
slave to sensations

"In the city of shadows, where power and deceit reign supreme, a union was forged in blood and silence. Alesia Martinez, a brilliant lawyer with a heart of gold, was bound to Leonardo Romano, a ruthless mafia boss with a soul of ice. Their marriage was a pact between two powerful families, a transaction of loyalty and control. As the sun dipped into the darkness, Alesia's fate was sealed. She became the captive bride, trapped in a world of violence and secrets, with a husband who owned her like a possession. Yet, in the depths of her despair, a spark of defiance flickered to life. For Alesia, the battle for survival had only just begun. In the shadows, a war was brewing, and the fate of the Romano empire hung in the balance. Would Alesia become the key to Leonardo's downfall or the instrument of his ultimate triumph? In a world where love was a luxury and loyalty a curse, only one thing was certain: in the game of the mafia, the line between love and hate was about to become very blurred."

NeveahNeva · Urban
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9 Chs

Legacy of the firm

Alesia Martinez adjusted the hem of her pencil skirt and took a deep breath before stepping into the grand office of Martinez & associates. The scent of polished mahogany and leather-bound law books filled her senses, grounding her in the present. This law firm was her father's legacy, but soon it would be hers, Lucas Martinez, a towering figure with a reputation that struck fear and respect in equal measure, had built this empire from the ground up.

"Good morning, Alesia, greeted Elaine, her stepmother, with a warm smile. Elaine had always been a beacon of kindness in Alesia's life, her genuine warmth a stark contrast to the cold, business like demeanor of her father.

"Morning, Elaine," Alesia replied, hugging her lightly.

"Is dad in his office?"

Elaine smile faltered slightly, and Alesia noticed the concern in her eyes. "He is, but….. he's been in meetings all morning with Sergio Romano. They seem to be discussing something quite serious."

Sergio Romano. The name sent a shiver down Alesia's spine. Sergio was a powerful businessman with a notorious reputation, much like her father's, but with an even darker shadow- organized crime. Alesia had heard whispers about his family's illegal activities and the ruthless empire they controlled.

"Thanks for the heads-up," Alesia said, her mind already racing with possibilities. She walked briskly to her father's office, her heels clicking against the marble floor.

As she approached, she heard the murmur of deep voices behind the heavy oak door. Alesia knocked lightly and waited for her father's gruff voice to bid her enter.

"Come in," Lucas called.

Alesia stepped inside, her eyes immediately drawn, to the tall, imposing figure of Sergio Romano, who was standing by the window, a cigar in hand. Her father sat behind his massive desk, a look of grim determination on his face.

"Alesia, sit down," Lucas said, gesturing to the chair opposite him.

"Mr Romano," Alesia greeted Sergio with a polite nod as she took her seat.

"Alesia, we have an important business to discuss," Lucas began. " Mr. Romano and I have come to an agreement that will secure the future of our families."

Alesia's heart pounded. She had a sinking feeling she knew where this was headed.

"You see, Alesia," Sergio said, his voice smooth and calculating, " my son Leonardo needs a suitable match, and we believe you are the perfect candidate."

The air seemed to leave the room, Alesia stared at her father in disbelief. "A match? You mean marriage?"

"Yes," Lucas confirmed, "this union will solidify our alliances and ensure the continued success of both our families. You will marry Leonardo Romano."

Alesia's mind raced, Leonardo Romano was notorious for his ruthless, heartless nature. He had taken over his father's illegal activities and ruled with an iron fist. The idea of being tied to such a man made her stomach churn.

" I….. I need time to think," Alesia managed to say, standing up on shaky legs.

"There is no time," Lucas said firmly. "The wedding is set. You will do this for the family."

Tears of frustration and anger welled in Alesia's eyes as she fled the room. How could her father do this to her? She had always known he was a hard man, but this… this was beyond anything she had imagined.

As she stumbled down the hallway, she bumped into Camila, her best friend and confidante. Camila took one look at Alesia's tear-streaked face and pulled her into a nearby empty office.

"Alesia, what happened?" Camila asked, concern etched on her face.

"My father… he's forcing me to marry Leonardo Romano," Alesia choked out.

Camila's eyes widened in shock. Leonardo Romano the hot mafia boss?"

Alesia nodded, fresh tears streaming down her cheeks. "I don't know what to do, Camila. I can't marry a man like that."

Camila hugged her tightly. "We'll figure something out, Alesia you're not alone in this."

But even as Camila spoke, Alesia couldn't shake the feeling of dread that settled deep in her bones. Her life was about to change forever, and not in a way she had ever dreamed.

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