

I opened my apartment door and dropped my keys and gym bag on the table. I would deal with it later - the sweat on me was drying and I was desperate for a shower.

I shoved some food into the microwave to defrost and pulled off my clothes as I headed for the bathroom. Shirt, shorts, socks and underpants, I climbed into the shower and turned the water on.

As expensive as this apartment was, the water temperature was always perfect. A 180-degree turn for the hot water and a 45 degree-turn for the cold. A sublime balance that didn't scorch me, but was hot enough to open my pores and truly clean me at the end of the day.

After a few minutes, I noticed water pooling at my feet. I looked down, puzzled. The water wasn't draining away. I switched off the taps and knelt down to examine the drain. I couldn't see any blockage, but the water remained, lapping around my toes.

Slowly, a thick blue bubble the size of a tennis ball emerged from the plughole and burst. Perhaps the blockage was moving? Then I noticed the water level was climbing. It was around my ankles now. Somehow, the water was being pushed back up the pipes.

Dripping wet, I hurried out of the shower and grabbed a plunger from a nearby cupboard. Jumping back into the shower I knelt down and tried to form a pressure seal around the drain. Despite my efforts, nothing was working.

Strangely enough, the water had also taken on a thick, viscous quality. Slimy, almost. It had even changed colour, becoming the same bright blue as the bubble. To add to the strangeness of it all, the water level was climbing unevenly, the section around the drain rising higher and faster until a discernible mound began to appear.

Needless to say, this was some pretty weird shit.

The mound of goo suddenly shot up. I backed away in surprise. It was almost my height! The surface began rippling like disturbed water. It expanded, and then it grew what looked like a head, arms and legs. A long sheet of hair slid out and fell against the body with a wet slap. Then, some very noticeable other features appeared. Female features.

It had taken the form of a girl.

A girl made of blue goo.

A smoking hot girl made of blue goo.

Her proportions were impossible. Huge breasts stuck out of her chest and wobbled like bowls of jelly. Her stomach was flat and waist was ridiculously narrow but shot out into generous hips and long legs. Slimy hair flowed down her back. Her lips were bee-stung plump and kissable, and her eyes sparkled with mischief. She stood without any sense of modesty, practically inviting me to soak in her nakedness. I could even see the outline of her pussy lips, still the same blue as the rest of her.

It was only when she spoke that she knocked me out of my reverie.

"Hi!" she chirped.

"What the fu-"

I moved to get out of the bath, but the blue goo still around my feet held tight. I pulled, straining to escape, but the harder I pulled, the harder the goo seemed to grab. I overbalanced and almost fell.

"Whoops!" the goo girl said. She held up her hand and a wave of slime from the shower floor washed over me and pinned me to the wall. I strained and pulled against it, but the rubbery substance held firm.

"You won't break it like that!" she said in a pleasant sing-song voice as she watched me struggle.

I gave up and looked up in confusion. "What... what are you?"

"Ah! Where are my manners?" the slime girl smacked her forehead dramatically. "I'm Jella."

"But... what are you?"

"I'm a slime, silly!" Jella giggled again.

"And... why are you here?"

"Well..." Jella said, looking down coyly. "Slimes get most of their nutrients from water. But there are other things we like. Very tasty things..."

She looked at me with a hungry glint in her eye.

Oh, shit - oh shit - oh shit - oh shit! She's gonna eat me!

I started struggling again.

"Oh, don't worry!" she said. "You'll love it!"

"The fuck I will!" I yelled back, panic consuming me. "You're not eating me!"

Jella laughed and her voluptuous body jiggled. "You're so silly! I'm not going to eat you!"

I stopped struggling but was still cautious. "You're not?"

"No! I was talking about something else!"


She smiled and ran her hands down her full curves. "Why do you think we take this form?"

I paused. I had no idea.

"It's because the boys like it," Jella purred, walking closer. "They like it a lot! And we like what boys have to give..."

Her breasts jiggled hypnotically as she moved. Despite the craziness of the situation, my baser instincts took over and my gaze was drawn immediately.

Jella giggled. "Ooh! Do you like my boobies?"

She grabbed her boobs and squeezed them together, puckering her lips at me like a porn star.

"Uhhh..." I was tongue-tied. I couldn't think. Blue goo had come into my shower, taken the form of a gorgeous babe, pinned me to the wall and was now playing with her tits in front of me.

"We're gonna have so much fun together!" she said gleefully. She was now right in front of me, still fondling her heavy breasts.


"Shhh," Jella whispered, her eyes boring into mine and draping her arms around my neck. "Just relax."

She kissed me softly. Her lips tasted sweet, fruity. Like blueberries. Jella pulled away, still smiling that innocent smile.

"Mmm... you're hard for me already!"

I noticed she was looking at my groin. I looked down myself and realized my cock was erect and pointing squarely at Jella. She held up her hand again and the slime pinning me to the wall softened and slid off me with a squelch.

"So, you actually want my - UUUUHHH," I grunted.

Jella had reached out and wrapped her translucent fingers around my cock, pumping softly. It was like her hand was coated in oil, it was so smooth. Another hand ran down my chest, resting on my abs. She left thin trails of slime on my skin, which tingled pleasantly.

"I do," Jella nodded enthusiastically. "I really do! It's the yummiest thing ever! The yummiest!"

She leaned closer until her body was pressed against me. "And you want to give me all of yours, don't you?"

Her beautiful face filled my vision, but all I could think about was how good that slick hand felt as it jacked me off.

"Well... I..."

Jella sighed slowly and her breasts expanded. They were truly mind-boggling now, squashed firmly against my chest. They were exuding the same oil as her hands, covering my chest in slipperiness. It felt... nice.

"You want to give me lots and lots of cum, don't you?"

I stared at her big tits. They looked so smooth and soft. I could almost see my reflection in them in her jiggling, semi-liquid form.

"Maybe you'd like a nice titty fuck?" Jella asked. "Have me slide my gooey, slippery tits all around your hot, hard dick."

I could only groan in response as Jella pumped my cock faster. With her other hand, she raised a hefty mammary to her mouth and sucked on her nipple. She sighed erotically.

"Want a taste?" she offered.

Without waiting for an answer, she pushed my head forward. Blue titflesh enveloped my head, and my face was doused in the same oil that Jella was rubbing all over my cock.

"You can't resist now!" Jella sang. "My skin has such powerful pheromones. They'll make you want to fuck all night and give me buckets and buckets of cum! Buckets and buckets!"

My entire face tingled as Jella's oil sank into my skin. She let me up for air and kissed me again, moaning into my mouth as her lips found mine. She pressed her supple form against me, wrapping her arms around me and mashing her tits against my chest. She was coating my body in her sex oil, supercharging my nerves. I began to breathe heavily and my cock began to quiver, sliding around against her sexy blue body.

"I think you're ready, baby," Jella said huskily. "Time to get started."

The slime girl knelt down on the showers tiled floor. She beamed up at me with that same wide-eyed, innocent expression and bit her lip nervously as she looked at my erect cock.

"It's soooo big! I don't know if I'll be able to fit in my little mouth," she said sweetly, pumping me again. My cock surged with electricity.

"Just... please..." I begged. I couldn't bear her teasing.

Jella giggled. She pushed a strand of long, slimy hair over here ear, opened her mouth and wrapped it around my pulsing dick.

I groaned loudly as Jella's plump, squishy lips engulfed me. Her mouth was cool and wet and inviting. She murmured with pleasure as she slid all the way down to the base of my cock. She slid back up again, then straight down. Up, down. Up, down. The walls of her throat hugged and caressed my cock, bathing it in sucking kisses.

My eyes rolled back into my head at the ferocity of her oral assault. "Ahhh! Fuck!"

Jella released me with a pop and gave me a long lick. "Does that feel good?"

I nodded. "Yes. Holy shit, yes!"

"That's good," Jella cooed. She slid her tongue around the head of my dick. "I do like your cock! It feels so good in my slutty little mouth..."

I groaned again, Jella's dirty talk taking me closer to the edge. The slime girl giggled and went down on me again, covering my cock with her willing mouth.

Slowly, I noticed Jella's moans change octave and her movements intensify. I looked down and noticed she had slipped a hand in between her legs and was rubbing her clit. Her throat contracted and squeezed me tighter. She gasped with pleasure as her fingers played enthusiastically with her cunny while she sucked and slurped on me like a lollipop. Her head kept bobbing up and down before she finally came up.

By then, I was so hard I felt like I could punch a hole in the wall with my cock. Beads of precum had appeared on the tip.

"Mmm, so tasty," Jella licked up each drop. "Wanna see something cool?"

"I dunno, that was pretty cool," I murmured, running a hand through my hair.

"Naww, you're so sweet!" Jella gushed. "But I'm talking about something else."

Jella opened her mouth. Her tongue, which appeared normal before, lengthened and stretched until it hung out of her mouth like a foot-long, blue tendril. Her tongue swayed, sliding up and down my thighs in lewd licks. Then it made its way to my groin, tickling my cock before slowly winding around it like a constrictor-snake, wrapping me up until every inch of me was covered in her slimy tongue.

"Uhh, that's pretty cool," I managed weakly. In all honesty, I was a little creeped out by how it looked.

"Ahm noth dun," Jella managed around her tongue.

Her tongue squeezed and began to rotate, coiling endlessly around my cock, rubbing and massaging. I have no idea how she did it. Her tongue never seemed to get longer or shorter, it just kept winding around and around, an endless cycle of pleasure. Then she leaned forward and wrapped her lick around my cock again. As her wonderful tongue continued to wind, Jella began to suck.

But this suck was different.

Before, Jella had slid up and down, like a regular blowjob. Now, she held her head firmly in place, giving me one, long, powerful suck. She didn't need to breathe. She had no muscles that could get tired. Her mouth just held the pressure, sucking and sucking and sucking. The head of my cock was now pushing into something pillowy and soft in the back of her throat. It licked and kissed my cockhead. And all the while, her long, prehensile snake-tongue, squeezing me so tightly, continued to wind round and round.

I had never felt pleasure like this. It was impossible. The sucking of her mouth, the kisses on my cockhead and the endless winding of her tongue on my shaft. The pleasure centres of my brain felt like they were going to blow as I received the most incredible head possible.

But something else had to blow first.

My cock twitched a little, then a lot. Jella smiled with victory and sucked even more. Her tongue wrapped tighter and rolled faster. This was it.

"Oh! Fuck! Jesus! Fuck! AHHHHHH!"

I roared and came into Jella's amazing mouth, spurt after spurt of cum shooting down her throat. Jella squealed with joy, sucking harder and harder. It felt like she was going to suck my entire body out through my cock. I wouldn't have cared. This was pleasure. Pure, limitless, pleasure.

I emptied every drop of cum I had into her. I could see it as a white, puffy cloud in her, wispy and mist-like before it faded away. I sank against the shower wall, barely able to stand.

"Mmmm," Jella sighed, releasing my cock and licking her lips, her tongue had returned to normal size. "Delicious!"

She grabbed my cock and in both hands and began to play with it softly. "How about that titfuck now?"

"I - I don't think I can," I said sadly, looking at her wonderful tits. "You've sucked me dry."

Jella giggled. "Oh, baby, you've got plenty more to give! My oil will keep you hard for hours!"

True to her word, the oil Jella was rubbing into on my cock caused it to rise back to its full length. She beamed at her handiwork and scooted forward on her knees, resting my cock on her big, blue tits.

"Time for some bouncy fun," Jella winked at me. "But let's get you nice and slippery first."

She pulled her breasts apart and squashed the heavy blue orbs together around my cock. She rubbed, slid and buffeted my member around in her enormous tits. It was like she wanted my cock to touch as much of her boobs as possible. I could feel her sex oil working its magic again. Before long, I wasn't just hard, I was as like stone.

Satisfied, Jella settled into a regular pace, sliding her slick tits up and down my shaft. Her hands were absurdly small against her boobs, and it seemed impossible that she was able to hold all that titflesh in place.

"Bouncy, bouncy, bounce," Jella giggled as she continued to pump my cock.

"Ooh!" she squealed with surprise as I reached down and pinched one of her blue nipples.

I began to tweak and roll her nipples against my thumb and forefinger. Jella sighed and her tit-pumps quickened. "Yeah, baby, you're getting me soooo horny..."

"You're not the only one!" I grunted.

Pushing her hands away, I grabbed either side of her enormous tits and mashed them together around my cock. The blue pillows were now slippery with her oil, and I began to pump my cock in between them, the head barely emerging from her fantastic cleavage.

"That's it baby, fuck my tits! Fuck my big blue boobies!" Jella squealed, arching her back and thrusting her chest forward. She tossed her head back and ran her hands through her hair, biting her lip and closing her eyes as I pistoned in and out of her amazing rack.

"Yes! Yes! Yes! YES!" I groaned.

"Cum on my tits, baby! Come on my slippery titties!"

I fired another volley of hot cum at Jella, giving her a pearl necklace. Quickly taking her tits from my hands, she kept pumping and pumping until she'd squeezed every drop out of me. Cum that touched her tits or neck was instantly absorbed by her skin. Some jizz clung to her hands, but she licked them off slowly, moaning as she savoured every drop. The last bit was on her finger, which she slid into her mouth and sucked clean. My cock twitched at the sight. I was very aware of what that mouth could do.

"Time for the main event," Jella smiled.

Standing up, she turned and presented me with her plump, full bottom. Wiggling it at me, she looked over her shoulder and winked. "Are you a boob man or a butt man?"

Her ass was so perfect and juicy I was practically drooling over it. "I-I don't discriminate."

Jella laughed. "Good answer!"

She backed up until those plush cheeks were firmly pressed against my groin. She reached between her legs and grabbed my cock, rubbing a cool, slimy finger against the underside. She manoeuvred my cock between her thighs and rocked her hips slowly, rubbing her pussy lips all over my eager dick.

"The oil in my pussy is extra powerful," she leaned back onto my shoulder and whispered in my ear. She licked my earlobe as her slimy hair fell down my back like a curtain. "It makes you sooo hard. So big, and hard, and horny..."

She leaned forward and looked back over her shoulder, giving me another innocent and doe-eyed look. "Would you like to fuck my tight little pussy?"

I nodded feverishly. Her oil made me horny before, but now was driving me mad.

"Good boy," Jella cooed. She rocked backwards on her heels and my cock sank into her yielding flesh.

"Oh, God!" I gasped.

My cock was in heaven. Slimy, gooey, wet heaven. Jella's pussy was impossibly tight, clinging to my cock like a second skin. The inside of her pussy was like her mouth, bathing my cock in sensuous kisses and licks. Jella breathed out slowly and her pussy's grip on me slackened ever-so-slightly. Then she inhaled and her pussy contracted tighter than before! It was like her pussy was sucking on me!

"Mmmm," Jella sighed. "Such a nice fit!"

She leaned back and pressed herself against me. I reached around and found her huge boobs, fondling them in my hands. Jella jerked with pleasure when I tweaked or pinched a nipple and her pussies would spasm suddenly, adding to the pleasure on my dick.

"You're so good to me," Jella murmured lustily. "So good to Jella. Giving your slime slut all this yummy cum!"

I muttered something incomprehensible and felt my cock twitch dangerously.

"Are you gonna cum for me again?"

I grabbed her tits forcefully, pinching on one of her nipples harder.

"Uh!" Jella grunted. "That's it, baby!"

I squeezed, fondled, rubbed, groped, grabbed, played and everything more. Jella's boobs were so big, so heavy and so soft. Whenever my fingers squeezed tight enough, they would be submerged in her breasts, the flesh of which would suck and massage my fingers. I only had to relax for the flesh to let my hands go and I could resume my fondling.

Doing this was the only way I could keep my mind off my cock and prolong the pleasure that was Jella's pussy. It just kept sucking then relaxing, sucking then relaxing. This last burst would truly empty me, I'd no idea how I was producing this much cum so quickly, but I didn't care. I'd gladly die of dehydration at this stage. All that mattered were the sensations on my cock, which was twitching dangerously again.

"Oooh, honey," Jella moaned rubbing her butt in small circles in my lap. "Feels like you're almost at the edge."

I bit my lip. Focus!

Jella leaned forward and reached behind herself. Grabbing my ass, she forced her pussy harder against my cock and began to bounce on it. My cock found new depths inside her greedy cunt.

"UH! Yes! UH! Fuck!"

Jella's moans grew deeper, more animalistic. My hands found her sides, grabbed hard I and pushed deep into her pussy, my cock somehow sinking further into her slime.

"Yeah! Just like that! Shit! Give it to me! Give it all to your slime slut!"

Something deep inside me snapped. She wanted everything I had? She'd damn well get it. Releasing her hips, I pulled back and my cock slid out of her with a squelch. Jella looked over her shoulder, confused and hurt.

"What are you-"

"Get on the ground," I snarled. "All fours."

Jella quickly dropped to her hands and knees. She raised her butt up and wiggled it at me invitingly. But she was unsure of herself. The tables had turned and she knew it was her turn to beg.

"Please put your cock back in me! I need it! I need that hot, hard cock my pussy! PLEASE!"

"Why should I do that?"

"Because I'll be good!" Jella moaned. "I'll be your good, little slime slut and I'll suck all the cum out of you! I'll use my dirty little mouth, or my big, fat titties, or my tight little pussy! I'll use whatever you tell me to - UUUUHHHH!"