
Slave to The God's World

Alex has been transported to a new world to do Gods bidding. He is forced into doing missions that can get him killed easily. His main objective is to be free from the Gods who are making him suffer on this terrible planet.

Meister748 · Fantasie
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14 Chs

Chapter 10 - The Power to Control Beasts

"A feeling of curiosity. A different scent from them. Sensing the fear of the beasts, sensing their anger or rage." Alex says while the Princess listens and recalls those moments. She had always felt different; But she couldn't put it into words.

"Based on books I've read, there should be some emotions conveyed when beasts are near tamers. Those guys are kind of a tamer and they can sense the beast's emotions. It's not always but sometimes they can. It's like an instinct every Wild Kingdom person has."

The princess says, "I am not from the Wild Kingdom!"

Alex says, "I know but you have the powers, you just have to believe in yourself. Wait here. I'll be back with something to test out your powers."

She says, "I am tied down, I can't run away. But how do you know all this?"

As he is exiting the door he says, "A god Prophesied it!" and exits the room with her alone thinking about what he meant.

He returns after a few hours with a cloth covered cage and says, "It was very difficult to get permission but I know the right people that can bend the rules. Let's start our experiment."

He takes off the cloth on the cage revealing a small red rat-like creature. Its teeth were sharp enough to cut a skin from a single touch. He put the cage down on a table and dragged the princess chair right in front of it. He put her and the rat face to face and just stood silently. She was disgusted by the rat's appearance and a little scared of its teeth. She says in a demanding tone, "What is the meaning of this? Previously you said about the powers of the Wild Kingdom people, that I have that power to control these beasts. But I do not know anything! Why are you doing this to me? Just why?"

He says, "I said it's been prophesied. You have the powers, I am trying to trigger it. I am not sure how it works but I need your support. If you gain this power, we can bring revolution to the Wild Kingdom. You can be in power of a nation! You can be free from the restrictive roles you have in this kingdom. You need to look into the rat's soul and make it obey you."

She gets quiet and thinks about her situation and what he is offering. She calms herself down and faces the small beast. She looks into its eye and she feels some kind of trigger just turned on inside her. She says, "Open the cage!"

He opens the cage slowly with a dagger ready in his hands. The rats grunting were gone and it came slowly out of the cage. She didn't even need to command it. It was like she could control it with just her thoughts. She keeps controlling it for a few more minutes, She makes it move around, jump, roll, lie on its back and more. She gives a fierce look toward Alex while practising with the rat. But the rat is stabbed in an instant by him. She was trying for the rat to attack him while his guard was down.

He says, "So you have the power to control them. You have awakened it. Finally, then we can proceed with the next step. But first, I need confirmation. Will you work with me and go to the Wild Kingdom or not?"

She says, "I need more time to think."

He says, "You have till tomorrow, They will find and interrogate your assailant tomorrow. They will find after a while that he didn't kidnap you. Think carefully about your choice. Because I will have to make a difficult choice based on your choice."

She nods obediently in a little fear. He ties her both hands at one corner of the bed for her to sleep on the bed tonight. He exits the room and goes out. Leaving her to think about her decision alone.

He brings her breakfast and serves on the table. The table is cleaned after wiping off the rat's blood and disposing of the body. He removes her restraint thinking that she won't harm him anymore. She quietly eats the breakfast served to her. In the middle of finishing her breakfast he says, "What have you decided to do?"

She says slowly, "I'll follow you."

He says, "Speak louder!"

She says, "I'll follow you to the Wild Kingdom. I'll help you in achieving what you want and you'll help me cut ties with this nation."

He says, "Thank you. Your help will be very good for my mission. And as you involve yourself with the Wild Kingdom, your ties will naturally be cut from this nation."

She finishes her breakfast and asks, "When are we going to the Wild Kingdom?"

He answers, "Not today, You have some duties to fulfil for now."

She couldn't guess what he meant.

He says, "The fat man who attacked you was a fallen noble. Your dad, The King ripped him of his status and threw him for his corruption. That's why he was trying to kill you. To take vengeance. They caught him and are still interrogating him about your whereabouts."

She says, "Not the first time a corrupted noble did something like this. But the first time someone came close to success. If you were not present, I could have died. Given that you kidnapped me later and might also have killed me."

He says, "You have very good luck unlike mine. Now you need to go back to your knights quickly and give everyone a relief. Before they start searching this neighbourhood."

She says, "You're letting me go, What if I never return and betray the promise."

He says, "You won't. I have seen, you need this as well even if you have to risk your life a little. All this gives you a thrill. I will give my commands later. Now you need to just make up a reason that you were in hiding or something and calm the people of this city. Bye."

She doesn't say much and walks out of the house and runs to the knights stationed at Earl. Everyone is shocked and relieved to see the princess. She explains that the fat man attacked her. Then she went into hiding in fear. No one questioned her, they were just relieved to have her back. They urged her to go to the capital at once. But she refused and said she will return after finishing her duties in the city. The decorations were still not taken down. Earl decided to announce the arrival event and other banquet events to happen tomorrow as per princess order. The city got into a frenzy again to prepare the events for the princess.

The city was bustling again with everyone happy with the appearance of the princess. They seemed more happy than before. And the day passed. The princess kept thinking about Alex, how will he approach her? And when will they leave for the Wild Kingdom? It worried her.

She is invited for dinner with the Earl and a few more important members of the city. She was asked if she is okay in health then only to come for dinner. She replied that she will attend it as her health has improved since morning. She prepared herself and went to the main hall before dining. Where she saw her friend. She walks calmly between all the people and expresses her joy meeting her. She says, "How have you been Liz? Or should I say "The Madame"."

Liz, "Whatever you may wish for, princess. But I should be asking about your health. Is everything fine? I got the report from the doctor. He said everything was fine and you needed rest, that's why I didn't visit."

She says, "It's okay. I am all fine now."

Alex approaches them and says, "It's an honour to be in the presence of The princess of Dracus."

The Madame introduces him as a rookie adventurer who helps her in work sometimes. The princess is flustered at his appearance, she knew he looked like a noble and all. But she didn't think he would have a connection to the people above. She wipes off the sweat and says hello to him in a formal manner. And the night goes on and finishes with dinner. They did not converge after their introduction. The princess kept looking at him from afar. Stealing glances at him till he went away. He had kept his calm and didn't attract any attention. He was even introduced at the table because of heroic deed of stopping a assassin attempt on the princess which turned out to be linked to the fat man. Everyone applauded him.

Alex had gone home in a carriage with The Madame. She asks, "Why did the princess keep looking at you?"

He says, "She did? I am not sure. Maybe because I am so good looking."

She says, "Maybe. I will ask her later. And I heard you took home a beast. What for?"

He says, "It feels like I can't hide anything from you. It was just an experiment on how they behave to different sounds and smells and herbs or poisons. I would need one more soon, that one died very early. It's for the sewer cleaning mission that I will be doing the day after tomorrow."

She says, "Ok. I will have one delivered tomorrow. We have reached your house then goodbye. If you need any help again let me know. Enjoy the princess' arrival in the city."

Alex goes to his place and sleeps for the night and wakes up in the morning late to the loud noises of a band and people cheering for the princess. He gets fresh and goes to stalls and eats some delicious snacks for breakfast. The princess is greeted by people of all standards on the streets. Her security has also increased due to the recent attacks. She visits the poverty stricken house and gives them support money and also gives a speech about the changes in people's life soon after some new policy and development in progress in the kingdom. And says a few words in support of the Earl for doing a good job in maintaining this city so well.

Her tour of the city goes great with all the places to visit covered. It was time for the orchestra dance after sunset. She got readied with her prettiest dress on and waited for the hall to be filled before making an appearance. After a while, All guests had arrived and she was informed to make her appearance now.

The princess goes down the stairs to the hall where all eyes are on her. She is wearing a long blue dress with crystals studded on them. Her blonde hair is beautifully curled and has a bouncy aura in them. Her blue eyes dazzle anyone who she stares at.

The announcer announces her arrival, "Please welcome the Guest of Honour. The Princess Of Dracus, Princess Cecilia"

She is known to be the most beautiful person in the Dracus Kingdom. She comes down the stairs and greets everyone in the great hall. After a while the dancing starts. Everyone started dancing. She saw Alex dancing with The Madame. After dancing with Madame he approached the princess for a dance. Asking very formally. Everyone was wary of the princess and didn't ask her for a dance. HE was the first. Everyone looked jealous. She agreed and he took her hand and went to the centre of the hall to dance.

He says in a very low voice, "Couldn't you stop staring at me, yesterday and even today. People are noticing your stares."

She says, "I am sorry. I don't know what the next plan is and I got excited."

He says, "The next plan is we go to the Wild Kingdom. It's that simple. You will be leaving for the capital city where your father is in a few days, right?"

She says, "Yes. Will you kidnap me again mid-route."

He says, "No. Your father might be worried because of this incident. Go meet him in the capital. I'll contact you when I as well reach the capital. Have your last time in the capital, you never know when you will get a chance to come back and meet those people again."

She says, "Alright then I will do as you say."

He feels good that she is very obedient. But she is only because she gets her freedom. He sees off the dance with the princess. Many others line up to dance with her after him. She accompanies a few and retires from the party.

He also leaves the party with Madame afterwards.