
Sky Queen

Evangeline Azure is a very kind woman with a twist. She fell from the sky straight into the arms of the Crown Prince of Rel, Landon Bryson. Who knew the path they would take as Evangeline rediscovered herself and carved a future out. As they work together to overcome difficult trials, they find themselves even more enamored with each other.

KBrackettAuthor · Fantasie
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3 Chs

Lively Breakfast


When Landon woke the next morning, the first order of business was to check on his Princess. Pausing for a moment, he considered which bedchamber she would be using before nodding his head, he gave some orders to have it prepared for her. Walking down to the health ward, he ran into the twins who were heading in the same direction. Doing his best to not frown, he greeted them with a forced smile.

"Do not fret, Brother...it is not like you." They said in unison. "We are simply curious as to how she could tell us apart. You even have trouble with that."

"While that may be true, I am not fond of the idea of anyone getting close to her." Which came as a surprise due to the simple fact that he normally was not possessive. "Just...do not make her uncomfortable. Adrian did plenty of that yesterday."

His words stopped at that once they reached the door to where she was. Apparently, someone was already in there if the sound of voices was any indication. Unfortunately, it was not ideal for him to be in there either. Landon shared a look of annoyance with his brothers before reaching to grab the knob. When he heard Evangeline's voice filled with indignation, Landon threw the door open, the sound jarring Adrian away from her.

"Are you alright, Evangeline?" He questioned throwing a sharp glare at Adrian as he walked towards her. "Adrian can be...forward with his flirting. A little too forward."

"I'm quite fine, Landon. It was as you say." Evangeline replied, her cheeks rosy from her embarrassment. "Um...though...I am a bit peckish."

"Right." Landon offered his hand to her and smiled when she took it to raise up; once she stood she was a full head shorter than him. "Adrian, she has recently had a rough time. Please behave yourself as a Prince of the Kingdom should."

Now that she was standing, Landon was able to fully admire that the attire of hers revealed. She had an hourglass shape that the red dress seemed to accentuate perfectly. From what could be seen of her legs, up her hips to the dip in her waist. Even her breasts seemed to be the perfect size for him. All he wanted to do was admire her more, but she was glaring at Adrian who seemed to have a reddened cheek in the shape of a hand. Returning to his senses, Landon looked over at his brother.

"I am, without pretense, curious of the woman that had you cast away your concubines. You were quite the philanderer when you were younger..." Adrian said with a meaningful smile, clearly hoping to change Evangeline's mind. "Now I understand, Brother. She is quite fun to tease, and that bashful blush is really something."

"Even when I had multiple concubines, I was always a gentleman with them. I turned my back on that lifestyle for the good of my Kingdom and for whomever my future Wife is to be." Landon replied without rising to the bait, and placed her hand in the crook of his elbow. "Now, if you will excuse me, Evangeline is hungry, so I will escort her to the Great Hall. Breakfast should be ready now and the Physician has given the okay for you to eat normal meals."

"Thank you, Landon. And a good morning to you two as well, Jayden and Jorden." She bowed her head slightly as she turn towards them more. "Are you headed to the Great Hall as well?"

As they walked away, Landon could hear Adrian fall into step behind them. Some of the servants of the Palace stopped to stare before shuffling off to attend their duties. Of course, the target of their gaze was the woman on his arm. The red attire she wore shifted as she walked - and though he loved it on her - it revealed way too much of her porcelain skin. It was as though it was wrapped around her body; her shoulders and sides bare. It was clearly a custom piece, one that even the best tailor in the Kingdom could not hope to replicate.

"We are. We had a question though..." They said, their unison voices a little hesitant. "How can you tell us apart?"

"The eyes are the windows to the soul." Evangeline said softly, with a smile. "You may both be similar, but you are your own person. The fact that you are identical should not define you...I think."

Her words, like a caress, seemed to shock the two, to the point that they simply stared at her. Landon had never heard someone utter words like that to the twins, though of course, he agreed. They were twins but there was more to his mischievous little brothers than that. As they made their way to the entrance hall, Landon met her gaze with a gentle smile. Clearly, she was happy to be free of the room she had been in since yesterday. As they entered the room, all the retainers and nobility turned to stare at her, their mouths dropping in appreciation.

"Um...everyone's staring..." She whispered, turning her head towards his shoulder, which the top of her head was even with. "Do I really look so strange?"

"No, Princess, it is because you are so beautiful." Landon replied as he looked at the top of her head, he noticed the tips of her ears were red. "And now you are being adorable."

"Please, do not tease me, Milord..." Evangeline's voice was barely audible. "It is not my intention to amuse you or Prince Adrian."

"I fear I am not teasing, though I've mention you may call me Landon." He whispered back, as he led her to the seat next to his, then addressed his Parents. "Mother, Father, good morning. I've ordered a tailor here to provide clothing for Miss Evangeline."

"I apologize, Your Majesties, for the state of my clothing." She replied softly as she bowed to them. "And I will graciously accept the wardrobe you supply, Landon."

Her use of his name caused startled gasps around the room. None of the concubines had ever been permitted to and Landon could sense his peoples state of unrest. With a soft smile directed her way, he pulled out her chair. That should make her status clear to those of the Castle. His parents looked at each other before looking back at the woman that sat next to their son.

"That is quite alright, Dear. It is not as though we could fault you." His mother spoke softly, her eyes filled with concern. "How are you feeling? I am sure attire was the last thing on your mind when you had such a troublesome day yesterday."

"Thank you, Your Grace. I feel quite well today, thank you." Evangeline replied with a smile, her hands placed in her lap, her posture perfect. "I must say, this Hall is very grand. I hope to learn more about the Palace today, if Landon would not mind escorting me when he is not busy with his duties, of course."

"It would be the greatest honor, Evangeline. Once you are fitted for your clothing, this evening, I will show you around." Landon replied as he took his seat. "The Palace resides on a small mountain so it does boast a wonderful view."