

Things had taken a turn for the better.Vader was finally able to move on from his past, overcoming the guilt that held him down.With his chains broken he was finally free, like how his daughter overcame the fear of her tormentor that haunted her.Vader accepted Midnight's confession after meeting with Padmé for one last time.He decided it was time to finally move on.

But now, Vader is on the move.

He is currently back at Kamino Ward, where the events that occurred in this town changed everything.

The reason why he's here of all places was because he was invited to the the Japanese Hero Billboard Chart by the Hero Commission president, herself.He replied by tearing the letter into pieces.Something about that woman steered him the wrong way.

Vader hated the idea of the Hero Billboard Chart with a passion.A lot of the pro heroes showed up to the event, instead of patrolling the streets and doing their jobs.The event was pretty much an opportunity for criminals and villains to do away with their deeds.

Vader didn't like the attention.He preferred to remain hidden in the shadows than compete for the number one hero spot, which was why he never wanted to be at the top hero rankings and never wanted his own agency.The only reason why there were merchandise of himself was because Principal Nezu highly recommended him to allow it.At least his daughter loved the merch, she would always carry around a small action figure of himself wherever she went.

Vader believed that this society's view on heroes was backwards.People viewed heroes as if they were celebrities.Having a hero competition was a waste of time, which was why he was getting along with Shota just fine.He chose to be an Underground Hero, comfortable with having less attention.The less people know anything about him, the better.He got more freedom when he's not at the top hero ranks and the Hero Commission can't really get close to him and learn about him.Vader didn't want to be a shiny icon like All Might, he wanted to be himself, Anakin Skywalker.

There are not many people that Vader respects.Some of the people he believe that should earn the title of heroes are the people he fought alongside with him in the Clone Wars.

The 501st legion were like brothers to him, especially Captain Rex.He displayed admiration, friendship, and huge respect for the boys in blue.He made it clear that he trusted them with his own life.He would lead them into battle at the frontlines himself, even when the odds were against him, which was how he earned the title "The Hero With No Fear." His heart silently mourned whenever one of them had fallen to the hands of their enemies, and he never wanted them to risk their lives.

Snapping back to reality, Vader looks around at the debris of where he and All Might fought against All For One, months ago.This is where he changed everything.With no true leader, the League of Villains should come crumbling down, yet he has a feeling that would not be the case.They're villains, but that doesn't mean he underestimates them.He knows that they're adapting to him, it makes sense to why they remain hidden for now.

Minus the fact that he heard word from detective Naomasa and Piett that they captured the warping villain, Kurogiri from a forest, after narrowly escaping from what he described as a "villain the size of a titan." Piett remembered when he was almost crushed by a huge fist.Thank the Force that he shot his trustworthy blaster right in its eye, otherwise he would've been stomped into jelly.

Vader puts aside his thoughts for now.He'll look into the "titan" and Kurogiri at a later date, he still has a job to do, and that is finding any other leads to the League of Villains.

He continued with his walk for some time until he found himself in front of the League of Villains' abandoned hideout.The place looked out of shape, covered with fresh graffiti, the hole All Might made and the entrance were covered up with yellow police line tapes.

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Vader waves his hand and the police line tape rips away from the entrance, allowing him to step inside and start with his investigation.Inside it is way dark for the naked eye to see.To combat this, Vader presses a button on the belt's left box, the mask's lenses turn from tint black to an ominous dark red.This function Vader is utilizing is the suit's infrared vision to see in the dark.

Inside looks way worse than it does from the outside.Broken stools litter the place.The tables and the entire bar counter are gone, most likely taken by looters.The racks are completely empty, not a single bottle of alcohol remains The only thing that remains are pieces of glass from the bottles that scatter the floor.The glass shards would break into little pieces whenever his boots take a step on the wooden floor.The walls are covered in even more spray paint than the ones from outside.And last but not least, a huge hole in the middle of the room.

Vader stands in front of the massive hole as he looks down at it, standing motionless.Through the Force, he can sense something-

No.He didn't sense something.He sensed Someone.

Someone is down there.He'll have to be more careful, this person could be a member of the League of Villains returning to the scene of the crime.

Vader leaps forward, he falls down to the bottom and lands on one knee, creating a debris and cracks to form on the floor from his suit's heavy weight.


Vader stands up to his full height in the pitch black.He looks around to find himself in an empty hallway.A secret part of the hideout, clever.The only source of sound and light would be his mechanical breathing, and the flashing lights on his belt and chest panel.To solve this minor issue, he presses the stealth button on the chest panel, turning off the lights and the breathing.

[Stealth Mode Activated]

The only sound that are now audible are his heavy boots echoing down the narrow hallway when he strides forward.

Vader thoroughly investigates all over the hidden area of the hideout.The hallway is seemingly devoid of human life.The only sign of life are the large amount of spiderwebs.He checks every room for anyone.He knows that someone's been here, there's be no other reason for why he would sense them.

After checking everything, Vader is only left with one more room to check.He gently opens the door with a wave of his hand and steps in the room.It's the medical room to the hideout.The room is littered with a turned over gurney, a large pile of dust and dry blood that is most likely one of Shigaraki's victims, used bandages, empty pill bottles, and a tent-

Wait a minute, a tent?!

The Force warns the Chosen One of danger coming from behind.Vader whips around to throw a hand out, using a Force push on the perpetrator to aggressively push them against the wall.A small yelp escapes from the person is heard when hitting the wall.Through Vader's red lenses, his infrared vision picks up one life signature, seemingly a female.He gets a better look at this person and it's none other than Himiko Toga.

Vader is not given a break when the room begins to heat up and an ominous blue glow lights up the room from behind.Vader turns around to see the other League of Villain member who only goes by the name of Dabi, with blue flames in hand.

Dabi: So, the big bad wolf finally caught up with us.

Dabi powers up his quirk and sends a huge wave of blue fire directly at his target, burning half of the room along with Vader.

Dabi smirks and lets out a relieving exhale when he hears the sound of his blue flames crackling.He lets the fire continue to burn while he turns away from it to retrieve Toga and flee from the scene.With Vader out of the picture, he can finally no longer live in fear and do away with his life of crime as he pleases.

That would've happen if things were too easy for Dabi.

Dabi raises an eyebrow when he notices how the fire's blue glow on the room begins to die down faster than it normally should've.He turns back to the fire and feels his soul nearly leaves his body upon seeing the black monolith standing tall with an arm stretching out, not even a single blue flame touching his black armor.

Dabi's blue flames had no effect on Vader, due to his quick reaction when using the force to shield himself from the blue flames, and his suit protecting him from the intense heat.

Vader sends a massive force repulse to put out the blue flames, knocking Dabi off his feet.Dabi lets out a groan when his back hits the wall and catches himself from falling to the floor.He lifts himself up and glares at Vader, igniting blue flames on his hands again and ready for round two.

But Vader is not having any of it.

Before Dabi can even use his blue flames, Vader stops him by using the force to ball up the villain's hands into fists, thus preventing him from using his quirk and leaving him in shock.

Vader uses the Force to freeze Dabi's muscles, rendering him immobile.He then turns off the stealth button on the belt's left control box and the suit comes to life, intimidating the villain even further.


Dabi begins to shake in utter terror when the room's temperature drops in a drastic rate.He struggles to free himself but to no avail.His mind races in panic at the thought of being killed by the black monolith that stands in front him.

Toga: Oh no you don't!

Vader uses his other free hand to force choke Toga and lift her up in the air.She drops her knife from hand and clutch her throat as she begins to gag.

Toga: Grk Ha- H...

Dabi: NO!

Vader smirks under the mask, he begins to slowly clench his hand into a fist, ready to kill the psychopath, until...

Toga: Ha... H-harder~


Dabi: What???

Toga proceeds sticks her tongue out while crossing her eyes and lets out a moan of pleasure from Vader's Force choke.Her free hand starts to guide itself down her chest, down her waist, and UNDERNEATH HER SKIRT!

Toga: Ha- Harder daddy!~

Toga's face blushes with a satisfying grin and drooling from the large amount of dopamine overloading her brain as she pleasures herself by doing the deed in front of Vader and Dabi, making them really uncomfortable from her choke fetish.

And to put the final nail to the coffin, a wet sound is heard, followed by a sticky substance that rolled down her legs.Both Vader and dabi let out a groan of disgust, causing Vader to let go of Toga and Dabi.

Vader is many things, a pervert is not one of them.Professionals have standards.Even Sith Lords know where to draw the line.

Vader proceeds to end the atrocity in front of him by knocking out Toga and Dabi, using the Force to collide them against each other by their heads, rendering them unconscious.He cringes at the thought of Toga's fetish and allow his shoulders to sag, due to the fact that he will never look at a force choke the same.He lets out a sigh and mutters to himself.

Vader: Women.

Vader approaches the unconscious bodies of Dabi and Toga.He gets a good look at them to see that their clothes are dirty and a little worn out.Vader looks back at the tent with a turned-off lamp and some food, realizing that they live here.He asks himself in mind if these two have left the League of Villains or they got kicked out.

Deciding that he would search through their minds while they're unconscious to find answers, Vader uses the Force to mind probe the two of them to see what he can learn about them.He immediately retracts his hand and lets out a gasp in shock.

Himiko Toga was the eldest daughter of her family.Her family viewed her as a freak of nature, due to her quirk that showcased her desire for blood.Himiko's parents pressured her into being "normal," despite the fact that it's not her fault she was born with this quirk.She was able to suppress her urges, but it came to an end after an incident with a boy named Saito.She had a "crush" on the boy due to the bruises and blood received from school fights.She was succumbed to her urges and attacked him with a box cutter, and them used a straw to drink his blood.

Due to the incident, she was wanted by the authorities, all because she couldn't control the urges.Her own parents called her a "demon" when questioned by the news, disowned their daughter and cutting all ties with her.She lived her new life as a villain by killing people to drink their blood to have her desires satisfied.Vader felt pity upon the girl.

Vader learned that Dabi was actually Toya Todoriki, Endeavor's firstborn son that was thought to be dead.Vader was disgusted upon learning that Toya was conceived in a quirk marriage to breed a hero that could surpass All Might.

The boy's father violently abused and neglected him at such a young age, all to create his own image of a perfect hero to surpass All Might.It got to the point that he would come back home with injuries.Toya had great hatred for his own father for what he did to their family.He felt like he was being used as a tool, which Vader surprisingly understood how he felt, due to his past with Darth Sidious as his master.

AND THEN Endeavor casted Toya aside when he no longer saw potential in him.He tried to get his father back into training only to be denied and ignored.Toya was replaced by an infant child, Shoto Todoroki.He felt used.Abandoned.Replaced.

Endeavor threw his wife, Rei Todoroki in the psychiatric ward after she snapped and burned Shoto's left side of his face with boiling water, due to the sheer stress and pressure caused by her husband.

Toya faked his death after he had a mental breakdown that accidentally started a forest fire from trying to self-training.With him presumed dead, Toya hid afar, watched his father, planned to enact vengeance.

Toya Todoroki died within that fire.Within the ashes of the boy, rose Dabi.

By the time Dabi was an adult, he was recruited by the League of Villains shortly after the USJ incident foiled by Vader.

None of these were the reason why Vader was shocked and troubled.It was the aftermath of the Kamino incident.The League of Villains' encounter with a cloaked figure, who's their new master.The Sith Lord himself.

Vader: Darth Malgus...

In Vader's past as a Sith Lord, Darth Sidious gifted him the journal of Darth Malgus.He studied and took notes, learned everything he could about the infamous Sith Lord that sacked the Jedi temple during the Old Republic Era.

Vader knows that Darth Malgus is a very formidable Sith Lord, one to not be trifled with.Now he's alive.

Vader looks down at the two unconscious bodies of Dabi and Himiko, deciding their fates.If the Force could form a lightbulb when an idea is born, there would have been one on top of him.He picks up the two of with both arms and walks out of the abandoned hideout.Vader has an elaborate plan for them.


Dabi lets out a quiet groan as he rubs his head, finally returning to the land of the living.He looks around to find himself at a warehouse of some sort.Next to him is a sleeping Himiko, who's cuddling with his arm while mumbling in her dreams.


The sound of a ignited lightsaber from behind alerted Dabi.He immediately shot up from the floor and turned to see Vader with his lightsaber in hand.

Vader: You're awake.

Dabi glares at Vader, readying up his blue flames in hand if needing to escape.He still feels on edge from the cold and intimidation of Vader's aura.The glare on his face forms into a look of shock upon hearing these words escape from Vader's mouth.

Vader: You would be wise to surrender...

Toya Todoroki...

Toya Todoroki, the firstborn son of Endeavor.Long thought to be dead from the world's eyes, is alive and well with a new name for himself, Dabi.

He had always hated his father for who he was and for what he did to their family.Endeavor ruined them and made their lives miserable, all for his little fantasy competition against All Might.

Toya had died within the fire.And within the ashes, Dabi was born.

But now we find him standing in front of the infamous black monolith himself, Vader.

Dabi: How the hell do know that name?

He said in an angry tone an glared daggers at Vader.He activated his quirk, allowing the blue flames to engulf his hands.

Vader: Stand down, young Todoroki.I shall not hurt you.

Dabi: your glow-stick-of-destiny says otherwise.

Dabi says with a deadpan tone and pointing at Vader's ignited lightsaber in hand.Vader rolls his eyes under the mask from Dabi giving his lightsaber a ridiculous name.

Vader: Do you really believe I would not take the precautions with someone such as yourself?

Dabi: ...Fair enough.

The blue flames die down from Dabi's hands, Vader does the same by deactivating his lightsaber and clipping it back to his belt.

Dabi: So, what do you want?Here to take me in?

Vader: We need not be adversaries, I will show you mercy if you can tell me where the League of Villains can be found.

Dabi: Wait... you'll let me and Toga go?

Vader: Provide me information of them and I shall bestow you and Toga protection, necessities that you would find most adequate.

Toga immediately wakes up and ascends from the floor when she hears Vader's offer.She has one request in mind about something she can get as "necessity."

Toga: Ah yes.The negotiator, Vader.

She smacked her lips at the thought of Vader offering his own blood.But that thought was short lived.

Vader: Not now.

Himiko crosses her arms and pouts.Vader resumes after being interrupted by the mosquito girl.

Vader: I believe we can come to a compromise that we have a common enemy, the Sith Lord.

This gets the attention of Dabi and Toga upon hearing the word Sith.

Dabi: The Sith Lord?

Vader: Yes.If I recall correctly, you and young Toga had encountered him right before being betrayed and cast aside by your so-called friends.

Dabi blinks a few times on how Vader gave a simple explanation of the incident.He remembers clearly how the hooded figure mopped the floor with him and Toga with a power similar to Vader's.But how did he know?

Vader: If you're wondering if he shares the same powers as I, you assume correct.

Dabi looks at Vader in surprise when Vader answers his question.

Dabi: I'm just going to pretend you did not just read my mind.

Dabi looks around the warehouse and spots a crate big enough for him to use a chair.He is about to approach the crate, but it seemingly floats up in the air, then towards him, and settling down on the ground next to him.He looks back at Vader, who has his hand out.

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Dabi gives Vader shrug and sits on the crate.

Dabi: Say we sell them out and give you what you need, what kind of necessities will you provide?

The atmosphere became ominous between the two.The empty warehouse echoed from Vader's mechanical breathing as he stood motionless.

Vader: I can understand why you abandoned the identity of Toya Todoroki.The boy that was neglected by his own father died within that fire.And from the ashes rose someone anew, Dabi.

Dabi lowers his head with his hair covering his eyes and clenches his fists in anger.He hated his so-called "father" with a passion.

Vader: I'll finish where he failed at.I have something in mind to help channel your flames without any means of self harming.Consider it a peace offering.

Dabi raises an eyebrow at Vader.It is a tempting offering.But that begs the question, can he trust him?

Vader turns his attention to the mosquito girl.

Vader: As for you, it appears your quirk as made you gone mad.I might help you in obtaining what's left of your sanity.

Dabi knew that Vader had his ass on the line.He knew Toga hated when people would say they would 'fix' her, just like how her parents said.Himiko drops the yandere look on her face and gives Vader a cold glare.She really wants to stab the dark lord before her.

Vader: There may be nothing to 'fix' you, but I could offer something much more.Your body thrives on blood to survive, much that of a vampire.I shall bestow upon you in helping limit the drawback of your quirk.I will provide you with an alternative solution to satisfy your needs, artificial blood.Until my hands can grasp on such a product, you'll have to rely on preying ruthless villains without gaining attention from the heroes.

Toga and Dabi are in shock from Vader's offerings.He is willing to go this far just to help them, even if it means sticking his neck out by break the law.

Dabi has a feeling that there is something more to it on Vader being generous instead of arresting them or killing them on the spot.

Dabi: Why are you doing this?What do you get out of us exactly?

Dabi says as he crossed his arms.Vader looked back to his old life.He knew that he was once the villain, but not just any villain, one of the worst and most evil ones.He remembered the atrocities committed by his own actions in the name of the Galactic Empire.But through the love of his son, he was able to see the good within him.He helped him broke the chains that held him down and fulfilled his destiny by bringing balance to the Force.In death, he earned his second chance to live his life as a new man.

He remembered his last words he said to his beloved son before dying.

"You were right about me"

Under the black mask, a single tear draws from Vader's eye from the thought of how Luke has never given up on him, even after everything he has done.

Vader: Tell me Dabi, do you believe in second chances?Some villains need to be killed.Some need to be punished.But some need forgiveness.In the eyes of society, you're depicted as an evil man for the crimes you've committed.But from my point of view, I see a broken man in need of a helping hand for guidance.

Vader raises his hand, offering for Dabi to take.

Vader: Let me help you.

Dabi looks at the gloved hand.He rewinds the words of Vader on how he describe him.Vader does not view him as a villain, but for who he is.

Dabi stands up from the crate and shakes Vader's hand.

Dabi: You've got yourself a deal.


Vader stands outside of the warehouse, along with Dabi and Toga folloing his lead.The two former villains look around to see that it's late at night, wondering how long they have been out for.

Dabi: So... you going to take us back to the bar?

Vader: Not quite.

Vader had something else in mind for where the two of them would live.Through the time of Dabi and Toga being unconscious after encountering Vader, he used the internet to buy a house for sale.You'd be surprised on how much time it took him to buy one at such a short notice.

Vader presses a button on the left side of his belt, and the sound of a roaring engine approaches them from a distance.

A black muscle car makes a sharp turn and speeds down in their direction.Dabi and Toga are about to jump out of the way and avoid becoming roadkill.But Vader stands his ground and refuses to even move a single muscle, like how a deer would just stare at the blinding lights of a semi truck before becoming roadkill.

The car makes a donut and comes to a complete stop in front of them.Vader casually approaches the car and opens the passenger seat for them, revealing no driver being present.Dabi and Toga widens their eyes from the whole show.

Vader: We don't have all night.Let's move.

Tension rose at the streets of Musutafu city.A band of bold villains raided the city hall and held the people inside as hostages.They were smart enough to board up all possible entrances by hot wiring the building's security system and activate all the shutters for the doors and windows.

Naomassa: We got the place surrounded.

The detective says to Chief Kenji and the pro heroes on standby, which are Kamui Woods, Eraser Head, Mirko, Death Arms, Hawks, and Endeavor.All of the heroes are itching for a fight.

Kamui Woods: Any word on the quirks or weapons they possess?

Naomasa: None.

Mirko: Ugh!This is bullshit!Lets rush in and give them a can of whoop ass!

Eraser Head: Not a healthy idea.They're back into a corner with the hostages as their insurance.This is probably more dangerous than we've anticipated.We'll have to wait until backup arrives.

A lone officer rushes in with some news that can help the situation.The officer is none other than Firmus Piett.

Piett: That will be unnecessarily Eraser Head.We have an alternative solution on the way.

Everyone turns their heads at the former admiral.

Piett: I've made a call with a friend that can give us a helping hand.He'll be here shortly.

Endeavor scoffs at Piett, thinking that they don't need help.

Endeavor: And what makes you think that this person will help?

Piett smirks at the Flame Hero's remarks and lets out a small chuckle.A loud boom can be heard from within the building, followed the sound of gunfire, and a scream.

Piett: That would be him.And he's early.

Most of the heroes are in concern about the commotion inside the building, wondering what the hell is going on.

Kamui: How did he even get in?We didn't even see anyone enter the building.

Piett: Simple, he used the back door.

Everyone: ...

Mirko: Well, shit just got interesting.

Death arms: Should we interfere?

Piett: No need.He has the situation already under control.

He says with full confidence for his friend.


Inside the building, there's an ongoing shootout.Bullets flying across a room.Villains with firearms open fire upon the black behemoth that advances to them.

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With nothing but skill, Vader marches on as he deflects the bullets right back to their owners, bullets narrowly missing him, and deadly swings of his lightsaber within his range, leaving fresh scorches on the walls.

He continues with deflecting more oncoming rounds that would've hit him and send them back to their owners, leaving casualties.

Vader continues on with the advancement and move to the center of the room to avoid the rest of the gunfire.He uses the Force to pull the guns from their hands and throw his lightsaber.

The spinning weapon decapitates 5 villains before returning back to his hand.

The villians with quirks utilize them in an attempt to at least slow down Vader but to no avail when he carves a path between them with his lightsaber.7 villains have fallen to the blade and 2 caught in a force choke.

Vader continues to deflecting and dodging in his advancement and snapping a few unfortunate necks.

Vader uses the Force to drag a towards him and grabs the man's face.The villain screams in agony as he applies a large amount of pressure in his grip and the head explodes like a watermelon, getting blood all over Vader's glove.

The last 5 villains realize that this is a battle they cannot win.

It was at this moment they realize they're fucked in so many levels.


One of them shouted, probably the smartest decision he had ever made.But how far would it get them?

One of the villains decides to step in and take action.He uses his quirk to absorb electrical power sources in the room, causing ionized particles to form in his body.The villain had a sinister smile on his face and went on the offensive by throwing a barrage of electricity at Vader.

Vader immediately got the jig the moment he saw electricity emit all over the villain's body.He retaliated by stretching his left hand out and used the surge protective gauntlet integrated within his glove.He absorbed the villain's electricity directly into his suit's power cells, charging it up in the process.

Vader smirked under the mask, while the electrical villain's face paled when he saw his quirk had no effect on him.Red electricity started to dance around Vader's fingertips the moment he stretched his hand out at the villain.

Vader: My turn.

Vader launches a barrage of red force lighting at the unlucky villain, frying him as he screams until his vocal chords are frying away as well.He tries to utilize his quirk in an attempt to absorb the red force lighting but he couldn't, due to the fact it's frying his quirk, too.He uncontrollably twitches from the red electricity colliding with his body and torturing him until he is reduce to bone and ash.

Now down to 4 villains, they all let out a gulp and ran for their lives.

Villain: I DON'T WANNA DIE!!!

The remaining villains retreat as they scream in utter terror and run down the hallway to an office, where they would take a hostage with them.Vader is about to continue but a villain that has hidden in a hiding spot gets out and points his gun at him.He would quietly mutter to himself as he aims his rifle at Vader's head.

Villain: Now I got ya.

As he aligns the rifle's scope, starts to slowly squeeze on the trigger.But instead of gunfire, a purple plasma blade pierces through the villain's chest.He drops the rifle as he looks down at the plasma blade.The one responsible is that of a hooded figure that dons brown robes.The blade retracts from behind, allowing him to drop dead.Vader turns towards the hooded figure's direction with the purple lightsaber in hand and gives her a nod.It is none other than Yuri.

Vader: You've done well, Padawan.Let us move.

Yuri nods and approaches Vader at his side, and follow him to the office.They make it directly at the door where the remaining villains should be inside, along with the hostage.Vader raises a hand to stop Yuri from advancing, she would look up at her master to see what he has in mind.

Inside the office, 3 villains keep their guard on the door, readying their quirks, while the other villain aims his pistol at the hostage.

Everyone starts to sweat in fear from the tension that falls upon them.The sound of heavy footsteps approach the door, along with the mechanical breathing that grows louder.But it only got worse when the footsteps and the breathing ceases.

Silence is all that is heard.Their hearts pound harder and harder, to the point where their ears can hear them.Sweat covers their fingers and their bodies begin to uncontrollably shiver.

Out nowhere, the walls on opposite sides explodes, and a cloud of debris fills up the whole room.Then a purple and red plasma blade can be seen through both holes and immediately rush inside the room.


Kamui Woods is takes a step forward to head inside and interfere, but Hawk's hand lays on his shoulder, stopping him in place.

He knows something is not right.The commotion has ceased.Everyone begins to wonder if the battle is over, minus a smirking Piett.

Suddenly, From the window of the office, a loud echo of a commotion is heard along with series of bloodcurdling screams that were silenced.


Vader and Yuri has made quick work with the 3 villains.They now face the last remaining villain who has the barrel of his rifle pointing at the hostage, with his hands shaking and covered in sweat.


He shouts in command and pushes the barrel at the hostage's head.Vader extinguishes his lightsaber, putting the villain in some form of relief.

But that relief is short lived when Yuri twists her hand, causing rifle to be pulled out of his hands.The villain looked down at his empty hands and back to Vader, seeing him with his hand stretched back.It was at this moment he knew he fucked up.

Villain: Mommy.

Vader uses a powerful force push and the villain is thrown out window, along with the wall surrounding the window to collapse from the force push.The villain screams as he falls down to the street in front of everyone and hits the ground with a hard thud.

Everyone is in shock and they look back up to where the window used to be and they see Vader and his padawan carrying the last hostage.

Endeavor: THERE'S TWO OF THEM?!?!

Endeavor yelled with his jaw dropping down to the floor in shock and anger at the revelations of seeing a person with a purple lightsaber.

Mirko didn't know how to feel about Vader at this point.When they first met, he used mind tricks on her to escape, which kind pissed her off.But he has been cleaning up the streets from the filth of villainy and he has the imagination when it comes to producing results.

The journalists and camera operators point their cameras up and start taking pictures or filming live at the hole with Vader and Yuri.Many of the citizens are in complete shock at how fast and brutal he gets the job now.

Vader takes a step forward through the large opening, but instead of falling from 13 floors to his death, he would levitate up in the air with the majestic sight of his billowing black cape.Everyone's eyes widen at the sight of Vader seemingly flying, leaving many citizens gasping at the sight.Vader looks down at everyone while he begins to slowly descend until his boots touch the ground.

Yuri followed Vader as she held onto the hostage and jumped out of the hole.The fall was fast but began to slow down at a drastic rate until she too had her feet touch the ground at Vader's side.

Vader looks at Yuri and gives her a nod.She deactivates her lightsaber and immediately carries away the hostage to where the paramedics are on standby.

Hawks: Sheesh, take no prisoners much?

Hawks called out with a smug smile on his face.Right after he said that, a loud groan escaped from the villain who had fallen from the building, gaining everyone's attention.The villain had a quirk with an energy shield that saved him from the fall, but it could last for a short amount of time before it dissipated.

Hawks: I take that back.

The villain immediately gets up from the ground and pulls out a pistol from his jacket, pointing it directly at Vader.All the pro heroes got ready to jump in and apprehend the villain, along with the police pointing their guns at the armed villain.Before they can react, the man opens fire on Vader, and what happens next is least expected.

Rather than dodging or deflecting, Vader raises his right hand and somehow deflects all of the bullets with his palm.The pistol suddenly flies out of the villain's hand towards Vader's.

The villain blinks a few times in shock and confusion on what just happened.He nearly pissed himself in front of everyone when Vader crushes the pistol into many pieces with his own hand, fearing for his own life he would do the same to him, or worse.He silently prays to any gods out there to save his ass and not become Swiss cheese from Vader's red plasma blade.

Vader: We would be honored if you would join us.

And right on cue, Piett stands at Vader's side while twirling his handcuffs with a finger.The villain gulps and raises his hands in surrender.Piett approaches the villain and cuffs him.Everyone's jaws hit the floor at Vader's display.

Hawks: Glad he's on our side.

The police forces moved inside the city hall to bring out the rest of the hostages.They were horrified at Vader's handiwork.A rookie rushed to a trash can to vomit his breakfast, due to all of the sliced and diced bodies.

Vader begins to walk away with Yuri at his side as the police move inside the building, not wanting to be apart of the show any longer.

But before they could even leave, they're immediately surrounded by journalists and camera operators taking pictures, filming, or asking the two force users a lot of questions.A shy Yuri hides her face underneath the hood, and Vader lets out a sigh in annoyance from the media vultures harassing him and his Padawan.

Vader twitches a finger underneath his cape and all the cameras, microphones, and other equipment used short circuits and shut down.The media vultures were confused and wondered what happened to their equipment, giving Vader the time to promptly leave.

Naomasa, Piett, and The pro heroes knew exactly what Vader just did.Some of them even snickered.

Mirko: Did he just-?

Piett: Yes he did.

Hawks: Never in my life have I met someone who can be this extra.

Endeavor silently growls at Vader for being the one to carry the whole team to victory.

Eraser Head sighs and rubs his eyes with his hand while muttering to himself.

Eraser Head: This is getting out of hand.Now there are two of them.

Once out of view, Vader and Yuri walk towards the mustang that awaits the two of them.

Vader: You've done well for your first mission.

Yuri: Thank you, master.

Before the two can close the distance between them and the car, they hear a small whirring noise from above.Vader and Yuri look up to see a small drone observing them.Vader stretches his hand out and pulls the drone to his palm.Once he grabs it, he reads the side and finds a small familiar logo, followed by the name of the association that owns the drone.


Vader stares directly at the drone's camera as his grip slowly tightens, he then clenches his hand into a fist and drone crushes into many pieces.He drops whats left of the drone from his hand and leaves it for the Hero Commission to find.He then turns to his Padawan who is surprised by his actions.

Vader: Let's move.

At the dormitories of Class 1-A, everyone is having their time off and enjoying themselves.

At the common room, Izuku and Mirio were watching over the daughter of Vader, Eri.She played with her Vader action figure and Izuku's All Might action figure on the couch while watching a children show on the tv.It was an adorable sight for the two UA students.

Izuku's phone buzzes, alerting him of a notification.He pulls it out of his pocket and reads what it has to say, only to nearly drop it in horror.Eri and Mirio looks at Izuku with concerning looks on their faces, wondering what he has seen on his phone.

Izuku: Change the channel!

Mirio grabs the remote and hands it to Izuku, who changes it to the city's news channel.

Reporter: We are here live at the city hall of Musutafu.Here, a band of villains had taken the people inside as hostages after locking down the building with its security system.But thanks to the help of the infamous hero, Vader has made quick work of the villains, leaving only one alive.

The news switches to footage of a villain with a gun in hand and proceeds to open fire at Vader, only for him to deflect all bullets with one hand.The gun then flies out from the villain's hand to Vader's.

Vader: We would be honored if you would join us.

The footage cuts off shortly after Piett cuffs the villain and takes him away.While news reporter continues on with the details of the incident, nearly all of Class 1-A are watching the news, some with their mouths dropped in awe.

Kirishima: He deflected a bullet with his hand...?I never knew he can do that!So manly!


The ride back to UA passed quickly.When Vader and Yuri made it back to the prestigious hero academy.They realized that the students were eyeing them closely with fear written in their eyes, some even flinched when they heard the mechanical breathing.

Vader and Yuri arrives at the dormitories of Class 1-A.He personally entrusts Izuku to watch over Eri for him.He would've let his protocol droid do the job, but humans have one thing a droid would never have: a soul.

Vader opens the door to the dormitories and steps inside with his Padawan at his side.Everyone inside turns to their direction.This is not a reaction of surprise, but that of fear.Their eyes shift to his right glove, covered in dry blood.

Vader: We have returned.

Mina: Y-yeah.We know.

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Before he can even ask how they know, he looked at the television to see it's on the news channel, reporting on the aftermath of the City Hall incident.He can see the footage of himself deflecting bullets with his own hand being fired by the villain he disarmed.

Eri looked away from the tv screen to see her father has returned, accompanied by Izuku and Mirio who are both as pale as snow.

Eri: Papa!You're back!

Eri jumps out of the couch and pounces at her father for a hug, Vader responds back with her daily head pats.He looks at the two babysitters of Eri.

Vader: Young Midoriya, young Togata.You have my thanks for watching over my daughter.

Mirio: That's what heroes are for.

Izuku: O-oh it's nothing, sir.

Vader was about to take his leave with his daughter and Yuri, but someone shows up to see what's up.And it's Mineta.

The little grape pervert's eyes gaze upon a new face in the room: Yuri, the apprentice of Vader.

Mineta: She's so smooth!

Mineta forms a perverted grin on his face as he drools at the sight of Yuri.He runs straight for her and leaps in the air to embrace her.But that's not how things play out.

Instead of Mineta embracing Yuri, his body stops in mid air.His knuckles turn white the moment he feels the anger radiating from an angry father and master.

Mineta: W-wait, Please!I'm sorry!I didn't mean to!

Vader ignored Mineta's plea, he stretched his hand out at the grape pervert and gave him a fitting punishment.Everyone was expecting him to choke Mineta, but he did something much worse...

WARNING!!!The picture ahead may be too uncomfortable for the eyes of men, skip ahead if you must.You have been warned...

He uses the force to torture Mineta with testicular torsion...

Mineta painfully screams in agony when he feels a great amount of pain in his scrotum all the way up to his abdomen.He screams until his throat went course from all of the screaming.Every male students in the room groans and looks away from the cruel punishment.Some even cover their own crotches, they feel it too.Every male in a mile radius shivers and cringes from feeling a great disturbance.

Vader: Apology accepted, Minoru Mineta.

Vader says in a menacing tone.He drops Mineta, who curls up in a ball and cries while covering his manhood in pain.Every male slowly backs away in total fear, while Jiro has a smug look on her face.Vader kneels down to carry Eri and let her sit on his shoulders.He turns toward a surprised Yuri and gestured her with a hand to follow him.

They both head for the exit and leave Mineta to his misery.

Yuri: Master, when will I learn to do that?

Vader: Patience, Padawan.Patience...


Shortly after picking up Eri, Vader and Yuri returned to their monastery at short notice after returning from their duties.Vader had to get his droids to clean his armor, due to it getting stained with blood.And As for Yuri, She was given permission by Vader to leave UA to go visit her parents and friends for the day.

Anakin is currently at his office, wearing black bathrobes shortly after taking a shower from work.He scrolls through his computer searching for questions that needs answers.Such as the whereabouts of the League of Villains, Darth Malgus, and the Hero Commission.

The Hero Commission has been real shady, lately.There has to be a reason for why they send out that drone to spy on him.He doesn't know why they're doing this, but his gut tells him that he may not like the ugly truth for why.

He found nothing on the internet so far.No news reports of another lightsaber wielder, nothing.But what really bugs Anakin is the fact that he found something suspicious.He found a news article for the investigation of Overhaul's abduction, it has been shut down.Why would they just drop the investigation just like that?

Anakin narrows his eyes at the news article, is someone covering the League of Villains' tracks?If so, then why?

Anakin grunts in frustration.He leans back on his chair and closes his eyes, tired out from today.

He failed to notice that there was a visitor and had entered his office, due to being tired.Anakin opened his eyes and sat up on his chair, only for the top of his head to be impeded by something soft and bouncy.He moved his hands to touch whatever is covering his face and figure out what it was.It was a strange familiar feeling of what felt like two soft pillows, something he felt brushed against his back a while back.His eyes widen the moment he realized what he was feeling.

???: Ara ara, feeling comfortable Anakin~?

The familiar voice asked Anakin with an alluring tone.He recognized the owner of the female voice.He quickly rose from his chair and looked to see Nemuri behind his seat.She didn't have a distraught look on her face from what just happened.She stood there with an eye-closed smile with a hint of blushing on her face.

Anakin: My apologies, Nemuri.

Anakin said in an apologetic matter.He looked away from her with a look of embarrassment and shame written all over his face for touching her breasts.

Nemuri: Ufufu~ Are you sure, because you seemed to enjoy it~

She asked Anakin, clearly teasing him.A cross vein pops on Anakin's head, with his eyes beginning to narrow.

Nemuri: It's alright, Anakin.I'm just teasing you.Though your reaction was cute~

Anakin rolls his eyes with sarcasm from her comment.

Anakin: Ha ha, very funny.

He dryly says.He rubs his face from exhaustion and sits back down on his seat.He inhales and exhales to at least try to relax himself and clear his mind.

Nemuri: You okay?

Anakin: No.Just busy with work after duty as a hero.

Nemuri: Maybe I can help you.

Nemuri said as she leaned over to Anakin.She walked over behind Anakin and placed her hands on his shoulders.

Nemuri: You know, I'm pretty good with massaging.What do you say if... I give you a lending hand~?

She whispered into Anakin's ear.Her hands began to slowly wonder down his arms.

Nemuri: How would you like it if I put my hands all over you and relieve you from all of the tension from today~?

Anakin's face begins to have a color of tomato from Nemuri breaching his personal space and her whispering against his ear.

He begins to calmly breathe and think more rationally about the sticky situation he is in.Through the force, he can sense Nemuri's tensions.They may be seductive, but her loving compassion for him outweighs them by tenfold.He could just meditate to relax himself, but he now has his body back at its full glory and a much younger age.He sighs as he makes up his mind.

Anakin: Very well.I accept your offer.

Nemuri: Good.Now all we need is to go somewhere private~

Anakin stands up from his chair and escorts the r-rated hero to his master bedroom.

His bedroom has been recently added shortly after his body as recovered.There's not much at the moment, but there is a black queen size bed, some furniture, a bookshelf, a bathroom, etc.

Anakin: Not much at the moment, but it's honest work.

He said, summing up his room in a nutshell.

Nemuri: I find it quite pleasant if you ask me.

Anakin plops down on his bed and lets out a groan.

Anakin: So what is it that you need for this?

Nemuri hums to herself as she thinks of the list of things she will need.

Nemuri: Nothing much.Open space, relaxing atmosphere, and you'll need to be dressed for this occasion~

She says with the last part with an arousing voice.Anakin gets the message and heads for the bathroom.He takes off his bathrobes and grabs a towel.His mind runs wild for what is happening.It has been a long time ever since he develop feelings for a woman, and it feels... awkward.

Anakin wraps the towel around his waist and exits the bathroom.The lights have been dimmed out a bit, leaving the room somewhat dark.Nemuri is sitting on his bed, wearing one of his bathrobes, showing off some cleavage.Very bold of her.

The R-rated hero gazed upon Anakin's well-toned body, especially his abs.No wonder why Padmé fell in love with him, any female that batted an eye on him would've want a piece of him.Nemuri bit her lip at the sight, she's been looking forward to this moment..

Nemuri: Now just lie down so we can start.

She says, gesturing him to the bed.Anakin lies down on his bed on his stomach and crosses his arms so he can rest his head.

Nemuri starts by gently rocking Anakin's body, moving her hands along the length if his form, all the way from his shoulders to his legs.Anakin closes his eyes and lets out a relieving exhale, he's starting to enjoy the sensational feeling.

Nemuri: Ara Ara~ Ease up a little, you're so tense.

She said as she pressed her palms against Anakin's back, causing him to let out a sigh from the pressure from her service.

After finishing up with her palm pressing, Nemuri presses her thumb onto the back of Anakin's leg.He feels the tension pushing out of him, until she stops.

Anakin suddenly feels something drop onto his lower back.He opens his eyes and turns his head to see what it is, only to raise an eyebrow when he does so.

Nemuri is sitting on his lower back...

Anakin is surprised by her boldness, but he should have expected this.Nemuri is the R-Rated hero after all.

He moved his head back to his arms and relaxed with a blush that colors his cheeks.The pain increases from the pressure, but it subsides when the relief kicks in.A satisfying smile forms on his face from Nemuri's relaxing session.He eyelids begin to feel heavy and start to droop down until he rests his head on his crossed arms.

After the session is finished, Nemuri gets off of Anakin's lower back.

Nemuri: Did you enjoy my service~?

She whispers to Anakin's ear, but to get no response.Curious, she takes a closer look at him only to see that he has fallen asleep.She giggles to herself upon seeing her sleepy beauty as she plays with his mullet hair.

Nemuri gently flips him over to his back so she can properly put him in bed, only to forgot about the towel that covers his lower waist.Her eyes are hypnotized by Anakin's fully exposed body when the towel comes off.




She can feel her heart beating hard and fast in her chest, blood flowing up to her face to form a blush, her body heating up by the second, and her mind melting with perverted fantasies of Anakin all to herself.All of this just for seeing him fully nude in his sleep.

A lustful smile forms on her face when she has an idea.She undoes the bathrobes and lets it fall to the floor, feeling the room's cool air against her skin.

Nemuri: I'm sure you wouldn't mind if I join in... Ani~


Anakin wakes up from his slumber, feeling satisfied from Nemuri's massage.He tries to move from his bed but he is unable to, he feels some weight on him that is holding him down.He removes the bedsheets, revealing Nemuri sleeping on his chest, wearing nothing but her bra and panties.

But to his surprise, he now had his boxers on, he could've swore he took it off in the bathroom.Unless... Nemuri took the towel off and put his boxers back on for him.


He does not even know how he got in this situation, the only thing he remembers is dozing off from Nemuri's massage session.His face blushes from her gorgeous body and his hormones begin to act up and cloud his thoughts.

He recomposes himself and resists the temptation.It's too soon, he knows to take it slow and to not jump the gun.

Instead of giving into his deepest desires, he settles with his hands guiding through her soft and silky hair.It feels nice.

Nemuri moves in her sleep and tightens her arms around Anakin.He can her her muttering in her sleep as she snuggles closer to his chest, listening his heart beating for her.

Nemuri: Hmm...~ Smells so good~

Anakin smiles at Nemuri's comment, finding it cute instead of arousing.He wishes he can stay like this a little longer, but he has work to do and visit his new "associates." Anakin carefully moves Nemuri to the side, allowing himself to cover her body with his bedsheets, and heads to his maintenance chamber for his armor.

Anakin entered his maintenance chamber and stepped on a glowing platform in the middle of the room.The floor beneath him began to shift and a ring with mechanical limbs formed around him.The limbs began to put together his armor piece by piece.He was glad that he installed the exoskeleton for the armor so it may no longer feel as bulky or uncomfortable as it once did.

After putting on his armor, a podium raised from the floor revealing his lightsaber hilt calling for him.He grabbed his trustworthy hilt and clipped it to his belt.

Time to pay his new "associates" a visit.

Vader knocks on the front door of a house.He can hear a commotion inside while he patiently waits until the door opens, revealing to be Dabi.

Dabi: Oh, it's you.

Vader: We have important matters to discuss.Is now a good time for my visit?

Dabi glances to his left and right to see if the coast is clear and if no hero is nearby.He looks at Vader and notices he is carrying a black duffle bag over his shoulder.Dabi opens the door for his guest and Vader steps inside.He takes a look around with Dabi escorting him.

Dabi: Make yourself at home, your the one who bought this place after all.

He dryly said.Vader brought the duffle bag off his shoulder and handed it to Dabi.

Dabi: What is- this?!

He was surprised by the heavy weight of the duffle bag.Vader's cybernetic limb and suit has its advantages for such occasions.

Vader: I was able to successfully create your support device to stabalize your quirk.

Dabi raised an eyebrow when he opened the bag to see its contents.He was surprised to see two gauntlet-like gloves inside the bag.

Vader: Keep in mind these are only prototypes.They will only be able to work for your palms.I plan for an upgrade by adding an full cooling exoskeleton suit.You'll be able to reach your quirk's full potential with no drawbacks whatsoever.

He proudly said, leaving Dabi with wide eyes.

Dabi: H-how the hell did you get your hands on these?

Vader pondered to come up with a valid answer for Dabi's question...


*K A B O O M*

Vader's maintenance chamber exploded from Mei's infamous shenanigans when it comes to "making babies." He was thrown across the room and covered in ash from the explosion.He painfully groaned when he hit the wall and fell to the floor, and laid motionless.Most of his tools and gadgets were scattered all over the place, and his droids were malfunctioning from their damages.

The reason why Vader chose her out of all people was because she helped in repairing in his suit and her high intelligence.

Mei: Another successful procedure!

She says with sparkly eyes as she lifts the device above her head.Vader weakly raises his head from the floor.

Vader: Do y-you have to always- do this?

He weakly asked the pink-haired girl.

Mei: What?You said if I help you build this, you'd allow me to look around your lab and inspect your babies!Oh I can't wait to tear them apart and see what makes them tick!

The obsessive inventor scares Vader to the core.He already has his regrets for asking Mei for help with building the gauntlets.


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End of flashback.

Vader internally shuddered from the reminder of his lab being nearly destroyed by Mei.

Vader: You are in all likelihood of better off not knowing.

Dabi shrugs his shoulders in acknowledgment as he inspects the gauntlets' design.

Vader: I shall return in a later time for young Toga when I make a breakthrough.Artificial blood is a little tricky to come by.

Speaking of Toga, Vader wonders what the yandere vampire is up to at this moment.He gets his answer when the sound of a male screaming bloody murder erupts from the basement follow by the sound of spilling liquid.He senses two individuals from below; one is in fear, pain, and suffering.The other on the other hand has an extremely enthusiastic and blood thirsty nature.Vader sighs underneath his mask knowing full well it is Toga "playing" with her victim.

Vader: Who is her unfortunate victim this time?

Dabi: Ex-con... Pedophile.

He said with a trail of disgust and venom.

Vader: Understandable.Have a pleasant day.

(Timeskip brought to you by Lord Vader and Lord Garmadon drinking with their "#1 DAD" mugs.)

Vader returned to UA shortly after his visit with Dabi and Toga.The sounds of lightsabers clashing scream across Vader's monastery when the blades of the two knights dance with one another at the courtyard.He wanted Yuri to be prepared for Darth Malgus.Although Yuri's first mission at the City Hall was a success, Vader thought this won't be enough for her.His training became harder than before, due to him not wanting his apprentice be unprepared when going up against the ancient Sith Lord.

Vader casually walked as he swing his lightsaber towards his apprentice.Yuri parried all of them as she was backing away from his stride.

Yuri leaps away from Vader and tries to hit him by throwing her lightsaber at him like a boomerang, but he foresees it and parries the spinning blade.

She uses this moment to her advantage in speed with her Form IV, Ataru.She rushes at Vader by doing flips, rapid maneuvers around her master.But being the skillful master he is, Vader wards off all of her attacks.

Yuri saw her one chance and took it by kicking Vader in the abdomen, sending him back.But Vader pulled her with him with the force as she was being dragged toward him, Vader was ready to strike as if he was a baseball player waiting for the pitch.

At the last second before the hit came, Yuri was able to block Vader's strike with her lightsaber.The two crossed their blades in an attempt to overpower the other.

Vader overpowers his apprentice with ease, ending with him slicing Yuri's wrist off.But fortunately this is only training; their lightsabers are set on training mode the entire time.

Yuri grits her teeth in anger.She clashes with Vader again, or at least she was only herself.Vader was just dodging her attacks and retaliating with force pushes.

Giving into her anger, she hits Vader with a barrage of force lighting, a technique of the Dark Side of the force utilize by the Sith.Vader goes on the defense and proceeds to block it with his lightsaber.Yuri takes her chance and rushes at her master with close combat.The master and apprentice trade blows with each other, Yuri successfully outmaneuvers one of Vader's heavy blows and hit him at the right shoulder armor.

Vader was not going all out, but serious enough to not let his guard down against Yuri.He deactivated his lightsaber and clipped it to his belt, Yuri did the same as well.

Vader took off his helmet and looks at Yuri with his blue eyes.

Anakin: And that concludes our session for today, young Fukuda.

Yuri: Thank you my master.

She said as she bowed her head to her master to which he nodded.

Anakin: You've greatly improved since our last training.

Yuri: All credit to your training and wisdom, master.

Anakin: I've trained you well... but you are still lacking to be a powerful force user, you still have much to learn.

Yuri nods her head in acknowledgment.

Yuri: Understood my master.

Anakin: Rise, apprentice.You are Dismissed.

Yuri raised her head and takes her leave.Anakin watched her until she was inside the monastery.

???: That was quite the show you put up.

A voice said from behind.Anakin turned around to see a familiar old man in the form of a spirit.

Anakin: Greetings, Obi-Wan.

Obi-Wan: Hello Anakin.I see that you have taken on an apprentice, a quick learner and strong with the force too.

Anakin: Indeed.She made me proud.Not once did she question my teachings and remained disciplined.

Obi-Wan: May I ask for why you took in the girl?I noticed how you seemed to put Yuri harsh training, yet I can feel the compassion you hold for her.

Anakin: She... she reminds me of her.

Obi-Wan raised an eyebrow in confused of who Anakin may be referring to, until he had an idea on who.

Obi-Wan: Ahsoka?

Anakin: Yes... She has potential to become a mature leader and a hero.She shows her loyalty and selflessness to others around her.But there is more to it.

Obi-Wan: Oh?

Anakin: I swore to take her in under my wings not just because it was the right thing to do, but to prevent her from becoming like me.Back when I found her for the second time, she used the force out of fear to save herself.It was how I was able to find her.She could've called upon the dark side and killed her assailant in blind rage were it not for my interference.I don't wish for her to be fully driven by the dark side like how I did in my old life.And fear... fear was what drove me to the dark side.

Anakin: I do not wish for her to suffer a fate similar to mine.Instead of suppressing her feeling and locking it away, I will teach Yuri to have control over it.To not let her emotions control her, but rather let her have control over it.

Obi-Wan: I see... But that begs the other question.Why are you still using the dark side?You told Luke you return to the light, yet darkness surrounds you.

Anakin: I've done things I'm not proud of, Obi-Wan.There's no way for me to undo my atrocities.I simply can't ignore what I've done in the past.

Anakin gestures a hand on his helmet and his lightsaber hilt

Anakin: This is my way of atoning for my sins.To remind myself of what I the monster I use to be.To change this mask from a symbol of fear, to something much more... a symbol of hope.I will use the dark side to do good and bring hope to the people of this planet.

Obi-Wan: That does explain why you still keep the suit and the lightsaber hilt.And it certainly explains why you still use THAT name.

The spirit of Master Yoda forms besides Obi-Wan, surprising Anakin of his arrival.

Yoda: Greetings, Young Skywalker.

Anakin: Greetings, Master Yoda.

Yoda: Curious, we are.Questions I have.Hard on the girl, you are.Why?

Anakin: As you were when I was a but a youngling.What brings you here, Master Yoda?

Yoda: Hmm... To observe the girl up close, I have.Quite curious, I am.The girl, you have taught the dark side, but your teaching opposes the Sith suggest otherwise.The reason for, I ask.

Anakin: I wish for her to experience the dark side of the force and use it for good.

Yoda: Elaborate on this, you must.

Anakin: It's common for the Jedi to believe the dark side has only one path; the path to evil.Throughout my time, I have learn that may not be the case.Where there is light, there is darkness.Two sides of the same coin.This is the true definition of balance in the force.Only then will she be able to reach her full potential.

Yoda: Hmm... A valid point, you have made.

Anakin: Once she can master her control of the dark side, I will then teach her the ways of the Jedi.But I have doubts that I am qualified to teach her the light side of the force.

Anakin takes a short pause as he catches a breath, trying to keep his composure.

Anakin: I had been the Sith, Darth Vader for so long... I- I forgotten how to be the Jedi, Anakin Skywalker.

Yoda: Deceive yourself, you can.The truth, you cannot change.Change, you have... Change, you still can.

Anakin clenches his fist in anger.

Anakin: I can't just simply turn back!It's harder than it looks!

???: If so, then why do you keep the name of Anakin Skywalker?

Said a voice Anakin had heard a long time ago when he was a boy.Anakin's eyes widen at the arrival of a familiar face.

Anakin: Y-You...

After all, who wouldn't forget the man who freed them from slavery.

Yoda smiled at the arrival of the maverick Jedi himself.

Yoda: Ah, Master Qui-Gon.Join us, you have.

Anakin stood in shock at the appearance of the maverick jedi who freed him from slavery all those years ago.

Anakin: Master Qui-Gon Jinn.

Qui-Gon: Well, took you long enough.

Anakin falls down to his knees and bows his head in shame.

Anakin: I- I failed you, Master Jinn.

Qui-Gon gave Anakin a heartwarming smile for the boy he remembered after all these years.

Qui-Gon: No.You have not.

Anakin raised his head a little to look at Qui-Gon with his eyes ready to burst into tears.

Qui-Gon: You brought balance to the force by erasing both light and darkness.It was not the way the Jedi had expected to happen, but you have fulfilled the prophecy of the Chosen One.

Anakin tries to pretend those words don't send a spiral of guilt through him, was he destined to destroy the lives of many only to bring balance in the force?Even if it means to take the lives of the innocent and those not involve in the Jedi and Sith conflict?

Anakin: Why?After everything I have done to the Jedi, why would you want to talk to someone like me?I destroyed everything you stood for!

Qui-Gon: You may have done horrendous things, Anakin.But in the end, I always believed in you.No matter what.

Qui-Gon said the last part quietly.Anakin was taken back from what the maverick Jedi told him.He still believed in him after everything he did.

But there was some doubt in him.Qui-Gon Jinn placed his hand on Anakin's shoulder.

Qui-Gon: Do you still feel responsible for your wife's death?

Anakin: ...Yes.

Qui-Gon: What you really fear is inside yourself.I know your heart better you know it yourself.You fear your own power, your own anger, your drive to bring good or terrible things.You must journey onwards.

Anakin: How?

The spirit of Qui-Gon picks up the mask of Vader.He stares into its soulless lenses as he gives Anakin his answer.

Qui-Gon: Embrace your worst fear.

Will I ever see you again?

Qui-Gon: Feel your terror cloud your senses.

I wasn't strong enough to save you, mom.But I promise, I won't fail again.

Qui-Gon: Feel its power to distort, to control.

Learn to know the dark side of the force, and you'll be able to save your wife from certain death.


It seems in your anger, you killed her.

Qui-Gon: Give the power to that of which you fear, and it will show itself to you.

My son.

He will come to you, and then you will bring him before me.

As you wish.

Anakin acknowledged the wisdom of the maverick Jedi, to face his worst fears of the past and overcome it.Fear was what turned him to the dark side, fear was what took everything from him.

He stands at his full height after recomposing himself as Qui-Gon gently puts back down the mask of Vader.

Qui-Gon: So, now with that out of the way, I have something in mind.How do you plan to teach Yuri the light side of the force?

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Anakin: Me?I was hoping for you to do it, along with Master Yoda and Kenobi.

Qui-Gon: Really?May I ask why we should do this?

Anakin: She's a disciplined pupil of mine, but if I keep on with my teachings of the ways of the dark side, she would most certainly end up like me.I am not qualified to teach her the ways of the Jedi, the three of you are pure of light.You'll do well in teaching her the Jedi way.

The three force ghosts exchange glances at one another, and look back at Anakin.They all nod in agreement.

Qui-Gon: Very well.We'll teach her the ways of the Jedi.

Anakin smiled at their agreements.

Yoda: Take our leave, we shall.See you and your apprentice, soon we will.

Yoda nods at Anakin before vanishing.

Obi-Wan: I'm looking forward in teaching her, hope to see you soon Anakin.

Obi-Wan said before vanishing, leaving only Qui-Gon and Anakin.

Qui-Gon: Remember your training, Anakin.Trust your instincts.Trust your feelings.Trust in the force.

Anakin: Thank you for your guidance, Master Qui-Gon.It was something I needed to hear.

Qui-Gon gave Anakin a genuine smile.He was still the same boy after all these years.

Qui-Gon: It was good to see you again, Ani.Your mother would be so proud of you... May the force be with you.

Anakin: As to you as well, master...

Anakin bows his head in respect to the Maverick Jedi, who bows as well before vanishing.

Anakin lifted his head up after Qui-Gon took his leave.He picked up his mask and placed it back on his head.He took one last glance where the maverick Jedi stood earlier.


Timeskip brought to you by Vader holding Maxwell the cat.


It has been a few days since Vader's had been visited by the ghosts of the three Jedi Masters.Class A and Class B had been competing against one another at Ground Stadium to improve themselves.

But chaos erupts at the training ground.

Izuku had been continuing his barrage on Monoma, angered by his taunts.He went as far as blaming Katsuki for All Might's retirement by getting captured by the villains.With his rage coursing through him, he prepares to shoot the mouthing student with a blast.

But things don't turn out the way he expects...

Izuku's glove suddenly shatters into pieces, and a series of black tendrils emerge from his arm.Everyone is in shock

The green haired boy is in total fear and confusion as more of the black tendrils erupt violently.Monoma uses poltergeist to fly out of harms way, while Izuku crashes into a building.He finds himself on his knees in front of Shinso, desperately trying to control and hold back this new power.

Izuku: Get out of here.It's too much.I can't- hold back this power!

Shinso is paralyzed in fear of the mew ability that is seemingly Deadly, feeling the cold sweat on his head.

The black tendrils suddenly blast their way up into the sky, getting the attention of everyone at Ground Gamma.The black tendrils start to blindly attack everything at the area and cause total destruction.Izuku is then carried up by the tendrils and slammed into more building.This power hurts him so much.

But all of his pain and fear draws the attention of someone else that could help him.

While All Might urges Vlad and Aizawa to stop the match, they fail to notice a familiar UA staff entering the arena until it is too late.

Aizawa: What the hell is he doing down there?!

Vlad: He's insane!

All Might gulp in fear for what might happen.But deep down in his heart, he has faith for the newcomer to fix everything.

Izuku cries to himself as he reflects to himself when he first inherited One For All.As the tendrils fling around in a rampage, Izuku feels his whole body freeze in mid air.He is in confusion when he feels something holding him in place until he looks around the whole chaos to see the man responsible.

Earlier, Vader sensed a disturbance in the force.He felt Izuku in fear and pain when it all started.He had to force dash to the arena and make it in time to stop further destruction.

Vader grunts as he holds Izuku in place with the force.One of the tendrils attempt to smack him away, only for it to collide against a force barrier.He takes the opportunity and uses the force to leap up at Izuku, narrowly missing many oncoming black and successfully grabs the young hero-in-training.

Izuku: Vader-san!

Vader: I have you now.

With Izuku in his grasp but the black tendrils on a rampage, Vader uses the force to calm Izuku down to suppress the fear.It seems to do the trick when the black tendrils enter back into him, but the outcome is completely unexpected.


Izuku finds himself in a strange dream landscape.But the green haired boy is well familiar with the place, this is the dream world of One For All.

He bats an eye to his left and sees Vader next to him.But instead of seeing him in his black armor, he sees him as a red-burning ghostly figure in the shape of his younger self.The only features of him that stands out is the right arm and his glowing eyes.

Izuku can feel Vader's powerful connection to the dark side, feeling the cold sensation radiating from him.He feels something else within the Chosen One.

Instead of darkness Izuku feels something entirely new from him?He then sees small entities flying around Vader in the shape of glowing butterflies.The dark side emerge from Vader and manifest in the form of tendrils, attempting to swirl the butterflies away from him.

Izuku marvels at the beauty of the tendrils and the butterflies dancing with each other.The butterflies then merge with Vader and the dark tendrils cease and desist, causing the red burning texture on his upper right arm to cease and be replaced with more of the light side.

???: Crap kid, you got it wrong!

A voice interrupts Izuku's thought.A huge man with goggles comes out of the blue and approaches the two.

???: Didn't I tell you you're not alone out there?!You got that?!It's manifesting!

The man with goggles proceeds to put a finger on Izuku and talks to him like a coach while Vader stands by and watches the man gives advice the Ninth One For All User.

???: So shape up!You gotta start thinking more.For now on, you cannot use your power casually, but something bigger.

Izuku realized this man is one of the previous users of One For All.The past One For All user then looks at the unexpected guest, Vader.

???: Woah, what happened to your body?!So freaky!

He yelled out his questioned to Vader as he studied his ghostly appearance.

Vader can actually sense the man's presence.He is then in shock when he realizes that this man is a conscious inside of One For All.

The past One For All user realizes his time is up when he is slowly fading away.

???: Feels like my time is running out.That was fast.

He uses this moment to reveal to the two that the black tendrils are his quirk, named Blackwhip.He explains how the previous users' quirk mixed in with the original core of One For All, and how it has been inside if Izuku this whole time.The core of One For All has started to grow, and the reason to it is because of Izuku focusing in capturing Neito, causing Blackwhip to awaken due to how it operates.

The previous user warns Izuku how Blackwhip has evolved due to the might of One For All, making it much stronger than it ever was.

Feeling himself fade away, he warns Izuku to control his anger and keep control of his heart.Anger may be a good source, but Izuku must have control over it instead if blindly attacking like a mad dog.

This reminds Vader on how this is somewhat similar for how one would use the force.It's all up to the force-user's emotions for how they use the force, whether it be the light side or the dark side.

???: Prepare yourself.You'll have six more quirks manifested as you improve.Control your heart and master using those who live in this power.Good luck you too.We're with you kid.You're the one who will complete One For All!

Just as Vader feels himself slipping back to reality, he is able to call out to the previous user of One For All.

Vader: May the force be with you, Daigoro Banjo.

The previous user, now known as Daigoro Banjo looks at Vader with a surprised look.He had been using the force to look inside One For All and see the memories of every single Users' past.

Banjo smirked at Vader and gives him a two finger salute.

Banjo: Thanks pal!

And with that, Vader slips back into reality.


Izuku starts to return to reality when he feels like his body is falling.Upon snapping out of it he finds himself on Vader's arms and the tendrils no longer present.Vader has been using the force to slow down their decent and let the two of them gently land on their feet.

Right after they land safe and sound, Monoma attempted to use this moment to sneak attack Izuku.But his actions startled Vader by accident, earning a face full of force energized lightning in the form of a sphere, known as Kinetite.

Monoma falls to the ground as he screams from the painful sensation of Vader's attack until the he stops with the barrage attack of kinetic energy.He is very lucky Vader did not actually use the lethal red force lighting, otherwise he would've lose his quirk and probably face certain death.

Vader stares down at the blonde jackass and comes up with an excuse for his actions in front of everyone watching the whole thing play out.

Vader: You startled me.

Darth Malgus was very well pleased with the handiwork.In the palm of his hand, he held a small green crystal, a synthetic kyber crystal

This was the first synthetic Kyber crystal to be forged on Earth.It would not be possible if were not for the helping hands of Garaki, the doctor of the now-deceased All For One.With Malgus' knowledge of kyber crystals and his connection to the dark side, followed by the available resources, Dr. Garaki had created a geological compressor to create the synthetic kyber crystals.

But what was strange was the fact that the very first crystal came out green instead of the usual color of red.Malgus believed this was the dark side calling for him to give it to Shigaraki, to make it hurt.

To make it bleed.

Malgus hands out the kyber crystal to a meditation Shigaraki.He watches as the crystal floats from his palm to Shigaraki, watching as his apprentice performs the Sith ritual.

Shigaraki grabs the crystal with both hands, carefully not to disintegrate it with his left hand.He tries to put his feelings into the crystal to change it into the dark side, to make it hurt, to make it bleed.

He can feel the crystal resisting his power.He snarls in anger and tightens his grip, this time using force.He pollutes the kyber crystal with all of his anger, pain, and hatred.

Memories of his past flashed in Tomura's mind.Painful memories of his younger self killing his family upon losing control of his newfound quirk.But the one part he enjoyed was brutally killing his father in revenge.He relished the moment when his father's blood soaked his hand.His death made the itch go away.

Then came Vader, the man who ruined everything.Vader humiliated Shigaraki many times.He foiled the USJ attack and took his hand in the process, and drove him deeper into insanity the moment the Chosen One mind probed him.

"You are as clumsy as you are stupid"

It didn't stop there.Vader had ruthlessly beaten Shigaraki by tossing him around like a ragdoll at the mall, going as far as ripping his whole right arm off, nearly killing him from the blood loss.

"Your master has deceived you, into believing you can become the Symbol of Fear."

And the last part that utterly crushed Shigaraki was the moment he learned when Vader killed his master, All for One.His master showed great care for him the moment he saved him when he was a boy.Tomura looked up to him ever since and viewed him as a father figure, only for Vader to take that away from him by giving All for One a slow and painful death.

Malgus: When you're ready... break free!

Shigaraki snapped.

Shigaraki's eyes turn a fiery-yellow color as he pours all of his anger, hate, sorrow, rage, and every negative emotion within him.A huge gust of energy emits from the crystal and he lets out a scream as if he is being born a thousand times.

He lets all five of his left hand's fingers touch the crystal.But instead of disintegrating, a crack forms on the crystal due to its immense power in the force and ability to resist succumbing to dust from his quirk.

Shigaraki almost passes out when it all ends, refusing to fall on his knees and not giving in to weakness.He looks at his left palm to find it covered in his blood.He opens his palm to see the kyber crystal glowing with the color of red instead of green, with a crack on its surface.

He knows he is only halfway through his task.After recomposing himself, Shigaraki uses the force to complete a difficult task; to construct his lightsaber.

Building a lightsaber is an extremely difficult task.It requires the force to complete such tasks and concentration.One small mistake will result in a lightsaber exploding upon its activation.

Tomura concentrates on the force as he puts the hilt together piece by piece.Once he completes construction, he opens his eyes when he feels the hilt float to his palm and inspects the choice of his hilt's design; a crossguard lightsaber.

He stood up from the floor and raised his saber in anticipation of what was to happen.He had been training for this moment to be ready to go toe to toe against his nemesis, the man who took everything from him.

With a press of a button, Shigaraki ignites his lightsaber.A red blade and red crossguard blades roar to life.

He couldn't believe he accomplished a such task.He waved the blade around to hear its aggressive hum and the crackling sound from the blade, it was like music to his ears.

Shigaraki looked back to his master, who had his arms crossed and a grin underneath his respirator.

Malgus: You've done well.Now...

Darth Malgus grabs his lightsaber from his belt and ignites it, ready to put his apprentice under the test.

Shigaraki remembered his combat training when he relied on a bokken as a temporary weapon for lightsaber combat.Now was the real deal.

Shigaraki grips tightly on his crackling lightsaber and allows himself to fall under the aggressive fourth form of lightsaber combat, Ataru.He is in for a hell of a time under Darth Malgus' tuition.

Malgus: Your training... begins now.

It's that time of the year.

Anakin walks down the cold streets of Musutafu at night, wearing a leather jacket to protect his body from the cold.His eyes gaze at the colorful bright lights that litter everywhere he goes.But he has not come out to simply gaze and marvel at the decorations.He is out to learn more about Christmas.

From what Anakin was able to learn, Christmas is an annual festival holiday celebrated around the world.People get together with their family and friends, and children open their presents to see their favorite toys.But it would seem that many people nowadays had forgotten what Christmas was truly about.

The birth of Jesus Christ.

During his free time, Anakin was able to learn about who this Jesus was.From what he was able to learn, Jesus is the central figure of Christianity, his followers believe him to be the Son of God and the long-awaited Messiah.

Anakin found himself somewhat similar to Jesus.Both were born from a virgin mother, both were prophesied as a messiah-like figure, and both had died...

But why does he not feel the Christmas spirit, or at least what people call it?He doesn't feel any different than before.All of his years as Darth Vader, all of his years as Darth Sidious' slave, had deprived him of any feelings of joy for his galaxy's holidays, including life day.

Anakin snapped out of his deep thoughts when he arrived at his location.In front of him, stands the city's old church.He had come here to see if he can feel the Christmas spirit, starting with the holiday's origin.

The Chosen One steps inside the church.Inside, are rows of seats facing a huge wooden cross and the choir.Very few people are present in the gathering for the church's choir.The people inside sit quietly, lowering their heads to pray.Anakin finds himself a seat and stares at the cross for a minute.He lowers his head like the people to see if he can feel anything or maybe feel the presence of a higher being.

Anakin hears the door entrance to the church open up, followed by a pair of footsteps that stop next to him.He looks to his left to see a young man wearing a hoodie jeans, a red scarf around his neck, and a pair of gloves.

???: May I sit next to you?

The man asked Anakin out of the blue.It was somewhat sketchy to him, having a stranger coming out of nowhere and wanting to sit next to you of all places.Deciding to play along and see where it leads, Anakin allows it.

Anakin: Sure.

The man gives him a small smile and takes his seat.Both men sit awkwardly as they look up at the cross.Anakin senses no danger or ill intentions from the stranger, but he senses something odd within him.The presence he feels within the stranger feels... welcoming.

???: Come here often?

The stranger asked, obviously trying to start small talk.

Anakin: No.First time.

???: What brings you here then, if it doesn't hurt to ask?

Anakin: I... I come here to seek something I had not felt for a while, or at least something familiar.

???: I see...

Anakin: I never celebrated Christmas before.It feels so alien to me, not that I'm against it.

???: Maybe I can help.

Anakin raises an eyebrow at the stranger's offer coming out of the blue.

Anakin: By all means.

???: Tell me, what is it exactly you seek?

Anakin looked back at his life, remembering how he was destined to bring balance to the force.He had so little time to enjoy himself as a Jedi and a Sith.He never had felt the joy of celebrating a holiday back in his galaxy.

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Anakin: Tell me, do you believe in destiny?

???: Yes.I do.

Anakin: Throughout my whole life, many people looked up to me as a great hero at the academy I attended, even as far as being called the Chosen One.

The stranger turns his head to Anakin as he carefully listens to him.

Anakin: I rarely had time to myself, I can't even remember if I ever celebrated a holiday.My- my children.I was never around to celebrate a holiday with them.I wish I can just celebrate with them just once.

The stranger sat there as Anakin nearly broke down in front of him.He places a hand on Anakin's shoulder with a sympathetic look.

???: I know...

Anakin gathers his composure and sits up straight.

Anakin: Apologies you had to see that.

???: Don't apologize.It's what makes you human, just as our Father intended.

Father?Anakin was confused at first but pieced the puzzles together when the stranger must be a Christian since he is at this church.

???: In life, you will face many challenges and obstacles.Things will not always be the way you want them to be.But that is what makes you stronger, to learn from them.Do not let these problems control your life and actions, they will drive you away from who you are.Sometimes you must do what you wouldn't expect yourself to do.That is how you can overcome your obstacles.

Anakin understands the stranger's explanation.

Anakin: How do you do it?

???: hm?

Anakin: How do you overcome your obstacles?

???: Let me ask you this, what does your heart tell you when facing these obstacles?

Anakin tries to come up with an answer.He had faced many obstacles in life, they either brought death and despair, or hope and deliverance.He shrugs at the stranger's questions, not knowing what to say.

???: Sometimes, you have to take a leap of faith when facing your problems.

Anakin looks at the man with confusion.

???: Throughout my life, I was a teacher.I was hated for my teachings, and accused of many things.People rejected me for speaking the truth.I overcame these problems through faith in our Father.

Anakin can see what this man is saying.As he eyes the stranger more, he notices how he is not from around here, not even a Japanese background.A foreigner most likely.

Anakin: You're not from around here, aren't you?

A small smile forms on the stranger's face.

???: You can say something like that.

Anakin: Where from?

???: I come from a kingdom far, far away.Much like how you did too... Anakin.

Anakin's eyes widen at the stranger's response.How did he know his name?

Anakin: H-have I told you my name before?

???: I don't believe I had.

Anakin questions himself on how did this man know his real name, or how he is likely implying he knows of his origin.

???: you are now trying to figure out how I know of you.Please, I mean you no harm.

Anakin nods in response as he suspiciously eyes the stranger.It must be his quirk, it could explain why he senses something within him.

Anakin: Do you perhaps have a quirk that can read me like a book?

???: You can say something like that.But I would like to leave that a mystery.

Anakin: Fair enough.

Anakin said as he shrugged his shoulder.

The two men sat together as they listen to the choir singing.It was very peaceful for Anakin to listen.He found his mind relaxing as the choir soothes him, reminding him of his mother when she sang him to sleep as a child.

After the choir finishes the stranger stands up and decides to take his leave.

???: Well, it's been nice knowing you.Hope to see you again.

Anakin: as to you as well.

The man headed for the door to take his leave.But Before he leaves, he turned around to face Anakin for one last time and proceeded to take off his right glove to wave at him for a goodbye.

???: I will always be there for you, Anakin.

Anakin was to ask him what he meant, were it not for the shocking sight before him.

The stranger's hand had a hole big enough to fit a nail through it...

Anakin's brain clicked together when he looked at the church's crucifix, specifically the hand of the image of Jesus.By the time he looked back where the man stood, he was gone, as if he was never there.

Anakin was at loss for words upon realizing he was having a conversation with Jesus Christ, the Son of God.A smile formed on his face, knowing what he meant when he said he will always be there for him.

One Chosen One to another.


At Class 1-A's dormitory, everyone gathered up and threw a Christmas party.The young heroes got together and celebrated the most wonderful time of the year.Some were eating the delicious food, some enjoyed Sato's cake, and some had heartwarming conversations.

The front door to the dormitories opens up, revealing their teacher, Aizawa.

Izuku: Mr. Aizawa!Have you come to join the party as well?

Aizawa: Well... not quite.I came to bring in our guests.

The sleep-deprived hero fully opens the door, revealing both Vader and his daughter, Eri wearing their respective outfits of Saint Nick.

Vader: Apologies for coming in late.

Eri: I'm supposed to say... Trick or Treat???

Vader lets out a small chuckle and kneels at Eri's level.

Vader: Wrong holiday, Eri.

Class 1-A: Eri Claus!

Some of the students rush forward to get a good look at the two.

Uraraka: Ohmygosh, your little daughter is so adorable!

Izuku: Your outfits look great on the two of you!

Vader: Much appreciated.I had to make my own by hand.

Eri: In sickness, and health.

Vader: You've drifted even further, sweetie.

Kirishima: Is your purple-haired student going to come in?She's so amazing with that power the two of you share!

Vader: She will be celebrating at her home with her family.Now Eri, let's have some fun.

And so, Vader and Eri joined in at the Christmas party.Eri had the best time with her father and Class 1-A.Everyone smiled together, ate some delicious gingerbread cookies with milk together, and started jamming out on the Christmas music played by Jiro with her guitar.And lastly, comes the best part: exchanging Christmas gifts.

Everyone got presents from their secret Santa Claus in the dormitory's living room.Eri looked around for where her father is, only to find him missing.The front door suddenly burst open, revealing Vader coming back with two huge Christmas presents.

The first one was a huge sword...

Although everyone was worried about why her father would even give her a huge sword for Christmas, Eri didn't mind it at all.

Eri moves to the next present laying under the Christmas tree.

Eri: What's inside the present, dad?

Vader: See for yourself, Eri.

Eri unwraps and opens up the huge present.And out, comes Eri's new little friend.

A BD unit built by Vader, with some help from a crazy young inventor.The droid looks up at Eri and cutely beeps at her.

Eri: It's a robot!

The droid beeps in acknowledgment and happily moves close to her.Eri hugs the little droid as it coos in response.Everyone was happy at the heartwarming sight

Eri: I love him so much, papa!He's so cute!

Vader: That he is, sweetie.That he is.

Eri sets down the little droid and they both begin to play together.Vader watches as his heart warms up from the adorable sight.This is a Christmas night long remembered for him...

Underneath the mask, Vader closed his eyes, and spoke to a friend that helped him.

Vader's thoughts: Happy Birthday, Son of God...