
slave to sensations

"In the city of shadows, where power and deceit reign supreme, a union was forged in blood and silence. Alesia Martinez, a brilliant lawyer with a heart of gold, was bound to Leonardo Romano, a ruthless mafia boss with a soul of ice. Their marriage was a pact between two powerful families, a transaction of loyalty and control. As the sun dipped into the darkness, Alesia's fate was sealed. She became the captive bride, trapped in a world of violence and secrets, with a husband who owned her like a possession. Yet, in the depths of her despair, a spark of defiance flickered to life. For Alesia, the battle for survival had only just begun. In the shadows, a war was brewing, and the fate of the Romano empire hung in the balance. Would Alesia become the key to Leonardo's downfall or the instrument of his ultimate triumph? In a world where love was a luxury and loyalty a curse, only one thing was certain: in the game of the mafia, the line between love and hate was about to become very blurred."

NeveahNeva · Urban
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9 Chs

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The following morning, Alesia woke to the sound of servants bustling around the house.

She dressed quickly and made her way to the dinning room, where Leonardo was already seated, reading the newspaper. He glanced up briefly as she entered, acknowledging her presence with a curt nod before returning to his reading. Alesia took a seat across from him, feeling the weight of his indifference pressing down on her.

"Good morning", she said, trying to keep her voice steady.

Leonardo didn't look up "morning"

A servant approached, pouring coffee into Alesia's cup. She murmured her thanks, trying to ignore the knot of tension in her stomach. The silence between them was thick, almost suffocating.

"Leonardo", she began hesitantly, "we need to talk about this arrangement. How do you see our lives together?"

Leonardo folded his newspaper and set it aside, finally meeting her gaze. His eyes were cold and unyielding. "This marriage is a business deal, Alesia. Nothing more. You will fulfill your duties as my wife, and in return, you will have the protection and privileges that come with being a Romano."

His words were like a dagger to her heart. Alesia took a deep breath, trying to keep her emotions in check. " And what about love? Affection? Do those mean nothing to you?"

Leonardo's expression hardened. "Love is a weakness. Affection is a distraction. Our marriage is about power and control. The sooner you understand that, the better."

Alesia felt a surge of anger and despair. "So, I'm supposed to live like this? In a loveless marriage, treated like a pawn?"

Leonardo's gaze bore into hers. "You will learn to adapt, Alesia you have no other choice."

Tears stung Alesia's eyes, but she refused to let them fall. She pushed back her chair and stood up, her hands trembling. "I don't know how long I can live like this, Leonardo."

Leonardo's expression didn't change. "You'll find a way. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have a business to attend to."

With that, he stood and left the room, leaving Alesia feeling more alone than ever.

She sank back into her chair, her mind racing. How could she survive in this cold, loveless marriage? How could she endure Leonardo's cold treatment?

As she sat there, lost in thought, Emilia entered the room. She took one look at Alesia's face and her expression softened with concern.

"Alesia, are you alright?" Emilia asked gently. Alesia shook her head, her voice barely above a whisper. "No, I'm not. I don't know how I'm going to live like this, Emilia.

Emilia came over and hugged her. "I'm so sorry, Alesia. Leonardo can be difficult, but you're strong. You can get through this. And then remember, you have me. You're not alone."

Alesia clung to Emilia, grateful for her kindness. "Thank you, Emilia I don't know what I would do without you."

Emilia smiled, her eyes filled with warmth.

"We'll get through this together, Alesia. One day at a time."

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