

My friends and I quickly found a table at a secluded spot,I quickly signaled a waiter "the best wine you have two bottles of it"I said " that would be $30,000"the waiter said and I nodded in agreement it seemed Diana was bent in achieving her goal she drank glasses after glasses of wine and soon she was on the dance floor with a guy I sat with Selena who was trying to get sober I had several glasses myself and felt a little bit tipsy "I need to use the bathroom" I said to Selena getting up "ok just don't fall on your way"Selena said "oh please ain't the girl to get drunk on just a few glasses of wine" I replied 

 I had just come out of the bathroom after washing and drying my hands in one of the sinks lined up in the corridor I was reapplying my lipgloss when I felt someone behind me, I quickly turned and almost screamed I was surprised to see a man a really handsome man his sillky long black hair was packed in an all back ponytail his eyes where the deepest blue "this is the female section" I said "I know" he said his voice had an icy edge to it "so I should be classifying you as a pervert"I said with cold tone," I was enchanted by a certain beauty and decided to follow her"he said his expression remaining unchanged "well step aside " I said as I to walked past him"well you are the beauty I was waiting for" I quickly turned in surprise not realizing I was close to him I turned directly into his arms "please let go of me"I said I was sure my face was as red as a tomato, I could feel the heat on my cheeks"well you were the one who fell into my arms"he said with an evil grin on his face I angrily stepped on his toes with my shoes and ran out

 ROSHAN'S POV: I was taken aback for a second no woman had ever treated me like this before he was definitely going to make this woman his

 Eva walked to the table and met Selena "Diana ain't back yet" I asked still flustered from my encounter "she left with that guy"Selena said " so I guess is just the two of"I said "And what took your time at the bathroom"she said "I was reapplying my makeup" I said "you sure you didn't have a quickie with some guy at the bathroom"Selena said "oh please you know ain't that girl to go around fu**ing a guy in a club bathroom" I said " oh sure" Selena said and we burst out laughing " common let's go home" I said " sure" "let me go and settle the bills" I said getting up

 " Someone's has already settled the bill" the cashier said " who "I asked surprised he pointed to where two men sat "Him" I growled in anger I quickly took angry strides towards where he sat " do I look like I can't handle my bills" I said angrily " I don't know I was just doing you a favor" he said " I don't consider it one" I said showing my black limitless card he was surprised and couldn't say anything glad I made my point I turned and left 

 "What's with the look on your face"Selena asked " just some **shole common let's go" I said "am not sleeping at your place you drop me at my place" Selena said "urrghhh sure "

I got home after dropping Selena home Mr Dickson my butler opened the front door for me "welcome young mistress your father called" he said "tell Marrietta to get me a cup of tea I don't want to hear that right now " I said and he hurriedly left I looked at the big clock which showed UK& US time

 Outside the mansion a black Aston Martin Valkyrie one 77 was parked "everything we have seen show's she isn't some ordinary girl she has the money but what's the source" Roshan said " I give you two days to bring me a broad research on this lady damn I didn't even get to know her name" Roshan said "I will do my best boss" Dave said "make sure of it" Roshan said in a cold tone