in the house near the pond." saying this her granny took a long breath and concentrated again on cooking. Eun got sad by hearing her story. She wanted to meet the lady and help her. Her granny put off the pan from the stove and left. Eun was lost in thought and continued her work. Tae Jin was standing on the field. He was watching the beautiful scenery of the village. There were so many crops in there. Some little kids were playing. Damien was also playing with them. He looked like the leader of those kids. Here he was able to see the full sky. It looked amazing. There was so much air and it looked like the crops were dancing. The pond made the village more beautiful. He thought that he is in a heaven now.

At the time Eun's granny went there and shouted,

"Hey! why you are standing on my crops?" Ah! I am so sorry. I didn't noticed that." sad Tae Jin moving aside.

"I will forgive you if you answered my questions." said the granny.

"What grandma?" asked Tae Jin. He knows well how to win peoples heart. And he understands how he can win the old lady's heart. So he called her as grandma. Hearing this the old lady felt happy.

"How much do you love my princess?" asked the lady. He was not prepared for this question so he could not answer quickly. Being quiet for some moments he answered, "A lot." Then he tried to smile but he couldn't.

"What can you do for her?" asked again her granny.

"Whatever she wants." thinking something Tae Jin replied.

"So, go inside now and help her working." said the old lady smiling. Tae Jin went inside as the lady said. Eun Byeol was still working. She finished washing dishes and then she was cleaning the floor of the house.

"Let me help you." said Tae Jin. Eun was surprised to hear that and replied,

"You will clean the floor? The famous Tae Jin will clean the floor?"

"Why? Can't I?" asked Tae Jin again. "Then try it." said Eun and gave him a mop.

"I have to clean the big floor with this dirty cloth? Don't you have a vacuum cleaner?" asked Tae Jin surprisingly.

"No, My old granny cannot use it. So there is no one. Clean it with this cloth. Here's a bucket of water. Wash the cloth in this water." said Eun smilingly and left. Tae Jin started to clean the floor with a clumsy hand.

[Meanwhile in Seoul]

They are lying on couch. They are very tired and anxious. They could not find their lovely boy Tae Jin. How could they find him? Where did he go? They cannot imagine. They are all very sad because he is the only one who cheers others up whenever they get sad. Kang Min is in a shock because Tae Jin is like his son and he has lost him. It's been two days since they couldn't find him. There is another one who is in shock but he doesn't show that he is in tension. It was Ha Joon. Tae Jin was just like his younger brother. It's their lunchtime and they have food in front of them. But they don't want to eat. Because they have never eaten without him before. He was adorable to all. Their manager also loved him so much. Now they all miss him. They want to find him. But every time they tried to find him, they failed.

"Are you sure you saw him in the car?" asked Jeong Eun.

"Yes, I saw him. I had sit right beside him, I talked to him. So I am sure that he was in the car. But when did he went out of the car?I really can not understand. If my eyes were open that day, We might not have lost him. It was all my fault." said Jung Hwa sadly.

"Where are you, Tae Jin? Come back soon. We all miss you. We all need you." said Chi Won. His voice is like he was crying a while ago.

"Stop being like this, we have to find him no matter what," said Ha Joon strongly.

"I have warned you that something wrong will happen. I sensed it. Remember? When we were at New York? I have told that something was not right. Since that day all bad things are happening." said Young Soo.

"But who can see the future? We could not understand back then. But now we can understand." said Jeong taking a big breath. Kang Min was still silent. He couldn't say a single word. It seemed ike someone snatched a very beautiful and valuable thing from him.

"Hey, guys! Are not you hungry? Why haven't you eaten yet? Just finish your food and go to the rehearsal room." said Woo Jin. But nobody answered or responded to him. They sat there like six statues.

"Maybe he vanished. Someone has a bad eye on him. Otherwise why he had to face this kind of problem? I am sure someone applied black magic on him." said Chi Won.

"Stop talking nonsense. There is no magic. His phone is still shut down." said Ha Joon being anxious.

"Your fans are asking about him. What could I say? Today you have a press conference. There you all have to say that Tae Jin is not here. He has gone overseas for some reason. Got it? Now, go and do your daily exercise." said Woo Jin and left. All of them stood up and started leaving the room. They didn't even touch the food. The food remained on the table.

[After two days]

Suddenly hearing a scream from the washroom Eun rushed to the place and saw that Tae Jin was the person who was screaming.

"What happened?" asked Eun being curious.

"Look at this." saying this Tae Jin and pointed his nose. Eun looked at his nose and laughed loudly.

"You got a pimple? Oh! you are looking too handsome with it." said Eun and kept laughing.

"Hey! Don't you dare to laugh at me. I can't do my skincare for some days. So it happened. How will I get rid of this now?" said Tae Jin sadly.

"You used my face wash. So it's happened for a good lesson. My facewash is cursed. Whoever usesit, he will get pimple like this." said Eun and kept laughing.

"Hmmph. Now stop laughing and get an idea of how to get rid of it." ordered Tae Jin.

"I have an idea"

"Well, What is it?" asked Tae Jin.

"Wait here." said Eun and left. After two minutes she returned with a bowl of ice. Giving a cube of ice Eun said to Tae Jin, "Apply it on your face."

"What ice? Do you think the pimple will be gone after I apply it?" asked Tae Jin in a weird way.

"No, you have to apply regularly. Then you won't need the beauty enhancer things. You know, it is the natural beauty enhancer." said Eun taking a cube of ice.

"Really? Then I have to try it." said Tae Jin and took the cube from Eun's hand. But he couldn't hold it because it was too cold. His hand were getting frozen. So he dropped it.

"What happened?" asked Eun.

"It's too cold." said Tae Jin.

"You want hot ice then?" asked Eun angrily.

"No, Have I told you?" saying this Tae Jin took another ice cube from the bowl. But when he was going to apply it on his face, this ice cube also fall from his hand.

"You can't do anything. You have to apply it like this." saying this Eun took an ice cube and started to apply it to her face. So Tae Jin took another cube but like the other it also betrayed him and fell from his hand.

"Ah! What can you do to your own?" said Eun angrily and put the bowl in one side. Then she took an ice cube and applied it on Tae Jin's face without thinking anything. Tae Jin was too tall that Eun couldn't reach his face. Eun was also taller than other girls. But as Tae Jin was too tall she had to reach his face by raising her legs. Tae Jin couldn't feel anything while the ice was applied on his face. It's like his face was going numb. And there was one more thing that was freezing inside. It was Tae Jin's heart. It's like his heart has stop pounding. He couldn't move or say anything. Eun didn't noticed him yet. She worked at a salon for some days. She was so professional that she was lost in her work. After she finished her work she noticed that she was so close to Tae Jin. And his face is turned pale. She was embarrassed and moved aside.