
slave to sensations

"In the city of shadows, where power and deceit reign supreme, a union was forged in blood and silence. Alesia Martinez, a brilliant lawyer with a heart of gold, was bound to Leonardo Romano, a ruthless mafia boss with a soul of ice. Their marriage was a pact between two powerful families, a transaction of loyalty and control. As the sun dipped into the darkness, Alesia's fate was sealed. She became the captive bride, trapped in a world of violence and secrets, with a husband who owned her like a possession. Yet, in the depths of her despair, a spark of defiance flickered to life. For Alesia, the battle for survival had only just begun. In the shadows, a war was brewing, and the fate of the Romano empire hung in the balance. Would Alesia become the key to Leonardo's downfall or the instrument of his ultimate triumph? In a world where love was a luxury and loyalty a curse, only one thing was certain: in the game of the mafia, the line between love and hate was about to become very blurred."

NeveahNeva · Urban
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9 Chs

The cold reception

The grand, cathedral was filled with opulence and grandeur, a stark contrast of Alesia's inner turmoil. She stood at the alter, her wedding dress a stunning creation of lace and silk, but she felt like a prisoner in a gilded cage. Leonardo Romano stood beside her, his expression cold and unreadable. His presence was intimidating, his dark eyes betraying no emotion as he looked straight ahead.

The ceremony proceeded with a surreal detachment, the priest's words blending into a background hum.

Alesia's heart pounded as she repeated her vows, each word feeling like a shackle tightening around her soul. Leonardo's voice was steady, almost mechanical, as he recited his own vows.

"You may kiss the bride," the priest announced. Leonardo turned to Alesia, his touch was cold and impersonal as he placed a brief, obligatory kiss on her lips. The guests erupted in applause, but Alesia felt nothing but a hollow ache inside.

As they walked down the aisle together, Leonardo's grip on her arm was firm, almost possessive. The reception that followed was a blur of faces and congratulatory remarks. Alesia plastered on a smile, but her mind was elsewhere, consumed by thoughts of the future she was now bound to.

"Congratulations, Alesia," a voice broke through her reverie. It was Emilia, Leonardo's sister. Unlike her brother, Emilia had a warmth to her that Alesia found comforting.

"Thank you, Emilia," Alesia replied, grateful for the genuine smile on Emilia's face.

"If you ever need someone to talk to, I'm here," Emilia said softly, squeezing Alesia's hand.

Alesia nodded, appreciating the gesture. She felt a glimmer of hope that perhaps not everyone in Leonardo's family was as cold and ruthless as he was.

The night wore on, and Alesia found herself seated beside Leonardo at the head table. He spoke little, his attention focused on the various guests who came to pay their respects. Santiago, Rico and Marino Leonardo's closest friends, flanked him, their eyes sharp and watchful.

Alesia felt a tap on her shoulder and turned to see Camila her best friend, standing there with a sympathetic smile. "Mind if I steal your bride for a dance?" Camila asked, addressing Leonardo. Leonardo gave a curt nod, and Alesia gratefully took Camila's hand, escaping to the dance floor.

"How are you holding up?" Camila asked as they swayed to the music.

"Not well," Alesia admitted. "Leonardo is intimidating. I don't know how I'm going to live with him."

We'll, figure it out," Camila assured her. " you're strong, Alesia. Don't forget that."

As the dance ended, Alesia glanced back at Leonardo. His gaze was fixed on her, his expression unreadable. She knew this was just the beginning of a long, difficult journey.

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