

I go to buy some food and what do I get a Facking metal shop sign on the head... Thanks you what more ? I know this place ... I'am not happy at all want a refund. I do not Own ANY of the Bethesda works, The Elder Scrolls credit go to them. Got just my character.

DuncanIneau · Videospiele
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4 Chs

Chapter 4: Safe ?

Again I wake up feeling like shit… I'm heavy as hell, my arms are numb to a point I nearly felt they weren't here. I try to open my eyelids with difficulties and… Today again a foreign place.

I wake up in a wooden bedroom/living room and there's even meat attached to the ceiling. I don't see any windows or anything but stairs so maybe I'm in a basement…

Alot of maybe I don't even know if I'm safe here.

Trying to get up 'DING' I hear a little bell chime, trying to see where it comes from. I see it on the nightstand next to me, and the bell is ingeniously attached to my pinky so when I got up I pulled the string and it made it ring. *Who will descend here and are they hostile or not ? maybe they saved me, cleaned me and all to better eat me later ?*

'PAT PAT' I hear footsteps coming so I do the best things I could think *Healing,Oakflesh, Courage* The numbness in my arms has gone a bit, I feel them more, I pre-channeled the spark spell in case I needed it. 'PAT PAT PAT' I finally see someone going down the stairs and it's a gruff looking man in leather clothes and he's handling a long hunting knife and he stopped just at the end.

Looking at me I flung my arm toward him with the spell tingling my arms 'PAM PAM RING RING DING' but the string attached to my pinky pulled the little bell and fell on the ground making a lot of hubbub. Frightened, I looked down at the bell but the man didn't move, 

"Don't break it my Nana will be mad, so first calm down I'll be hostile only if you are" looking back at him I hastily ask some question 

"Who are you ? Where are we ? Why am I here ? W-"

"Stop stop stop too many question in one go… 'sigh' I'am Holrid this place hunter and your in my house and we are-... can you stop pointing your arm at me 'fucking elf'" not hearing the insult I lower my arm.

"So as I was saying we are in Rorikstead and you're here cause my grandchildren's found you and my daughter saved you."

"Than-" he interrupt me "Don't bother thanks them not me I don't want you here… get up, pay up and go the fuck up." 

He said sheathing his blade, he gave me a last look before going back up the stairs.

I slowly rise from the bed, feeling a bit disoriented, numbness still coursing my body I channel again the only restoration spell that I know *Healing* 3 times I can now move better and stop all the sluggishness of my body.

I don't take much time to look around and just detach the string off my finger, put the little bell on the nightstand.

Now I look at my arms and I'm surprised that no injuries remain on my body, my burned frosted and electrocuted arms were as new as before.I'm even out of the rag I was wearing. 'sigh' *I glad I'm safe and all but how the fuck am I gonna pay back ? Hunting ? Cleaning or something ? Better that than money I don't have…* I stretch and go up the stairs. 

I open the door and fall face to face with a beautiful woman, long dark hair, lightly tanned, soft blue eyes clothed in a light green dress. She looked at me and softly smiled. 

"Hi there ! How are you ?" With shyness and embarrassment sprayed on my face I answered her "Hello ma'am. Uh yes thank you I'm fine, thanks for helping me…" "You're welcome" she said warmly "But it's my baby girl, my boy and the neighbor children that found you. When they took us to you you were pretty badly injured, but nobody wanted you in their house so I brought you here. I'm not saying that so you'll feel indebted to me okay ? I have done what I wish someone would have done to me." 

A deep voice resounded next "Nasia lesser healing potions aren't cheap don't make it less of what you've done. 'More so to a long ear'"

She looked at him with mean eyes. "Dad, don't compare a life to some 20ish septims." "For the love of Talos. Imagine Siana or Gradur get hurt right now huh ? You don't have any potions anymore, what will you do now ?!" "If that happens we'll come by with something "

"'That doesn't make it worth healing some long eared bum'..." "What did you say ?" she asked "Nothing… still he has to give something back, or it would be a bad lesson for the child's, to take without giving back."

Making myself as small as possible I say "I don't have any money on me right now but I'll give back" 

Nasia, the woman who saved me, regarded me with a thoughtful expression. Her father, Holrid, seemed unimpressed and crossed his arms, eyeing me with a level of distrust that lingered from our earlier encounter.

"You don't have money, huh?" Holrid grunted, clearly not satisfied with my lack of immediate compensation. "Well, I hope you're good for something. Maybe you can earn your keep around here."

Nasia, on the other hand, maintained a more sympathetic demeanor. "You don't need to worry about paying us back with coins. We're not heartless. But," she added, glancing at her father, "I'm not happy with it but dad is right. We're a small community, and everyone pitches in."

Holrid grumbled something under his breath, and Nasia shot him a disapproving look. Turning her attention back to me, she suggested, "Perhaps you can help with chores, or if you have any skills, put them to use. Rorikstead might not be a bustling village, but we appreciate hard work."

I nodded, grateful for their understanding. "I can help with whatever you need. I may not be a seasoned hunter or farmer, but I'm willing to learn and do my part."

Holrid seemed slightly less hostile at the prospect of me contributing, though his skepticism still lingered. "Fine, then. We have some animals that need tending, and the fields could use an extra hand. You can start with that. Don't expect any special treatment."

Nasia smiled warmly, "Thank you for being willing to help. We'll figure something out. In the meantime, why don't you join us for a meal? You must be hungry after everything."

I agreed, realizing that I was famished.

"Dad, can you go get the kids please ?" he answered "You go, won't let you alone with an unknown man we don't even have the name of.

"I am Dunial Terreman." "A surname huh ? A noble perhaps ? You what, escaped your noble elvish duties ? HAHAHA ! You're not a Talmor aren't you ?"

"DAD! Go get the kids lunch nearly ready." He gets up and grumbles 'But I'm THE dad..' and is out.

"I'm sorry for that Dunial is that right ?" "Call me Dun, Dunial doesn't really roll on the tongue doesn't it ? It's nothing he right I just crashed in your life like that with nothing to give back and I am sorry."

"Didn't we just talk about it, you'll work a bit here and go after two three days. It's not a problem, there, sit down. I see them coming, we'll eat and you'll see where you can go for some money." 

Here two children are opening the door and running to their mother. "MA ! Siana pushed me in a puddle again !" "You shouldn't have thrown me a frog on the face earlier !" "Next time I'll make you eat it !" 

"Stop it you two wash your hands we'll eat soon"

As the lively family banter continued around the table, I couldn't help but feel a mix of relief and gratitude. The family, despite their initial reservations, had taken me in with surprising warmth. Nasia's children, while engaged in typical sibling squabbles, added a touch of normalcy and joy to the atmosphere.

As we sat down for the meal, Holrid returned with a grumble, eyeing me with a hint of suspicion. The delicious aroma of the food wafted through the room, and my stomach growled in anticipation.

The children, now somewhat cleaned up, joined us at the table, and Nasia began serving a simple but hearty meal. I noticed that they had somehow managed to prepare a feast from seemingly humble ingredients.

"So, Dun," Nasia started, "tell us a bit about yourself. Where are you from, and how did you end up in such a state?"

I hesitated for a moment, contemplating how much to reveal. "I'm from Summerset Isle, and I was on a journey when I... got into some trouble. I appreciate your help. I'll repay your kindness however I can."

Nasia, with a welcoming smile, placed a plate in front of me. "Dig in, Dun. We might not have the grand feasts of the Summerset Isle, but we know how to make a satisfying meal."

I nodded appreciatively and took a bite. The flavors were a comforting mix of home-cooked goodness, and it felt like ages since I'd had a proper meal. As we ate, the initial awkwardness began to fade, replaced by a sense of comfyness.

Holrid, though still gruff, seemed to soften a bit as he shared stories of his hunting expeditions and the challenges of living in Rorikstead not far of a giant camp. The children, Siana and Gradur, bombarded me with questions about my homeland, the Summerset Isle, their wide eyes filled with curiosity.

After the meal, Nasia cleared the table, and I offered to help with the dishes. It was a simple gesture, but it earned a nod of approval from Holrid.

As we worked side by side, Nasia spoke quietly, "I know my father can be a bit intimidating, but he has a good heart. It's just the way he is. Thank you for understanding."

I smiled and assured her that I harbored no ill feelings. In truth, I felt a growing sense of gratitude toward the family. Despite my uncertain circumstances, they had given me shelter, food, and a chance to find my footing in this unfamiliar land, not that they know.

The evening passed in a comfortable tranquility. The family gathered around the hearth, sharing stories and laughter. Gradually, the weariness that had gripped me began to dissipate, replaced by a newfound sense of peace.

As the night deepened, Nasia offered a small room adjacent to the main living area for me to rest. It was modest but cozy, and I gratefully accepted. Before retiring, I thanked Nasia once again for her kindness.

She smiled warmly, "You're welcome, Dun. Sleep well, and we'll figure out what comes next in the morning."

Alone in the quiet room, I reflected on the twists of fate of being here in Skyrim.

Closing my eyes I drift asleep to a new and better day.

HEEEEEEEERE a chapter ! Tell me what you think. A lighter one won't make his every living day a hell haha. I'm not really good at writting and make a lot of mistake sorry.

I will make less geographical error cause im using a site who is a interactional skyrim 4k map HAHA so i can make proper route plan and stuff and not make him disapear 3000km of his original position in water counter current wise and all haha.

Tell me how it goes if there too much mistake and plots hole even if i dont think there is in this chapter.

Have a nice day BYE !

DuncanIneaucreators' thoughts