
Mission Successful

「 A new skill has been created 」

Skill : Spark [C]

Level : 1

- Due to influence of Lightning attribute the original skill 'Blink' has been transformed to 'Spark'.

- You can teleport anymore within the range of this skill , the range increases as the level increases.

- Range = 100m

Skill Duration : 5 seconds

Exp : 0%

Cooldown Duration : 100 seconds

When I opened my eyes these were the messages I saw , at first I didn't even know what happened but as I looked around my surrounding I could guess happened.

Everything around me was blown into bits and I was half naked with the hoodie I was wearing torn away. Luckily my shorts were still there.

'Hah , thank god my manhood is still protected.'

The reason I was in this state was because of Lightning or atleast that's what I could think of. The sudden increase in affinity with Lightning , my hoodie destroyed all of this could only be done by Lightning. For some reason my body felt different than before.

'Maybe because of Lightning attribute?'

I looked around and saw that Keli was still kneeling down , I tried to move and luckily my frozen legs were now able to move. 'Spark' is the skill I got after reading it's description , I able to get a gist of it's uses.


Calling out the skill's name something felt different my body felt more active than ever. I knew this was cause of my attribute , I felt mana leaving my body.

'No I can't just waste my mana like this.'

To make mana not leave my body I closed my eyes and focused on my mana and tried to change the flow , I could feel sparks around me. The mana was now circulating in my body without wasting a drop of it.


「 Lightning is charging 」

Zafrix couldn't see this message as his eyes were closed , he was focusing more and more on utilising his mana. At certain point his charging caught attention of Fenery who was fighting with his daughter. He saw the lightning sparks around him and knew what he was doing.

「 Lightning is fully charged 」

The sparks around were now coming together trying to form a ball holding lightning in it.

'I guess I'll need to react faster.'

Zafrix's parents couldn't stop crying seeing their son in such condition , after getting his house blown away by Fen all their became alert and now were watching Zafrix suffer. The kid they watched growing up was now getting his a** handed , although all of them wanted to help him nobody could do anything.

They were powerless infront a big power like Fen , Zafrix's survival was impossible, so they decided to keep his family for whom he risked his life safe. Even his father couldn't control himself and tried to save his son , how could he not run to protect his son who was suffering.

But from Zafrix's point of view the situation he was in wasn't a bad one to die in. His parents were safe , his brother he will not be able to see was also safe because of the neighbours holding his parents. Keli his senior wasn't going to die as she's his own daughter , overall it wasn't so bad to die seeing everyone he cared about are safe.


「 A new skill has been created 」

Skill : ...

... : … 」

'Huh!? What just happened? Why can't I read the skill name and description? Why is it getting blurry?'

While I was thinking all this , I heard Fenery's voice.

"Kid , you're a good one. You love your family and protecting them in this situation proves your love. I don't know if I should say this while you're in that state , but you are talented too. Maybe it had something with you being attributeless , nonetheless you have the potential to be on the top."

He took a cigarette out , lighted it up and started smoking.

"That's why , I had to kill you. No hard feelings kid , I was here to kill you from the start. Then why don't you talk to your family with the remaining time you've left , I'll leave your family alone from now on. Bye."

Saying that he walked away , eventually disappearing out of my sight. The mana I felt rushing in my body was no longer circulating in my body , the sparks I felt around me were no longer around me. A lot of questions formed in head because of the words Fenery spoke before he left.

'What was he talking about? Remaining time? Is he going to come back and kill me?'

Suddenly I felt hands reaching out to me from behind , I turned around and to see who was holding me with these gentle and caring hands. Just as I turned around , I looked at the crying faces of my parents.

I fell down as I couldn't feel any mana in my body anymore.

'Maybe because I exhausted all of my body?'

My mom placed my head on head on her lap while I looked at her with tears in my eyes.

"I-It's alright mom... he's gone now. H-He won't come back again , he said that himself."

"Za-Zaf , it doesn't matter anymore. Just don't say anything and don't move."

"What ar- "

Blood splattered out of my mouth as I tried to ask my mother something , I reached out to mouth and saw my hand covered in blood.


That's when I realised that I couldn't feel my whole body anymore , I tried to get up and see where the wound was that put me in such state. But my mom stopped me and couldn't stop crying.

"What happened... mom what happened?"

"Zaf I can't-"

She couldn't stop crying and in the end didn't tell me what happened. Instead of her my dad said ,

"Zaf your-"

"No dear , please don't say it."

My dad held mom's hand to calm her down and said ,

"June , please let me say it. Zaf right now there's a h-hole in your a-abdomen , that man a-attacked you when your vision was covered by those sparks. Right now I-"

"No , no please don't say it."

'Aah , so I'm going to die. This is what Fenery meant , remaining time huh. I wonder how much I've got , maybe few minutes , few seconds or few milliseconds.'

Tears started running down from my eyes , I couldn't help but cry. Just when my family was about to receive another happiness in the form of my brother , my life has been taken away.

"Hahahaha , pathetic don't you think so mom dad? The life I lived till now was about to change because of magic , but I couldn't even survive the first day I used magic. Mom , Dad I'm sorry. I'm so sorry for being such a worthless son , neve-"

This was the second time I coughed blood , which meant that I didn't have much time left.

"Zaf please don't say anything right now. The healers are on their way to save you , just hold on."

"June , don't stop him."

"Thank you , dad. Never in my life have I ever made you be proud of myself , I truly regret doing nothing that you could've been proud of."

My vision was getting blurry as I was taking , I could barely see my mom and dad anymore. But I still continued ,

"I hope the life my brother lead will be better than mine , please take care of him for me. Even though... even though I couldn't defend myself , I'm proud of the fact that I was able to protect my family."

"I hope my brother is more stronger than me and not a pathetic loser like me. Dad."

"Y-Yes Za-Zaf."

"Those novels you bought for me keep them for my brother , I hope he has fun reading them. The first thing that came in my mind when you told me about mom's pregnancy was how I could enjoy my novels with him. Even though I'll not be there I hope for my brother to enjoy them."

"S-Sure I can a-atleast do that much."



"I can't see you anymore mom."

I heard my mom's cry and felt the her tears drops on my face.

"Hearing you cry , can I say you are there? Mom could you please hold my hand for the last time?"

After few seconds I felt a warmth near my hand , at this moment I felt as I could sleep. A long sleep.

"Just like the time we sat in our balcony , mom I need some sleep. Please don't let go of me , I want to sleep. I want to sleep. I want to sleep."

Just then something hit me it was loneliness , the loneliness my parents will feel in a where I didn't exist.

"Mom , Dad I don't want to die. I don't want to die. I don't want to leave you guys alone. I don't want... to... die."

'Ah I can't feel a thing anymore , the warmth disappeared? Ah , I'm really dying. This cold feeling is spreading in my body. Please , let me say this.'

"I'm sorry... and... goodbye."

'I wish I could get reborn in the form of my brother , just to feel the warmth I felt from you guys. But that would be unfair to my brother , whoever you will be come I hope you stay strong my younger brother.'


On a white bright seat sat an indescribable figure with a drink in his hand he looked at the message before him

「 Trial of World 1 has ended 」

「 Result... 」

「 Result : Death 」

The mysterious figure didn't say a word and took a sip of the drink. Just then another message appeared before him.

「 Trial of World 2 will begin soon 」

Seeing the message a smile appeared on it's stoic face.

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