
Chapter 10

Walking out of the bathroom in a towel I dried my hair with a smaller one and sat on the bed and switched on the tv as I waited for my leather clothes to dry.

The first channel was some kind of children show about some scientists and explorers journey trying to reach 'The Burning World'. I will admit that I got caught up in the story it was like a mix of star wars, and Atlantis, a tv show. After the episode ended I switched the channel to a news channel which had a stunning news reported. She talked about how the shadow clan was expanding back into territories that they had previously vacated, I recognized a small cavern where the Shane gang had first met the notorious clan, and sure enough there had been numerous sightings. Chuckling at the memory that it brought up I thought about the little mole person and his stink slug. Laughing at the scenes that made their way into my mind, I slowly realized that I was slowly getting my lost momories back… but I was to scared to try remembering yet… taking a deep breath I looked around for Anan, and Kilowatt, finding them enamored with the tv, I chuckled and got an offended look from Kilowatt, while Anan looked embarrassed, I rubbed both of their heads.

"Ha ha ha, sorry, sorry I just realized you both probably haven't seen a tv yet," Kilowatt scoffed and folded his arms turning away, making me snicker harder, Anan was gracious and nodded in forgiveness. Deciding that we had enough tv I shut it off and turned to my slugs Anan was paying attention, but Kilowatt was still pouting, sighing I apologized "I'm sorry Kilowatt," he turned to me and nodded but still looked slightly annoyed.

"I think we need to talk about what we want to do in the future," that got both of their attention. Nodding I continued "Right now I see two different paths we can go down, and they will change a lot about what we do in the future. The first option is that we stay out of this Dr. Black way he seemed like a nasty and evil villain." Both of my slugs were nodding along agreeing with me. I sigh again "but that wouldn't sit right with me… seeing how he acts makes me sick to my stomach," Anan nodded along in agreement, Kilowatt however seemed to be undecided. "If we go down the path of opposing Dr. Black I have a few ideas as to what we can do to stay incognito," both looked at me expectedly, so I continued, "we would need to find a thugglet that would be willing to join our team," they looked confused so I explained "my face has already been shown, but if we get a thugglet we can spread rumors off setting my real appearance with a fake one." The truth of my plan dawned on them, we also need to build our team fast, and start training quickly before the slugterra tournament," a questioning chirp came from Anan "why before the tournament?" I asked and he nodded "well if I was a super-evil genius businessman I would try to win over the sluggers with a showing of power," he nodded to indicate that he understood. "So is it decided, We go after Dr. Black?" Getting a solemn nod from Anan, and an enthusiastic chirp from Kilowatt I smiled whatch out Balck you got another team coming for you.