

 The school compound was packed full with students luxury cars were parked everywhere the Louis had just made they debut entrance into the school compound in a red Maserati levanti Louisiana's friends swarmed around her it was also the same with the triplets

 A helicopter landed on one of the helipads and everyone stopped to see who it was helicopter's weren't so rampant in school

The helicopter door opened and leading the way was the schools Head prefect Dylan Hampson beside him was his cousin Kennedy captain of the basketball team the two quickly stepped down for pearl to be in sight ivy quickly came to her side the two stepped down everyone turned to stare, the new girl was damn pretty 

 "I see the Hampsons have a new face in their clique" Lila said "we will see how it goes"lily said Leon stood staring in awe "now this is what an entrance looks like"pearl said And I giggled I looked up to see two girls with similar facial features approaching us "hello pearl" the two said in unison "and I can see this is your very famous cousin ivy what sort of name is that anyway" Lila said "pearl I see this are self appointed queen bees you told me about" "well ivy I hope you were told to watch your limits we rule this school "Lily said" well a piece of advice my name shouldn't be coming out of anyone's mouth that I don't know or fuck with it's fan behavior now move"I said pushing past them and we walked towards our brothers " that' was quite sassy"pearl said and we laughed we looked up to see a Rolls-Royce phantom pull up not to far from us a really handsome guy stepped out following him were two other girls who were really pretty the younger looking girl seemed to share the same facial features with the boy " and that is the richest family in school the Williams that's Noah the hottest guy in 11th grade and that's his sister Natalia and that's his cousin and close friend of mine Eleanor Nelly for shorts" pearl said it seemed the attention of the Williams shifted to our direction and they walked towards us smiling"hey pearl" the taller girl greeted hugging pearl they all exchanged pleasantries with us "guys this is my younger sister ivy" Dylan said "I could tell with the features and I remember her role in the movie move to the beat it's nice to meet you in person"Eleanor said "it's nice to meet you" Natalia said smiling "its a pleasure meeting you I hope we get to see more often since we are classmates" Noah said clasping my hands "yeah sure" I said 

I moved my things into my room I shared a room with a girl called Amelia the hostel compound had several buildings in it a huge supermarket, a hair salon,a huge lounge,a huge dining have the hostels were three huge building's in all to the far right was the 2nd class hostel it housed students whose parents are mostly lawyers, doctors,a few actors and artists the 3rd class hostel stood farther left it contained students whose parents were just there most of them were on scholarship the first class hostel was also a three storey building like the rest but far more grander it stood in the middle like the king it was 

The rooms were quite grand with a TV hanging on the wall two medium queen sized bed stood at opposite ends a door led to a dressing"

 room another door led to the bathroom and toilet a door opening to the balcony stood on one side pearl gave me a tour of the building the 12th graders had a room to themselves they was a gymnasium an indoor swimming pool indoor tennis court and a movie room a lounge was downstairs

In the evening of that day we all gathered in the lounge downstairs I was introduced to every first class student in the house the first class students numbered 30 a few house rules were shared and we all dispatched to our rooms 

 "Did you see the way Lila and Lily were staring you down when you were introducing yourself to the house" pearl said"I sure did" I said and we laughed "I really think am going to enjoy here" I said "sure I will make sure of it "pearl said smiling