
Slave to The God's World

Alex has been transported to a new world to do Gods bidding. He is forced into doing missions that can get him killed easily. His main objective is to be free from the Gods who are making him suffer on this terrible planet.

Meister748 · Fantasie
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14 Chs

Chapter 9 - Convincing Her

The princess wakes up to find herself tied to a chair looking toward the wall. She tries to look around to see where she is? She can't find any clue. Her mouth is covered with a cloth unable to scream for help. She can't get herself out of the tight bind of ropes on her arm and leg as well. She tires herself out hyperventilating about her situation.

Alex opens the door and says, "You're awake."

She is completely frozen, she doesn't dare to look back. She instinctively tries to scream but is deafen by the cloth.

He approaches her from behind and says, "I just found a perfect magic tool. It's a soundproofing tool. They said it will activate with a little bit of mana and lasts for a few hours before needing to recharge again. The one with permanent effect was very expensive. Had to settle for this cheap one. Let me activate it, then I'll free you."

He activates the device and then proceeds to free the princess' mouth. For sure she screams, he runs outside the door very quickly. He then re-enters the room with the princess screaming uninterruptedly and says, "It really works. Not a beep outside. A good find. No need to shout, no one can hear you."

She gets quiet and demands him, "Free from this restraint and get me back to my people. Or else it will be your death for sure. Even I won't be able to save you. Answer me! How long have I been like this? What is your purpose? Get me some food as well."

Alex says, "Alright princess, let me answer your questions. It hasn't been long, it's the day of your arrival. Everyone in the streets was expecting you. It was quite bustling. You really disappointed a great number of people by not appearing today. The notice was spread that you have been delayed on the road. Well, they are trying to cover it for a while. So they can look for you in peace, before opening it to all the nation. This devastating news might shake the nation, Don't you think so?"

"About my purpose, it's nothing grand. I'll let you know about it later. You need to find peace and calm your anger first. Here eat this bread, I'll feed you."

He feeds it to her by his own hand. He then cleans her face with a clean cloth. She seemed calm for now. She knew that if she was supposed to die, she would have already. There is no immediate danger to her life as of right now. She waits to see how the situation will turn. He goes toward the door and is about to open it and leave. Before opening the door he says, "I will be back later. I have to take care of the situation outside as well."

He goes over to where the Madame is to get a handle on the situation. And if his plan succeeded properly or not. He approaches Madame and says, "So any news on the princess. You said they found a trail?"

Madame replies, "Yea, the tracking magic tool was damaged during their fight with the mobs. It's repaired now so they found a trail leading out of the city. The city will still be on a strict lockdown for a few more days. And an even more severe lockdown if she is not found."

He says, "Who would do such a thing? Why did they have to come the previous night and not on the actual arrival?"

The Madame says, "It was to make sure nothing bad happens during the route. And they would stay one step ahead of everyone. There were also a few assassins attempts on the way. Thanks to this strategy, it was avoided. But who would have known the city would lack security? It must have been someone who can not attract attention while in the city. Someone with a lot of money and reputation. The mobs that were hired came from a very expensive mercenary group. Knights will inform us more about it. Did you look around the area she disappeared from?"

He says, "I've been looking around for any nearby disturbance. But I couldn't find anything. And it was super crowded in the morning. People lined up in the streets and prepared to welcome her. It would cause an uproar if she is not found. People love her a lot."

She says, "Yes. She is known to be very generous. She has very good qualities. She is also known to be one of the beauties of this continent."

He says, "I know."

She asks, "How do you know? You have never seen her?"

He gets flustered for a second but calms himself and answers, "I know from all the people's comments on her and how you described her. I can just imagine that beautiful face."

She is convinced by the answer. He says, "You are also one of the beauties of this continent. I have never seen anyone else as beautiful as you on this land."

She is used to compliments but she really liked his comments on her. She gave him a little smile and said, "Thank you for the compliment. It's sad, I can't spend the night with you tonight. I have a lot of work to do. You can go home. I don't think you need to help me in this situation any more. If she was in the city we would have found out by now. We will know about Knight's tracking information tomorrow. I hope it's the princess, safe and sound. Don't concern yourself anymore. I will take care of it. If there is any need for you, I'll let you know."

He agrees with her and leaves.

He opens the door and sees the princess sitting on the chair silently. He didn't expect her to be so quiet and not try to escape. She sees him and asks him to remove the restraint and that she will not run.

He says, "I do not trust you yet. Don't worry, I'll release you. You just have to promise me a few things."

She says, "You're like everyone else, of course. It's money, right?"

He says, "No. It's way more precious. I need your life. For a few years at least. I need you to work with me. I know it's hard to accept. You're almost at an age to be married off. I think your father might have a fiance searching for you as well. But sometimes there are far more important things in a person's life. Just like that, I've brought up a new purpose in your life."

She says, "What work are you talking about? The king will find you in a few days. Even if you run, he will find you anywhere in his nation. How will you make me work for you? when even you can't escape the king's wrath."

He says, "He won't be able to chase me in the Wild Kingdom."

She is shocked to hear him say casually about entering Wild Kingdom. She says, "It's not a territory anyone can enter. It is filled with beasts that are controlled by the beast tribe in the area. Even a high ranking warrior would think a thousand times before entering."

He says, "I want you to join me on this journey. So we can think of the dangers together. It would be a perilous journey. I am thinking of starting my journey by next month."

She says, "I won't be joining. I don't care how much you try to convince me. I value my life a lot. I wouldn't do anything that might cause me harm. Why do you want to go to them? They are very dangerous."

He asks, "Have you ever encountered them?"

She replies, "I have never! but I've heard so. I know I shouldn't judge on rumours alone. But a million people saying the same thing is probably no rumour."

He says, "You have very strong opinions about them. I think it will take time to convince you."

She asks again, "Why do you want to go there?"

He thinks on what to tell her. He knew that whatever he tells her won't be enough to convince her until she is prepared to venture and throw her life away. He says, "I know about all the bad rumours about that kingdom. But it's too big of a kingdom to just ignore. I think we need to bring about a new revolution in that kingdom. And I think you are perfect for this."

She interrupts his pause and says, "I get it, why would anyone want to do something like that for such a big glory that involves the whole nation. But why am I perfect for this?"

He smiles and sits on the bed beside the chair, "I have learnt a lot about you, You go around all the cities in the kingdom. Help the needy and the poor. You are almost at the age to be married off. With all the travelling you still haven't ever visited the lands your fiance is in. You haven't even agreed to marriage. The fiance is just in name. You are just running away! You feel like you have no purpose in life. You will run out of cities and villages to visit soon. What I am giving you is a chance. You can help me and establish a position where no one will be able to command you. Not even your scary father."

These reasons made her consider running with him. She felt like she found a way out. A way out of everything! No turning back to this awful life. But she quickly snaps and says, "But I would die. I am the weakest in my family."

He smiles because he believes that he has got her now, "Have you ever encountered a Wild Beast before."

She says, "Yes. During trips on the routes."

He says, "Have you ever felt a little different when they approach, a feeling different than just being scared."