
Are you my Angel?

My family took the news of the interview and hiring on very well.

They were very excited to hear that the manager and the receptionist were very kind as well.

Later that night when I got home, I noticed an email from Megan had been sent. I was to be there for the morning shift at 7:00-7:30 AM, not to worry about parking spaces and to bring my typewriter.

I could hardly sleep.

The next morning I got up and realized that it was 6:45 AM! Luckily I had packed Kala ahead of time, so all I had to do was rush and get dressed.

Knowing that morning traffic was already underway, I skipped my protein shake and hopped into the car. There was an envelope in my windshield wipers. Opening it, it was a brief note with money.

'Miss Preston, we wanted to make sure you didn't forget to gas up your car for this month so we sent you an early gas reimbursement! Our way of thanking you for being on our team! - Mr. Goer/Meg/and team!'

I smiled and drove off to the nearest gas station. As I pumped $30 into my mini cooper, I began to feel a headache start.

Probably from the heavy fumes coming from the truck in front of me.

I finished my drive and parked in a spot with a plaque that had my name written across it.

I walked in feeling slightly drained.

Mr. Goer was waiting with Meg and the gentleman who had held the door for me yesterday.

I instantly blushed.

"Miss Preston, you wanted to take today to get to know your space. I would like you to meet your supervisor, Allen Dayne. He'll be showing you the ropes and making sure you are welcomed here! " Mr. Goer introduced us.

"Miss Preston, nice to meet you. Call me Mickey. Everyone here does." Allen says as he holds out his hand.

"Nice to meet you too, Mickey. You can call me Violet." My face was burning from blushing.

"Well, we'll leave you two to it! Make sure to check on the schedule. We assigned you a weekly schedule. Choose what times work for you!" Mr. Goer says.

Mr. Goer and Meg said their goodbyes and told me they would be available for questions.

Mickey walked me farther into the office building.

I saw four ladies and three men sitting at their desks, working vigorously behind their computers.

As we walked to a small desk, I felt myself starting to feel woozy. Holding onto the edge briefly to balance myself, I tried to concentrate on what Mickey was saying.

Why do my ears decide to start ringing?

"We have the copy machine over here and we have a story slash project board above it with upcoming stories to-"

I couldn't hear him through his muffled voice. My mouth was dry like dirt and in need of water. Black spots started appearing before my eyes like a mob of angry flies, blurring in and out of focus.

His back was to me and I reached out to grab him for balance.

Unfortunately for me, the room began to tilt back and me with it.

I fell hard and fast, no time to process what was happening to me.

All I could see was the world in slow motion as I closed my eyes.


My head throbbed terribly.

I opened my eyes and was welcomed with a dimly lit room.

"Violet? Can you hear me?" a voice calling out to me asked.

"Wait-what?" I mumbled. My throat was so dry.

A face appeared above me.

As confused as I was, I saw a man with sun tanned skin, blue eyes and red-brown hair. He had a golden essence about him. He wore a purple and blue micro plaid shirt and a halo. Drop dead gorgeous.

"Are you my Angel?" I whisper.

He blushed hard. "Umm... No. It's me, Mickey. Violet, do you know where you are?"

"I'm... I was at work. Where am I now?"

I look around and see a sign that says Break room. I am laying on a couch and have a pillow under my legs and head.

"You're in the lounge. Do you know or remember what happened?" The Angel, Mickey, handed me a cup of water and a granola bar.

"I haven't had this happen before. Probably because of my diet... I can't eat breakfast or dinner for two weeks. I woke up late and didn't get the chance to drink a shake or eat a protein bar. I went to gas my car up and there was a truck that blew off fumes. Before everything went dark, I reached out to grab you but I missed. What happened to me?" I asked.

"You passed out. Now that you've kindly explained the reason why, I can let Mr. Goer and Meg know you are okay. If I may ask, why were you on a strict diet?" Mickey looks up.

"My mom. She gave me this business suit. It was hers and I wanted to make sure I could fit it today." I realized that my blazer wasn't on me. Then I saw it on the back of the chair Mickey sat on.

"Look, you scared us. I would like to make sure you eat something before you go anywhere. Meg and I can take you to Day Rose Cafe. There is a ton of good choices to pick from."

Then a wave of agony and embarrassment hit me.

I fainted... I called my coworker an Angel... and I didn't even know him! This was so awkward and I messed up my first day at my dream job! They'll never hire me again or even consider letting me come back!

I let out a sigh of disbelief.

My parents would be so worried and upset, Holly would have to work double time at the art studio to get us by till I find a new job!

A knock on the door caught my attention.

"I'm back Mick. She feeling better?" Meg called.

"Yes, just hungry and dehydrated."

"Alright, but do we need an ambulance?" Meg asked

"No, I'll be fine. I didn't expect day one to start this way." I frown, still trying to figure out how to make things work if this fails.

"Hey, it happenes to everyone. Lets go get you some food. Meg, can you stay with her while I inform Mr. Goer of our plans?" Mickey stands.

"Yes." Meg sits in his place as he closes the door.

"You were out for ten minutes. Are you sure you don't need a doctor?"

"Ten minutes?" I gasped.

"Nah, more like five. I want you to rest after we take you to eat. My daughter had a similar incident happen at prom. She didn't tell me that she had fasted and fainted in the car on our way to dinner. Scariest three minutes that ever happened in my car!" Meg explained.

"How did I get in here?" I asked.

"Mickey went into chivalrous gentleman mode after you fainted and carried you in. He panicked when he saw you lying there. He hasn't carried a lady in forever!"

"You mean he's had this happen before?"

"Yes, he had a dear friend. Nyanda, she was his exotic girlfriend and he helped her join the team. Things went wrong when she cheated on him and had been working with a rival company on the side. He literally had carried her out of here and told her to get lost. She took a cab and we didn't hear from her anymore."

I let her words sink in.

The door opened

"Alright. Mr, Goer gave us the okay. Can you stand?" Mickey walked over.

"I think so..." I attempted to stand and my legs turned to jelly.

"I think so usually translates to I don't think I can. May I carry you?"

Before I could say 'umm', he lifted me into his arms and walked away with me craddled against his chest. I blushed harder.

If I were one of those anime characters Holly loves to draw, I'd have stars or hearts in my eyes and the blush red cheeks.

Mr. Goer came out. "Will you be alright? I knew it was too soon to start..."

The anime face vision turned serious.

"I'll be fine. It was my fault for not eating on my first day." I apologized.

Red because of embarrassment. Pink because I was being carried away like a damsel in distress by a gorgeous man. Both because I envisioned myself looking like an anime character hit by love at first sight.

"Take the week off, but if you get to feeling better, feel free to start again!" Mr. Goer holds the door open for us.

We go to the parking lot and Meg unlocks a red Buick Enclave.

Mickey sets me down and holds the door for me to step into the back passenger seat.

Meg was patting herself down, searching for something.

Where did I put my..."She mumbled.

"I'm going back for her jacket. Did you forget your purse, Meg?" Mickey closed my door

"Yes, be a dear and grab it for me?" she asked.

He walks back to the building.

Yet little did I know that I was about to be seriously interrogated by Meg.