
Snow In Summer

Nyx Willow is the only daughter of the lord of Allowez. Having been promised many things, all of which have been broken and the most recent leaving her heart feeling destroyed. It shouldn't have come as a surprise. While picking up the pieces, she is shoved back into play when her father sends her off to marry the next king of Procyon, prince Nicolaus. Reluctant and only agreeing for the sake of a treaty written up by old men half a century ago, Nyx will come face to face with betrayal, secrets, heartache and friendship. All of which come at no easy feat as her every move is being monitored by a mysterious knight in service to the king. How will it all unfold? Secrets, mystery and forbidden love run rampant in the kingdom of Sobell. Will Nyx have the love she was promised or will she remain a game piece on her father's corrupt board?

AnnGedrose · Fantasie
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15 Chs

C. 10 The Words of a King

Smiling up at Ayon, I tried to forget what happened last night and only hoped that Nicolaus suspected nothing. I had left the party and felt eyes on me the entire time, especially when I got back to my room and even after I laid down, there had been an uneasy feeling. I wondered if Ayon had been keeping a close eye on me but he looked refreshed and ready to go no matter the task.


"The king will meet with you both outside along the lake." Ayon stated flatly. His eyes were hard, shoulders set back and squared to assert his position.


Licking my lips I looked up at him with a smirk. Not even a mention of last night in how he stood or spoke. Raising my chin, I centered myself in front of him. After a count, he finally lowered his gaze to me.


"My lady?"


He asked so easily it made me sick. The twitch in his right eyebrow beckoned words that should otherwise not be spoken should the wrong person hear them.


Pouting lightly I shrugged and turned sidelong to Nicolaus. He looked annoyed and still half asleep. Clenching my jaw, I swallowed and reached out toward him. When my hand landed on his upper arm, his gaze drug to me. Blinking slowly, I played with the shirt he wore as I bit my lip and looked up at him.


"If you still need rest, I can do this on my own." I offered innocently but something in the way he seized my hand, his steely glare fixating on me. Forcing a smile, I gently squeezed his hand between my strangled fingers. "I wouldn't mind you coming along. Maybe we could see about you coming out with me and you could tell me stories about the forest and the hunting trips the king took you on."


His thin eyebrow rose easily now, his thumb rubbing the back of my hand. Blood rushing to the tips so quickly that painful pricks that felt like red-hot needles skittered across my skin. However, when Nicolaus flicked his glare to Ayon, I was sure it would bruise my hip by how tightly he gripped me. Plastering me to his side, I tried to keep calm, blood pounding in my ears I looked to Ayon.


Taking a half step, he looked ready to advance. Instead, he just repeated his message before turning easily and leading the way outside.


Nicolaus bristled at this action. Before I knew what I was doing, I rose my right hand to his left cheek, pressing my palm against it to make him look at me. Gazing into his deep cobalt blue eyes, my breath hitched. A muscle tensed in his jaw before he leaned into the touch. I was sure to hold him there until his grip on me loosened and the tension released from his shoulders.


"Nicolaus, you can talk to me." I offered this, even sounding cheesy in my mind the words I nearly took them back when he didn't answer or look at me right away.


Turning his face to my palm, he held my fingers before brushing his lips against my wrist. Letting out a breath against my skin, I shivered, biting back a giggle.


"You are such a light in my dark world, Nyx." His hand shifted on my hip, forcing me against his chest as he continued. "I want to do whatever it takes to keep you happy here. Name it and it will be yours."


Huffing a small laugh I tugged at his shirt as I shook my head. "I want nothing, really. Just don't lie to me and we should be fine."


"Does that go both ways?" His tone shifted to a deep rumble, his eyes stormy, arm tightening around me once again.


Panic settled in my chest. He knew however; he didn't know what actually happened. Opening my mouth to speak, he leaned down, kissing the corner of my mouth then slid his cheek along mine to whisper in my ear.


"Starting today, let us both strive to keep that promise trinket."


Swallowing hard, there was something in the way he said it, how he held me against him, that made my entire body stiffen. Pressing my hand against his chest, I felt again just how solid he was. He was slight compared to Ayon but still held power over me. Gnawing the inside of my lip, I nodded.


"Fine with me." I strained out as I felt my spine pop.


"Perfect. Now, we should be going. My father isn't known for his patience."


Pushing the action off as lack of sleep and my denial to his pleasures last night, I tried to not let the pain rise to my face even as I walked next to him. If he noticed, he didn't seem to care. Taking a deep breath as we entered the bright morning sunlight, I felt my chest and shoulders rise and fall with the clearing of my head.


I was here now. There was nothing I could do, and Nicolaus didn't plan on letting me go anywhere, anytime soon. The fact that when I saw Ayon; did not help it I felt my heart pound in my chest. I wanted to know how he had done it and why. He wasn't my guard and didn't have any reason to protect me other than I was the princes future bride. A position that I didn't want or felt I deserved.


"Nyx and Nicolaus!" King Yarrow rose his thick eyebrows and sat forward in his lounge in the cool shade away from the growing warmth of the morning. "Please come and join me. I was hoping to catch you both before I had to revert to my own duties. It is such a bore sometimes but it must be done. Enjoy what freedom you both have before you have my position!"


King Yarrow rose his glass, resting on his elbow as his long legs spread along the lounge, crossing at the ankles. Gesturing to the other plush chairs that sat on either side of the tent, I took the one near the king's head while Nicolaus took the one by his feet. I tried to not meet his gaze as I smiled and met the kings stare with curiosity.


"It is strange." He spoke, eyes glued to me as he took another drink from his frosted goblet.


"What is that, my lord?" I tried to keep my voice even.


"How much like your father you are yet you hold the beauty of your late mother."


My stomach froze. Late mother? What was he talking about? No one knew what happened to her, she disappeared and never returned or sent a letter of any kind. Swallowing hard, I tried to keep myself calm.


"Thank you, your majesty." I lowered my head, accepting the compliment as any woman should when given by a king. "I am sure you are just being kind."


"I only speak the truth, nothing more."


Taking a deep breath, he gestured for his goblet to be refilled and for us to be given our own. Waiting to take a drink himself before I had my goblet, he toasted to me, his cat-like eyes looking me over like prey. Keeping my chin up and back straight, I took a drink from the goblet and nearly drank it all down. It was so sweet it left my tastebuds craving more the moment it wasn't covering my tongue. It ran cold down my throat and settled warmly in my stomach.


Vision tilting, I looked at the king then at the goblet. Deep purple swirled in front of me, forming small bubbles on the surface. It smelled of blackberries and lemons with the after burn of whiskey but tasted like sweet fruit water.


 "Do you like it my dear?" The king asked, taking a deep breath through his nose before helping himself to half of the goblet.


Nodding, I swirled the contents and glanced at Ayon. He seemed to watch me and Nicolaus as well as whatever seemed to go on outside the tent. His hand rested easily on a large sword that was strapped to his side. The steel confined within sharp enough to sever heads in the dark with perfect accuracy.


"It is very good, thank you your majesty."


Waving a hand, the king shook his head as though annoyed. "Please do not call me that in private company. Elaran would be just fine."


My eyes nearly popped from my skull as I thought of calling him by his first name. It was nearly unheard of and we were not in private company unless he didn't count the throng of guards that stood in, outside and around the tent. When we had arrived, there had been several with their backs to us and facing the forest. Though some looked nervous to be standing so close to the border, they no doubt were trained to keep an ear on both fronts, ready to strike at any sign of a threat. Making it all the more intriguing.


"You have a desire to leave your new home already." The king looked at me with a curious expression, though worry settled in his brow as he leaned forward, his hand reaching for my leg. As his palm planted itself on my knee, his fingers gripped warningly. "I promised your father I would keep your best intentions in mind while you were under my care. Though I understand the intrigue of the forest. I had the same naïve curiosity when I was younger. The stories of great beasts and fantastic things still hiding deep within if only one knew where to look. Is this what you would like to find?"


Swallowing hard, I wasn't sure what to think of the kings sudden revealing of his past. True or not, it wasn't incorrect at least not fully. I had wanted to see what the forest offered in ways of keeping up with legends but I mostly wanted to explore the new and unknown land they had presented me with on the terms of marriage.


"I guess you could say that, your majesty. Erm, Elaran, sir."


Tensing my jaw at tripping over my words, his hand that grasped my knee shifted. Fingers gliding around my knee and against my thigh before he tilted my head to him. I hadn't even realized I failed to meet his gaze until I whirled from the outside world full of bright colors to the confines of the dark, stuffy tent.


Looking me over slowly with his piercing gaze, the king smirked with a huff before straightening himself. Squaring his shoulders, he held his goblet out. Nicolaus looked from his father to me then back again as the king kept his eyes forward.


"I, King Elaran Yarrow, grant you the permission to explore the Harpalyke under the supervision of a guard of my own choosing. One of whom I know will allow you the best experience and the most precise protection should the occasion arise." Turning easily from the front to the tall man on his shoulder, he held out his goblet. "Ayon, you will find time to take the lady Nyx out to explore. I have a condition of this, however." The king turned back to me, his thick dark eyebrows rising slowly. "You entertain me with stories of your adventures. As king, I am not allowed the same freedoms as you, my dear. Promise me this and you have my full blessing and permission should anyone question it, to explore the expanse that is now your backyard."


My breath caught in my throat as I felt the tension rise between the two men I had put myself between. I could only imagine what Nicolaus thought, he no doubt knew about last night and now with this announcement.


Sitting up, I looked at the king with my own curious expression. "What of my guard I brought along?"


"Ryen?" Ayon asked from nowhere, his voice causing goosebumps to prickle along my skin. "He is to be trained by our men, if you will allow it. He has already approached us in ways to improve his ways to keep you under a better watch. After the events of last night, it is clear he isn't as skilled as you had hoped."


Snapping to him, my eye twitched as my jaw tensed, half open as I stared at him. "You expect him to know his way around so easily?"


"If he were under my command," Ayon spoke with a chilling tone, an expression to match as his eyes shifted to a glowing ember. "He could find you blindfolded and bound in the dark, my lady. His skills are lax to say it politely."


Scoffing at him, I had to hide the amusement that now ran in giddy pulses through my body. This man, cocky and brave or stupid, maybe lucky, had no filter in front of his king. How would he be when we were alone?


"Think nothing of it, my dear."


The king waved his hand again, breaking the tie between both of us and forcing my attention back on him.


"While I do not doubt your man's skills, I would be much more comfortable if they had trained him under the retired general Pyke. A man of integrity, honor." Shaking his head, he flattened his hand so his palm faced the sky. "This man is the best I have, his skills are no doubt a rival to your own brother, lord Petyr Willow. I understand your admiration for your brother, so I do not say this lightly. That being said, agree to my terms and you have your freedom to roam."


Nodding I easily agreed to the arrangement, hoping that he wouldn't want to know the details of every adventure from his walls. If that were the case, I didn't know how much I would go out.


"Excellent." His face pulled as his lips pulled away from his teeth in a wide smile. "We settled it. Now on to other business. Your aunt will arrive soon, to discuss the preperation for your wedding. You will adore her, my dear. She has an idea for your dress that she is sure you will love along with ideas for the bouquet. I, however have no desire to be around for that part of it. There is the matter of the consummation. I am sure we can trust you to fulfil your duties without the prying eyes of others, yes?"


I shot up, hands clenched into tight fists as I looked down at the king now. The glass in my hand creaking under the strain but I didn't care. Huffing out my breaths as I tried to grasp what he was suggesting.


Standing tall, I squared my chin and shoulders as I made sure he held my seriousness with as much as I had given. His smile was gone now, eyebrows rose in an amused fashion as he tilted his chin toward me.


"I refuse to be a show for anyone. To even suggest such a thing is distasteful." I didn't think of my next move and while picturing him covered in the wine, I knew such an action would land me in the dungeon, or worse. Taking a deep breath, I set the goblet down and left without dismissing myself. If he was going to insult me in such a way, king or not, I wouldn't grant him the decency of a proper exit.


"So you'll be able to perform without issue on your wedding night?"


The mocking tone he held made me freeze on the spot. Turning I meant to give him a piece of my mind. However, catching the dangerous glare that Ayon had set on me, my breath caught. Nicolaus seeming to come to my rescue, dismissed us both in a hurried manner and pushed me out of the tent.


When we were a safe distance, Nicolaus slowed his pace and stopped dragging me along. He didn't seem to be upset, but that was hard to tell any time I was around him. He was protective when I was around Ayon, bordering on possessive. His father, the king he seemed to want happy or at least keep me from saying anything to far out of line.


Shaking my head, I winced at my nails digging into my palms. Shrugging Nicolaus off, I huffed and popped my jaw.


"Who does he think he is?"


"He is the king." Nicolaus answered flatly.


Rolling my eyes, I picked up my pace to get away from him but he kept up with no issue. I despised being so short and confined to a damn dress. I hadn't even seen Wraith sense our arrival. I needed to see another familiar part of home. Ryen wasn't much of a substitute and Nicolaus was suffocating.


"Nyx, stop."


Nicolaus reached out and seized my upper arm. Spinning around, I slammed into his chest, immediately pushing back and fighting him as he simply held me in place.


"What he said, he didn't mean." His eyes softened, long fingers wrapping around my arms comfortably as he continued. "We might get to know one another but I promise you, I will be gentle. We don't need to do anything in front of anyone."


"Says you!" I snapped, seething under his touch. How dare he touch me so easily? "They will not make me a spectacle for nasty old men. You'd have to pry my legs apart!"


Shaking his head, Nicolaus still gazed at me softly. "I would never do such a thing. We have time to get to know one another before the wedding. We won't consummate in front of anyone. I will make sure we are in a room all our own."


Rolling my eyes, I didn't believe him. I had barely gotten permission to venture out, a permission that would surely be revoked after my outburst. Closing my eyes slowly, my shoulders sank as I shoved my face into my palms. Nicolaus pulled my half limp form against him, stroking my hair.


Tears welled in my eyes as I thought of Alex. I wanted to push him away, scream at him and storm off but that would accomplish nothing. I was still his fiancé, and I was a long way from home. The only escape I had, perhaps on my attempt at escape now, was the forest.


Chomping my lip between my teeth, I rubbed my cheek against his chest. This action caused him to pull me even closer to him. Cupping my head in his hand while his opposite arm wrapped around my waist, I swallowed hard. This would not be easy but this wasn't so bad. Being held close like this, in the arms of someone that seemed to care for me and that I could attempt to, I let out a heavy sigh and felt the weight of his chin press down on the top of my head.


"Promise me something, will you?"


I shrugged.


"Do not start any fights with my father. He likes to play games, and he likes to win."


This admission made my blood boil. He thought it was a game to move people around just like my father did. While there were no discerning features that made him look harmless, I had nothing to move against a king. My opposition of the arrangement was no doubt known, it showed in how Nicolaus tried.


"I will do my best to behave so long as you do your best to convince your father we are fine as a couple."


Tiling my chin up, Nicolaus leaned in close with a slight smile on his full lips. The squall that surged behind his eyes calmed the longer I looked into them. I knew where he was going with it and gladly fell into his touch. I expected to feel nothing but coldness and rejection from him however when my lips met his, I nearly gasped.


Something about it took my breath away. His velvet soft lips pressed against mine and I immediately wondered how mine felt. Feeling his lips part against mine, I couldn't help but nip at his lower lip. Letting out a small laugh at the growl he produced, our tongues clashed. Searching his mouth for a warm spot I felt his hand slip to my ass.


Breaking away from him with a hiss, I looked up at him as I licked my lower lip. Clicking my tongue, I shook my head and pushed back playfully.


"Way to ruin it."


"I ruined it?" He smirked, gripping my waist and pressing kisses to my lips, cheeks, forehead and neck. "It seemed to me you liked it well enough."


His breath was on my neck now, sending shivers down my spine and into my core. The low growl that was at the back of his words only amplified the desire growing in my chest.


Suddenly someone cleared their throat close to where we stood. Flinching at the intrusion, I snapped my head around to meet the not so hidden annoyance that was Ayon's steely glare.


"Sorry to interrupt." He spoke easily, wrist resting on the hilt of his sword. "The king would like your company for a gathering in the meeting hall, your highness. They asked me to escort the lady Nyx anywhere she might find suitable until you are finished."


Bony finger tips pressed against my side, showing that this news was most upsetting to Nicolaus and only amplified his distrust for the man standing next to us. Biting back the wince fighting its way onto my face, I turned to him and rose on my toes. Kissing just under his ear, I seemed to break the trance and sighed at the release of my hip.


"Take care of your business, they will be your people one day after all. You need to see to their needs. Show them you care." I smoothed the cloth of his shirt, raising my eyebrow at how drab it would seem to them but I also doubted he cared.


My words barely seemed to register until Ayon reminded Nicolaus that he was still there and what he needed to do. Grasping the back of my head, he tugged at hair before pulling my face to his and crushing his lips against mine. It wasn't a spark as before; I felt nothing in this act other than his desire to stake his claim. When he broke away, I tried to look at him with the same kindness I had mustered as before but I couldn't.


"I will be done as soon as I can be." Nicolaus promised, his eyes flicking to Ayon before pressing a kiss to my cheek and going off to do his princely duties.