
The Tragedy of Kidnapping

The tragedy happened about 5 months ago, at that time after school I was walking alone with Elliot towards our respective homes.


Elliot turned his head while grimacing at me, "Hoo, geez it looks like you have the flu, Emily. Why aren't you wearing a mask? Do you know that the dust can make your cold worse?"

"Hm, take it easy I brought this handkerchief, to cover my nose," I said to Elliot while showing him my handkerchief. Then suddenly the wind blew very hard and blew away the handkerchief I was holding.

I panicked, "Aaaaah, my handkerchief!" I screamed and watched as the pure white handkerchief went into an old, empty building.

Elliot chuckled as if he was lazy because he thought my hysterical screaming reaction was too much, "Never mind, let it go. Come on, let's go home!"

"But that handkerchief is very important to me. My mother made it herself. The flower-shaped embroidery on that handkerchief, my mother embroidered it herself." my tears almost came out because I saw my vision was starting to blur.

Maybe Elliot realized that I was almost crying because he suddenly exhaled softly, "Haah, alright, alright. I'll go into the building and bring you your handkerchief. You wait here."

"No, I'm coming too."

Elliot firmly shook his head, "No. You wait here. You wait here, it'll be faster if I look for it alone. I'll be right back!"

"I'll still come with you, Elliot. How can I stay here doing nothing, while you're busy looking for my handkerchief by yourself," I said, refusing his order firmly. Call me stubborn but I don't feel good about letting him go inside the building by himself when it's my handkerchief that flew off in the strong wind and went inside.

Elliot rolled his eyes, "Haah, yes, yes, as always you are stubborn. Alright then. Come on, let's go in!"

In that instant I smiled happily, happy that he finally allowed me to come with him into the building that looked old and uninhabited.

Then without hesitation, we entered the old building. It was so dark inside, there wasn't the slightest bit of light, so I couldn't see the objects around me. After being inside the building for a while, our eyesight was getting used to the darkness. We saw a staircase, so we climbed it, believing that my handkerchief was upstairs since it had flown into the upstairs window.

However, suddenly my hand touched something wet and sticky on the edge of the stairs. I didn't know what it was, because it was dark up there. But when I smelled it, I knew what it was, it was blood.

"E-Elliot, it's blood, right?" Elliot held my hand and brought my hand to his nose.

"Yes, it is indeed blood. The blood is still wet, this means that the injured person has just climbed these stairs and I believe he is upstairs. We have to be careful, he could be a criminal. You can't stay away from me, stay behind me!" I responded to Elliot's words with a nod.

We continued walking up the stairs until we finally reached the top floor. We cast our eyes around, but it was so dark that we couldn't see anything. We continued in our footsteps. However, suddenly...

"Aaaaarrhh!" I reflexively screamed because I was sure I had just stepped on something and it almost made me fall so I unconsciously screamed that loudly.

"What's wrong, Emily?" Elliot looked surprised at my sudden scream.

"I-I think I stepped on something on the floor."

Elliot took his cell phone and turned on the flashlight app to see what my foot had just stepped on.

"Aaaaaakhhh!" For the second time, I unconsciously screamed. How could I not scream, I saw a pair of legs sticking out on the floor. "Is that a corpse?" I asked.

Elliot approached the person lying on the floor. She was a middle-aged woman, seemingly around 40 years old.

"She's still alive, but she has a wound in her abdomen. It looks like the blood on your hand is this woman's blood."

I rushed over to Elliot and true to his word, the woman seemed to be breathing. I crouched down and tried to stop the blood that kept coming out of her stomach.

"Emily, don't go near her. That wound, I'm sure it's a gunshot wound. She could be a criminal."

"But Elliot, we have to stop the bleeding. Otherwise, she could die."

"I'll call the police, let them handle this woman. We better get out of here, for some reason, I feel this woman is very suspicious?"

I don't understand Elliot's way of thinking, how could he just let a wounded person in front of his eyes? He even intends to leave this woman. I ignored Elliot's words and kept trying to stop the woman's blood that kept coming out of the gaping hole in her stomach.

But there wasn't a single thing I could use to stop the blood, even though I pressed the wound with the palm of my hand to no effect as the blood kept coming out. Then I looked over at Elliot and found something I thought I could use to stop the woman's blood.

"Elliot, take off your tie!"

Elliot gaped, "Huh? Why?"

I chuckled in annoyance that he was asking so many questions instead of immediately complying with my request. "Just do as I say!"

With a confused look on his face, Elliot did as I said. He took off his tie and gave it to me. I tied the tie around the woman's wound. But before I finished tying the tie to her wound, the woman came to her senses and suddenly took something out of her pants pocket with a very quick movement.

"Emilyyyy, get out of there! She has a gun!" was Elliot's shout from behind my body. However, it was useless because her hand movements were so fast, I didn't even have time to dodge.

"Hahaha... it's true what that boy said, I have a gun. Don't blame me if I fire this gun at you, because it's your fault for coming into this hideout of mine and what did you just want to do to me?" The woman said that while pointing her gun at us.

"I-I just wanted to try to stop the bleeding of your wound."

The woman looked surprised after hearing my words. Then suddenly there was a sound from outside the building, I'm pretty sure it was a police car siren. It seemed like Elliot had called the police. The woman looked panicked, she caught hold of my body that was standing not far from where she was standing.

"Don't move if you don't want the bullet in my gun to go through this girl's head."

The woman walked down the stairs while continuing to hold me while gripping my neck firmly as if she intended to crush my collarbone. She pointed the gun right at my head until the muzzle was perfectly pressed against my forehead.

She kept walking until finally we reached the back of the building. There was a car there, and the woman forced me into the car. She started running the car, who knows where she was taking me? Now I regret not following Elliot's orders. If I had waited outside the building or obeyed him not to approach that woman, this wouldn't have happened to me. However, now even regret is useless because the rice has become porridge. This wicked woman... once again I don't know where she will take me.