
Chapter 1: Obscuring Sky

[ 08/21/20 FRI 16:00 ]

"Vanessa! I will do everything for you to like me."

She angrily replied, "You really have some guts to say that three times this month. I said you are not my type, okay? Leave me alone."

A lightning then rumbled on the sky as those words struck at the abyss of his heart. The rain started to pour, hiding his tears.

It's over, it's all over now. I just thought that I can change the way she sees me.

[ 04/04/22 MON 6:00 ]

This thought plays in Toshio's mind every day on vacation. Toshio stared at the ceiling while lying on his bed.

Two years had passed already, I guess I must start forgetting my feelings for her. Why am I still thinking about thi—

"Hey bro!" a voice interrupted Toshio's thoughts.

Toshio frantically turned his head at the doorway. "Uhhh… Takeo," he nervously asked, "H-How long have you been here?"

"I just got here brother. I caught you spacing out. I'm really sorry for the disturbance," Takeo apologized.

"No, no, It's okay. But how did you open the door of my room? Did father give you a key?"

Takeo chuckled. "You just didn't close it at all brother."

"Uhh, didn't I?" This is so embarrassing. I am not even that old enough to forget things.

Murayama Takeo, the one and only sibling of Toshio. They are in the same grade as their father ordered Toshio to accompany his brother. With a sense of solidarity and as young as he was, he accepted his request, embracing the responsibility of guiding his little brother throughout their school life. Like his brother, Takeo is a good-looking guy but his shyness is his downside.

Takeo usually experienced bullying at grade school due to his shyness. When they both entered middle school, Toshio made sure to protect his brother at all costs. He ran as a Student Council President, the highest position every one cannot imagine a first year student can win.

Amidst the vibrant atmosphere of the school campus, he tirelessly campaigned for the president's position. Armed with posters, heartfelt speeches, and a genuine desire to make positive changes, he engaged with students across the campus.

Unexpectedly, he won the position, thus gaining the title of the first 'First Year Student Council President at Zenthexia Academy'.

He gained power that is enough to protect his brother. The unexpected victory marked a turning point for both Toshio and the school, highlighting his successful lead.

"By the way, brother, go downstairs. I cooked your favorite food that is best for rainy days. I hope you'll like it." Takeo smiled.

Slowly, he's learning the main Murayama's skill.

Takeo turned away and walked towards the door to exit the room but stopped as Toshio got up and said something.

"Thanks Takeo, I will sure like it."

"But...," Toshio turned his head slightly. "I'm still practicing. My cooking is not as good as you do." He said, looking downhearted.

Toshio sighed, "Please do know, Takeo. Cooking skills are in Murayama's bloodline. And every person surely does cook differently than the other. It's because every one of us has various techniques." Toshio walks closer and patteds Takeo's shoulder. "So don't ever bring yourself down since you're unique too. I bet you're cooking ramen and it'll taste good."

"Well, how did you know?"

"It's one of my favorite foods and also easy to cook."

"Sorry that's the only dish I know how to cook for now. Haha! So it's not anything special." He chortled.

"Listen, cooking is about more than just flavors. It's about passion and love." He smiled reassuringly. "Even if your dish doesn't taste perfect, as long as you put your heart into it, it'll always be special."

"Now, you sound like Father." Takeo smiled and left the room.

The Murayama family is a well-known family here in this city of Dequill. My father owns 15 successful running restaurants worldwide. Hiring the best chefs to ensure the satisfaction of the customers. My father graduated Culinary Arts and won several competitions related to cooking.

This pushed me to pursue the same course as my father's. I have no plan in running for presidency this school year. It might be a better decision to join the Cooking Club for now.

[ 04/04 MON 7:15 ]

After Toshio took a bath, he got dressed in his white long sleeve paired with brown slacks. He then wore his brown tie while staring at the mirror.

It's been a long time since I wore this, I guess a new chapter of my high school life will begin today. No more simp Toshio...

A familiar tune of songs played in the background, evoking a mix of nostalgia and longing, coming from Takeo's room.

♪"But if one day

You'll come back to me

Then I should welcome you

with open arms"♪

Bittersweet goodbye... eh... a nostalgic song, sung by my childhood idol crush, Claire Williams. I remember the time when Takeo and I went to a video game store then this song, being played.

Then the day after her latest album was released, she had announced a hiatus from her public life. Listening to her songs was the only way to hear her cute little voice again.

Lost in contemplation, Toshio reminisced about the infectious energy of Claire's performances and the genuine charm that had captured his heart when he was a kid.

"I guess simping with idols nowadays is acceptable." With a sigh, he whispered to himself, "I can't wait for the day she returns and lights up the stage with her magic again."

Toshio went downstairs and headed to the dining room. He was greeted by their maids.

"Good morning, Toshio-sama, here's your ramen prepared by your brother."

"Good morning too, thank you." Toshio smiled and received the bowl of ramen enthusiastically.

"By the way, did Takeo already have eaten?" Toshio added.

"Yes sir, he's preparing for school now."

"Oh, right. Thank you."

"Wearing your school uniform, I think it's enough to make any girls fall for your charm, Toshio-sama," jocosely said by the other maid.

A smile appeared on Toshio's face, "Sorry, Mauree-san, I don't have any money with me to pay that compliment but thank you."

"No need sir," said the maid with grace. "Please enjoy your meal."

Just by looking at this beautifully cooked ramen, it makes my stomach really hungry! I cannot wait to know what it tastes like.

Toshio grabbed the chopsticks and started eating. He hooked the steamy noodles first.

Mhmm... The noodles are really good. And the sliced pork… is well-cooked.

The maid saw Toshio spacing out and was thinking if there's something on the food that her master didn't want. "Toshio-sama, is everything all right?" the maid asked.

"Y-Yes, of course I'm good. I'm just thinking of how good this ramen was in my head. Nothing more."

"Sorry for disturbing you sir."

"That's not a problem Mauree-san, can you please call Takeo in his room. We're gonna be late to school."

"Yes sir, will do!" Mauree replied with a joyful tone before she bowed down her head.

Toshio grabbed his school bag, being determined for the first day of class.

Their maid knocked gently in Takeo's room. "Takeo-sama, your brother is waiting for you." After a while, the music in his room turned off as Takeo frenziedly came down the stairs wearing his neat school uniform.

"Nice music back there."

"Of course, it's young Claire singing it. I missed her!"

A mirthful chuckle escaped Toshio's lips. "So, ready for school?"

"Not really." His school bag clutched tightly in his hands. "The outside world is too big and scary to make acquaintances."

He went beside him, putting a reassuring arm around Takeo's shoulders. "You will, I promise. School is an adventure. In video games, having an adventure in a small world is boring, right?" Toshio gushed and cheered his brother. "You're not alone, Takeo. I'm here plus, you're an awesome young man. People will be lucky to have you as their friend."

As Takeo's fear tempt to ease, with a smile, he answered. "Thank you, bro. I'll do my best."

Toshio put both his hands on his brother's shoulder. "Just promise me, you'll join the Cooking Club and get better at your passion. Then you will learn how to protect yourself, get friends, make memories, get a lover—"

"Wait, wait, that's too much brother." Takeo waved his hands. "But if I recall last year, you ran as a Student Council President just to represent our name and protect me right?"

"Well, that's right. But there's one more reason than that. I also ran as a president to make our school a better place for students to learn peacefully. I've always hated bullies."

You always have this selfless attitude just to make everyone happy." Takeo smiled. "I wonder why Vanessa rejected you in the first place."

"You're out of topic, Takeo." Toshio looked at Takeo with his achy eyes. "She's living a good life, now that I stop."

A sweat can be seen at Takeo's head. "Hey, bro, it's a joke."

Toshio sighed. "Anyway, I still can't let anyone harmful touches you this school year. You're my brother after all," he avowed.

"Thank you, bro."

In the driveway, Toshio and Takeo hopped into the sleek black car waiting to take them to the academy. "Good morning, Toshio, Takeo-sama. Hoping for a great first day of school," The chauffeur, a seasoned driver in a crisply pressed uniform, greeted them with a nod.

"A new start," Toshio responded, "Takeo and I will make this memorable."