
Slay Till My Kingdoms Come

In "Slay Gods Till My Kingdom Comes," meet Ajaka, a resilient soul sold by his own father to settle a debt. Enduring maltreatment, he forged a life with swords, only to discover he's the Child of Destiny. Tired of violence, he returns home, finding his family oppressed by local god cults. Taking a stand, he challenges the gods, sparking a journey of spells, forbidden magic, and monstrous encounters. Ajaka, armed with destiny, must rally an army, facing gods and oppressors, determined to carve his kingdom from the crucible of adversity. It's a tale where swords clash, spells soar, and a destiny unfolds with every heartbeat. "Slay Gods Till My Kingdom Comes" is a journey of courage, magic, and the unyielding spirit of a destined hero.

Qiuloft · Fantasie
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5 Chs


'All it takes is a little darkness to see who you truly are "

Thos e were the last words of a warrior Ajaka once knew. He respected that man but alas even he couldn't escape the cold embrace of death.

On his horse Ajaka moved with the grace of disowned prince, aimless and without purpose. He went back home for answers. Although he got what he wanted, he's now leaving with something more. A death curse laid by an aggrieved mother. He regret letting her live enough to say those accursed words. But what could he have done different. He couldn't kill his father's wife right before his eyes. Right before his mother.

Ajaka can't say he was sad or he didn't expect his quest back home to end like this but he hoped for more. For a home that accepts him. He ruined his chance for that when he killed his step brother.

"You won't mop like this forever, will you mate?"

A voice came directly from above his head, in the tree he was currently under. Ajaka's instinct as a warrior kicked as he reached for his trustee spear strapped to his back as he prepared for battle. Who ever that was caught him off guard. Those few days of comfort did make him soft.

"I mean no harm, I am defenceless, see!"

Said the stranger, gesturing that he had no weapon.

"Who are you"

Ajaka asked with his usual grim voice. Clearly seeing the man as a threat. Anyone who can get so close to him without himw noticing is not to be taking light, even with his previous mental state.

"Me? I am a good mate here to remind you of something you are forgetting. Something important"

Seeing that his words aren't getting to Ajaka.

"Common man, loosen up. If I wanted too, I would've attacked while you were mindless, don't you think mate?"

The man's word does carry some truth.

"What do you want"

Ajaka queried.

"I told you before" the man said with an 'as a matter of fact expression'

"I can't help but notice you mopping around, not with you having something so important to do"

He continued "I have to say you definitely ain't the smartest mate around, are ya?"

The stranger said with a little bit of ridicule.

"Tell me who you are" Ajaka repeated is previous question with a more stern voice.

"Come on man, you don't remember me? It's me Floki. Well that doesn't matter. What matters is what you do from here"

"I mean even after single handedly destroying your home you still have to go somewhere, mate"

"Your father probably doesn't give a shite stain about you. What of your beautiful mother? She probably is tilling a farm with you as the last thing on mind, you killed your step brother, your step mom hates because ...." He trailed off "... You get my point now don't you?"

"No I don't" Ajaka said try to keep his anger away from his voice but he fails.

"There is still a member of your family that is still dying to meet you, your sister" Floki finished with a somber tone.

"But she is with the spirits " Ajaka can't believed someone could ever suggest that "No one can save her, she is as good as dead."

"You sure you're Lakunle's son" Floki asked the obvious " 'cause the Lakunle I knew took the world by it's bull horn. Of course he failed woefully but he tried didn't he"

"This is different "

"Is it" Floki asked "is it"

Seeing the look on Ajaka's face Floki said.

"I think she really will die if you don't save her"

Moving down from the tree and walking closer to Ajaka.

"This is your darkness boy, now let's see who you truly are. When you eventually make up your mind, follow that Sparrow." Floki said pointing to his shoulder.

Ajaka didn't know when the sparrow got on his shoulder but their she was clear as day looking.

"Till we meet again, mate" a faint whisper in his ears and Floki was gone. Almost like he disappeared from Ajaka's reality.

Every single cell in his brain was screaming not take advice from a stranger with an unknown level of strength. But his heart wants him to follow the the sparrow and save his little sister. Just like the day he was taken from his family, Ajaka now feels completely turn.

Taking the sparrow in his hand, Ajaka trows her into the air gently as he watch her circle around him before flying off into the west.

"Let's go save the daughter of the woman that placed a terrible curse on me" Ajaka said with a smirk.


Somewhere far away from The Known Land. In a mountain filled with grass and cattle grazing on them sits Floki, his existence fading slowly with the wind. By his side is a very beautiful woman with blonde hair and blue eyes.

"It seems our young friend took the bait. It made my trip worth it. You know how tiring it is to manifest in a place so far away from our domain."

Floki said to the beautiful woman sitting beside him as if oblivious to his predicament. Eager for an answer he continued.

" Do you think the gods will lose to a mortal. A weak one such as him"

"He will win" The woman finally replied with unwavering confidence.

"Don't give that, I need to know if what I sacrificed all my power for will work" Realizing he lost his composure" " I am sorry but ..."

"I know what worries you, I know you sacrificed all you divinity to hide The Child of Fate from his gods and turn him against them. Don't worry, you can sleep now." Floki existence fading even more "when you wake, the world will be ours once again and everyone including those gods will have to embrace the glory of Valhalla".

Floki completely faded out of existence, firmly believing in the woman. After making sure he was gone did she call him



Deep into the emperean sky lies a seemingly ordinary hut. In this hut lies an man. The man outwardly looks like an ordinary old grandpa in white is lying on a mat with a staff by his side looking at a tray filled with sand. The sand in the was churning in a way in comprehensible to the human mind.

Out of nowhere a stream flowed from the clouds to the doorstep of the hut.

"Since you are here come in" The old man's voice came from inside the hut.

A head rise up slowly from the stream to reveal the body of the body of a woman. The waman is fair skinned and wore a beautiful yellow dress that seems to be made with flowing rivers as the fabric. Slowly she walked into the hut.

"Old man" she greeted "you must know why I am here."

"Osun, it's a pleasure to see you once again. You still look as radiant as the last time I meet you ..."

"Don't you know the position you are in now'' Osun queried.

With a subtle change in mood the old man replied.

"Of course I know, I am the god of divination, remember?"

"A god of divination that missed the interference of a foreign god operating in our lands " Osun retorted. " They managed to shield a Child of Fate from us till he grew into his glory. By the rivers, who knows what evil seed they planted into his mind"

"By the time we meet, I'll have a report for the others" Ifa said

"That won't cover this mess" Osun told him. " The other gods wants you to bleed"

"This is no time for infighting. We are under attack"

"You think they don't know that? You have oppressed everyone long enough. They want to use this opportunity to reduce your influence."

"Nevertheless, I will try to minimize the damage caused by this debacle."

"I think we should get to know this Child of Fate. I think my children are best for the job" Osun proposed.

"You obviously want to monopolize the Child of Fate for yourself, Osun" Ifa said.

Osun looked away neither denying nor accepting.

"It doesn't matter, do as you wish and I'll try to figure out their plan and their end game. It's so hard to believe they will actually sacrifice a god just to for parlor trick like this"

"I also have a bad feeling about this" Osun added.


Ajaka can't wrap his mind around how a Sparrow could keep up with the speed of his horse. It would have been easy to understand if she possessed some power but based on his senses she was just a regular sparrow.

That was a passing thought though, what really concerns him was what lies at the end of this journey. Will he really interfere in the business of the gods. If he dares do so, their will be no turning back. He knows he has no choice, even if he dies his sister must survive.

And so it began, the tale of a man going against the gods that rule his land along with his speedy sparrow and a wolf he will soon find along his journey.


A parade. In the jungle lead by an Arch priest, Olu Awo speaking words incomprehensible to the mundane as he lead an entourage of other priests. Behind the priests are young girls in white chained together as they followed the priest with a blank expression as if their souls were drawn out of their bodies through their eyes.

No one has ever survived their current predicament and all evidence points that they wouldn't either. Flanking the parade are warriors. Warriors who have gone through the refinement of sweat, blood and war. Wielding they blades with all seriousness. There are 20 warriors, ten on both sides led by Kinri a warrior known across the lands not only for his strength but also his wit.

The parade kept moving like an unstoppable river. Anywhere they pass through, they will be greeted with utter silence by it's inhabitants because even the smallest of insects knows not to make a sound in the presence of this unstoppable wave.

Things will be different this time though because just over a hill into the distance a horse is moving towards them as fast as it can get. Ajaka, the horseman wields his spear with his right hands and held the reign with his left.

"Who dare to interlude on the sanctity of this ritual" the head priest screamed in a shrill voice.

"May the fiery gut of the hell vulture be his grave" the other priest behind him screamed with a more shrill voice, barely sounding human.

The Kinri walked out towards the still distant horse running towards them and screamed with a voice bolstered by powers.

"Who are you"

Ajaka obviously won't reply, he was here for his sister and he obviously won't be able to take her back without killing them all. They will also throw everything they have at him to kill him in other to protect the integrity of this ritual. So there is little for discussion between them.

"Men" Kinri screamed to the his men as the brought out their musket and aimed it at Ajaka.


Shots were fired at Ajaka but he was prepared.

"I call the name of Alabahun, the spirit that carries his abode on his back, I have offered you tribute and you will offer me you power, take me into your abode and protect me from my enemies"

An apparition of tortoise shell appeared before Ajaka protecting him from the bullets. Summoning the Alabahun is one of the crucial spells a spellcaster needs to learn but the strength of the spell depends on the willpower of the caster.

Realizing that isn't just any attacker the Olu Awo turned serious.

"Support me"

He said to the other priest as they started chanting obscurely. With a smile on his face the Priest can already see himself killing this man who dared to blasphem his god by interfering in the ritual.

'Can't this people just stay quiet for a minute'

Realizing that his mission just became a thousand times harder with the interference of this priest.

"Well, here we go again"